My Book

“Cannelle et Vanille – Nourishing, Gluten-Free Recipes for Every Meal and Mood (Sasquatch 2019)”

My new cookbook will be published on September 24th, 2019 and it’s available for pre-order where fine books are sold.

Cannelle et Vanille Final Cover 650px

Cannelle et Vanille Cookbook Trailer from Aran Goyoaga on Vimeo.

For events, check my calendar.

“Small Plates and Sweet Treats: My Family’s Journey to Gluten-Free Cooking (Little, Brown 2012)”

Small Plates & Sweet Treats from The Panic Room Videos on Vimeo.

To Purchase

Amazon  •  Barnes & Noble  •  Anthropologie  •  Indiebound  •  Powell’s  •  Book Larder  •  iTunes