Gluten Free Lemon and Almond Meltaways

We went on a camping trip this past weekend. It had been almost a year since we had done so and it was about time. I was a little bit nervous about how I would manage with M., but it turned out to be a great experience. A cold one, very cold one, but fun.

We brought all kinds of food and goodies. We always have to have cookies and snacks when we go camping. Plenty of cookies, hot chocolate, s’mores… Sandies and meltaways are a favorite in our house. I think the extra powdered sugar makes everyone giddy.

You might be wondering why I am baking so many gluten free desserts now. What happened to Cannelle Et Vanille, you might be wondering. Well, I am currently having all kinds of blood drawn and lots of tests done, all to try to find out the root cause of all my autoimmune disorders. Yes, all. There are several and not fun. Gluten intolerance might be one of the causes and so while I wait for my results, we are living gluten free.

If you know anyone with inexplicable health problems, chances are they have an immune disorder. My mom teases me because talking about the immune system has turned out to be one of my favorite topics lately. It’s worth exploring to say the least. This is a great resources right here and great, great article here.

I am loving testing old recipes with new flours and trying to make adjustments. These cookies were so easy to adjust that I got them right on the first batch. I promise you they will not disappoint. They melt in your mouth and no one will ever know they are gluten free.

Gluten Free Lemon and Almond Meltaways

115 grams buter
95 grams powdered sugar
Zest of 2 lemons
2 Tbs lemon juice
2 tsp vanilla extract
100 grams sweet rice flour
40 grams cornstarch
35 grams sorghum flour
20 grams amaranth flour
20 grams almond flour
1/2 tsp salt

Cream the butter, powdered sugar and lemon zest together. Add the lemon juice and mix. Combine all the dry ingredients and add them to the mixer. Cream until all comes together.

Transfer the dough to a sheet of parchment and shape it into a log that is about 2 inches in diameter. Use the parchment to tighten the log and form a nice cylinder.

Refrigerate the dough for at least 2 hours.

Cut the log into 1/4 inch thick disks. Place these on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake at 350F for about 12 minutes. Let them cool on the baking sheet.

When they have cooled a bit but they are still warm, covered them in powdered sugar.

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140 Responses to “Gluten Free Lemon and Almond Meltaways”

  1. ABowlOfMush says:

    Wow, these look melt in the mouth! Really gorgeous! :)

  2. Hello Aran… thank you for posting these sweet creations. I was wondering if I can substitute the sorghum flour
    with another flour. I don’t know where to find sorghum flour in Montreal. Also, is sweet rice flour the same as white rice flour?
    Thanks dear.

  3. Ash says:

    I must try these gluten free! These have got to be one of my favorite cookies!!

  4. Karine- yes, you can use amaranth for example or quinoa. of course, this can also be done with all regular wheat flour and the cornstarch.

    Thanks all!

  5. chika says:

    hi aran – meltaways are one of my favorite cookies (though there are many, but still :)) and yours here look lovely. i might have to sub amaranth flour with something else, but that can be a fun part, too. i’m not gluten intolerant, but i try to bake with less wheat flour and sugar, even, and your recipes are always so inspiring. thanks for sharing!

  6. i am a total sucker for anything lemony. these look simple and divine. every time i visit this site, i just cannot get over the beautiful photographs. thanks for sharing.

  7. molly says:

    Meltaways are a favorite around here, with any flour at all! Just beautiful. May your spirits and spunk return soon.

  8. These cookies are beautiful! I love the way the powdered sugar reminds be of the snow falling outside my window.

    I hope you get to the bottom of your potential immune disorder(s). In the meantime, I hope you are well.

  9. Rachael says:

    Goodness gracious these look divine! I want one this instant!

  10. paula says:

    So sorry you are having health issues. These do look delicious though. I have finally started cooking and have fallen i love with it.

  11. They look so delicate and delicious!

    I’m so sorry to hear that your health is causing you problems…



  12. ThiliBlooms says:

    They look delicious!
    Hope you`ll get well soon!
    Beautiful photos as always :) congrats!

  13. I love your projects and photos!

    I have created a new blog called Pairs and Paris, which is focused on at-home entertainment projects.

    I would love to feature your Raspberry and Pink Peppercorn Macarons on our blog, but only with your permission.

    Please visit my site here or e-mail me at

    Let me know if you are OR if you are not interested.


  14. Thanks so much for your recipe. In an attempt to be more energetic I am cutting out all gluten, alcohol and dairy so I figure I can substitute the butter with soy spread and see whether that works… After 6 weeks of this i could do with something sweet…

  15. Coco says:

    Aran, what beautiful pictures! Im so glad your trip went well and that you were able to pack all sorts of gluten free goodies! I too am eating gluten free these days due to some stomach pain I was experiencing. I still bake and cook with gluten for my husband and friends but I really enjoy discovering new and delicious gluten free recipes.

    I pray you feel better and that you are able to pinpoint exactly what is going on. Thank you for yet another lovely post!

  16. Karine- just realized i forgot to answer one of your questions. sweet rice flour is made from a different kind of rice grain which is more glutinous. i like it better than regular white rice flour which sometimes i find too gritty and dry.

    chika- try quinoa flour instead. it will be “nuttier” bt also great.

    Pairs and Paris- yes, you can but also add proper credit indicating images are copyright of Aran Goyoaga and include a link to the original post.

    Chaton de Luxe- definitely!

    Coco- i think your non GF family would love these as well. Hard to tell the difference.

    Thanks all!

  17. Ivana says:

    These look beyond yummy!

  18. Laura says:

    Aran, I have a friend who was going through the same testing as you are few months back, how hard it must be, especially with two little ones. I hope your doctors figure out pretty soon what is going on. Positive thoughts your way.

    Thanks for the recipe, I can’t wait to try them.

  19. Ana says:

    Aran!! Las galletas están de impresión pero las haré con harinas normales, es difícil encontrar harinas sin gluten en la isla… No tenía ni idea de tus problemas de salud, espero que le puedas poner un nombre rápido para no caer en la desesperación de no saber que se tiene…

    Besos para tus dos pequeñajos y por supuesto para tí!!

  20. I like how you modified the recipe to gluten free. Hope you get good results soon. :)

  21. Linda says:

    sending you positive energy!
    health issues are stressful & very difficult…wishing you all the best & may everything work out well.

  22. fresh365 says:

    I am sorry you are not feeling well and hope the tests will be worth all the trouble and get you an answer. I don’t mind the gluten free recipes, it is something I know little about but find intriguing. All these different flours are very interesting and I will have to try them out. I can’t say no to lemon cookies!

  23. GirlCook says:

    Aran, your blog is one of my favorites, the recipes, the stories, the PHOTOS! Amazing, these look delish. Wishing you good health…

  24. I have started to cook GF, not because we are allergic to gluten but because I think it opens a new door to opportunities: more flours, different tastes and textures.
    I wish you good luck with your health-related tests and thank you for this great recipe!

  25. Anonymous says:

    hi! have you any ideas with english toffee? i have to do something with english toffee, but i don´t know what should i do=)

  26. Carolyn says:

    These look beautiful. I’ve been really impressed with your gluten-free experimentation. Sorry to learn why. Hope you get to the root of it soon!

  27. M says:

    They look delicious! I’ve been having some health issues recently and am trying to change my diet around to see if anything helps. I’m addicted to desserts though so seeing recipes like this is wonderful. Thanks so much!

  28. There may be a few things that you have missed in testing. One would be if Candida is the cause of all your problems. The other is a more serious issue, Lyme Disease & Co-infections. They are both worth looking into.

    I had gluten issues until I healed my leaky gut. I now follow the principles for breaking down Phytic Acid in grains. I’ll be writing more on all these topics on my site in the near future.

    I love using coconut flour for baking, it’s moist and so good. Tropical Traditions is the brand I usually purchase, but I’m sure there are many.

    Best wishes for finding the cause of your troubles.

  29. Diane- I am also being tested for candida and leaky gut. i am having about 7-8 different tests done, genetic included. i have a feeling candida will be positive as well. can’t wait for your post regarding this. thank you!

  30. Zerogluten says:

    Hola Aran,

    ya sabes que en casa vivo de primera línea el tema del gluten y aunque es algo complicado el tema de algunas recetas, con tu profesionalidad y tus conocimientos no me cabe duda de que comerás muchísimo mejor que muchas personas no celiacas.
    Una cosa sí que me gustaría comentarte. Lo primero que nos comentaron antes del diagnóstico de Martín es que no se debe retirar del todo el gluten de la dieta hasta no tener un diagnóstico fiable. Si eliminas el gluten antes de saber si eres celiaca o no, luego en algunas pruebas los resultados pueden no ser fiables, pues el intestino empieza a recuperarse.
    En fin, que esperamos noticias tuyas pronto.
    Por cierto, la peque está para comérsela. Y las galletas también!!!!
    Besitos sin gluten.

  31. Anonymous says:

    El articulo del Dr Clark es muy interesante. Yo la verdad que hasta q no empece a ver en blogs cosas sin gluten no habia caido en que hay tanta gente con esa intolerancia.Te deseo lo mejor y lo mas leve posible.

    Que ricassssssss estas galletas, segura las hago!!! con otra harina que no sea sorghun (q no tengo ni idea q es), con quinoa o con amarath estara bien no?

    bso Carmen ZH

  32. Zerogluten- a mi no me van a hacer la prueba celiaca sino que me van a hacer un test genetico para determinar si tengo intolerancia al gluten. son pruebas diferentes por lo que se ve aunque no se exactamente como. ya te contare! gracias.

    Thank you everyone! I see so many of you are already living gluten free!

  33. Carmen- si pruebalo con quinoa y amaranth que te saldra fenomenal. un beso.

  34. Your macaron feature can now be viewed here.

    Thank your for allowing us to feature your macarons.

  35. Dan says:

    Hi Aran,
    sorry to hear about your health issues.

    I am sure you have been advised of this, but for the coeliac blood test and the biopsy it is essential that you actual eat gluten. Avoiding gluten prior to the tests being carried out can actually give you a negative result and as such a wrong diagnosis. Pls check with your doctor.

  36. zebulon says:

    I hope doctors manage to find and cure the cause of your health problems. I don’t have any autoimmune disorder myself, but I know how much of a pain in the ass they can be.

    Your recipe is yummy (can’t resist a good sandy / meltaway), and the pics are both gorgeous and peaceful :)
    Nice flowers, too!

  37. Dan- I am actually not having the celiac test or biopsy done. This ia a genetic test that determines if I have an intolerance to different food proteins such as gluten, casein, soy, etc. I had the celiac blood test done a couple of years ago and came back negative but from research I have done and according to my dr, that doesn’t mean there is not an underlying gluten intolerance. Does this make sense? Thank you!

  38. wabiwabi says:

    I have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease in the last 12 months, and have been tested for coeliac disease about 4 times! I hope your testing turns up something useful. I have excluded sugar and gluten in the past (as part of a candida diet) with excellent results, but it is just SO HARD. Let us know how you get on — your food journey will be handy for lots of readers in similar quandaries. :)

  39. kelsey says:


    These look amazing! Interested to hear you’re going GF – I’ve been living (and baking!) GF for a number of years and I would love to hear from you… If you’re not familiar, Jules GF flour is unbelievable — cup-for-cup replacement in 99% of recipes, even makes a mean piecrust and flaky biscuits.

    I’ve been following C+V for what feels like forever and I cannot thank you enough!

  40. Love your postings. Really hope you get better. Take care.

  41. Jennywenny says:

    I hope you get better soon. I’m very intrigued by the inflammation/autoimmune problems people are having of late and one of the things that was recently postulated by the bbc food programme on radio 4 was our omega3 to omega 6 ratios, apparently we’ve started eating way less omega 3 and way more 6 and it could be a problem.

  42. Jennywenny- interesting! I hadn’t heard that before. In going to look it up. Thank you!

  43. Hilda says:

    Oh Aran, such a drag particularly with little M. I’ve had friends who’ve had these sorts of tests and while Western medicine is amazing, it really does have some shortcomings when it comes to this sort of thing. I hope they’ll identify what you have asap. In the meantime, these look fantastic. I like to bake GF sometimes just to have recipes I know and trust for when my GF friends visit, so these are definitely going into the lineup. xo

  44. my spatula says:

    i hope all the poking and prodding by the doctors ends soon and your health resumes a level of normalcy once again. the camping trip sounds like a wonderful reprieve, with such fanciful cookies to boot. lemon + almonds are one of my favorite flavor combinations, so i’m looking forward to giving these exquisite gems a try.

  45. Anonymous says:

    Best wishes for becoming healthier!

    What are some of the signs of a recipe not working out, and ways to fix them? This info would be appreciated in future posts :)

  46. Noriko says:

    I really enjoy reading your post, and the photography are just divine. I have suffered from autoimmune disease for as long as I can remember, and I thought about going GF but always thought that it will be too hard. Thank you for your post.

  47. The cookies look light and delicious. I hope you feel better.


  48. sarahe says:

    hmmm…didn’t think of the gluten connection with autoimmune issues. I have some…currently diagnosed w/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia, as well as some foot problems and constant sinus issues. Maybe more…I guess that’s enough for a 25 year old! These look great and I will definitely have to try them.

  49. These are some of my favorite kind of cookies!

    I hope you get everything with your health sorted out soon. That has to be hard!

  50. I love all these gluten free recipes you’ve been posting! And lemon is my favourite flavour for dessert, so I’ll definitely be trying these!

  51. These are delicate and lovely! I have to adjust my diet too, and these will be lovely.

  52. Fresh Levant says:

    Hope you feel better soon :) Love these cookies !

  53. aimee says:

    i came on over to your blog from sweet nest desserts. i am going to tell my friend who has two daughters with gluten allergies to check out your blog! she will be so excited to make special treats to send to them :) i will pray the doctors find out why you are not feeling well. ill be back to visit again and again.

  54. Sarahe- there is a very direct link between the too. You should really look into it. I included a link to Dr Clark’s blog. You should read it. Best of luck to you too!

    Noriko- i think the thought of going GF is actually harder than doing it. There are so many great alternatives out there plus if your health really suffers from eating gluten, then there is no better reason than that.

    Anonymous- I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question. What do you mean by recipe not working? Dis you try it and it didn’t work? Can you give me specifics?

    Thank you!

  55. Mónica says:

    Espero que pronto le pongas nombre a tu problema, para poder saber hacia dónde tirar. Estas pastas tienen una pinta impresionante.

    Agur bero bat eta musu asko zuretzat.

  56. Snowy winter on outside, but spring with a citrus kick on inside. The contrast must be interesting :)

  57. MB says:

    Those look so delicious! I love reading your blog. As a Florida native now living in the U.K. your pictures and writing are a bit of sunshine in a sometimes very grey day.

    Hope that you are feel better real soon. :)MB

  58. Zizi says:

    Hello Aran,

    I’ve been reading you for a while. Your blog was the first foreign food blog I fell in love! :) Your photos are BEAUTIFUL!

    Here is something… I think, it would help you A LOT with your “autoimmune disorders”:
    I had other problems and this kind of “method” helped me. It’s amazing!!!

    Keep up the good work,

    from Budapest

  59. By the looks of these, you wouldn’t even miss the flour! I imagine the amaranth and sorghum really compliment the nuttiness of the almonds.

  60. Lovely recipe! I love that is also egg free so it can be easily made vegan :)

  61. I understand your whole autoimmune disease, I have several as well and it looks like I have a wheat/gluten intolerance. So I’ve been doing gluten free for sometime but I’m not very strict. But those cookies look divine. Can’t wait to try them.

  62. Anne S says:

    Sorry to hear about your health issues. I’m experiencing some too. Alas, no sugar. Any alternatives for sugar free desserts? I really miss them.

  63. Dajda says:

    So sorry to hear about your health problems – you did mention something before vaguely but now it sounds serious enough. It’s a good thing gluten-free baking is possible!

    God bless you, Aran!

  64. Neisha says:

    Hi Aran. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and thought I’d comment. I’m a huge fan of your photography. It is so breathtakingly beautiful. Really! I, too, suffer from auto-immune disorders related to gluten intolerance and try my best to eat without gluten but it can be difficult. I can tell you, though, that you will feel amazing after a while of being off gluten. It’s almost as though every little ailment starts to disappear. I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis that I got after the birth of my daughter (my endocrinologist says that the chances of developing autoimmune disorders are higher after the birth of a female child). Who knew, huh? Anyway, I would love to see more gluten free recipes. This one for meltaways looks amazing. Good luck with your health. I hope you feel better soon.

  65. oh my yummyness! thankyou so much for the tasty morsels you post so frequently. I suffer from a number of allergies and get quite depressed about it as I love to cook and often can not eat what i make! It is particularly bad at the moment, but your postings on delicious gluten free treats with heart melting photography give me inspiration to keep my chin up and get back in the kitchen! Thank you!

  66. Darina says:

    I feel your pain. I just got diagnosed with a gluten intolerance. I went to a naturopathic doctor for the blood test, since the testing they offer is more reliable (and more expensive) than the tests offered by a GP (here in Canada, anyway). That test came back negative but I knew that not being a celiac didn’t mean that I could tolerate gluten. It’s been a month and I feel much better, but I’m really starting to miss my baked goods. Thank you for posting so many wonderful recipes. I will have to try them and bring some sweetness back to my life!

  67. It is great to hear all of your stories dealing with the same issues I am going through. I am very optimistic and hopeful. I believe bringing back balance to the body through whole foods and right foods, supplementation, exercise and meditation is the answer. I am convinced!

    Thank you for sharing. Means a lot to me!

  68. Yum! I am going to try this, thanks for posting!!

  69. Clare says:

    That biscuit dough looks so appealing. I always end up eating way to much dough and then feel sick before anything even comes out of the oven!
    As usual your photography is just beautiful

  70. Joanne says:

    Hi Gina,
    This is Nick’s mom. I am loving your blog. I’d like to link yours to mind and would like to know if you would do the same?
    Joanne Hughes Emanuele

  71. Cody says:

    Those look amazing. “Lemon” and “meltaway” have got to be two of my favorite words.

    I’ve been trying to do more gluten-free baking… I’ll have to try this one.

  72. shaz says:

    Sorry to hear about your health Aran, hope you get some answers soon.

    These cookies sound absolutely delicious -icing sugar over anything always gets me :)

  73. Philo says:

    Ils sont trés chouette

  74. oh this seems really delightful~ will give this a try. And such gorgeous ranunculus photos!

  75. annie says:

    Aran, I’ve been reading your blog for some time, but I don’t believe I’ve ever commented(shame). I’m sorry to hear of your ongoing health problems. I suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and have now been diagnosed with an autoimmune illness called sjogren’s, which affects the body’s glandular system.

    I also had problems with oral candida (and gut), the first thing my naturopath had me stop all sugar,flours,dairy (even my soy) etc. and it took quite some time, but I improved. I seems that autoimmune diseases very often cntribute to candida, food intolerances etc. I know that pain is controlled better in fibro if I follow a very strict diet and avoid the culprits that cause me the problems.We do well with a very bland diet (yuck). Good luck and I hope they find what’s hurting you. And thank you for being more aware that not everyone can eat scrumptuous recipes that are posted, and giving us some alternatives . Bonne chance!

  76. Joanna says:

    I also went through a GF phase when we were trying to figure out my husband’s auto-immune triggers. It didn’t help him, but I hope it does you!

    Make these, they help, just sub the corn starch for almond flour:

    I know, I know, it’s a recipe from, but it’s a shocker.

    Good luck!

  77. deena says:

    I’m glad to see that you’re able to find gluten-free versions of old favorites. I have some gf friends, and just had a breakthrough with a batch of sables:

    Hard-boiled egg yolks — they give a nice shot of richness, without overwhelming a gluten-free dough with too much butter. Xanthan gum didn’t hurt either…

  78. dulcedolce says:

    Thank you for showcasing your gluten free recipes (especially desserts!). I found you through Gluten Free Girl, who always has lovely recipes. I’m trying to eliminate more gluten from my diet as well, and am always amazed at what’s out there. And your pictures are truly beautiful.
    I hope you figure out soon the root of your health problems.

  79. dulcedolce says:

    One more thing I meant to add to my first comment. I recently had a minor health issue and my doctor recommended a detox cleanse that he and some other docs created before we resorted to medications.
    It was essentially a 5-7 day diet of organic vegetables, fruit, and on some days, nuts, whole grains, legumes, mushrooms, plus supplements, vitamins/minerals.
    I can’t tell you how much better I felt — so much energy, and my health problem went away. I’m not saying all health issues will be cured/solved with a detox cleanse, but I’m coming to find that so many health problems are caused or exacerbated by what kinds of foods we consume (or don’t consume).

  80. Erin says:

    Your photos and food are so stunning. I come here to just admire and dream of making good looking food. :)

  81. What a treat, I have to try those.

  82. red ticking says:

    i have been tested as well and gluten seems to an issue with more people everywhere… i have been doing cleanses… and adding, subtracting foods… it is crazy but it is necessary to find out what our bodies like and what they need… well, i need these cookies that is for sure… hope you can find time to accept the kreativ blogger award… i nominated you last week…
    hope all tests go well! x pam

  83. Shannon says:

    I love your photography more than I can say! I hope you’re feeling healthier! My husband and daughter have Celiac Disease, so your recipes are so timely. You will feel so much better soon. I’ve been cooking GF for 8 years now, but certainly not this well! Thank you!

  84. Hello again Aran,
    So sorry to hear about the health issues. My sister has Celia Disease and had to change her whole DIET to GLUTEN FREE. She loves it though and feels a lot better. I eat gluten free as much as possible…but it’s not always easy finding specific food items all the time that are gluten free….All the best! Will be posting that post of your amazing work soon! Have a wonderful weekend! xo!

    Jen Ramos

  85. Annie says:

    these are beautiful cookies…lemon is my favorite

  86. Brittany says:

    i love meltaways! looking forward to trying this. good luck with the tests! hopefully everything will get figured out soon!

  87. נטע says:

    Hi Aran

    1st of have to say i love your blog, your photography is magnificant !
    I will try there cookies now, love that they are gluten free as I have celiac.

    Must tell you that my gentic test for celiac came out negetive, as did my blood tests, I had 2 biopsies and I do have celiac, and have been on a GF diret for a few years now and feel so much better!! so because they still don’t know everything to know about this disorder, there’s a chance that even a little % of people don’t present with the “normal” results to be diagnosed proporly.

    Take care, and feel better soon

  88. Aran, thank you for this post — and for the recipes. My husband has a gluten allergy that we just recently discovered — his brother has the same problem. No blood test came back positive, but that seems to be typical. He did the true test of going gluten-free for a week and noticed an incredible difference in everything, including his asthma. So now we’re gluten free. I’m still a bit lost on how to start creating weekly meals (and things like blueberry muffins on saturday) without gluten. and every mix I’ve tried has been awful (the worst brownies I’ve ever had.) so I’m going to try a few of your recipes to see if I can make something sweet that’s healthy for him. thank you again!

  89. Sari says:

    What a lovely cookies and beautiful photos. I love the light in all your photos here. I’d love to try all those GF recipe, but I I find it quite difficult to get those different flours in London.

  90. CRIS says:

    Gracias por enlazarnos a estos artículos, muy interesantes, creo que cada vez hay más gente con sensibilidad al gluten y a otros alimentos,cuando más información tengamos, mejor.Las galletas fabulosas as usual.
    Un saludo

  91. Brooke says:

    Your photos have blown me away! How beautiful. There is nothing I love more than pictures of food and babies! I will continue to read your awesome blog!

  92. andrea says:

    Oh I’ve been wondering why, and this is so great! I’m a celiac too, and have been for about 8 years now. Good luck lovely lady!

  93. Holly says:

    These look divine! I am an avid reader of your blog and enjoy the random GF recipe. I, too, am Gluten Free and am thrilled to see this recipe. I love lemon! These look amazing. I hope you figure what’s casing you problems. Thank you for the gorgeous photos and recipes!!

  94. such pretty and catching pictures… superb recipe that i must try. thanks

  95. CraftWhimsy says:

    I always looked at your blog and tried to do similar GF versions inventing my own recipes. And I HAD noticed more GF stuff and was really glad, now I don’t have to do “Frankenstine” GF experiments!
    I never got tested for celiac but 4 of my cousins have it (which increases ones probability of having it by 20% for one family memeber that has it and 50% for two members that have it) and everyone else has symptoms so for me it was highly likely. I just quit it and within 2 weeks felt a difference and within the year felt noticeably better.
    You can come out negative in all the tests and still have celiac or not have celiac at all but your body can just have an aversion to wheat or other 7 common allergens.
    If you avoid it and feel better then just keep doing that.

  96. ohhmay says:

    These look so delicious!
    I just wanted to express some concern- when I was having stomach troubles and being tested for celiac’s or other allergies I also went off of gluten.
    3 months later the doctors decided they wanted to do a biopsy so I had to go back on wheat. When you don’t eat it for so long it is NOT FUN AT ALL to reintroduce. If I had to do it all again, I would keep a consistent diet until the biopsy is done so there’s not so much pain in re-introducing gluten.

    Good luck! I hope everything turns out alright for you!

  97. i love all of the pictures in your blog! they sooth the eyes of the readers, so does the background.
    and those would actually melt in the mouth? i think that’s inspired, i can’t even cook, hahaha.

    keep up the great work, dear. :D

  98. Ohhmay- I’m having genetic testing done to find out if I have a tolerancy for different food proteins not just gluten. It’s different than the biopsies done for celiac which is very specific. You can still be gluten intolerant and no develop full blown celiac disease but develop other issues like hashimoto’s and meniere’s which is what I have. Thank you for sharing your experience. Never fun.

    Thank you all. I see lots and lots of you sharing similar experiences. Hang in there!

  99. Malin says:

    I have to say that I love your photos and lovely recepies! :) /Malin, Sweden.

  100. Junglefrog says:

    They look absolutely gorgeous Aran and I hope the find the source of your health trouble soon!

  101. I did a post about my favorite food bloggers this morning and borrowed a few of your photos for your part. I hope you don’t mind. I am sure my mention of having a horrible crush on you comes as no surprise…
    have a marvelous Sunday~

  102. These sweets look amazing!
    I hope you get your results back soon. I know how hard it can be to just sit and wait for these things. Wish you all the best!

  103. Hi Aran
    I have just spent a morning looking through you beautiful blog such lovely pictures I’m hoping you might give me permission to put some on my blog.
    I have just spent 6 weeks going gf,wf and df which was such hard work as in new zealand you can’t find much to subsitute as well as having to cook 2 meals at night as no one else would eat my things, in the end i found it easier to stick to mostly fresh fruit and veg with the odd bit of meat.
    Unfortunatly it did not help with the cronic pain I suffer from but did give me more energy.
    I hope you find a good solution to things your end.

  104. Deborah says:

    Thank you for these gluten free recipes. We just found out that my husband has a wheat allergy so these will be great to try (He has quite a sweet tooth:) !

  105. Anonymous says:

    Thank you sooo much for all the beautiful and amazing gluten free recipes!! I have recently (2 years ago) had to go totally gluten free due to an intolerance, and your website makes it so much easier knowing there are still amazing treats I can still have :)

  106. Loving your blog! Found you from Yvestown… beautiful photos and yummy food!

  107. Choco_lemon says:

    The pictures are beautiful!

  108. Chani says:

    I stubled over your link on the Sweet as a Candy blog and I’m amazed what “name relative” I have! Your blog is breathtaking!
    Love, Chani

  109. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories here. It seems so common these days. Best of luck and good health to all!

  110. Ammie_Cage says:

    I think I must thank you for this sweet post.I love this unique flavor and combination.Yummy!
    Gourmet Free

  111. Thanks for the amazing looking cookies! I love to have yet another source of terrific recipes. Here’s to hoping that your doctors find the underlying cause of all your autoimmune problems soon.

  112. Sallie says:

    I feel your frustration with all the tests. I have now been gluten free for a year and have never, ever felt better in my life. Thank you for sharing this recipe. Also wanted to let you know, that King Arthur Flour is coming out with a gluten free line in early March. I am anxiously awaiting the products.

  113. Doc April says:

    I can’t WAIT to try this recipe. I’ve been searching for really tasty gluten free recipes to bake with my girlfriend for her boyfriend, who has gluten allergy. I look forward to this!

    *Sallie, thanks for the tip re:King Arthur gluten-free flour! This will be great, as they are already one of the best flours one can buy!

  114. Val says:

    These look amazing. I can’t wait to give them a go.

    I know you get this all the time, but I can’t get over how beautiful your blog is. Your photography is phenomenal. Visiting your blog is always like a breath of fresh air.

  115. Alexandra says:

    Wow! These not only ony taste and look beautiful, they actually do melt in one’s mouth. I have made them twice using my own gluten-free flour blend and the second time I forgot the vanilla with no noticeable difference. I am able to eat gluten but I made them for my guten-free customers and I think anyone woud love them.

    Thank you Aran.

  116. Alexandra- that makes me so happy!!! thank you for sharing.

    Thank you everyone for taking the time to comment!

  117. Y says:

    Dang, how did I manage to completely miss seeing this lovely post? The cookies look heavenly. I can’t wait to try them. My digestive system fortunately has no quarrel with gluten, but I’m actually rather partial to gluten-free recipes all the same.

  118. These look simply delectable! I don’t gluten allergies, but I love to experiment with alternative forms of baking in case I want to share with friends that do. So thank you!

  119. E says:

    I hope you have luck figuring out your autoimmune issues. Living gluten free really isn’t bad at all, especially if you love to cook.

    In fact changing my diet was what inspired me to start my own blog for foodies who can’t eat wheat.

    My kids and I have been lived without gluten for almost 2 years and we have never eaten so well.

    Best of luck:)

  120. Sheltie Girl says:

    I wish you the best with your health work up. Many of us who are gluten free, either from celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance have other autoimmune issues as well. Other health issues can also arise such as cancer. My diagnosis for early stage breast cancer is what brought about my own health discovery. I ended up being gluten sensitive, hypothyroid and a variety of allergies (one of them is wheat). It is also easier for us to develop another autoimmune problem, for example diabetes.

    After I’d been gluten free for a year, my kids began developing their own health challenges. We were eating gf at home, but when we’d go out they’d have foods made with wheat. Before long, I was doing the same health discover with each of them. Both turned up to be gluten sensitive and with various allergies.

    Don’t forget to look for hidden sources of wheat and barley. They are the most common ones you run into in the US, i.e. medicine, vitamins, personal care products. There is a listing of gf medicines so you don’t run into any problems. Here it is:

    Good Luck & Good Health!

    Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go

  121. Natalie- yes, i think that once my results come back, my kids will also have to be eating accordingly. the chances of them having similar problems is very high. i have hashimoto’s as well and menieres. i really need to take care of this before it starts attacking my pancreas like you said. thanks so much for sharing!

  122. Jamie says:

    Personally, the only thing that could ever get me camping would be s’mores. Ok, these lovely cookies would get me in the car. And why go camping in the cold? Oy, I heard it’s been freezing in Florida! But good food and family warms everything up. And the cookies really are beautiful and I can tell they melt in your mouth!

  123. Janine says:

    Sending good thoughts and sunshine your way and hopes of wonderful discoveries of all kinds.
    I have a question regarding flours. We are originally from New Mexico but now live in Puebla, Mexico with our 9 year old. Wonderful fresh fruits and veggies and a few organic ingredients but really no flours at all. Do you have any tips on making any of the flours that you have been mentioning lately?
    Mil gracias,

  124. I just discovered your blog today and could almost weep over its beauty! I recently started a blog about eating, cooking, and living, but yours is truly an inspiration and the beautiful photos give my sometimes overactive mind a rest! Thank you! – Debbie Brodsky

  125. laura says:

    Thank you for having many gluten-free recipes, because my sister and I are also living that life-style. This blog has changed my outlook on creating yummy, worthwhile treats while still living this way. so thank you!! We appreciate your recipes. (And your photography is fabulous…)

  126. Cydney says:

    Hi Aran,

    What a fabulous website and amazing photos. I just have a quick question with the measurements…do you weigh your flours or can I convert this recipe into cups?

    Thank you so much and for the recent GF recipes!


  127. Nan says:

    Hope you discover if gluten is the culprit. When I removed it from my diet, marvelous improvements occurred. When I removed tomato and potato (nightshades) my arthritic pain disappeared. I mention this because many on the GF diet use potato flour and don’t make the pain connection.

    I have been praying for a doctor who could work with me on my Hashimoto’s. Your link to Dr. Clark may just be the answer! He is 5 hours from me. Happy tears are rolling down my cheeks.

    Beautiful photos. A little too much sugar in the cookie for me, but a lovely recipe that I can bake and share with others.

  128. Anonymous says:

    ARAN, que tal? Quisiera saber si es posible reemplazar la sweet rice flour por harina de arroz común, ya que en mi país no venden ese tipo de harina. Cuál sería la diferencia?
    De hecho, ya las he realizado con harina de arroz común y salieron muy ricas, pero se rompian por completo, no lograban mantener su forma. Tiene que ver con eso?? Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Y felicitaciones. Saludos!

  129. Anonymous- si deberias poder hacerlo. lo has medido todo en gramos? puede ser que no hayas tenido liquido suficiente o tus harinas esten mas secas. En ese caso, se puede anadir mas zumo de limon.

  130. Anonymous- si deberias poder hacerlo. lo has medido todo en gramos? puede ser que no hayas tenido liquido suficiente o tus harinas esten mas secas. En ese caso, se puede anadir mas zumo de limon.

  131. SK says:

    My daughter is allergic to wheat, dairy, and eggs and this recipe looks just perfect for her. Yay! She can have a cookie like a normal kid. A million thanks for the post and for sharing all your GF recipes.

  132. Nandini says:

    hi aran,
    im from india and i love reading your blog. everything u make is so beautiful! and as ive never seen these flours here.. i’ll try them out with regular flour. but i dont get sweet rce flour either. can i make them with regular rice flour?

  133. Nandini- rice flour tends to make baked good a bit drier. these are rather sandy as they are so maybe using rice flour will make it even more so. Try it and see what happens. Thank you!

  134. I just made these….delicious!

  135. This looks like a good recipe. I try to avoid recipes that use alot of flours, but I think I might start giving them a try since everyone seems to be making really tasty looking things out of them! :)

  136. Amoona says:


    Would love to try this (lemonm meltaways) I have been thinking about it all week but dont have any sorghum or amaranth. Can i just use more almond and cornstarch (or normal flour as I dont have any allergies thankfully)

  137. Amoona says:


    ive been thinking about these lemon meltaways all week but dont have any of the sorghum or amaranth flour. Can i just use more almond or cornstarch or normal flour (as i dont have any allergies thankfully)

  138. […] Rugelach from Domata Mama Lemon and Almond Meltaways from Canelle Vanille Pecan Shortbread Cookies from Elana’s Pantry Gluten-Free Chocolate […]

  139. […] more About Gluten Free Lemon and Almond Meltaways :: Cannelle et Vanille                                    (adsbygoogle = […]

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