Winter, Florida Citrus and a Friend’s Tree

As we were browsing through the weather channel today, we realized that the rest of the country was covered in snow or temperatures way below zero degrees. In the meantime, we are breaking record heat and walking around in sandals. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing as I spend six months out of the year anticipating the cool and sunny winter weather of South Florida. This year, the nice weather has been eluding us and I wish I could trade spots with some of you who are enjoying hot chocolate in front of a cozy fireplace.

On the other hand, we get this. Beautiful citrus fruit. I cannot complain, that’s for sure. My friend N. down the street has a large lime tree in her front yard that produces more fruit than she can keep up with and she was kind enough to share some with us.

Candied kumquats, lime sorbet, clementine financiers, fruit salads… they are all in the works in our kitchen… and it smells like citrus heaven.

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69 Responses to “Winter, Florida Citrus and a Friend’s Tree”

  1. El says:

    Wow…What I wouldn’t give for a lime tree. Beautiful!

  2. Ana says:

    Qué buenos los cítricos, importantísimos en esta temporada de invierno, con la gripe que nos rodea. Preciosas fotos.
    Un abrazo y deseos de felicidad con los peques.

  3. Kristin says:

    Can we switch places please? It is very cold and snowy here, the high today is -20 C! I would be delighted to trade hot chocolate for juicy citrus!

    Thanks for the lovely photo!

  4. Sugar Chef says:

    I posted a couple of pictures of the citrus from my backyard last week here in the So. Ca. desert. It’s cold here though so no sandals for us. Beautiful pictures!

  5. Thank you for the very cheery and bright photo… :-)

    Does it ever get cold there, it is cold and wet here in the UK… :-(

  6. Sorry to hear you’re still sweating down there. But you know what they say… when life hands you lemons, make lemonade! (or lemon curd, or lemon sorbet, or lemon mousse…) ;)

  7. A lovely shot! Here, it is getting quite cold…



  8. Kristi says:

    What a beautiful sight for those of use experiencing a dreary winter. I love the colors in this image and I can just imagine the yummy and mouthwatering smells coming from your kitchen! :)

  9. Hettar7 says:

    Your post makes me miss living in Florida so much! The availability of good citrus fruit in Kentucky is, well …. it isn’t. :(

    Glad to know someone is enjoying the fruit. Now if I can find a mail order source of Duncan grapefruit come next march I’ll be in citrus heaven too.

  10. Okay, just a teeny bit of envy from Chicago here. Lime sorbet sounds like a tiny bit of culinary summer in the middle of our sub zeros’ over here.

  11. Beautiful! While it’s freezing outside, inside is warm enough these days. The citrus sourness hits my dozing brain at home. That’s why I love those fruits in winter too :))

  12. Eadaoin says:

    i just love the bright vibrancy of the colours in this photo, it’s very lovely to look at :)

  13. ibb says:

    Maite dizkiat. Beste frutakin ez naiz hain…baina hauek betidanik izan ditut gustoko…eta kiwiak…
    Hemen hotza heldu da, eta azkenean manta azpiko arratsaldeak ere gustokoak dira.
    Astebukaera ona izan.

  14. Esti says:

    Justamente he quedado con una amiga para juntarnos a tomar chocolate con churros. Que ganas tengo!

  15. Aran, your styling just gets more and more beautiful. Your site should be a coffee table book AND a cookbook.

    I have some home grown grapefruit from down your way and I am loving it!

  16. Alexa says:

    It’s 17F here. We’re turning into icicles. :-) You’re post brings some much needed sunshine into my day, Aran. Thank you!

  17. OK, yes, I had my mug of cocoa while sitting on the couch under a fuzzy blanket last night. But to me, citrus also feels wintery. All winter long citrus is my fruit genre of choice, so come December I begin to crave clementines. I saw kumquats in the grocery store the other day and they looked so cute I just had to buy a whole bunch. We’re not going through them very fast, but your candied kumquats looks so wonderful, I think I’ll give them a shot this weekend. I bet they’ll be gone by Monday.

  18. cookeaze says:

    Thats a nice step by step clicks. I adore u a lot for your patience.Good job mate!

  19. Dajda says:

    Don’t tell me about heat, I’m waiting impatiently for the snow which has been announced for tonight. :) All this fruit looks perfect.

  20. I love your photos. truly beautiful.

  21. Zerogluten says:

    La verdad es que las cosas naturales, ecológicas y compartidas saben mucho más ricas.
    A mí los cítricos me encantan. Tengo alguna receta tuya pendiente de publicar. Siempre son éxito seguro.
    Mil besos guapa.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hombre a mi ahora me llama mas, mucho mas el chocolate calentito con churros…..hace un frio…..aqui tenemos un invierno larrrgo y tu tienes un verano larrrgo no? beso, disfrutalo!! Carmen ZH

  23. Becky says:

    your photo is astonishingly, breathtakingly, bright and beautiful

  24. Your table looks like heaven. I always crave citrus and can never get enough, especially in pastries and desserts. I can’t believe the tangerines we have right now!

  25. recipes says:

    realy 2 fresh, i love fresh food

  26. Sophicita says:

    While sunshine and record temperatures would probably fail to put me in the mood for Christmas, your weather does somehow sound mroe appealing than a few degress above freezing point, strong winds and rain (i.e. the kind of weather a typical December in most northern European countries has to offer).

    I have been following your blog for a while now and admire the photography, the composition, your recipes and the way your write! Sophicita

  27. Junglefrog says:

    It’s funny how your image just managed to bring me right back into summer weather! Gorgeous

  28. For a moment I thought you were holidaying in some tropical, summery, location – like Australia! ;) Great shot. You are very lucky in Florida to have such a range of citrus. When I lived in the US, I used to visit a ‘relative’ in Boca. I’d return each time to Boston with a box of mixed oranges and lemons from the trees in the back yard. So fragrant.

  29. SPLENDEROSA says:

    Aran…such beautiful photography & styling…it’s wonderful. Thank you for bringing such beauty into our lives. Marsha

  30. Jason says:

    You have a great site here. I found it on Blogcatalog actually. I have a travel blog myself which I hope to be a top resource for those looking to find travel experiences and even vacation ideas. I would like to exchange links with you to spread some traffic around between us. Please let me know if this is possible.


  31. I love the variety of citrus you have at hand, you’re so lucky!

  32. I had to go pull all of my Meyer Lemons and Algerian Tangerines off of our tres the other day before it froze. And then we suddenly had a coupld of nights at 22º! That is not good for my trees! It has warmed back up to freezing, so hopefully the trees will do well. I just made a batch of Orange Cranberry muffins with the zest of one of the tangerines (they are labeled as being the same as clementines, but they’re not quite as sweet, as easy to peel, or as free from seeds!)

    So, it’s cold here (for us, anyway) and I have a lovely big batch of lemons and tangerines to enjoy! I want to make some lemon curd in between my Christmas sewing projects. . . but it hasn’t happened yet!

  33. citrus makes my mouth water this time of year… it takes me to sunnier skies and warmer days.

  34. small homes says:

    I love citrus fruits! I always pray for my trees to have fruits! It is so refreshing for me!

  35. well this picture is just beautiful my sweet…oh and i’m on the first plane down. a little fresh fruit and warm sunshine sound pretty good right about now! plus you need a babysitter right?

  36. Are you kidding me. You have that growing down the street. I’m from London and believe me you wouldn’t want to swap with me I can assure you. It’s better where you are.

  37. Valentina says:

    you are so lucky!! And we are lucky as well since you share your lovely recipes with us

  38. this photo is SO gorgeous and very summery! We’ve been massively snowed in and..oh…I don’t think I’ve seen the sun in a long while…so looking at this citrusy photo brings a smile to my face (not to mention how I practically drool over every one of your recipes) =)

  39. amy says:

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Your tweet just reminded me how long it’s been since I’ve visited your site! Things have been a bit crazy the past few months with a one month long trip to Asia and a new job, but I’m hoping with the holidays fast approaching I’ll have time to catch up on all your posts I’ve missed.

    Gorgeous photo and thanks for the bit of Florida sunshine:-)

  41. Eric says:

    What a beautiful photo. And thanks for the recipes! Citrus desserts are often difficult to get right; these sounds great.

  42. All through my pregnancy I craved lemonade and citrus fruits. And now that my little one is here, I’m still craving oranges by the truck load. I will be checking out these recipes for sure! :D

  43. Hi, I am a recent follower and love your blog. It very peaceful and beautiful. Shulie

  44. Arlette says:

    I love this photo, reminds me of my home in Orlando….
    You are most welcome to come and spend some time With us in Northern Ontario, we got over a foot of snow couple of days ago, and the temp is 22 below zero.
    lots of hot choclates too.

  45. veron says:

    what an amazing combinations of colors. this should brighten a cold winter day.

  46. What a beautiful photo! And how envious I am of that beautiful citrus. It never looks that good after it travels thousands of miles to our supermarkets.

  47. Aran says:

    Thanks everyone! It’s been quite busy around here 9a whirlwind i should say), but i have read all your comments. i’m glad this photo cheers some of you up. this is after all, the sunshine state!

  48. Beautiful fruit! I am enjoying the citrus bounty.

    Sandals! Amazing. I am so jealous. I have been braving the NYC cold for 25 years and still am not used to it. Happy Holidays!

  49. I’m so jealous! I’m a summer addict and can’t stand the midwest cold forever winters. Although I must say I enjoy the very hot summers that reach above 100°. haha

  50. Zen Chef says:

    Ahh. your blog is like a little corner of sunshine and it feels good. You don’t mind if i stay for a little while? (it’s freezing in NYC!) :)

  51. oh my goodness! to be in sandals now — such a beautiful, summery photo

    happy holidays, aran!

  52. simplesong says:

    what a wonderful neighbor! hope you have a great weekend. xx, s

  53. kellypea says:

    We aren’t dealing with record-breaking heat, but it is absolutely gorgeous in our corner of the US. A friend gifted me a bag of Meyer lemons, so I’m looking for a sunny project. Thanks for the ideas!

  54. Di says:

    The photo is amazing! I love the colours.

  55. Aimée says:

    We’d be open to doing a house swap sometime, Aran. :) Can’t relate to your warm weather–it’s a real live Christmas card out my windows! There’s a foot of snow and more falling every day onto my maple forest at the back of the property.

    Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

  56. Anna says:

    You took my breath away with this photo.

    I wish I could jump in and live in your blog for a bit. Lovely, lovely.

  57. Elizabeth says:

    All this bright, beautiful fruit and sunshiney white background is such a breath of fresh air–a respite from the winter dreariness we’re having here in the Northeast! My parents usually send me a box of Florida grapefruits during this season so that I can get a tast of that sunshine–I’m looking forward to it!

  58. evangitality says:

    I grew up in Arizona, but live in Washington now and citrus season is one thing I miss. I’m glad you get to enjoy what my brother calls, “nature’s candy.” Your pictures are absolutely breathtaking & inspiring. And your food looks ethereal. Thanks for sharing!


  59. A-Man says:

    Great still-life of the winter in florida…


  60. Annie says:

    citrus fruits are so pretty!

  61. jake m says:

    i love fruits the more with your kind of photography. how i wish she can teach me.

  62. Kati says:

    When i read your blog makes me want to tell people i love them. The magic you create here makes my heart warm.
    Thank you!

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