The Colors of Summer with Tomato Crumble and White Peach, Lychee and Red Berry Pops

As I was saying…

I love summer. But mostly, I love the summers in cooler climates. I long for the crisp morning sun, afternoon naps with the windows wide open, just like I remember. I don’t mind the heat, but I do need a break from it.

I am obsessed with all the reds, different ranges of blues, turquoise… The color of crushed berries and the ocean.

I took the day off from work one morning last week. I packed a picnic to take to the beach with the kids. Manchego and membrillo sandwiches, fresh cherries, and slices of olive oil cake. The beach was nearly empty and the skies threatened rain. Perfect really.

But it was also very, very hot. So hot that after an hour, Jon complained about it. “Can we go home now? It’s just too hot amatxu!”

I couldn’t agree more.

When we arrived home, we decided to just have our picnic under the tree behind our house. A quick one as the midday heat was still menacing.

I pulled out some savory crumble from the freezer and mixed it with black cherry tomatoes and sliced Brillat Savarin. Remember this heirloom tomato and almond crumble tart from last year? Something similar.

In 15 minutes we had tomato crumble, cheese sandwiches, and fresh cherries. As fast as we ate it, we were back inside.

The kids were running around in the kitchen. Restless. Jon chasing after Miren, always trying to get some kind of reaction from her. It was chaos and sometimes the only way I get to keep them quiet is by letting them help me cook.

“Bring your chair Jon” I asked him. He stood next to me as I was peeling the white peaches and the lychees. “I will help you with those red ones” he said. I don’t think he had ever seen a lychee until that day and by the look on his face as he tried to peel one, he was not a fan.

“It will be good, I promise” I assured him.

We blended the peaches, lychees and yogurt to make some faux ice cream pops.

I don’t think we left the air-conditioned house the rest of the afternoon. Lots of crayons, sheets and sheets of paper, a game or two of Go Fish, and some popsicles.

I suppose we are creating summer memories as is.

On another note, I am super excited to tell you about our feature in the new special summer issue of Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food magazine. A party we threw at our friends Lena and Ted’s house with lots of food, some fishing, and pool time. I styled it and it was beautifully photographed by the amazing John Kernick. I hope you have a chance to pick it up. It is full of wondeful summer stories.

Thank you!

White Peach, Lychee, and Raspberry Pops

Makes 8 popsicles

1 cup (125 g) raspberries
1/4 cup (50 g) natural cane sugar
2 white peaches, peeled, pit removed, and diced
6 fresh lychees, peeled and pit removed
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 cup (50 g) caster sugar
1 1/2 cups (175 g) full-fat, Greek-style yogurt

Start by placing your molds in the freezer.

Cook the raspberries and cane sugar together in a small saucepan over medium heat until it thickens, about 3 minutes. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and let it cool completely. Once cooled, pour in the popsicle molds coating the sides. Return molds to freezer.

In a blender, puree the white peaches, lychees, lemon juice, caster sugar, and yogurt. Pour in the popsicle molds and freeze until solid.

To serve, run hot water on the sides of the mold to help release the pops.

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61 Responses to “The Colors of Summer with Tomato Crumble and White Peach, Lychee and Red Berry Pops”

  1. argone says:

    quelles photos splendides Lulu a du se régaler avec ces glaces !

  2. Golubka says:

    Oh, I can very much relate. We live in Florida too and summers are definitely challenging here. But you do such a great job of fighting the heat, thanks for sharing.

  3. Celine Henke says:

    That Popsicle looks extremely appetizing! I can actually say I’ve never tried a Peach and Raspberry popsicle!

  4. Those popsicles look amazing! We’re in Hong Kong where the heat is just unyielding, and those look like they would be a brilliant way to cool down. I am making a note to definitely try them out!

  5. Beautiful! I love how the tomatoes and lychees look :) I can only imagine how hot it is there. Up here in Canada it’s been so cold so far(which is strange for us, believe it or not) but it’s finally getting hot. We can’t get enough :)
    Those popsicles look so good! Thank you for sharing :)

  6. A very big congrats on your feature in Martha Stewart! Your work is always so inspiring to me. Among a couple other blogs, it’s certainly one that has prompted a “refresh” of my own work. Thank you for the continued inspiration to be better, work harder and believe.

  7. Anna says:

    This post seems too good to be true and the photos so fantastical!! Always inspired by your blogging!!!

  8. apaler1 says:

    I always enjoy these healthy sweet treats you share with us. If we can’t find white peaches, would regular peaches do? I’m definitely trying this recipe for the incoming heat of summer here in Chicago!

  9. Apaler1- yes totally. any stone fruit would be great actually. even cherries (you would have to puree and then strain the mixture but it’d be great too).

    Thanks all. Pick up the Everyday Food special issue if you can. It’s full of great stories.

  10. Family keep asking us how we are coping with the heat here in Texas? Coping? What heat? We are in air-conditioning all of the time. BTW, We’ve discovered lychees too at our huge Asian market. Aren’t they deliciously floral? My teens love them.

  11. Nanna says:

    Oh these just look amazing! And so simple – are they as simple as they look?
    By the way, I’m dying to get the same camera as you and have enrolled in a photo course in the fall – how complicated is it to experiment with for someone who is not all that expienced?

    Have a wonderful summer!


  12. Anne Marie says:

    I was waiting for that popsicle recipe. Too beautiful! I have been wanting to do a creamsicle type thing with some of the amazing wild blackberries that grow here in Northern California. Also, I just made (and posted about) a Bing cherry preserve. Would I have to puree it, or would pieces of fruit taste good too?

  13. Sarah- yes, unfortunately we also spend most of our time in the AC. not my favorite for sure… i feel suffocated sometimes wondering what kind of air I am breathing but beats the heat for sure.

    Nanna- they are super simple indeed. Learning your camera is really about reading the manual and practicing. Shoot as much as you can in different light at different times in the day. and shoot outside, inside…

    Anne Marie- Not sure what you mean. adding pieces of blackberry inside the ice cream? yes, it would work also. i love pieces of fruit in my popsicle actually.

    Thank you!

  14. Beautiful! what a fun way to use lychee, I never know what to do with them

  15. Pilar says:

    Voy a comprar la revista, graciaspor avisarnos.

  16. Shelby says:

    Love the post! Another mouthwatering summer picnic menu and delightful photos… I was already anticipating the release of Martha’s Special Edition Everyday Foods in July, now I’m even more excited that you are featured in it as well! Congratulations!!!

  17. Kimberly says:

    So inspiring! I LOVE the photography- gorgeous work! I will definitely have to make the Popsicles. Your blog is on my must read list:)

  18. Naomi says:

    I love how your photographs capture the laid-back side of summer. Beautiful.

  19. Seanna Lea says:

    My husband loves lychee (and dislikes peaches), but I will still have to make these for him. Just need to find another fruit. They look too delicious to pass up.

  20. This just looks delicious ! I love your pictures ! Check out :

  21. Dzoli says:

    I love lychees too and sweet small tomatoes and peaches and summer(and have none of that at the moment ,freezing cold).Than I will nible on my muesli bar by the fireplace and dream of summer, looking at your beautiful pics:)

  22. We’re fortunate to get really fat and juicy lychees from China here in Singapore, but sweet peaches are hard to come by. One of the best looking popsicles I’ve seen so far.

  23. I grew up in Minnesota and have recently relocated to Colorado . . . and while it does still get cool here in the evenings, the scorching summer days have made me miss my cold-climate summers. I know how you feel!

    Lovely stories. Stunning photos. I am so glad to have discovered your blog! I will be sure to look at your spread in Martha Stewart. Thanks for your lovely work.


  24. Châtaigne says:

    Quelles photos magnifiques ! Elles font voyager dès le matin, merci ! Je note dans un coin la recette des glaces ;) Merci pour le partage

  25. maya says:

    these look just gorgeous.
    where can i get this beautiful ice pop mold?

  26. Maureen says:

    I’ve been waiting for the popsicle post – these look so good. I have no idea how you get so much done with those two beautiful children. I’d find myself playing all the time.

    I have no idea if the magazine will be available in Australia but I’ll look for it. Your styling is an inspiration.

  27. Jen says:

    Love this! I was wondering where you found your popsicle mold…

  28. Erica- I lived in Denver for 3 years before moving to Florida and I know exactly what you are talking about. We actually ended up installing Ac in our house. We couldn’t take the heat and it was something I would have never thought about CO. I miss it though, The dry heat.

    Thanks everyone!

  29. Jen- i bought the popsicle molds at amazon. so many different kinds!

  30. Jen- i bought the molds at amazon. so many different kinds.

  31. Lucia says:

    Love both the pic-nics. The one on the beach, the one under the tree. And love your popsicles. I’ve just made some peach and cream ones. Delicious.

  32. Lucia says:

    I love both the pic-nics. The one on the beach, and the one under the tree. I’ve just made peach and cream popsicles. Delicious.

  33. SUNY SENABRE says:

    Pero que riquísimos tienen que estar. La presentación como siempre magnífica. Adoro tus fotos.


  34. Atitude Zen says:

    I love your blog. You have excellent photos, nice colours…
    Good job :)

    Atitude Zen Recipes

  35. Ruth says:

    I’ve never used lychees, but your beautiful photos make me want to try. The fruit pops look wonderful and I could just eat one now!

  36. A savory crumble? My mind has officially been blown!

    And these pops look divine. Just seeing the word lychee brought me back to a trip to SF where we ate fresh lychee that we’d picked up in Chinatown. Now I’m going to have to get my hands on some to make this.

  37. Quite teasing me with your gorgeous tomatoes! hehe I love them! So many different colors, perfect on their individual little vines. I love the smell of the vine, something about it just says summer. Your lucky to live in FL and have a much longer season for those little gems. <3

  38. A thought for food- we make savory crumbles quite a bit with roasted zucchini, peppers and onions, or leftover roasted chicken and veggies… very useful for leftovers actually. you should try it.

    Nicole- yes, we do have a long growing season but right now its so hot… not much grows in the summer.


  39. Jane says:

    I love love love lychees. It’s such a beautiful summer fruit with indescribably exotic flavors–and what genius to make ice cream pops from it! Those look sinfully delicious. Will your cleverness ever stop, Aran? :)

  40. Claudia says:

    ooooh! sounds delish! i should probably buy a blender some time…

  41. AikoVenus says:

    It all looks so beautiful and refreshing!

  42. Devonshire says:

    Where do you get your ice pop molds? As always your photos and recipes look delicious.

  43. Miss B. says:

    Perfect summer color combo! These images could not have captured those sunny days better, you are a stellar talent!

  44. RUSTIC STYLE says:

    Really perfect blog.
    Nice and beautiful photos

  45. Devonshire- I bought those mold bat Amazon. They have a large variety.

    Have a great weekend all!

  46. Your pictures always brings memories of happy summer days, relaxation and the good life back to me. In short: They make me happy and makes me appreciate life.

    Your ice cream look absolutely amazing and not too hard to make. I must venture out to get some forms for making these.

  47. We’ve been making popsicles almost every day here, too. I just came in from picking peaches from the garden, and it’s 119º outside at 5:00 p.m.

    I was looking forward to the special summer issue of Everyday Food; now I will have to make certain to see it!

    We’ve been blending apricots and plums (from the garden), and canned pears (from the pantry) for our popsicles this week.

    I will have to show my children the lychees; I tried to describe them to them last week, but a photo is so much better!

    I put the children to work in the kitchen the last few days, too. It’s better than having all 6 of them running through the kitchen!

  48. a. maren says:

    i really, really just wish i was one of your kids. you know that? they are very lucky to eat this way!

  49. Jenelle says:

    Your site is always a joy to visit and the photographs are so refreshingly beautiful! I enjoy the blue skies of summer but agree that I can do without the relentless heat! I cherish all my summer memories I share with my brother growing up… my favorite is when we tried to cook an egg on the driveway at our house in NC. Turns out the expression is just an expression! My dad was not pleased with us!!

  50. Aww, those little hands beside the lychee popsicles are just are just too cute to look at! Congrats on getting featured to Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food magazine too! You might want to take a look at FriendsEat, it’s a food and dining social community food bloggers, and foodies throughout the world so you might want to check it out as well :)

  51. Cakebrain says:

    Oh Aran!
    I am so glad that I remembered your blog features Gluten-free desserts! Today my surgeon gave me the pathology results (I had a hemi-thyroidectomy recently) that indicated I had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I was happy that it wasn’t cancer, but confused and shocked at the diagnosis. I was also a bit sad that this may be the end of my blogging about my beloved cakes! Your blog though gives me hope that I don’t have to give up experimenting with cake recipes! thank you for sharing!

  52. Erica says:

    Really perfect blog. Your pictures always brings memories of happy summer days. Nice and beautiful photos.

    Homeowner Insurance Policy

  53. Cakebrain- (perfect name!:)) I have Hashimoto’s as well and a find that a GF diet has really stabilized the autoimmune attack. I take thyroid hormone replacement everyday, but my dose has actually been fairly stable for the last few years.

    I have also found that once you have an autoimmune attack on one organ, other organs are susceptible to get attacked, so best thing to do is to find the root cause of this imbalance (which is the tricky part). In my case was a leaky gut caused by stress and years of gluten consumption when I in fact have genetic gluten intolerance and then a chain reaction began. Anyhow, this is a good thing and now you can be proactive. Best to you and thank you for sharing!

    Thanks all!

  54. Congrats!! Your site and photos are gorgeous. What an awesome experience

  55. Sea says:

    I love that you used lychee in your peach Popsicle. I discovered the fresh fruit in Japan one hot summer and I adore its light, fresh flavor. It would be so good mixed with peaches and yogurt- I must try it!


  56. Yay! I just invested in some awesome ice pop molds, and I’ve been looking for some yogurty recipes to fill them. Thanks :)

  57. I adore your blog! I’ve been reading it for a while, and it makes me smile every time. Every page is beautiful – the food, the floral prints, the good cheer.
    The lychee brought back memories of hot summers in India, where I grew up. We would tuck the lychees into crushed ice, then find a bit of shade, peel one lychee at a time, and watch the pile of brown pits grow bigger and bigger.

  58. Your blog is just gorgeous. It makes me so happy every time I stop by.
    I am hoping you will give me some basic instructions for the tomato crumble. A savory crumble sounds divine. Did you just top the halved tomatoes with the almond crumble from your tart recipe & bake it? I have beautiful cherry tomatoes from farmer’s market I’m hoping to try this way. thanks!

  59. Aroadmorebalanced- yes simple. Tomatoes with a bit of Brie in a jar then topped with the almond crumble. 400F till golden. Hope you like it! Thanks!

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