We traveled to Vermont to shoot my book trailer

The official release date for my upcoming book approaches.

October 23. Less than six months away.

It has felt intangible until now. Until the day we traveled to Vermont to shoot the book trailer.

The book has such a seasonal component that I really wanted the trailer to reflect that mood. I wanted the colors to be rich, deep, and the light to have amazing contrast of dark and bright.

As you know, I am desperately in love with Vermont and the house on the hill, so I asked Nadia if we could come shoot at her house. She graciously accepted and welcomed us with open arms.

You should have seen the look on Jon’s and Miren’s faces when they found out they were going to go visit auntie. For days all I heard was “how many days until we go to Nadia’s?”. Every morning. Every afternoon. I knew they would feel at ease on the hill and that would make things a lot smoother for all of us while we were working.

I envisioned us collecting eggs like we did last summer and autumn. Cooking and taking walks down to the pond where the apples trees had started blooming.

I was incredibly lucky to have Ryan Marshall join me for this project, especially since he has been so busy lately. He arrived from another assignment in California with little time to prepare, but he got it right from the beginning. He captured the moodiness and sense of comfort I wanted to convey and he was patient with me and the kids.

Above are some of the behind the scenes images that Nadia captured. I love them.

Nadia’s house has this magical light. The light that is let in through the trees. The light that reflects on wood. The light of hiding places. Magical, indeed.

I cooked, styled, photographed, and reviewed some of the pages from my book.

It was cold in Vermont. Green landscape with wintery shivers.

Bundled up we played outside and were tremendously lucky to visit the gardens at Tasha Tudor’s family estate. The family invited us to visit the gardens although they do not officially open until summer. They also kindly asked us not to photograph the estate as they wanted to keep a low profile and maintain their privacy. But I must say, it took my breath away. Naturally beautiful without too much manicuring… a bit of Vermont wilderness, the lifestyle of times past…

I must visit in the summer one more time.

We even had a picnic under the blooming apple trees. Pear, swiss chard, and gruyere tart. Also scallop, beet, fennel and apple salad in jars, and for dessert, candied apple clafoutis.

All from my book.

I cannot wait for you to see the book trailer.

I hope you are as excited as I am.

Thank you Nadia and Ryan for being so wonderful.

Vignettes 11 and 12 are copyright of Nadia Dole. Used with author’s permission.

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68 Responses to “We traveled to Vermont to shoot my book trailer”

  1. Marie says:

    sounds incredible! how long’ve you been working on this project? and.. well I have to admit I haven’t read all of your posts so I cannot now.. how does it feel like to publish your own book? well of course, amazing and unbelievable but could you tell me more?
    M. ♥

  2. Giulia says:

    Lovely photos once again. I like the moody dark one in particular as you don’t shoot on dark background often. Also, I’ve never heard of a book trailer – is it a type of introductory video? Where would it be used?

  3. oh aran, it was a lovely time and did feel as you were family so i deeply touched that you used the word “auntie” how i love these kids and the way they are ease here makes my heart grow.

    these look wonderful aran and i like what you capture of our apple trees and pond, the house always looks lovely in your pics and to see some of my photographs here of the behind the scenes is exciting!

    i too can’t wait to see what ryan creates, i appreciated his vision so with your grace and ease behind the camera i think it till be wonderful!

  4. Melissa says:

    Lovely photos! I want to go visit there!

  5. Page Song says:

    gorgoeus photos as always!!! i live in vermont and it’s just absolutel gorgeous! love the little cabin your shoot took place in :)

  6. Gorgeous clicks! i’d love to visit Vermont.

    That sounds so exciting. So you are going to publish a book soon?



  7. david smith says:

    Just gorgeous!! I love Vermont too, it’s so lovely. Excited to see your book trailer and for when your recipe book comes out xo

  8. So exciting! Beautiful picture once again

  9. tami says:

    so beautiful. so excited for you, aran :)

    - t*

  10. Iratxe says:

    ¡¡¡QUE EMOCIÓN!!!… qué momento, cuántas coas… Muxuak.

  11. squeal! I didn’t know you were in the process of a book, but the photos are fantastic! It solidified that I *must* visit Vermont someday. :) Can’t wait to see the trailer and the book. I’m searching Amazon right now just to keep it in my wish-list for preordering!
    Sarah M

  12. Anis says:

    Thank you thank you for the Sneak peak love it! I do relever when I stumbled upon your blog it was instant love, really and since then I was secretly hoping for a book!
    back in 2008,oh my god time flies! I posted my first comment I was a little bit worry to be disappointed but you never disappoint I found out a very kind and generous woman behind the blog! You do deserve everything because you worked hard I cannot tell you how anxious I am to get my copy of the book because it will be part of our familly just like your blog! Wish you the best sweet Aran
    Enjoy! And thank you Nadia for the beautiful behind the scene pictures as usual!

  13. Jodie says:

    I love the pictures of everything and the food. Excited about the book trailer. :)

  14. Ze argazki politak, zelako lekuak, etxea, koloreak, Jon, Miren eta zu, ze ondo!!!
    Emozio handia sentiduko dozue, zelan poztuten naizen. Desietan nago liburuaren aurkezpena ikusteko.
    ZORIONAK! zure lanagatik.
    Besarkada bat danori.

  15. Carola says:

    That place look magical, and u look so peacefull and spired.
    Im counting the day to see the book trailer.



  16. Beautiful!

    In 10 years this shoot will make your teary-eyed with your kids being small …wanting to turn back time.

  17. How beautiful, wow! You manage to capture the beauty and magic in everything. Very inspiring.

  18. Eeeeeep, so exciting! Can’t wait! :)

  19. I hope you’ve gained sponsorship from Vermont tourism :). You make me want to hop on a plane all the way from Brisbane to see that light, those blossoms, and stand among those trees.

    I’ll be making these my official Friday daydream images ;)

  20. Itxaso says:

    Joe, baia ze polite!!Egie da, kontraste handiegoa igirten da eta ze polito ikusten dan dana. Zelako etxea dekon…Desietan nau bideoa ikusteko!!!oso guapa zauz.Besarkada bat

  21. Thanks all! The trailer won’t be ready for a few weeks but this is the first place where I will share it. I cannot wait to see it myself.

    Miren eta Itxaso- eskerrik asko benetan. Vermontera joaten bazarie, maitemindute joango zarie etxera zuek be. Besarkada handi bet.

    Thanks all!

  22. Sarah says:

    I am so happy for you to have this opportunity. I’m sure the book will be just as lovely as your writing, recipes and photos here. I can already tell the book is going to be a huge hit and I’m anxiously awaiting to get a copy. Congratulations!
    Your photos of Vermont are stunning and make me crave a visit there even more than I do. I adore Nadia’s blog…I think I’m her biggest blog fan and I love seeing the hill from a different perspective. You both capture such beautiful emotion in all your photos. I’m sure your time there was amazing. It all looks like a dream.
    Congratulations again ~

  23. Jennifer says:

    Oh, my goodness these are gorgeous Aran. Such a beautiful mood you’ve captured.

  24. Gorgeous photos! Such a inspiring blog from you. Keep posting dear.

  25. Stephanie says:

    Love the sneak peeks of the trailer and of the book (I was scrutinizing the sheets on the table :)). Cannot wait for those scrumptious recipes! Nadia is a gem and I’m so glad it went well for everyone. A project like that, with kids, is fairly monumental.

  26. Carmen says:

    La verdad que la casa de Nadia parece de cuento! que ganas de que llegue octubre…mas bien que ganas de tener tu libro! :D

  27. these are such wonderfull photos and the nature is really beautiful. thank you for sharing this

  28. I am sure it is going to be a knockout trailer this post is amazing and images so so beautiful and inspiring…I linked you today on my blog for inspiration for a green spring!!
    Carla xx

  29. Beautiful! I know you are working hard toward this book project’s coming in to fruition. The photos make it look easy. They are rich and glorious. I know your book will be a great success. I can’t wait to get my copy! Enjoy the process and come back to New England often!

  30. Inés says:

    Aran…ze ondo! Ederra beti bezala baina badago argazki bat Miren kolorezko bolak daraman lepokoarekin….ikaragarri polita Mirentxu izugarri ederra dago!!!!!

  31. magda says:

    Amazing photos. Thank you for your inspiring blog!

  32. Danielle says:

    How absolutely breathtaking! I could look at these photos and read your words all day – they fill me with such inspiration and so many wonderful ideas. I love especially what you said about magical light – “light that is let in through the trees. The light that reflects on wood. The light of hiding places.” I know just what you mean :) I’ll anxiously await the release of your book in October, and congrats!!


  33. sandra says:

    I have the same rust colored ‘butterfly’ plant on my kitchen windowsill but don’t know its name. Do you know what it is called?

    I love your shot of the rooster. And where those eggs colored or did they come out of the chicken(s) that way? Beautiful!

  34. Tanya says:

    So beautiful, so exciting for you!!

  35. I can hardly wait to get my hands on your book! I know it will be absolutely beautiful and speak true to your brand. Such an inspiration to myself and so many others. Thank you for doing all that you do. Much love.

  36. beautiful aran, i love the house in vermont, oh that light !
    so excited for you – on all fronts and can’t wait to catch up in person, soon i hope :)

  37. Shelby says:

    What a darling post Aran, lovely photos and words….I’m looking so forward to the trailer!

  38. Sally says:

    How nice to have to go to work in Vermont! So looking forward to your book and the photos. Now I have a bee in my bonnet–I may have to house hunt for a summer cottage–a few weeks in Vermont sounds like the perfect remedy for winter weariness.

  39. a. maren says:

    your photos are beautiful and your children are darling. i’m very excited for you and your book!

  40. Congratulations Aran on your new book – it sounds like you had an amazing time in VT, such striking and lovely photos! Looking forward to the trailer and your book release!

  41. What an awesome post, and such amazing, warm photos. It makes me feel a little warmer, like being at your grandma’s house and knowing she’s going to cook something amazing. I can already smell it…

    Keep up the awesome job, October is close and I am sure you will absolutely nail it! :)

    Greetings from Sydney!

  42. janet says:

    Awesome. I can’t wait for your book to come out. Your photos inspire me to take better photos of my cooking delights.

  43. Magical atmosphere, indeed. Made me wanna go to Nadya’s house :)

  44. What a beautiful pear tart! Your book project sounds so exciting. I’m looking forward to when it comes out.

  45. Lyn says:

    Congrats on the book. The photos are lovely. I love the light.

  46. kindsofhoney says:

    Beautiful! I love the photos of you working on the layout and pages – I always like to see an artist in her process of design and creation.

  47. vicki archer says:

    I can’t wait for your book … it will be wonderful. I am sure the trailer will be fabulous as it looks like you all had a brilliant time putting it together… xv

  48. gorgeous images! Happy for you

    best wishes and hugs


  49. argone says:

    Can’t wait to see it too !! Vermont seems to be a magic place to be …

  50. You know how to keep us curious! Love the moody atmosphere of your pics!

  51. Maria Fl says:

    Such Beautiful pictures!!I wish you the best of luck to both your nomination and your new book!I am always excited to see new posts and pictures from you..Kisses from Greece!

  52. Thanks everyone for your kind words.

    This will there will be a sneak peek into my book so stay tuned!

  53. So very beautiful…so much to love here!Looking forward to the book. It will definitely join our cookbook collection.

  54. Sabina says:

    I’ve followed you for some time – found you via Nadia and la porte rouge – but this last week I decided to try out a few of your recipes. They were amazing!! Thank you so much for such a wonderful, inspiring blog/place to visit. I look forward to your cookbook and more fabulous recipes and photos!!

  55. Sabina, there is nothin more rewarding when readers like my recipes. So thank you for taking the time to let me know. Made my day!

  56. Isabelle says:

    Beautiful Pictures! I’ve always been fascinated by Vermont. It reminds very much of northern Sweden’s countryside. Maybe that’s the reason for my fascintation: that two places as far apart can be so similar!

    And your book will surely be a success!

  57. Martha says:

    It sounds you had a lovely time in Vermont and the pictures are beautiful as always. I’m excited and looking forward to the release of your book.

  58. Nadia’s house does look like a dream come true with that light.

    Can’t wait to see the trailer!

  59. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited for a cookbook before. Cannot wait!

  60. Asiye Ivedi says:

    sounds and looks absolutely amazing!

  61. ibb says:

    ZORIONAK! sei hilabete baino gutxiago liburua kaleratzeko…zelako emozioa.
    Argazkiak beti bezala bereziak eta azpaldiko partez zu hor ikusteak…
    Umeak arin dihoaz gora…
    Sorterik onena liburuarekin,

  62. Hola Guapísima!!! Delicioso tu post de hoy! Siempre consigues emocionarnos! Nosotras estamos aquí además de para visitar tu cocina, que nos encanta….para traerte una sorpresita!! Una de esas que tanta ilusión nos hace y que nos motivan e ilusionan para dar cada día lo mejor de nosotras!!! Ven a visitarnos que lo tenemos allí preparado para tí! Besitos fuertes!! Patricia & Adela

  63. I love your blog (all blog and photos)!!!! Congrats!!!!I am from Brazil and I have a blog too (http://www.comogiraosol.blogspot.com.br/)…but it is in portuguese and sometimes in french…
    I hope one day I will have time and write in english too…

  64. Just GORGEOUS! I can’t wait!!!

  65. Hajira says:

    Hi! Where can I find those amazing spoons (red polka dot) that you have in your pictures? Thanks!

  66. Jo says:

    What a magical place! Your images are so lovely.

  67. steph says:

    I think you could sell this as a travel book as well–the photography is stunning!!!! can’t wait!

  68. Unknown says:

    You are one of my Favorite food blogger/photographers. When I need a lift in my soul I open your blog and drink in the photos. Thank you Thank You! I will be getting the new cookbook in the fall for my daughter who is very sensitive to all things gluten.

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