Sunday Suppers, Amy Atlas and an Inspiring Collaboration

Last week I gave you a little sneak peek into the amazing weekend I spent in New York City participating in one of the Sunday Suppers dinner/classes featuring the work of Amy Atlas and other fabulous artist women. I apologize for taking so long in posting the rest of the photos… Life has been crazy to say the least with traveling, small projects and even the chickenpox ( I will leave this for another time). This craziness is also the reason why I didn’t complete this month’s Daring Bakers challenge. I’m so sorry about that one too!

It’s funny how life works sometimes and how I got involved with this Sunday Suppers event. Long story so I won’t get into too many details, but all I can say is that I’m glad I did as I think I have found a group of super talented women I have made a lasting connection with.

The event took place in Brooklyn in the most beautiful setting and the most beautiful view of Manhattan. The table settings, the flowers, the graphic designs, the cake, Amy’s vision… they were all breathtaking.

I arrived Saturday morning and spent all afternoon prepping and baking for the next day. The Moroccan theme with the acqua blue and orange colors inspired me to create macarons flavored with orange flower water, crisp white meringue cookies filed with orange buttercream and what seemed to be the favorite, panna cotta with fresh orange juice gelee. Very simple, but worked great.

Photo by Karen Mordechai Photography

Guests arrived around 4:30pm, mingled, enjoyed some appetizers and then everyone gathered around the kitchen to take part in Casey‘s cooking class. It was very interactive and she quickly engaged guests in the kitchen, asking everyone to participate in the prep process somehow. She is just too much fun!

The menu consisted of a first course of harissa brushed halibut over gazpacho and topped with a micro green salad; second course, chicken tajine with preserved lemons,olives and polenta accompanied by a roasted mini beet salad and finally dessert, fig and sesame compote tart with orange cardamom cream.

Afterwards, everyone sat at the beautifully styled table ready to taste the food. It was a great group of people and I even managed to snap this adorable photo of Alex and Joanna.

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the masterminds behind this concept, professional photographer Karen Mordechai and private chef Casey Solomon. The thought and attention to detail behind all of this really blew me away.

I also have to mention the rest of the artists involved whose work really contributed to the success of the night. Of course Amy (lovely, lovely, lovely… can’t emphasize enough!), the flower arrangements (beautiful, beautiful garlands!) by Jessie Weidinger from Rountree Flowers, menu and graphic design by Erica Bohanon of Thoughtful Day, Archana Rao of Love Street Cakes created the breathtaking cake and Ali Kantor created a traditional moroccan cookie called kaab el ghazal.

Finally, I have to tell you that I will be going back to New York next month to actually teach one of these classes myself. I think the class is fully booked already, but you can get more information here. For those who are attending, I will see you then!

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71 Responses to “Sunday Suppers, Amy Atlas and an Inspiring Collaboration”

  1. Juliana says:

    Beautiful! I can imagine what fun it must have been!

  2. Wow!! You must have had soo much fun Aran! I loved that cake!And i really really wish I was in NY for the class…BUT I will be flying into the US once I am married…that is after feb 2010! So will attend it then :) What say?? :)

  3. Wow, you seem to have had a great time there! Everything looks so beautiful and well-presented! Your pictures are amazing too!



  4. Vanille says:

    Beautiful post !
    Must be wonderful experience to work with so many talented people…
    Looking forward to ear from your class next month !

  5. Anja says:

    actually I have to go to work now and I cannot read the whole post just yet. But I’ll return to your blog and read the whole post. The photos are wonderful and made me curious about what you write.

  6. Alicia says:

    So gorgeous!!! Aran I must confess as quickly as I’d love to tear into your magnificent tasty treasures, I’d be so afraid to eat those beautiful gems.
    I wish I was closer if not just to sneak in.

  7. morgana says:

    De verdad que cada vez que lo veo me quedo más prendada de las fotos del buen gusto, de la armonía que se destila de todo ello… Me he enamorado de los macarons naranjas y de la decoración de la tarta. Esto todo el conjunto tan elegante… Dice mi madre que llevo hablando igual que ahora desde que tenía un añito pero cuando veo estas cosas me quedo sin palabras, creo que no atino a describir lo que siento cuando lo veo. Sé que no es más que comida pero me transmite paz, alegría, armonía…

    GRACIAS por compartir estas cosillas con nosotros a través de tu blog.

  8. Absolutely stunning, your photos are amazing. The cakes are super, I really cannot find any other words…

    Your all must of had such a brilliant time..!!

    My son is a chef and has taken part in the Chicago Culinary Classics – the team are a British Forces team, they came 6th also earnt a Silver Medal..the were in the World Culinary olympics in Germany last year and got Gold, and he has just become the Senior
    Chef of the year in the Royal Airforce.

    I look at your blog quite a bit, for the photos, showed my son lots of your different desserts..He loved them!

  9. I don’t even like orange that much, but I *love* that color scheme! So gorgeous and bright, it just makes me happy to see it all. What a cool opportunity, and whoever’s in the class with you is so incredibly lucky!

  10. Lovely color scheme, styling and damn appetizing too, a real threat for my diet!
    You well deserved to be there, your latest recipe and styling is really top notch!

  11. Amazing, amazing. What a wonderful experience. So wonderful to meet so many fabulous people, too! I would love to be able to put something like that together one day…

  12. Dajda says:

    I’m happy you had an opportunity to be there, it all looks delightful in the photos.

  13. ChichaJo says:

    Everything is gorgeous! How I wish I could attend…especially the one with your class! A bit to far for me to travel though…it looks like an enchanted meal! :)

  14. Hi Aran
    what a lovely post, you brought it all back so wonderfully — thank you for participating and attending – we are all in love with you and your amazing talents – can’t wait till august !! so much love….karen & casey

  15. Anonymous says:

    Que pena que viva tan lejos…uuu. Que bonita foto trabajando. Beso carmen

  16. Bridget says:

    Beautiful pictures! I wish I could attend your class!

  17. that table is so beautiful, i can hardly believe it’s real. and how wonderful that you are teaching a class there…if it wasn’t sold out, i’d be there in a heartbeat!

  18. Y says:

    How gorgeous! Everything looks amazing :)

  19. aran these are incredible!!!! gorgeous really! love the snap of johanna and alex so fresh!

  20. K.Line says:

    100% GORGEOUS! I’m curious to know about the backdrop that looks like the cupcake icing design. Was it actually wallpaper or a prop for the shoot?

  21. Aran says:

    K. Line- That backdrop was specifically designed for the dessert table by Erica of Thoughtful Day under Amy’s vision. It is breathtaking isn’t it?

    Thanks everyone!

  22. Junglefrog says:

    Wow, Aran what a beautiful place! You must have had a lot of fun there… Beautiful photos as always!

  23. montague says:

    looks like such an amazing event! your contributions are dazzling… great great colors!

  24. isabelle says:

    Absolument magnifique!
    Le mariage des couleurs est surprenant et émouvant à la fois!
    Quel beau travail.

  25. Elizabeth says:

    A friend just introduced me to Sunday Suppers and wants to do a class together–now that I see what I’m in for I’m signing right up!

  26. Seanna Lea says:

    Wow. This sounds like a blast. Now I want to take a bus down to take one of the classes.

    Your photos are gorgeous!

  27. Faye says:

    This is so gorgeous. I love the orange and white, so pretty. I’m so inspired by your work!

  28. Aran says:

    Thanks so much everyone. Hope you get t attend one of these events!

  29. Amazing pictures. I love the color motiff.

  30. DoughGirl says:

    Breathtaking table! And the macarons sound delicious.

  31. Rumi says:

    Hi! I imagine you don’t have quite enough time to get around to all of the comments you get, but it would be really great if you could help me out!
    (Or, of course, anyone else who sees this comment who could provide a suggestion!)

    I LOVE macarons and I’ve made them about twice before, and they’ve turned out quite nicely (by my beginner standards), but I’m hesitant to make them again because I always have trouble figuring out what to do with the egg yolks!

    I was just wondering if you could tell us what you do with your remaining egg yolks?

  32. Jennie says:

    All the food looks so stunning – I don’t think I’d know where to begin making something so pretty. Very jealous of anyone going to the cookery class!

    Rumi – what about mayonnaise? It’s easy to do and keeps a while in the fridge. It’s also a million times better than the shop bought stuff. There’s also hollandaise, bearnaise etc.. although you’d probably have to plan to use those on the same day.

  33. ibb says:

    Benetan ikusgarriak dira argazkiak, eta seguru asko ikusgarriagoak hauek dastatzea. Izugarri ondo dihoakizu dena, horrela jarrai dezala.

    Eta lasai, denbora behar da gauza guztietarako eta gauzek bere denbora hartzen dute.

    Horrela jarraitu.

    Patxo bat.

  34. Catherine says:

    It’s noon in Paris, I’m straving and I’m looking at all your beautiful pictures !!! And so many great projects for you (fully deserved !) ! That’s good … Enjoy …

  35. Aran says:

    Rumi- Jennie is right, but if you want dessert you can always make creme brulee, pastry cream and ice cream which always use a lot of yolks. Those seem to me my go to desserts to use up lots of yolks.

    Thanks guys. You are so sweet!

  36. Christy says:

    What a great project, and a valuable experience to boot!! The dessert bar looks perfect!!! Actually, everything looks perfect!! You did such a great job!! I wish we had something like that in Melbourne…

  37. it was so wonderful to meet you — these photos are GORGEOUS! and thank you so much for posting our photo! hope to see you soon xoxo

  38. auri says:



  39. Tessa says:

    everything looks so beautiful! i’m consistently impressed by your work, every time i look at your site! this work is especially lovely. great color scheme!

  40. Aran says:

    Anauri- eskerrik asko! Zelan zabizie?

    Tessa- Thank you very much. I just wanted to point out that this is not all of my work. The color scheme, graphic design, cake… those are all created by the other women also involved in this project. I’m just glad to be one of them and the praise should really go to them.

    Thank you once again guys!

  41. Inés says:

    Aran tienes manos de Angel…nunca mejor dicho en su valor polisémico. !Qué fotos tan preciosas, qué ideas, qué productos….! Todo en tu blog es tan delicado y sugerente.
    Hoy, por cierto, he estado en el Boroa y esta vez he visto muy bien el punto de vista de las fotos que le hiciste. Aran, hau inbidia!. Me encantaría estar en una de tus sunday’s dinners escondida, de incógnito. Y seguro que también tú disfrutarás la próxima vez que vengas de una terraza sobre la hierba en cualquier lugar de Bizkaia. ezta?. Bueno Aran, ondo pasa bitartean ta segi horrela.

  42. What a wonderful opportunity and salivating end result ;)

  43. ´m an interior design stylist from Buenos Aires and just discovered your blog. I´s so inspiring and makes me feel so useless in the kitchen at the same time. Congratulation for such a delicate good taste! Bon appetit!

  44. Paoletta says:

    wow!!!!!It’s all beautiful!!!Compliments!
    Paola from Italy

  45. Ash says:

    I love Amy Atlas’ work… such a lucky lady!! Everything looks super divine! What a great class!

  46. Lori says:

    Wow! Every time I visit I cannot believe how lovely everything looks. A feast for the eyes. You have a beautiful, creative blog.

  47. Joslyn says:

    Aran, this is so incredibly cool. Your work is stunning as always…the entire thing is perfection! and so fun to snap a pick of alex and joanna.


  48. Ana says:

    Buenos días desde Alicante!

    Ante todo darte la enhorabuena por tu trabajo y agradecerte que compartas toda la belleza que creas. Desde que descubrí tu blog hace unos meses estoy totalmente fascinada por tu trabajo.

    La idea desarrollada en las Sunday Suppers me parece muy muy especial. Tanta belleza, tanto talento, tanta sensibilidad… Eres muy afortunada por participar en ellas ;)

    Y una preguntita, la fotos las sueles hacer con luz natural? Esa luz tan especial que tienen siempre tan clara, tan blanca y tan limpia es porque las tratas posteriormente con Photoshop? Empiezo a hacer mis pinitos con la foto, se nota, no?

    Mil gracias por aportar belleza al mundo.


  49. Aran says:

    Ana- Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Si, solo utilizo luz natural y es que ni tengo luces artificiales. tengo suerte de tener una buena ventana a la que llega muy buena luz. Hago algun retoque en Photoshop pero minimo ya que ni se utilizarlo. tengo el elements y no el CS asi q tampoco da para mucho.

  50. Anonymous says:

    Je suis jalouse !! I’d love to participate to such an evening but nothing like this in Geneva… unless you plan to organise something similar here ;)
    Eveything looks just tempting !
    Ciao !

  51. Ana says:

    Gracias de nuevo, Aran. Buen fin de semana!

  52. Gaia says:

    I love everything! beautiful pics !
    New york, food, nice pics, nice friends…you were so lucky to be partof this!
    Have a nice weekend!

  53. wow. i want those colors. i thought about doing a bathroom with a Moroccan theme, white, blue and orange. sometimes it looks greek isles too…anyways. yet again you make me excessively jealous :P hey though, i am slightly close to almost maybe getting a job. im crossing my fingers. and will pass the time making banana cakes. hehe.

  54. cindy* says:

    everything…amazing! what a perfect opportunity to display your talents. i can’t believe your class is on the 16th…i will be in NY all that week and fly home that exact day! what a treat everyone is in for ;)

  55. Everything looks so lovely!

  56. sinnlighet says:

    Oh my gooodness!! This blog is a Rolls Royce. I borrow some pictures to my blogg, and link back to your lovely…. I hopes that will be ok.

    Regards from Sweden & Agneta

  57. Aran, how wonderful to be surround by so much incredible beauty! I’m really excited for you in this new venture full of very creative people. I know you’re going to love it and it is only the beginning of another new path. Enjoy every moment!

  58. Julie says:

    Absolutely stunning- would be afraid to take a bite! What talent to team up with!

  59. Your photos never fail to impress me. I would love to attend your class!

  60. Stunning, simply stunning. I think I could design an entire home based on your lovely creations.

  61. ABowlOfMush says:

    I love the orange,white and blue, the colors together are beautiful! Looks like an Indian summer wedding :)

  62. Melvin says:

    wow,Absolutely beautiful!
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  64. oh wow.. after reading this I really wanna click online buy a ticket and head to the US to attend! thanks alot for sharing this experience and I’d love to know the details of the next class!

  65. Smarry says:

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  66. B Hawkins says:

    Wow Aran! How fun! How beautiful! Hope you family is well. Your new portfolio site is lovely. Well done!

    Peace, Beth Hawkins in Denver

  67. kanishk says:

    I’d be so afraid to eat those beautiful gems.

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