A recipe to be revealed

I just returned from France where the leaves began turning, the rain saturated color, and I wore a colorful scarf everyday.

Autumn had arrived in La Dordogne.

Just like these tiny, tiny crabapples.

The workshop went very well and I met some amazing women from all over the world. More on it later when I can catch my breath a bit.

And it’s finally October. October 2012, the month I so anxiously waited for the last two years as I was working on my book. Can I tell you how thrilled I am? I hope you will allow me to spend some time talking about it as the official publication date (October 23rd) approaches.

I also wanted to tell you that “Small Plates and Sweet Treats” is available for preorder right now. These are some of the book sellers in the US where you can order it from…


Barnes & Noble


The book will also be sold at Anthropologie, which I am really excited about.

It is also available for preorder in Europe from…

Amazon UK

Amazon France

Many of you have reached to ask me if it will be available in Australia. It will indeed in November. Please see here.

Oh, and it is currently being translated to German!

To celebrate the upcoming launch of “Small Plates and Sweet Treats” I would love to share a recipe from inside the book with you. How does that sound?

All you need to do is leave a comment and let me know if you would like to see a recipe for a savory small plate or a sweet treat.

Which one will it be?

Small Plate…

…. or Sweet Treat?

I will announce the winner tomorrow and will be back with one of my favorite recipes from inside the book. Hope you will like it too.

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149 Responses to “A recipe to be revealed”

  1. Oh congrats Aran! Again! You must be so excited!
    And I vote for… sweet!!

  2. How exciting!

    I’d love to see a recipe for a savory small plate.



  3. Me encantaría ver uno de tus sweet treats Aran!! Mi más sincera enhorabuena, espero ansiosa la publicación de tu libro. Mucho éxito. Besos!

  4. Carmen says:

    Mmmm me cuesta decidirme pero…small small plate!bs

  5. Congratulations again, Aran! So exciting!!

    I would love to see a recipe for a savory small plate!

  6. Three more days…so excited. I checked on my order this morning.
    Aran, it’s the very first cookbook that I have pre-sale purchased!
    I will request SWEET, please.
    Your day is almost here.

  7. Three more days…so excited. I checked on my order this morning.
    Aran, it’s the very first cookbook that I have pre-sale purchased!
    I will request SWEET, please.
    Your day is almost here.

  8. Anis says:

    Sweet treat;)!

  9. Cinta says:

    Yo también quiero un sweet! Voy directa a reservar tu libro! Felicidades Aran!

  10. Elena says:

    Hi Aran,
    My name is Elena and I’m an avid reader of your blog and an even more avid tester and taste-er of your recipes;-)! I also dream to visit the Basque Country one day… It will be soon, I hope! And because we talk about dreams, I’ve dreamed about your natillas recipe (I guess that I’m in for the sweet treat;-)!) since your last autumn post about Vermont and your friend Nadia’s house on the hill!
    I can barely wait October 23! Could I send you the book for signing (we leave in Upstate New York and it would be difficult for me to get at one of your book signing events)? It would mean the world to me…
    Thank you!

  11. The photos themselves are very delicious. I love every single post here. All the best to the book launch!

  12. Katy Noelle says:

    After baking so many sweet things, yesterday, I vote for a savory small plate, pretty please! =]

    and, simply, reading your posts and seeing your excitement and joy in what you do – I am/have been so happy for you!


  13. Jessica says:

    Awesome!! I vote for a savory small plate!!

    Can’t wait to get your book:)

  14. Thank you guys. I love the enthusiasm.

    Elena- most certainly. Please email me at aran@arangoyoaga.com to discuss details.

  15. Giulia says:

    Small Plate! Congratulations again – well deserved. Can’t wait to get my hands on it.

  16. KJB says:

    Small plate. Savoury over sweet!

  17. ary says:

    Sweet Treat!
    Congrats for the book!

  18. Suny Senabre says:

    El libro debe ser una maravilla y sinceramente con poder disfrutar de una de sus recetas ya me conformaría. Pero por decir alguna casi me decanto por samll.


  19. Asha @ FSK says:

    Congratulations on the book Aran!!!

    And I would love to see a savory small plate please..

  20. heather jane says:

    I am a fan of savory dishes in the fall, so my vote is for a savory small plate.

    p.s. I found your blog via Whole Living. Thought you’d enjoy knowing who your new subscribers are as a result of that gorgeous article.

  21. Definitely want to see a sweet treat! Congrats on the book!

  22. Sherri says:

    Will buy my book @ Anthro – my vote is for small plates

  23. Maude says:

    Ooo, this is exciting for all of us too!

    But how cruel of you to ask us to choose! I don’t want to choose, I want the whole book NOW!

    And since fall is here in Canada too, I won’t be choosing sweet or savory, but rather, something with squash. I bought several different kinds and need inspiration to cook them. :)

    Thanks for this upcoming sneak peek!

  24. Jessica says:

    Congrats! I vote for a savory small plate! I can’t wait to see which one is chosen!

  25. Toya says:

    Hola Aran!

    no puedo esperar a tener una copia de tu libro! lo tengo el primero de mi wish list. Pero no sé si esperarme, ¿hay algún proyecto para publicarlo en español?
    Muchas gracias por compartir tanto en tu blog, besos desde madrid,

    pd. ah, voto por receta salada!

  26. Yelle says:

    I say – small plate! I adore your photos, they are gorgeous!

  27. It seems like you guys are evenly divided between one and the other :)

    Heather Jane- oh that’s wonderful about Whole Living. Glad you enjoyed it. The team was amazing and the story came out beautifully.

    Thank you!

  28. Inés says:

    ZORIONAK ARAN!!! Small plates please!

  29. C.B. says:

    Congrats! I can’t wait to get your book (I assume it will be out on the same date in Canada). I would love to see a sweet treat recipe…but really any of your recipes are great so I’ll be pleased either way. Again congratulation for your book.

  30. Kenon says:

    I would love to see a sweet treat recipe! I definitely look forward to reading your book from beginning to end when it is released. :)

  31. Meghan says:

    This is a surprisingly difficult choice, but I’m going with small plate! Congrats on the lovely book.

  32. Eva says:

    Hi Aran,
    my smiling got even bigger and bigger when I read that your book is also translated to German :) Do you have already an idea when it might be published?
    Regards, Eva

  33. Heather says:

    Savory small plate!! I can’t wait to see this cookbook!

  34. What a fantastic and intriguing giveaway!

    I would love to receive a small plate recipe. Fingers crossed!

  35. Eryn says:

    Your book looks so beautiful!

    I vote for a small plate.

  36. Anonymous says:

    A small plate! (A soup, perhaps? Your soups are absolutely divine – I made the Red Kuri squash soup at least a dozen times last fall/winter.)

    - Kris

  37. Eva- I am not certain when that will be but as I know more I will let you guys know. I am excited to have my book translated to German! :)

    Thank you!

  38. Trish says:

    So exciting, Aran! I just pre-ordered my copy last night. :)

    I’d be happy to see either, but I’ll cast my vote for a ‘sweet treat’.

  39. Anonymous says:

    I would love to see a savory small plate. Congrats on your new book!

  40. A sweet treat.. Good luck with the book!!! Wish you all success!! :)

  41. Debra says:

    Many congratulations Aran! What an achievement, and what a spectacular blog, beautiful pictures and writing.
    I have a blog too and am inspired by you and what you have accomplished.
    I am already for the most part gluten free in my cooking, but am trying to achieve 100% gluten, dairy and sugar free in my baking… so, I would love a sweet treat!
    Otra vez, de una compatriota (aunque yo soy andaluza) a otra: enhorabuena!! bravo!

    Debra, the Saffron Girl

  42. Debra says:

    Many congratulations Aran! What an achievement, and what a spectacular blog, beautiful pictures and writing.
    I have a blog too and am inspired by you and what you have accomplished.
    I am already for the most part gluten free in my cooking, but am trying to achieve 100% gluten, dairy and sugar free in my baking… so, I would love a sweet treat!
    Otra vez, de una compatriota (aunque yo soy andaluza) a otra: enhorabuena!! bravo!


  43. Anonymous says:

    Many congratulations Aran! What an achievement, and what a spectacular blog, beautiful pictures and writing.
    I have a blog too and am inspired by you and what you have accomplished.
    I am already for the most part gluten free in my cooking, but am trying to achieve 100% gluten, dairy and sugar free in my baking… so, I would love a sweet treat!
    Otra vez, de una compatriota (aunque yo soy andaluza) a otra: enhorabuena!! bravo!

    Debra, The Saffron Girl

  44. Dawn Renee' says:

    I am so happy for you Aran and wish you lots of sales :). Please make mine sweet.

  45. Wonderful and exciting to have such a fantastic reception for your book… a dream come true!

    I cook for gluten free friends once a week and desserts are so hard for me to come up with. I vote for a sweet preview (and once your book comes out we will all have more options both sweet and savory!)

    Sincere wishes for all the best and for more dreams realized.

  46. Wandy says:

    Congratulations, I have been following & I’m anticipating your book too! My vote is for a sweet treat! ;)

  47. Deeba PAB says:

    Congratulations to one of my most favourite food bloggers. Such a fruitful journey…and such a delightful one! What a tough choice Aran … I’m just going to say one of each!{So thrilled for you!}

  48. Wandy says:

    Congratulations, I have been following & I’m anticipating your book too! My vote is for a sweet treat! ;)

  49. Katie says:

    savory small plate please!! :D

  50. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Aran,

    Thank you for offering to share a recipe from your book! I can’t wait to buy a copy (and one for a gluten-free friend too :).

    I vote for a savory small plate. Something warm, hearty, and happy for Fall.

    Thanks again,

  51. Congrats! I am mesmerized by the color of those leaves!

    My vote is for a savory small plate. :)

  52. Lisa says:

    I’d like a sweet treat! Congratulations on the release of your lovely book. I can’t wait to purchase it.

  53. Anonymous says:

    lovely! i choose…mmmm…no…yummmm…a savory small plate! thanks for sharing your talents with us! pm minneapolis, mn

  54. Hannah says:

    Congratulations on your book!! So excited to see you when you come to Seattle.

    My vote is for a savory small plate.

  55. Sara Bryant says:

    Congrats! I love your blog so much.

    My vote is for a savory small plate.

  56. Sini says:

    So exciting…

    I would like to get a sneek peek at a small plate :) Something comforting for the colder getting days would be perfect.

  57. Jan says:

    Congratulations!!!! Of coarse we would love to experience
    one of the recipes from your upcoming book. We are so very happy for you. We’ll look forward to tomorrow until then Bon appetite.

  58. Wonderful new, Aran!
    With fall coming on, I’d love a savory receipe.

  59. Anonymous says:

    Savory Small Plate Please!

  60. michael says:

    Congrats! I am most excited for the book release! My vote is for a small plate!

  61. Nina Bille says:

    Thank you for sharing a recipe – I’m voting for a small plate!
    Congratulations – looking forward to the 23rd :-)

  62. Elsbeth says:

    Congrats, Aran! Your book looks lovely. I vote for a savoury small plate. Good luck!

  63. Alicia says:

    Definitely sweet for me! It is raining here in England, I need something to cheer me up?

  64. Kim Garceau says:

    Sooooo trilled to see this book!!!!! I know, I’m predictable, sweet is my vote!!!

  65. Toutes mes félicitations et mon admiration! et bien sure sweet treat

  66. Christina says:

    So excited for you! & so hard to choose…..savory!

  67. KAM says:

    Congratulations on your new book. I love your blog and follow every post. I would delight in having a savory recipe shared from this book; already added the book to my holiday gift wish list!

  68. Cynthia A. says:

    First off well done on your book! It looks beautiful.

    My vote is for a small plate please, though I’m sure either would be divine.

  69. Amy says:

    Congratulations. Such a gorgeous book. I would love to see a savory small plate. :)

  70. Carrie says:

    Aran, Congratulations on the publication of your beautiful book! I can’t wait to hold one in my hands. So lovely. I vote for savory…. ;-)

  71. I vote for sweet and am super excited we will soon be able to read the book. In german and french too. Wow. That is great news. Congrats.. You deserve the best.

  72. Elizabeth@shoptwig says:

    I can’t wait for my copy to arrive. I vote for a savory recipe. :)

  73. Anonymous says:

    savory! congrats!

  74. Bize says:

    Congratulations, I look forward to getting your book. I would like to see a savory plate using gluten-free flours. Thanks!

  75. ThatGirlRuns says:

    As an unapologetic sweet tooth I would love to see a sweet recipe!!!

  76. azalaïs says:

    Hi I will like read your book but I’m french. Can you translate your book in french?
    I like look at your blog and I will be very happy read your recipes in French.
    thank for your blog

  77. Mònica says:

    Hola Aran , muchas felicidades por el libro , sólo con ver la portada ya te dan ganas de comprarlo inmediatamente!! espero que se pueda comprar en España.
    Yo sin ninguna duda., ahora que viene el fresquito me gustaría una receta dulce…
    Hace mucho que te sigo y me encanta tu trabajo , felicidades

  78. Azalais and Karine- the book will be translated to german, but so far not French. It is available for sale in France but the English version. Sorry… It really is not up to me. It’s all about the demand! :)

    Thank you everyone!

  79. marianne says:

    Wowie….your book will be delivered October 9th..they moved up the date!!

  80. Heather A says:

    I vote savory small plate.

  81. Rosie says:

    A savoury recipe would be great :)

  82. I am so blown away by every photo you take. They are absolutely breathtaking.

  83. I’d love to see something sweet! Your book looks absolutely amazing!

  84. carin n says:

    Small plate,please! Love your recipes and photos ❤

  85. carin n says:

    Small plate, please! I love your recipes and photos ❤

  86. Livia Luzete says:

    Hi Aran, congratulations about this amazing and tender book.
    I have no international credit card, but I’ll try to aks at one library here if it could get your book.Or when one of my travellers friends go to U.S.A or Europe, they buy to me.
    I’m following your blog. And will be a pleasure to get a piece of your blog inside of my kitchen.I don’t need don’t eat Gluten Free food,but I love your recipes.

    Sweet treat,please

    Kisses from Brazil.

  87. Juan Yu says:

    Small plate of savory treats for me… :)

  88. Juan Yu says:

    Small plate of savory treats for me… :)

  89. Hola Aran, desde que Maider me habló (mejor dicho, me dejó un mensaje) de tu blog, he venido siguiendote. Y la verdad es que es un placer ver las fotos tan bonitas que haces, pero además están las deliciosas recetas sin gluten, tan necesarias en mi día a día. Me gustaría ver tu libro publicado en español y poderme hacer con un ejemplar. Mi enhorabuena por tan gran bonito trabajo.
    Mucha suerte y muchas felicidades.
    Saludos desde Mallorca
    María José

  90. Anonymous says:

    Savory, savory, savory! =)

  91. I vote for savory please…….and preordered what I know will be a gorgeous book what seems like ages ago! Turning quite blue holding my breath waiting for it to arrive! You have the most stunning photos!

  92. So soon, exciting!
    Hopefully the demand for the book in French increases so you can see that happen too, I’d love to purchase one. Of course in English works too… it’s just more fun for me to read in French :)

    I vote for small plate.

  93. Shelley R says:

    Your book looks beautiful Aran – I can’t wait to get it!

    Sweet treat recipe please :)

  94. Jackie says:

    Sweet treat, sweet treat :-)

  95. Anonymous says:

    Mazel Tov on your new book..wishing you great success. J’adore the Dordogne region and have wonderful memories spending time with family who live there. Wishing you a sweet and savory day. I would love to see a savory recipe.

  96. MySanSouci says:

    Wonderful! I can’t wait for the book!

    Sweet treat is my vote!

  97. Noël says:

    Can I have both? ;) If I had to choose, I would choose small plate. Hope I win!

  98. Anonymous says:

    savory….European transplant here too, can’t wait to cook from your book, congratulations!

  99. workinpants says:

    i would love to have a recipe for a savoury treat—always on the lookout for something to serve at Bookclub!absolutely adore your blog–i read about it in the Whole Living Martha Stewart Magazine–just beautiful!! and your photography is dreamy!

  100. Gretchen says:

    Congratulations on your book. I am glad to see that it will be released in Australia. I can’t choose between small plate or sweet treat so any recipe you want to share would be great.

  101. Mila says:

    Oh! I can’t wait to get the book!!!! Let’s do the sweet treat! :)

  102. Susan LP says:

    While I should be good and say small plate, I must be true to myself and say sweet treat.

  103. Nice conversation about recipe .

  104. Anonymous says:

    Such beautiful photos!
    Savory small plate, pretty please!

  105. Amanda Thompson says:

    Sweet Treat!!

  106. Jimena says:

    Congratulations Aran!!
    Can’t wait to get the book and try all the recipes!… I would choose a small plate!

  107. Liza Pascal says:

    small plate, small plate, we like small plates!!!!

  108. Liza Pascal says:

    small plates, small plates, we want small plates!!

  109. Liza Pascal says:

    small plate, small plate, we like small plates!!!!

  110. Ivana says:

    sweet treat!! of course!

  111. Enhorabuena por el libro, seguro que será un éxito. Sigo tu blog desde hace mucho tiempo, aunque nunca había dejado un comentario antes.
    ¡Ah, y voto por algo dulce!

  112. Alison says:

    ooh savory please, the book looks just gorgeous

  113. I cannot wait to see the book! Would love a savory small plates recipe.

  114. ibb says:

    Europan ere hemen topatu leike…

    Bidaltzeko gaztuak ez dauz, interesgarria da ere eta niri beti oso ondo funtzionatu izan zait…

    Eta gaztelerara noizko?

    Suerte asko liburuagaz.

  115. Melka says:

    Book looks beautiful! Congratulation! I vote for sweet treat:-)

  116. guylaine165 says:

    How exciting!

    I’d love to see a recipe for a savory small plate.

  117. furochan says:

    would love a savoury dish! ^_______^

  118. Congratulations!
    I would like a sweet one, please!

  119. Unknown says:

    Sweet treat please, something to hold on to in a winter day!The book has such beautiful pictures, well done!

  120. Liz says:

    How you’ve inspired me to cook with less wheat, and now food blog! A newbie indeed but without leaders like you.. where would we newbies be? I have a 10-yr-old son who is a sweet tooth maniac, so it has to be a Sweet Treat choice for me. He’d chastise me otherwise! Love the Dordogne – used to spend childhood hols there caravanning!

  121. Sarah says:

    I have only just discovered your blog but can already see myself whiling away many hours reading it… Your recipes seem delicious and your photography is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on your book! Oh and I hope to see a sweet recipe but a small plate will be great too, it’s a win-win!

  122. To my German friends… I have news about when my book will be translated into German…

    AT Verlag plans on publishing in Fall 2013.

    Exciting. Thank you!!

  123. Becky says:

    I am a new reader and have been enjoying your posts and lovely photos. Savory plate please, even though I LOVE all things sweet!

  124. Congratulations on the book! I can’t wait to get a copy once it’s out! I would love a recipe a savory recipe for cool weather approaching us this Fall season. You’re beautiful images have inspired me to eat more gluten-free too!

  125. Teresa says:

    Confratulations on the book Aran. I love your blog. After the stress of the day it is so relaxing to come to your blog, and enjoy with the colorful pictures and your stories. I already preordered the book and I am looking forward to have it with me. A savory recipe would be great, please.

  126. Anonymous says:

    Congratulation on the book Aran. I love your blog. After the stress of the day It is very relaxing to look at the colorful pictures and read your stories. I already preordered your book and I am looking forward to have it with me. I am sure it is going to be beautiful. I would like a recipe for a savory small plate please. Thank you!

  127. Me says:

    … savory treat, please!

  128. Neisha says:

    I’d love to see a sweet treat. That is a beautiful cover, by the way!

  129. Splenderosa says:

    Aran, I’ve just pre-ordered your lovely book, and I plan to give a copy to everyone on my Christmas list. Brava !!!

  130. Renee says:

    I love the trailer for your book. I would enjoy being able to preview a recipe before the book is released.

  131. Renee says:

    I love the trailer for your book. I would enjoy being able to preview and prepare a recipe from the book too.

  132. Linda Scharff says:

    Your photos are exquisite! and I am sure that the food is very tastey and healthy!
    Thank you for sharing all you have shared already!

  133. Verou says:

    I’ve just got my book “Small Plates & Sweet Treats” from Amazon !!! So impatient to cook tomorrow for my man ! Congrats!! I love it ;)

  134. Christine Anderson says:

    small plates please. Thank you – and best to you and your family, cha

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