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51 Responses to “Beautiful Things That Friends Bring”

  1. Claire says:

    such a simple yet profound gift!

  2. Laura says:

    Can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with. It will be spectacular as always.

  3. MsGourmet says:

    I am utterly lost without lemons!

  4. Foodess says:

    Gorgeous photo! Perhaps they will become a tart?

  5. Sophie says:

    What a great gift! I too can not wait what you will make with these,….!!! What a beautiful photo!!

  6. FeeMail says:

    a tart would have been my idea too… i know this recipe i always wanted to make, a lemon curd tarte with dark chokolakte topping ;-)!

  7. EL says:

    Aran, can I just say how much I love your photography and your desserts? They bring so much inspiration and joy to my otherwise routine day :) They’re always so bright and beautiful and not to mention yummy! May I ask what camera and lens do you use to take these beautiful photographs?

  8. Rebecca says:

    That is a beautiful gift indeed. I don’t have any access to Meyer lemons being in the UK, but a friend was kind enough to send one all the way across the world last week so I could try one.

    It was wonderful, and such an experience!

    Friends who give lemons are kind friends indeed.

  9. Beautiful photo…maybe a torte..can’t wait to find out!

  10. Mobula says:

    Fin de semana de camping!!! Yo también!!!!!! El tiempo va mejorando aunque todavía hacía un poco de frío. Los enanos se lo pasaron en grande….

    quizás esos bellos limones se conviertan en una mousse??


  11. beth says:

    It was gloomy and rainy in my part of the world today, so this is just what I needed to see!! I always love your photos!

  12. ines says:

    Aran, te leo siempre al mediodía y abres mi apetito de una manera soñadora.A duras penas he podido ver limones en la foto…está tan bien hecha y es tan sugerente que hasta he pensado en la fruta de la pasión. ¿qué tal unam mermelada con ellos?. Soy una fasn irredenta de tu página y la recomiendo a alguien cada día. Hay a quién le sienta mal al estómago. Nada más verla epoiezan a segregar jugos y tienen que salir inmediatamente hacia la pastelería más próxima. Un beso Inés desde Bilbo.

  13. A great gift! That picture is amazingly beautiful!

    Cheers and have a nice Monday,


  14. Aran says:

    EL- Until last week I was using a Canon Rebel XT, but last Tuesday I received a Canon 50D as a birthday present so that’s what I used for this photo. My lens are the same. A sigma 50mm macro.

    Ines- me han entrado el hambre hasta a mi leyendo tu comentario.

    Thanks everyone!

  15. VeggieGirl says:

    Lovely weekend you had!!

    I’m guessing either lemon sorbet or perhaps some lemon bars??

  16. hmmmmm….lemon everythings?
    whatever it is I will be there to virtually eat it!

  17. paula says:

    sigh* such a lovely photo.

  18. Esti says:

    yo sólo me encuentro un felpudo polvoriento en mi puerta… Y algunas veces alguna sorpresa en el buzón. Qué suerte la tuya!!

  19. Such a lovely photo and they look perfect! hmm…lemon tart for me pls =)

  20. Jen says:

    I had a “case of the Mondays” before I saw this picture – thanks for the cheer! Hum, will you make the Meyer Lemon Souffle?

  21. Joyce says:


    What a wonderful surprise to come home to. I’m sure you will be making wonderful lemonade (so to speak) out of these beautiful lemons. I love tarty flavors.

    Have a golden day my friend! xoxo

  22. pia says:

    miam, i can’t wait to see what you make! these look terribly gorgeous, what a wonderful gift px

  23. A beautiful picture of such pretty lemons. Can’t guess…but it’s gonna be spectacular Aran!

  24. Yasemin says:

    hmmm, yummy cheesecake maybeee…

  25. Oh my lord…are they Meyer? I am unbelievably jealous…they so perfect and unblemished! The first thing that comes to my mind is the lemon tart out of the River Cafe Cookbook…but maybe a lemon sorbet would be nice? Or even some sort of salad with capers and red onions?

  26. By the way, just came across this collection of Meyer lemon recipes if you are in need of some inspiration…

  27. Laura says:

    Lemon tarts, lemon sorbet, lemon gelee? The sky is the limit.

    Can’t wait to read the post.


  28. Julia says:

    Beautifully refreshing! I can’t wait to see what you make with them.

  29. Rita says:

    Beautiful photo, how nice to have frineds that bring fruit to your house! I am sure whatever you make with them (lemons) it will lovely. Have a great Monday and week!

  30. Jennifer says:

    Gorgeous!!!! Happy Monday indeed!!

  31. Those lemons look perfect! My daughter had strep last week and all she wanted to eat was Lemon Italian Ice. I can’t wait to see what you make.

  32. cindy* says:

    what a great surprise! i can’t wait to see what you make…something lovely i am sure.

  33. Venus ~ Vi says:

    No matter what you’ll make, I know it is going to be some beautiful edible art =)

  34. what about this?

    (found here)

    love your photos & recipes!

  35. Calico Kate says:

    Pancakes, pancakes and more pancakes surely?
    Happy Shrove Tuesday

  36. Annelise says:

    Hi, my name is annelise i’m 16 and i’m like you crazy about pastry. Bravo pour tes créations <3


  37. I just preserved some of my own, but with your glorious gift for all things sweet, I’m thinking…

    Meyer Lemon Gelee?
    Shaker Lemon Tart?
    Ricotta & Meyer Lemon “Easter” Pie (with Pine Nuts & Farro!)

    I’ll dream about it tonight…

  38. michaela says:

    your photography is absolutely gorgeous.

  39. um…..lemonade? candied peal? Lemon Oyster fettuccine? god i love that photo. do you set up a screen in the back or is that a wall? or do you use a real light box? just out of curiosity, is that natural window light or a bulb? twenty one questions!!!

  40. Seanna Lea says:

    Those are gorgeous lemons! I sometimes wish I were in a warmer clime, so I could get better produce. Your fruit looks so much better than what is in my local shop (and Meyer lemons are only available for a day or two before they sell out).

  41. Aran says:

    I love all your suggestions. I hope I don’t let you down. I want more now that you guys gave me all these ideas!

    Mallory- That is natural light by a window. I diffuse it with shades if it’s too direct. i don’t use any other lights and I don’t have a lightbox per se. I just use white board to bounce back the light.


  42. Phoo-D says:

    How about creme fraiche ice cream with candied lemon peel? I have a recipe posted if you’re interested! Those look like beautiful meyer lemons.

  43. Natalie says:

    how do you take such beautiful photos?
    do you use lights and a backdrop?

  44. Aran says:

    Natalie- I use only natural light (window light) that comes in my living room in the afternoon. I use a white backdrop just to be able to eliminate any back “noise” that would be there from furniture in that area. I wish I had a full blown studio but not just yet!

    Thank you guys!

  45. görel says:

    I just love your photos. Keep them coming!

  46. Sue in NJ says:

    Meyer Lemons are great for Lemon Drop Martinis… Just delicious!!

  47. simplesong says:

    what a thoughtful and sweet surprise! pretty photo.

  48. Anonymous says:

    How about Myer lemon and white chocolate ice cream? Does such a thing exist?

    Gorgeous photo!

  49. Lisa says:

    the prettiest lemons i have ever seen. i need to have you come back for another cooking class at my blog!

  50. Ray says:

    Your blog informations is a very useful.

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