Archive for June, 2012

The stone fruits of summer


If you could take a peek into my kitchen, you would see about half a dozen bowls lined up one next to each other. Each one filled with a variety of stone fruit. Apricots, nectarines, white peaches, Rainier and Bing cherries, Saturn peaches, and one last lonely red velvet apricot. "Where is the cherry pitter?" asks ...

The first day of summer

On the first days of summer, we gather outside until the sun goes down. I'm feeling nostalgic for those nights of my childhood when I awaited for the long days and school-less evenings. Felt such excitement. I was overcome by the feeling again during my trip to Montreal this past weekend. The euphoria ...

Coming and going

There has been lots of coming and going lately.We just returned from Seattle where we spent some amazing five days. I spoke at BlogHer Food, caught up with friends, explored the city, and ate delicious food here, here, and here (and many more). All I can say is how much I love Seattle. I need ...

An afternoon with Fig & Fauna and some raw beet and goat cheese ravioli


"How many days until we get to go to the farm?" asked Jon over and over again -- counting down the days, hours, and minutes. "Hmmm...." I thought. Menacing skies and heavy downpours threatened our plans to spend the afternoon at the farm with Fig & Fauna. It's funny how life has a way of bringing people together ...