Archive for June, 2010

Apricot, Pistachio and Lemon Shortbread Tart

It is always this time of year when the weather gets too hot to be outside when I start getting anxious to travel and I become even more melancholic about all my friends and family back home. Beaches flooded with people anxious to soak in the sunshine after a rainy spring. I too remember those ...

Butterscotch Smoked Almond, Raspberry Vanilla and Peach Basil… A Trio of Frozen Treats

Summers are always full of activity and hassle around here. I have been meaning to write about these ice creams and sorbets for days now, but something always seemed to come up. And aren't summers about relaxing and not rushing anyway?The oven has been turned off for the most part. This heat and humidity deserve ...

A Week of Frozen Treats

It has been so hot these last few days and I have been so busy with family and various projects that not much baking has taken place in our kitchen. However, last week, we spent a whole day making ice cream and sorbet bases to fight this summer heat. Here is a little sneak peek ...