A Craving for Gluten Free Coconut Doughnuts

A few weeks ago, my best friend Jill and I were texting back and forth at insane hours of the morning trying to design the perfect doughnut. She told me about the chocolate and blueberry doughnut she once had at The Donut Mill and I told her plain is good enough for me. “How about a super coconut charged doughnut?”, I texted. Coconut flakes invaded my brain and that’s when I told myself this would be the next baking project.

I have never been much of a fried dessert kind of person, but it was about a year ago during my last trimester, when I started to have those cravings again. Fried dough and perhaps something to dunk it in.

I am really trying to be good about limiting the amount of sugar I eat these days. In fact, according to my doctor, I should have none. Zero. I am also trying to be a better, mindful eater, so when I ate these on Saturday, I enjoyed every single bite.

My little J. and I sat outside in the sun and ate the doughnuts in silence. And when does that ever happen?

All this got me thinking of how amazing it would be to run a doughnut shop or any shop for that matter. I had thoughts of my childhood when we sat on the step in front of the pastry shop and just watch people come in and out all afternoon long.

Who knew doughnuts could inspire so much, but they do as one of the goals for my upcoming trip to Seattle will be to see how many doughnut recipes I can get out of Lara. As you might know, she is coming out with a book entirely dedicated to them. How beautiful will this book be! It’s already pre-ordered in my shopping cart.

I know you will be disappointed when I tell you I’m keeping this recipe for something I’m working on. I promise it will be good and worth the wait. Something special. They are indeed gluten-free and dairy-free with lots of coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut extract and shredded coconut.

Consider this a sneak peek.

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88 Responses to “A Craving for Gluten Free Coconut Doughnuts”

  1. Small Burst says:

    This looks absolutely amazing. My family loves coconut so this will be a hit for sure. Looks like it will be on the menu for father’s day breakfast!

  2. Deeba PAB says:

    What a gorgeous post Aran, whimsical and dreamy donuts!How sweetly your little fellow poses! I did a recipe testing for Lara’s donut book, and those donuts were amazing!

  3. Such a sweet post with your kiddo. Love your photographs (and your recipes!) One question-where do you get coconut flour?

  4. Speed&Bacon says:

    All your pictures are really really incredible!

  5. Speed&Bacon says:

    ALL your pictures are REALLY REALLY incredible!

  6. Grace says:

    These look so delicious but unfortunately I am allergic to coconuts, looking forward to the recipe, the kids will love them. I’ll have to wear gloves while preparing but I can see that will be worth it.

  7. Deeba- you did? i bet it was great! i can’t wait to test her book. i know it will have amazing recipes and photos.

    Kelly- i get mine at our whole foods but many grocery stores carry it and most definitely health food stores. you can easily get it online too.

    Thank you very much!

  8. Kristen says:

    These look SO delicious and the images are a perfect treat! Thanks for sharing. Glad you got to enjoy a moment of sugar intake ;)

  9. Tara says:

    Ooh, you horrible, horrible tease! ;) I was just thinking about donuts this morning, trying to figure out when I’ll have time to test out an idea that’s been rattling around for months now. I also did some testing for Lara (the gf recipes) and they were delicious! Can’t wait to see what you’re up to with this recipe!

  10. Caroline says:

    What beautiful photos and beautiful words. I agree running a shop would be amazing, a lot of work but a good kind of work. I am really enjoying this site of yours! XO

  11. OK, I’m a coconut freak, and a fried dessert freak so these will just do me in….can’t wait for the recipe!!
    you’re the second food blogger with donuts in two days!!

  12. So pretty and irresistible, mmmhhh! What a gorgeous collection of fresh and dreamy shots!



  13. Giuky says:

    decisamente meravigliosi e buonissimi questi dolcetti!:)

  14. Alessandra says:

    you always come up with the best doughnuts!! xo

  15. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous…so well done! I look forward to trying this recipe very soon.

  16. Christine says:

    I can’t tell you how much your blog comforts me. I was recently advised to give gluten and sugar completely, and I’m glad to know I’m not the only baker living within these constraints, and that other people also “cheat” and have a little sugar now and then. Thank you!

  17. Michelle says:

    I hope, hope, HOPE this means a book is in the works…
    but no matter what you’re up to, I know it will be inspired and inspiring. Can’t wait.

  18. These donuts look absolutely amazing and I would buy them if you opened a donut shop! I can’t wait for you to share this recipe.

  19. zielenina says:

    the first photo is simply stunning! :)

  20. Betsy says:

    These look delicious!

  21. Meg says:

    Lovely! I can’t wait for your surprise recipe.

  22. poonam,,, says:

    lovely pictures as usual! will be waiting for the recipe :)

  23. Emily says:

    Le sighhhhhhhhh. These photos are stunningly, amazingly beautiful, as always. Thanks so much for sharing!

  24. Dajda says:

    It sounds like they’re made entirely of coconut to me! :)

  25. Ken says:

    Beautiful post and the mood for these photos are perfection. Definitely something I want to give it a try as soon as you ‘surprise’ us with the recipe.

  26. Deliciosos!!! q ganas de ver tu sorpresa!

  27. wow, the photos are magical. i’m excited to about this project you’re working on!

  28. Nicole says:

    coconut flour, coconut milk, coconut extract and shredded coconut? Heaven! <3
    Thank you!

  29. Val says:

    hm, gluten-free and dairy free? I’m really curious as to the texture of these. What’s it like?
    I love your blog, by the way. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  30. Robin. says:

    wow! these look delicious and the photos are so beautiful! you can keep the recipe… just send me some samples :O)

  31. { uMy } says:

    its been awhile – maybe forever – since i had my last doughnut.the small ones remind me of beignet with dallops of icing sugar on it.well, i’m perfectly drooling now.a must make tomorrow!

    anyho,do you have any recipe for semolina almond cake thats reliable?thank you aran and have a nice day :)

  32. I love coconut in…everything. And coconut donuts? You can’t do better than that.

  33. Val- the texture was great. they have superfine brown rice flour so the outside when fried had a bit of a crunch. not really crunchy but a bite and then the inside was cake-like and moist. we thought they were great!

    thank you everyone!

  34. My daughter who loves all things coconut saw these and asked me to beg for the recipe.
    Then she asked me to trade you my gluten free sourdough bread recipe for it. You might imagine she is deprived.
    Can’t wait to see it, will be watching

  35. El says:

    They look so fluffy and inviting. I can’t believe how big J is getting!

  36. Oh what a tease! These look like perfection. Such beautiful pictures.

  37. Bekah Mae says:

    These photographs make me smile so much!

  38. Melissa says:

    I love your photography. I could look at it all day! You are a big inspiration. Thank you!

  39. Brittany says:

    when i read that you were keeping the recipe a secret, a little piece of me died inside. lol. just kidding. i LOVE your blog and am new to the gluten-free lifestyle but am excited about all the opportunities i have to explore in the kitchen. it’s actually been a blessing, really, as i love to cook, but never found the time. and now that i’m forced to “find the time” it’s been great for me. anyway, just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting your delicious food and your photography is amazing! i find you to be absolutely inspiring.

  40. Great photos and delicious doughnuts!thank you, thank you for sharing!

  41. ibb says:

    Egia da, kokitoak. Horiek egin ditut nik hemendik, kokoa, azukerra eta…ez naiz gogoratzen…nahiko onak atera ziren. Beraz oso errezak dira egiteko.
    Haundi haundi dau…eta zelako profexional posatzen duen amarentzat.
    Astebukaera ona izan.

  42. Wow and double wow! These pictures are soooo pretty! And so yummy! Love coconut and these fresh and pastel colours and wil sure come back for more!

  43. These are amazing! They look so delicious. Your photographs are spectacular.

  44. elra says:

    Simply irresistible Aran.

  45. M. says:

    lovely pictures and irresistible recipe!

  46. cutlex says:

    Just look at the number craving on that receipe Aran! My father is a big fan of coconut. In fact, we enjoy a simple bread filled with shredded coconut. I can’t wait!

  47. This is just lovely, Aran. You certainly have an amazing eye for staging the perfect food photo – something I’m sure you hear all the time! Absolutely lovely.

  48. these just look amazing! yum,yum YUM!
    The Design Dish

  49. idu says:

    Aspaldian ixilpean bixitatu zaitut,, gaur ordea, behar nuen goxotasuna helarazi didazu. Argazkiak eta Jon, Zoragarriak! muxuak

  50. ali moss says:

    I never use sugar but instead I use stevia. Not the kind in those packets that taste like licorice it but bought in bulk (a brand called JaJa Stevia is one sold in bulk). I was hoping that one day you might start experimenting with stevia like you have with the non-gluten flours. I have never tried it in baking so I am clueless as to how it would work which is why I look to you, my baking guru to lead the way. Any chance of that ever happening?

  51. Ali- I actually have a stevia plant at home and use it a lot in drinks and such instead of sugar. I have baked with powdered stevia before and I just didn’t like it very much. I have been using coconut palm sugar recently (which I used in my previous plum crisp post). It is low GI and all natural. You should try it!

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment!

  52. Seanna Lea says:

    These look completely delicious, though I hope that they aren’t fried in the end (though I’m sure I could find a way to get a tasty version in the oven).

  53. Jenious says:

    Your stunning photos will suffice until the recipe comes round our way. :)

  54. Philo says:

    Ils ont l’air fabuleux tes biscuits

  55. My mouth is watering at all this deliciousness! J is also such a great model.

  56. Doughnuts are often unremarkable and not worth the calories, but when one takes a bite into a special one, made just right, it can be one of the most delightful food experiences.

    Yours should wonderful (and the photos are gorgeous).

  57. Miryam says:

    Awesome pictures, each post must take u for ever with this pictures. The donuts look superb. Thanks for sharing

  58. Guusje says:

    ♥ we don’t eat donuts very often in Holland, but these look yummie!♥

  59. Colleen says:

    …..am sure it will be worth the wait!…Thanks !

  60. These photos are fantastic! Can’t wait for a recipe!

  61. The pictures are awesome. The first one won my heart!
    Love your blog. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. xx

  62. I don’t know which is more delicious — the actual dessert or your beautiful photographs!

  63. I’ve been looking for a new baking adventure and this one is so inspiring! They look delicious. The milk with the candy cane straws looks yummy too!

  64. Cassidy says:

    i just love your food stylism !
    those look yummy too :}

  65. You are testing our patience here! Good for you, a little discipline is a good thing!
    I love your photos these are such a treat!

  66. Hettar7 says:

    oh my goodness. i will be so tempted to get whatever it is you’re working on. I’m a coconut fiend, and these sound awesome.

  67. je viens de tomber sur votre blog et c’est une magnifique decouverte!!les photos sont tt juste parfaites et dieu sait a quel point il est difficile de faire des photos gourmandes originales!!!love it!!
    au plaisir de decouvrir de nouvelles images!

  68. morgana says:

    ¡¡ Espero esa receta con ansiedad !! Que los dulces de las fotos tienen una pinta que hacen que la espera merezcla por completo la pena.

    Un abrazo.

  69. Sherilyn says:

    Your passion if enviable. Congratulations on a wonderful blog.
    Sherilyn (Muscovado Lane)


  71. Lulu says:

    At first there were the pictures which grab my attention (by the way your kids are very sweet). Then I tried the recipe…I have never eaten somethig so delicious!

  72. Really enjoying your blog. The GF doughnuts look amazing! My husband has to eat all GF, I look forward to making these!

  73. Wilmara says:

    I absolutely love your blog and thrilled to discover this post on donuts. i am doing a dessert table for an anniversary party that will be held right after church service. Just convinced my client include donuts, coffee, milk. This has given me some great ideas. One question, I would like to get those red stripped straws. where did you get them from?

  74. Wilmara- i got those straws at Anthropologie. i’m sure they still have them.

    Thank you all for your comments!

  75. This looks absolutely amazing. Love your photographs! Good for you, a little discipline is a good thing!

  76. a. maren says:

    your photography is so beautiful, it blows my mind! and i love that you served these in paper cones. beautiful presentation.

  77. Those look sooo good! And, that’s good photography too

  78. Those look sooo good! And, that’s good photography too

  79. I swear, nothing beats fresh donuts! These, in particular, looks fabulous. I love those red/white straws too, where did you get those??

  80. Laura- those are from Anthropologie although I believe there are shops on Etsy that sell them too. Thank you!

  81. sarah-mai says:

    Seriously cannot wait for this recipe!!!

  82. What a gorgeous blog! I absolutely love it. I’m a follower on Blogger now! Can’t wait until I can get my hands on that lovely coconut doughnut recipe… I’m on a gluten-free diet as well, so I definitely appreciate any updates on what is available. You probably have no time to even think about reading my blog, but here is a link to it just in case :)


    Much Love,
    Caryn from

  83. Carine says:

    Came across this entry looking for another one of your recipes. Is there a follow up to this? Did you make them? Can you point me in the right direction if you did? I can’t find it and I would love to try these.

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