Raspberry and Pink Peppercorn Macarons and a Little Giveaway

Every time I go home, I come back with a spare suitcase full of food and ingredients. This time was no different. A few blocks of Idiazabal cheese, over a dozen large cans of tuna in olive oil, jars of cooked beans, spices, recycled yogurt containers and a large bag of freeze-dried raspberry powder. This was a bit of a surprise since this is not a common ingredient in our traditional cuisine, but a good surprise nevertheless.

So this week when I had a request for macarons, I decided to put it to good use and pair it with the sweet and delicate spiciness of pink peppercorns.

Last year, I made pink peppercorns macarons served with strawberry sorbet that ended up being a hit.

If you have never had red berries with a touch of pepper, you should definitely try it. It adds a new dimension and brings out the flavors. The pink peppercorns are so mild that when mixed with the sweet buttercream and the raspberry macarons shell, it just becomes more like an aromatic layer rather than a spicy flavor. Hard to explain, but definitely a must-try. Even my little guy loved them and he is a picky one.

You can definitely make your own raspberry powder by drying some fresh raspberries and processing them, but this stuff I brought back is very, very fine with an amazing red color.

I will be sharing some of it with you. All you have to do is leave a comment from now until Friday June 5th and I will be choosing the random lucky number over the weekend. And maybe I will throw a couple of more goodies in there as well. Good luck!

Raspberry Macarons

140 grams egg whites
3 grams egg white powder
80 grams sugar
180 grams almond flour
240 grams powdered sugar
2 grams salt
7 grams freeze-dried raspberry powder
2 drops red food coloring

Make sure that the egg whites have been separated from the egg yolks at least the night before. This bit of aging really makes a difference in the macarons.

In a large bowl, sift together the almond flour, powdered sugar, sea salt and raspberry powder. Set aside.

Whip the egg whites with the egg white powder until very fluffy, almost fully whipped. Start adding the sugar slowly while whipping. Add the red food coloring and continue whipping to stiff peaks.

Add the dry ingredients to the meringue and fold with a spatula until a shiny mass forms. We want to achieve a batter that makes ribbons. You might have to test it to see if it’s done. Pipe a small amount on your sheetpan. If it keeps a little bit of a top when piped, then you have to mix it a bit further, if it spreads really fast, you have gone too far and your macarons will turn out flat.

When you have the right consistency, place the mass in a pastry bag with a number 5 tip and pipe small rounds onto sheetpans lined with parchment or silpat. Let them dry at room temperature for at least 45 minutes to an hour. The tops must be dry when you touch them.

Have the oven preheated to 350F degrees. Place one sheetpan in the oven at a time and reduce the temperature to 300F degrees. Bake for 8 minutes and rotate sheetpan and bake for another 5 minutes.

Let the macarons cool on the sheetpan.

Pink Peppercorn Buttercream

100 grams egg whites
200 grams sugar
300 grams unsalted butter, room temperature
2 tsp (or to taste) finely ground pink peppercorns

In the bowl of an electric mixer, whisk together egg whites and the sugar lightly. Place over a water bath until sugar is dissolved and the mixture is warm to the touch. Bring bowl to the electric mixer and whip until stiff peaks form.

Continue whipping until the bowl feels cool. Add butter, a tablespoon at a time while whipping. It might look like it is separating but continue whipping and it will come together.

Add the ground pink peppercorns and taste.

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355 Responses to “Raspberry and Pink Peppercorn Macarons and a Little Giveaway”

  1. sg says:

    they look scrumptious…i’m truly tempted to attempt to make these myself…

  2. I can’t get my head around berries + pepper.. I must try this!! Lovely photos as usual =)

  3. amy says:

    I made macarons for the first time about 2 weeks ago, and haven’t stopped since. I’m slowly becoming obsessed (thanks to your site), and am running to whole foods to buy pink peppercorns!

  4. laila S. says:

    That really looks elegant.I love to make macarons and your blog is inspiration for flavors combination.Please keep them coming.

  5. kgkq says:

    I love all the macaron flavors you come up with!!!!! Amazing

  6. Chao says:

    wow, such a pretty pink shade.

    peppercorns with raspberry?
    sounds tempting!

  7. Truc says:

    Aran: your macarons are absolutely gorgeous and your blog is truly inspirational. Can’t wait to see what your next batch of macarons are!

  8. MsGourmet says:

    Your raspberry macarons look so lush & inviting and would go so well with the lonesome cup of tea I am currently drinking!

  9. Those are amazing! They look so petite – I’ve been fighting the whole macaron craze but I have to admit, your pictures have begun to warm my heart towards them.

  10. Your macarons always look perfect, elegant, dainty, and delicious!

  11. Liana says:

    how lovely. you make macarons look so effortless; I’m very jealous. they quite intimidate me.


  12. madelaine says:

    How inventive!

    I am always inspired when I visit your blog – the combination of flavours, the colours, the presentation! (I think the spoon handles sticking out of the jug are particularly cute!)

  13. Elizabeth says:

    Oh wow!

    I have never tasted macarons before (a crime – I know) but I don’t think I could bring myself to eat one that didn’t look as beautiful as those!

  14. natalia says:

    Ciao ! Your macarons are a work of art ! Wonderful !

  15. What a wonderful flavor combo! Your macarons look fantastic!



  16. Kelly says:

    These are so gorgeous!! I would LOVE to try to make them.

  17. Harley Dee says:

    Those are beautiful! I really must try to make some macarons. I have all of the ingredients, just trying not to be a scaredy about them :)

  18. Nags says:

    i have never tried making them myself but am positive the shape won’t come out so chubby! :)

  19. (wife.) says:

    The photos are stunning, and the macarons look deliciously light and wonderful!! strawberries with balsamic & black pepper is one of my favorites… the idea of raspberries with pink peppercorns is great!

  20. kayce. says:

    goodies you say? yes, please! :))

  21. What advantage is there to using the merengue powder AND fresh eggs? Why not just one or the other?

    I have both on hand, but I’ve never combined them.

  22. Haley says:

    I love your blog – everything looks so magical and elegant! Most of my creations taste pretty okay, but look pretty awful. I’ll be honest though, the chance for freeze-dried raspberry powder is what has made me finally comment! It sounds fantastic!

  23. Kim says:

    I can’t get over how consistently beautiful your macarons are! I started making them a few weeks ago (as a result of reading your blog) and I haven’t quite got the right look down. Thank you for the inspiration!

  24. morgana says:

    Qué preciosidad de macarons. No me puedo imaginar cómo sabrán con lo de la pimienta rosa y las franbuesas en polvo. Me muero de la curiosidad.

    Este finde, después de casi una decena de intentos ¡¡¡ conseguí mis primeros macarons decentes !!! Tras tantos fracaso, me daban ganas de asomar por la ventana y gritar ¡¡¡ lo conseguí !!! Así que, si ya me gustaba verlos antes, ahora casi me emociono cuando los veo.

    Un beso.

  25. Cakebrain says:

    what gorgeous colour! My favourite flavour when it comes to macarons is anything pink!

  26. Carrie says:

    Hello! I just stumbled on to your blog and I have to say I’m hooked! I love making pastry and have been wanting to tackle macarons for quite some time. Now I think I’ll have to! Its so hard to find decent ones outside of Europe and I had the good luck to stumble upon some in New Orleans but I’m all the way in Los Angeles where there are none… Maybe now I’ll fulfill the craving. I cant wait to see what else you do. Thank you!

  27. Mmm, I just made macarons and I have an excess of pink peppercorns. I will have to try this soon!

  28. chibiume says:

    If I weren’t studying for the bar right now, I’d be whipping up a batch of these! They’re beautiful.

  29. Sharnel says:

    beautiful recipe and photographs as always, thank you for sharing. I love the greengate things you have in the photo too.

  30. Chris says:

    Brilliant post and as usual; excellent photography!!! Love it all the way.
    Regards from Dubai

  31. Nelle says:

    Pretty pictures make you dream. This is true for your blog.

  32. andaoana says:

    Stunning dear Aran! And you just reminded me that I haven’t baked macarons for too long.

  33. Son para comérselos o para enmarcarlos??? Son tan monos…

  34. Jessica says:

    i would love to try it, it sounds interesting!

    sundaygirl at gmail dot com

  35. Mercè says:

    Aran, eres la mejor!! Cada vez que vengo me quedo embobada delante de la pantalla! Entre tus creaciones y tus fotos, fantásticos estos macarons!
    Yo también hago lo mismo, pero no con una maleta, sinó con una y media!! Todo lo que quepa pa dentro! ;)

  36. Anis says:

    stunning as always ! Aran as you used the french meringue method for your shells after filling them do you let your macarons sit in the fridge or at room temperature and for how long will they remain a little bit crispy outside? thank you in advance for your answer

  37. Pei-Lin says:

    Raspberry powder!!?? Never heard of it before! I still couldn’t figure out how to make some at home … How to freeze-dry?

  38. Maybe says:

    Every time you make macarons, I’m surprised by their perfect shape… And now, strawberry powder and red peppercorn ? Super original mix of flavors ! I definitely have to try your recipe : mine don’t look that perfect…

  39. Adi says:

    Raspberry macarons – perfect.
    Thank you for being so generous!

    adiluria [at] yahoo [dot] com

  40. idu says:

    Aii, macarons-ak! Egiten dituzun bakoitzean gogorarazten didazu, egin beharrekoan listan ditudala oraindik!,, gainera, hain politak ikusita zureak… Bai, bai eta bai, oraingoan saiatu behar dut

  41. Marie says:

    These sound amazing! If only you had a little shop near me I’d be right round purchasing some now. But since that isn’t the case perhaps I should try to make some myself…

  42. Laura N. says:

    These macarons look absolutely beautiful! I adore the pink color and the flavor combination sounds amazing and very interesting. I definitely think i’ll try these!

  43. Mia says:

    Your macarons are nothing short of inspiring, and your gift is extremely generous. I never would have dreamed of pairing pink peppercorns and raspberries together.

  44. Your pictures are always so gorgeous! I would love to be able to try these macarons, too. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  45. Claire says:

    I left this page up on my computer and now my boyfriend is requesting I make these! they do look delicious – I’m tempted but put off as I’ve never made macaroons before. Amazing pictures as always!

  46. ibb says:

    Itzugarrizko itzura dute. Baina ez naiz ausartez halakorik egiten..gainera Aitor zeliakoa da eta bizkotzoak eta egiterakoan ez dira hainbeste igotzen. Irin kontua…
    Argazkiak izugarri ederrak dira…egunen baten pista batzuk eman beharko zenituzke…

    Egun ona izan.


  47. Your photos take my breath away. So beautiful every single time. Thanks for the chance to win!

  48. Juliana says:

    Beautiful and such a wonderful taste combination! These would be perfect for Father’s Day. My dad loves everything with raspberries.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Aqui en Zürich hay una confiteria muy conocida “Sprüngly” con los deliciosos “luxenburguerli” que son pequeños macarrons, de champagne y chocolate mis preferidos, ayer vi de frambuesa! y se ven como los tuyos!!Yo hice una vez y auqnue no estaban mal…no estaban conseguidos, parece una receta facil pero a mi no se me dan bien, y me encantan.
    Beso. Carmen

  50. Aran says:

    Prudent Homemaker- Egg white powder is not the same as meringue powder. Meringue powder has a lot more ingredients in it. The egg white powder ensures that there are enough egg solids in the meringue to make a stable macarons. That is also one of the reason why we age the egg whites so some of the water evaporates.

    Carrie-paulette macarons and jin patisserie are in the LA area and they have great macarons. You should visit. http://www.paulettemacarons.com/about.html


    Sharnel- I love, love, love Greengate. These were a gift from my family but had to bring them from Europe, they are not available in the US.

    Anis- The macarons shells are kept best either at room tenperature tightly wrapped if you are going to eat them in the same day, or frozen. If you refrigerate them, they start to become soggy. Once filled, you might have to refrigerate them for a bit that’s why you really should eat them soon.

    Pei-Lin- I should have clarified that a bit. You can make raspberry powder at home by drying raspberries in a dehydrator and then pulsing them in a food processor or spice mill. They won’t be freeze dried of course, and they will have a different color (more brown) but it’s an alternative. Although these freeze dried ones are great.

    Thanks everyone!

  51. Ria says:

    Amazing colour Aran!! Lovely macaroons!! :)

  52. Those are just gorgeous! I really liked the idea of strawberries & pepper, but raspberries with pepper sounds wonderful as well. Lucky you to have found such a goody!

  53. Caitie Harri says:

    wow, these look to die for and the photography is wonderful!

  54. Jennie says:

    Any time I travel, I always make my last stop a grocery store so I can bring back any regional ingredients I can’t get at home. I’m always so sad though when they run out. But it just means I need to go back, right? :)

  55. Kaitlin says:

    I wish I could get my shells to be as perfect as yours. Mine always have little sideways feet :P

    Gorgeous photos!

  56. Mrs. LC says:

    You have some of the most unique flavor combinations around – who knows how long it would have taken me to combine pepper with red berries! Thank you for blogging!

  57. Sil BsAs says:

    Y pensar que yo todavía no he probado un macaron en mi vida!! quizás teniendo estos implementos me anime a hacerlos de una vez!!!
    Fantástica fotografía como siempre!

  58. Jess says:

    Mmm…they do look lovely, light, and fluffy. I’d love to win!


  59. peanut1red says:

    Thank you for a lovely blog! I love your recipes too, although my results are never as pretty as yours. :)

  60. lis says:

    I have a little stash of pink peppercorns in my pantry, so as soon as raspberries are back in season around here, I’ll give these a shot. they look delicious.

  61. ingrid says:

    I’m delurking to enter your giveaway and to say that I can’t get enough of your beautiful photographs.

  62. icicle says:

    You make the most exquisite looking macarons. I should try making them as I’m sure my 2 year old would think they were the ultimate fairy food.

  63. Any praise of your photography skills would be redundant. But I love how you’re always introducing us to new products. Freeze dried raspberry powder! Who would have thought?

  64. lindsey says:

    the combination sounds incredible!

  65. Eileen says:

    Raspberry powder sounds amazing and the macarons sound delicious–especially the addition of the pink peppercorns. Truly, one of the best things about traveling to Europe is what you can find in the groceries.

  66. Puhvis Kukk says:

    I have yet to try to make macaroons, been meaning to. However, I can never make my concoctions to look like you. PS! I did switch my metal whisk with a plastic one to avoid the metallic taste on lemon curd as you recommended. Definitely works!

  67. If I end up getting some of this raspberry powder I might need some step by step help. I am on macaron try/fail #7. ugh.

  68. Oh My Gosh! A Give Away! I want a video of you making your macarons if I can’t have you teaching me! Oh, and a dozen of your macarons tucked in! That photo of the macaron with the bite out of it was just too much for me. How about a trade? Are you into bartering? I have some amazing saskatoon berry dust that I made myself – by accident! I was dehydrating them and, whoops! So I pulverized them in my Thermomix and what a beautiful flavor. Definitely not a bribe (grin).
    When I travel, it is art, books and food packed in my bags when I come home. I can totally relate to that. I just need the locals to tell me where to shop! XO
    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! (double grin)
    Thanks for the lively blood rush with my morning coffee, Aran. Freeze dried raspberries…. mmmmmmm…..

  69. Oh my word! These look divine! I must now invest in buying a hugely expensive mixer just to make them… but I’m pretty sure it’ll be worth it…

  70. Bria says:

    You honestly give Pierre Herme a run for his money! Beautiful macarons with unique flavour combinations.

  71. K.Line says:

    Such beautiful macarons! I love idiazabel cheese. This little store in my neighbourhood imports it and it’s awesome with apples!

  72. Joyce says:

    Oh my girdle! I LOVE macarons, did I say I LOVE them?!

    I have been afraid to give them a try.

    Sounds like you came home with a suitcase full of wonderful treasures.

    Have a golden day! xoxo

  73. Hayley says:

    So pretty…thanks for the giveaway!

  74. marnie says:

    beautiful display! thanks for the giveaway :)

  75. Car says:

    Absolutely gorgeous macarons!

  76. dance247 says:

    I would LOVE to try making these; they look fabulous!

  77. Laura says:

    i tried making my own once, from a recipe you posted. but they didn’t have smooth tops, they crackled all over. and i couldn’t get them off the parchment paper without tearing them up. maybe it was the consistency of the batter? someday could you post a step-by-step on how you make yours? the recipe seems so frustratingly easy..

  78. Sunshine says:

    I have a list of things I want to attempt to make and a list of ingredients I want to try. I’ve just added this recipe to my list and the pink peppercorns are on the ingredients list. Two birds with one stone! Thank you so much!

  79. argone says:

    I don’t know what I can add after all these comments ! they look so yummy !

  80. Brienne says:

    Absolutely breathtaking photography. I always love visiting your site because it brings a smile to my face and makes me want to try to be just as good as you. The raspberry and peppercorn combination sounds complex and interesting…can’t wait to try it!

  81. i have been trying to erase all those who commented before me- it is not working!!!

    so lovely!

  82. Laura says:

    How precious would these be for a baby shower. Sometimes it is so hard to find something sophisticated and pink. lovely!

  83. jillian says:

    gorgeous! i would love to be entered for the giveaway and attempt these macarons!

  84. bubbles says:

    pero qué delicia!
    en este blog todo se come con los ojos!

  85. Phoo-D says:

    As always, I am simply in awe of your photos. The lighting is ethereal and makes me want to learn to make macarons!

  86. arugulove says:

    I have been dying to try making macarons for a while now, but I’m afraid of the complexity. These however look so incredible that I may have to conquer my fear and attempt them.

  87. Stacy P says:

    Your photography is amazing. I can’t get over how whimsically beautiful they are. I look forward to seeing them with each new post. Of course, your recipes (especially the macarons) are always mouth watering.

  88. ahhh the styling is amazing!! now, if only you could hand me one through the screen :)

  89. RuthWells says:

    Wow, they look gorgeous!

  90. Tairay says:

    Amazing! I made a vow to eat everything pink, and now I must go buy myself some pink peppercorns. Incredible recipe and pictures as always!

  91. Ash says:

    Wow Wow Wow!!! I love these photos, especially the first one!!! Great stuff- they truly are AMAZING!

  92. Sreelu says:

    Lovely pics, wish I could taste one of those heavenly delights :)

  93. Eva says:

    Yum! Looks incredible, and I’m particularly intrigued by the raspberry powder. :)

  94. anna says:

    Beautiful! Very inspirational for me today – I am going to be making some pink berry cupcakes with pink peppercorns! I’ve also been planning on buying a bunch of fruit (and a couple vegetable!) powders for macarons…if only I could get my macaron mojo back (last few batches have failed abysmally).

  95. Preciosos colores, macaroons … todo
    Que bien un sorteo!!!
    Me encanta la vajilla del post. Hay una tienda al lado del trabajo que la vende y no puedo evitar desviarme una calle, sólo para ver el escaparate.

    Feliz semana

  96. Sarah says:

    I love there delicate pink color. Thanks for sharing!

  97. Marta says:

    Jajajaja que cantidad de comentarios! Me encanta que tengas gran participacion en tu sorteo, Aran, aunque eso decrezca mis posibilidades de ganar :(
    Me da risa que te hayas traido latas de atun con aceite de oliva porque yo hago lo mismo cuando voy a Italia!!! Es que aqui no se encuentran y eso me llena de dolor. Pero lo que me dio mas dolor de todo fue que me las botaron en el aeropuerto la ultima vez que fui. Aparentemente el aceite cuenta como liquido y excedian los 100ml… que tragedia!

  98. Katherine says:

    I have never had macarons. Can you believe it? Apparently they don’t exist in Ohio, but I’ve had them on my “to eat” list for ages now. I’ve been craving raspberries lately too, so this is perfect.

  99. Sara says:

    These look so pretty and delicious!

  100. jc says:

    They sure look delicious, who would have thought, berries and pepper!

  101. Stephanie says:

    Aran, your photography is incredible as usual!

  102. Claire says:

    I’ve been a ‘lurker’ for quite some time, and I really love the wonderful photography and dainty desserts I see so often on this site. I never knew it was was possible to make such lovely creations by hand! Keep up the wonderful work (:

  103. shalini says:

    lovely looking macarons! I’ve never seen pink peppercorns.Will try to find them and Raspberries are my most favourite among all berries.

  104. Meaghan says:

    Hi Aran, raspberry macarons are my absolute favourite. I keep meaning to try to make them, but somehow still find ‘macaronage’ intimidating. It isn’t quite raspberry season yet here in Montreal (honestly, it’s ridiculously cold for June!) so I have some time to work up the courage. Your photography is beautiful!

  105. Vanessa says:

    Thanks for the idea for raspberry powder… I’m going to try making some for myself. It sounds delicious, and like just the perfect thing for summer.

  106. rifferaff says:

    i’m a first time commenter, long time reader. these look incredible!

  107. Sharmyn says:

    Oh my! The things you could do with raspberry powder…

  108. Chris says:

    these look delicious! i do so hope i am the lucky poster!!

  109. Bertha says:

    your macaron is always a perfection and a beauty, while mine never turned out that perfect :(. you’re a master at everything!!! wish i could taste your creation someday :)

  110. Julie says:

    A flavor pairing I’ve neither tried nor heard of; I’d love a taste.

  111. Inés says:

    Piper larrosagaz…ze politak eta gozoak dirudizkit!. Aran gero eta gorago zoaz. Eta egia esateko zure argazkiak ere badute bere cool-tasun ederra ere.
    Marabilla dira…neska!

  112. Kelsey says:

    mmm, sounds delicious!

  113. Elizabeth says:

    I should make these for my friend. She loves pink and raspberries. What a perfect combination!

  114. edina says:

    Gorgeous macarons, as usual! I’d love to try this unique flavor combination, too.

  115. SitStayEat says:

    Those sound fantastic! I am intrigued!

  116. theanchovist says:

    I loved strawberries with pink peppercorns, tried a white chocolate mousse with that combination once. I can imagine how the raspberries are with pepper.. :) your photos are an inspiration, so are the recipes :D

  117. Jayme Duke says:

    I am so intrigued by the pairing of pepper and berries! I’ve never tried it, but now I know I must. I’ve been wanting to pick up some pink peppercorns, but I haven’t had any use for them. Now I have a reason! As usual, I can’t wait to try this out :)

    Incredible pictures as always Aran!

  118. Jennifer says:

    Those look delicious. I’ll have to try them.

  119. Joanna says:

    Oh! Would grinding up freeze-dried, store-bought raspberries work too?

  120. Jessica says:

    Looks wonderful and the raspberry powder sounds awesome!

  121. claire says:

    I can’t wait to make these and would love raspberry powder!

  122. ButterYum says:

    Oh how nice of you. thanks for the opportunity!

  123. Those freeze dried berry powders are really intense. I once got my hands on some, and we ate them stirred into yogurt. I actually thought about using them in macarons, but they didn’t last. BTW, your post is beautiful, as always.

  124. erica says:

    The macarons look absolutely heavenly!! I must try replicating your recipe and if you end up choosing me, I’ll be sure to send you a photo! I can’t wait to try your recipe either way!!

  125. Randi Lynne says:

    I have not tried this flavor pairing, but you have inspired me to try it!

  126. Oh, man! I have a jar of pink peppercorns and am now itching to make these! I need that raspberry powder! :)

  127. Yolanda says:

    How exciting! I love unexpected but great combination of ingredients. I’ve been waiting to try macarons ever since reading your blogsite. They are so beautiful and oh so colorful!

  128. Claire says:

    They look so beautiful and tasty. :)

  129. Caroline says:

    Love your site! and all the macaron recipes! You inspire me with your flavor combos!

  130. hands down. best looking macarons ive seen. and ive been looking at yours and helens ad nauseum now for a while :P they look like they are glittering! i am going to make macarons here—ive decided. where can you find macarons in brazil? exactly. thats why i must make them!

  131. Kristen says:

    Your macaroons always look so fantastic. I am definitely going to try this recipe!

  132. Esti says:

    eres la reina de bloggers!!!! mira qué de comentarios…
    bueno, yo no sabría que hacer con esos polvillos ni aunque volviera a nacer y me empeñara en aprender…, pero sí me han dado muchas ganas de abrir un bote de bonito de bermeo para cena hoy. Si tuviera algo de idiazabal en casa ya sería la bomba!

  133. Dominique says:

    Que dire de plus au risque d’être redondant? c’est superbe et très original comme mélange. On n’a qu’une envie, c’est essayer. Je suis toujours à la recherche de nouvelles saveurs de macarons. Pour ceux-ci il me manque la framboise séchée… je vais chercher!

  134. chocolatecup says:

    very interesting! never had peppercorns in my whole life but i assume they are hot/spicy. to make it into a macaron. hmmmm. wow is all i can say!:P

  135. Kavey says:

    I have only made macarons twice and I must say that, reading your blog, and looking at the beautiful photos of macarons that you have made over the years, is one of the leading things that inspired me to try it!

    Mine didn’t look so stunning as yours though. The first time they were nice and round, looked great, but probably a touch too large. The second time they were too flat and the shapes were less perfectly round. Still tasted good though!

  136. skip says:

    wow those look pretty amasing

  137. Aran says:

    Canadian Foodie- I have never has saskatoon berries. Wow.. similar to huckleberries?

    Chocolate Tart- you don’t need an expensive mixer. You can actually do it with a handheld mixer that has the two whip attachments. Works the same.

    Laura- when the tops crack, it usually means that they were not dry enough when placed in the oven. Always make sure to age your egg whites and also let the piped macarons dry at room temperature for as long as you need (usually between 30min and an hour).

    Laura- esta vajilla de Greengate no se vende en EEUU asi que me la tuvieron que mandar de Europa. Que envidia que la tienda de al lado de tu casa lo venda!

    Marta- sacrilegio!!!

    Joanna- Definitely. Make sure you get them super fine and then sift them through a very fine sifter. This powder I have is like powdered sugar so fine, but you could definitely do it yourself.

    Esti- jajaja… aqui regalas algo y la penna se tira de cabeza! que mala soy… de verdad, si solo son unos polvitos…

    Kavey- it takes practice but you are on the right track.

    Chocolatecup- not really really spicy and definitely not hot. hard to describe, more aromatic with a kick i would say.

    Thanks everyone!

  138. Natalie says:

    What a great prize!! I have been looking for some all over Dallas, TX. Beautiful pictures too.

  139. kate says:

    Oh gosh, I’d love to win! I still haven’t had a chance to make macarons yet (got married and have moved several times in the last few months :/ but will one of these days! Your photos and recipes are divine, Aran, I’m addicted to your site!

  140. Jonathan says:

    does it matter what pepper you use? black or white? or is everything fine?

  141. Aran says:

    Jonathan- I have added black pepper to strawberry salads before and it is great but there is something about the pink peppercorns… milder, more fragrant, sweeter…

    Kate- so sweet…

    Thanks everyone for your kind words.

  142. zoe says:

    you make everything you do look so effortless and scrumptious!

  143. Love pepper+berries! Your photos (and recipes!) are just stunning. It’s always a pleasure to stop by here!

  144. as the humblest of budding cooks, your blog is truly an inspiration. i can’t wait to explore it more fully!

  145. Kristen says:

    Are you kidding me? you make the most beautiful creations and are a fabulous photographer! Absolutely lovely and interesting flavor combination!

  146. Shannon says:

    Gorgeous! I love the combination of berries and pepper…okay anything and pepper, really.

  147. victoria says:

    What beautiful combination of flavors to try – got to order some berry powder!

  148. Monique says:

    I always love following your macaron recipes, I began my experiments with this treat using your lavender macaroon recipe, and have since tried my hand at some of your others! Thank you for sharing!

  149. Maggie says:

    Your photography is gorgeous!

  150. Ariana says:

    Sounds really wonderful– count me in! Macaroons are my favorite treat to make, and these are so inspiring.

  151. cindy* says:

    aran, you’re a doll! how nice of you to share :)

    the macs are lovely as ever…i’m loving the reds and pinks and whites together. fun!

  152. Julie says:

    Your macarons truly are wonderful to behold. Part of my incentive to go places is so I can bring their ingredients back!

  153. Sarah says:

    Yum! These look delicious and beautiful. I am always amazed at your creative and elegant food presentations.

  154. Norm says:

    Got to have a go at winning that – I had never heard of dried raspberry powder, it sounds amazing! I have made macarons a couple of times, and this looks like it could be my next attempt…

  155. YUANZHEN says:

    such a pretty color…
    but is the egg white powder really necessary? can i substitute it with milk powder or just eliminate it?

  156. Aran says:

    Yuanzhen- egg white powder and milk powder are completely different things so never use milk powder. this is a well balanced recipe between water and solids in the whites so if you eliminate that bit of egg white powder (solids) you will definitely alter the balance and structure of the recipe. but can you make it without it? probably, although i can assure you the inside texture will not be the same.

    if you are not going to use the egg white powder, then make sure to scale and measure more egg whites than called for. then let these rest in the fridge for about 3 days uncovered (very important). this will ensure some of the water from the whites has evaporated concentrating more solids. then scale the whites (140g).

    hope you try it.


  157. Rachael says:

    The macarons look so pretty & delicious! It would be wonderful if I could try making them with the raspberry powder :)

  158. skimmy says:

    SERIOUS inspiration!

  159. Hannah says:

    These look delicious. The berry & pepper combination sounds interesting, to say the least. I’m going to have to try mixing the two sometime soon in the future, though I’m not sure how the rest of my family will take the two flavors together.

  160. Lauren says:

    These look wonderful! My mouth is watering… everything you make looks so beautiful!

  161. Eralda LT says:

    What a great idea! So inspiring too. I have never made macarons, but this recipe has been inserted in my to make folder. Crossing my fingers. Great photography, as always!

  162. I have never tried to make macarons before, but this would be a nice place to start.

    Aran, your site is just lovely.

  163. Melissa says:

    Truly inspirational site. The styled photos are always gorgeous!

    Thankyou, I think I’m going to have to give making macarons another go.

  164. Amanda :} says:

    anything with raspberries sounds delicious, these macarons are lovely!

  165. cakeflower says:

    My first batch crashed and burned…I’ll be giving it another try. Beautiful photographs and beautiful food!

  166. Cori says:

    Raspberries and peppercorns, huh? Sounds like a combo I must try immediately. Gorgeous photos.

  167. Kay says:

    Your blog’s inspired me to try making macarons! So far my chocolatey ones are okay, fruity ones aren’t so good :)

  168. huebscher says:

    they’re so beautiful I’m not sure I could eat them. more likely I’d gaze at them on the table until…hmmm…no. I’d almost certainly devour them.

  169. Erin says:

    those look delicious – i would love to try that recipe!

  170. Jenn says:

    Your food is art. I love everything you make!

  171. Vicki Dvorak says:

    Unbelievable, colorful, and hunger-inducing photos. lol. Thanks for sharing! :)

  172. andrea says:

    I do the same thing when I travel. Still trying to find cerise noir confiture here in the states…

    Macarons are on my to do list and now I have yet another recipe for inspiration! Thanks!

  173. Seanna Lea says:

    I love the photos of your macaron. Your instructions were accessible enough that I was able to make those and pate de fruit and get credible results the first time (though I’ve been told since that it was because it was a dry day).

  174. maryeb says:

    You take the most amazing photos of the most interesting recipes.

  175. PheMom says:

    I hadn’t tried pepper with red berries until last year when we made a strawberry tart for Tuesdays with Dorie – it really was amazing!

    All your photos are so incredibly beautiful! I’m telling you, we need that coffee table photo book!

  176. Lauren says:

    Yum! These look amazingly good =D. And best of all, they’re naturally gluten free! I love your photos as well, they are beautifully done!

  177. Tory says:

    These look absolutely divine!

  178. sydney85 says:

    Your macaroons have inspired me to take a trip to Paris in September!

  179. Sharon says:

    I love the combination of Raspberry and peppercorn. Can’t wait to try it!

  180. Sarah O says:

    Wow! Beautiful! I wish I knew how to make macrons…

  181. klein814 says:

    These look, and I am sure taste, gorgeous! Have been wanting to try my hand at macarons. Think this will be my first attempt! Too intriguing not to!

  182. ~Q~ says:

    That looks just yummy! The addition of pepper is an intriguing flavor but one that I know I will have to try soon!

  183. such phenomenal pictures! I’ve enjoyed visiting your blog… crossing my fingers to try your goodies!

  184. I have never heard of pink peppercorns, I learn so much from your website! I’m anxious to try baking something from your site.

  185. These are obviously a hit…..I’ve never seen so many comments on a blog, I love it! I have never made mararons but these sure tempt me. The photography is amazing!!!!! Thank you for making these beauties and sharing them.

  186. Allie says:

    Those looks delicious. Your baking always impresses me.

  187. Alicia says:

    Another scrumptous recipe & set of images. Is that Sabre flatware in the bowl?
    I’ve never used the pepercorns with raspberry but I must now.
    Love idiazabel…especially the smoky variety. With cider & fresh bread the perfect nibble. Getting hungry …
    Oh I’m hoping you do a cherry soup, the name escapes me, in an upcoming post.

  188. TeraK says:

    Looks delicious… may have to try these one day!!

  189. violette says:

    Does someone succeed this recipe of macaron ?

  190. Brenna says:

    Yum, I would love some raspberry powder!

  191. Aran says:

    Alicia- no, the flatware is not Sabre although it sort of looks like it right? It is actually my son’s set of spoons and forks!

    Thanks everyone. I see a lot of excitement to make macarons!

  192. kapnic says:

    the raspberry powder is making me miss being in the kitchen terribly. this week i wanted beautiful lush tahitian vanilla beans and all i can get are small, sad little madagascars. i never realized how spoiled i was.

  193. Anonymous says:

    i’m falling in love with your blog and your photos are simply breath-taking….May I ask what kind of lens do you use to capture these photos?

    thanks for sharing.

    - A

  194. Jennywenny says:

    Fun, you might even catch me having another try at macarons if I win!!

  195. Aran says:

    Kapnic- I know what you mean. That’s the reason why I started this blog because I missed the professional kitchen so much. Thank you.

    Anonymous- I use mainly a Sigma 60mm f2.8 macro and sometimes a Canon 50mm f1.4 but mainly the Sigma.

    Thank you!

  196. mayan. says:

    the macarons are such a gorgeous pink, i’m really intrigued by the pepper and berry combination. couldn’t you have a give away for a care package of your various delectable macarons? haha.

  197. Jo says:

    I’ve just started trying out macarons and although mine are not perfect likes yours, I’m hoping that practise makes for perfection. Your pics and presentation are stunning. The colours are simply gorgeos! I’ve never heard of dried raspberry powder and can only guess the addition of this brings out even more the raspberry flavours .. how I wish I was having one right now.

  198. melanie.joy says:

    Oh my goodness. These look so amazing! Delicious and beautiful!

  199. carina says:

    Oh goodness, I’m drooling. Your photos are so inspiring!

  200. Janet Marie says:

    Absolutely stunning photos, the mood of wanting the food can be felt from this view. Delicious combination. Yum!

  201. christine. says:

    these macarons look amazing! and goodies sound amazing too :)

  202. Bobbi Lewin says:

    I have been trying to perfect my macaron technique. I’d say I have a long way to go! but I would love some raspberry powder to further my adventures:)

  203. jen says:

    i LOVE anything with a lightly spicy/berry combination. these look lovely. i love all your macaronon ideas–so inspired!

  204. Esme says:

    These look delicious.

  205. Holly Wendt says:

    The colors are spectacular!

    I’ll have to try the homemade raspberry powder trick sometime–thanks for sharing!

  206. Devonshire says:

    I love your site. Being a pastry chef myself you are an inspiration! Thank you for all of your beautiful photos and amazing desserts.

  207. Eun Oh says:

    Your pictures are always so beautiful!
    I’ve been a silent reader until now, and your posts always inspire me to get in the kitchen and cook.
    Thank you for your astounding pictures and great recipes!

    Eun Oh

  208. Juliana says:

    Nice macarons…such a nice combination of flavors…they look really yummie! As always, the pictures are very pretty.

  209. heather says:

    between you & tartelette, i’m building my macaron ammunition, and i cannot wait to let the fun begin!

  210. Garrett says:

    Love your blog and have been reading your archives intently. Thanks for such inspiration!

  211. claire says:

    I most recently had raspberry powder on ice cream at wd~50 and I would love to know where I could find it!

  212. Gale Reeves says:

    I have never used a fruit powder. I would like to try, but I don’t know if it’s available in our grocery stores. Your pictures are so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

  213. Liz says:

    Thank you for sharing your travels! I love seeing your new experiments in cuisine and look forward to the recipes you share. Can’t wait to see what’s next and try the peppercorn suggestion – what an unexpected flavor combination :)

  214. ikkinlala says:

    I would never have thought to make raspberry powder, but I may have to try that this summer.

  215. Jenny Tan says:

    Wow, raspberry powder!! That’s really exciting! :) And pink peppercorn in a macaroon…gotta try it someday (there’s WAY too many to-try recipe in my list, u know what I mean ;P ). That’s what I do too, when I go back to Malaysia…comes back w/ extra suitcase/box w/ goodies…My trip will be coming up soon, can’t wait for it! :)

  216. Steph F. says:

    Those macarons look like they have attitude; pink and sweet looking but very bold!

  217. Lameen says:

    This is definitely one of the most delicious pics I’ve seen a while. OK ! I’m going to buy pink peppercorns today God willing and I need to try this recipe. Not sure about the raspeberry powder but I’m up for the challenge to improvise. Thanks for the tip on leaving the egg whites overnight

  218. kris98761 says:

    I have been trying to figure out what to do with my pink peppercorns, and Raspberry is my absolute favorite in general. I’d love to try these, a bit intimidating though, we’ll see!

  219. johann says:

    aran.. these look really delich

  220. Monique says:

    Después de ver en un par de ocasiones estas delicias en tu blog me he decidido a probar con alguna de tus recetas.Ya veremos los resultados jjejeje.En los proximos dias colgare las pruebas en mi blog jejjej.

  221. Wendy T says:

    Those look absolutely wonderful and beautiful photographs!!

  222. ^cherie says:

    I would love love love to try the raspberry powder on macarons!

    In Singapore, raspberries are expensive and to have it dried and make them into powder is kinda ‘wasted’ :P

  223. diva says:

    raspberry powder? WOW. these are too beautiful. my heart melts just looking at it. so creative. thanks for sharing! x

  224. I’ve never actually had a macaroon before…so sad. I would love to start with yours! They look marvelous!

  225. Véro L says:

    what a great idea
    sure I will try it
    bravo for you blog!!

  226. ladyironchef says:

    wow pink peppercorn, very unique filling! and its no mean feat stacking all those macarons? heh

  227. amson says:

    This sounds so totally exotic to me. I would love to try it! Thanks for so much inspiration.

  228. Miri says:

    These look so yummie, I’d love to have a taste of them! As soon as my kitchen is finished, I’ll try making some :).

  229. You are so generous, Aran! And these are fabulous, too. Love the delicate color!

  230. simplesong says:

    perfect, perfect! ike loves, loves macarons too…perfect little snack for little hands. :)

  231. keira says:

    Aran, love the raspberry-pepper combo. My Chef use to make raspberry pepper sorbet when I worked at a vegan restaurant in NYC. Your photos always make my day :)

  232. Tonii says:

    What wonderful colors you have in your baking! These macaroons look like art, not food.

  233. c&k says:

    oh yum….i love pink peppercorns so much, i’m not sure why i haven’t incorporated them into my baking more!

  234. *drooling*

    awesome. i’m going to have to make the pink peppercorn buttercream for other things!!!

  235. Shay says:

    Oh my . . . those macarons sound and look so good! I really need to try and make some! The combo of raspberry and pink peppercorns is very interesting . . .

  236. SaraLe says:

    They look beautiful…nice blog.

  237. Zerogluten says:

    Pues una más que se une a las que comentan, pero no por el sorteo, si no porque sigo pensando una vez más que eres la mejor.
    Yo estoy con pruebas para sacar un pan de especias decente sin gluten y le incluyo pimienta rosa, es genial.
    Tus fotos y tu atrezzo como siempre provocan en mi aquello de …. simplemente perfecto. Que pena que nos separen tantos kilometros de distancia!
    Besitos sin gluten guapísima

  238. jen says:

    Beautiful and inspiring as always! I have yet to attempt macarons, but someday…I just need to find some time somewhere.

  239. alice says:

    Wow that sounds amazing!

  240. sunshinemom says:

    Amazing creations as always!

  241. Gorgeous as usual Aran! I’m re-reading macaron recipes.. it looks like I’ve found the answer to how to mitigate ‘nippley’ shells (hehe) Thanks!

  242. justina says:

    Wanted to let you know that I found your blog by accident a few months ago and am inspired everytime I visit. Thank you for sharing your passions.

  243. Nuala says:

    yay for raspberries & pink peppercorns!!

  244. june2 says:

    Beautiful and perfect, as usual! I’d love to try baking these using that rasp powder, and pink peppercorns grow wild here : ) Thank you for the recipes!

  245. june2 says:

    Beautiful and perfect, as usual! I’d love to try baking these using that rasp powder, and pink peppercorns grow wild here : ) Thank you for the recipes!

  246. Helen says:

    Your photos make me want to give macaron making a try! I haven’t had a good quality macaron in so long so perhaps I’ll give it a go this weekend.

  247. Priz says:

    What a lovely blog you have!

    and oh those macarons look just lovely I can only imagine how delicious they are

    thank you for the giveaway! good luck to everyone!

  248. Kate says:

    Seeing as I have a few extra egg whites from this past weekend’s ice cream making adventure, I believe these macarons are just DYING to be made!

  249. Sarah says:

    I’ve never tried the red berry and pepper combination. I’m quite intrigued!

  250. They look so yummy! I really want to try these!

  251. Micki says:

    Ohh how I love macaronnn. And those look delicious!

  252. karen says:

    How can one resist?


  253. Oo, Oo, I want it, I want it. Haha, that would be awesome. I made my first batch of macarons a few weeks back with great success. My second batch not so much, then my third, fourth, fifth great!! I love macarons. I want to try one of your recipes next. Maybe this will be the one!

  254. Anika says:

    I absolutely love your blog. I’m a newbie baker and your creations are always so tempting. I’ve tried making macaroons before but they were a complete disaster. After seeing these however, I’m truly tempted to give it another go. Thanks for sharing!

  255. Amy says:

    Pink macarons are so summery, especially when they’re raspberry flavoured. I can’t wait for raspberry season here, then I will try my hand at making these!

  256. Anonymous says:

    Incredibly creative as usual. Your macaroons look amazing!

  257. Gabrielle says:

    I think the photography on your blog is simply breath taking. Not to mention the beautiful recipes!!!
    I have a huge crush on your macaroons and these particular ones are gorgeous!!

    Thanks for the constant source of inspiration that your blog brings us all.

  258. Tanya says:

    Ooh, me! I’ve been dying to try fruit-flavored macarons that don’t need special extracts. I wish people would sell fruit powders in quantities smaller than a pound…

  259. Sweet Tooth says:

    These look amazing and oh so good!!

  260. Simran says:

    Long time fan, but commenting the first time. Couldn’t resist those cute pink peppercorns.

  261. Eun Oh says:

    I’ve been a silent reader until now, but your blog is truly amazing. It always seems to make me want to cook something!
    Thank you for your beautiful pictures and helpful recipes.

    Eun Oh

  262. Anonymous says:

    I love your blog!
    Ive been a silent reader till now, but your amazing pictures and great recipes always inspire me!
    Thanks for your blog!

    -Eun Oh

  263. Jinnie N. says:

    your post just took me back to paris where i came back from few weeks ago after falling madly in love with macarons (first time) at luduree… wow. amazing post… amazing!

  264. They look absolutely LOVELY! I love pink so they are adorable. I wish I had the money to bake properly.

  265. That looks amazing – and probably tasted really good, too. You take the most gorgeous pictures!

  266. Elk says:

    Very gorgeous looking little things. I must try and make some at some point when I feel brave and the raspberries are back in season

  267. I always come back to your blog. Your pictures are always so amazing. I also wish I could make such delicious creations!


  268. vala.... says:

    mmmmm….would love to win…..

  269. I want to make macarons, but I cannot find almond flour here in Morocco. Is that something that can be made or can I substitute it with something else? BTW- your photos are breathtaking and so inspiring!

  270. Aran says:

    travelingmama- you can grind your own blanched almonds into a super fine powder in a food processor and it would be the same. make sure to sift this meal and only use the sifted part.

    thank you very much!

  271. I am always so floored by the flavor profiles (isn’t that what the pros call it:) you come up with–I love the addition of the unexpected and you always deliver my friend–look and sound amazing!

    and what a wonderful giveaway! (oh yes and expect a package on Monday!)

  272. Nico says:

    Love the macaroons, the combination sounds great, I’ll try some raspberries with pepper to night.

  273. sillygirl says:

    Wow – Raspberry powder – gives me ideas!!!

  274. ChichaJo says:

    This looks amazing! Me please me! :)

    I love idiazabal cheese! And I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who loves those yogurt containers :)

  275. The colors are splendid. Great photos too! Might have to try these very soon.

  276. brenda says:

    Perfect pink YUM!!! Once again you have me craving macarons even though I’ve never EVER been lucky enough to taste one. Perfect timing with the berries too as this weekend is the Berry Festival at the local farmers’ market here in KC! :)

  277. Misty says:

    I love all of the macarons you make. I seriously drool every time I come to your blog – whether its from the food or the gorgeous photos. Thank you!

  278. Fiona says:

    Those look crazy delicious!

  279. Tasha says:

    I just had my first macaron baking experience last week, and they turned out great! Not perfect, but certainly delicious. Flavoring the cookie part seems daunting, but hopefully I can work up to it. These pink macarons look so wonderful!

  280. erica says:

    Aran – where can I find egg white powder? Can I find it at a regular supermarket or do I have to go to a specialty store like Whole Foods Market?

    To the blogger Carrie in L.A. – Aran is so right about the macarons at Jin Patisserie and Paulette. They are so wonderful! But, if you ever get a chance to travel to San Francisco, I absolutely LOVE the macarons from Miette Patisserie at the Ferry Building! Aran, have you heard of Miette in SF?? Here’s their website: http://www.miettecakes.com

  281. Aran says:

    Erica- yes, i know Miette, although I have never been there. Would love to visit! Whole Foods definitely carries egg white powder. It’s a brand called El Deb and it says “Just Whites” on the label. My regular supermarket also carries it in their “natural” or “organic” baking section. The same brand.

    Thank you!

  282. Caroline says:

    these look amazing!! absolutely scrumptious =)

  283. lee says:

    I entered your blog today to look for a good raspberry macaron-recipe, and voila! I’m going to try this tomorrow, sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing!

  284. Yujai says:

    What a beautiful combination! Love the cheerful pink and red. Make me simile on a bad hair day :D

  285. Wendy says:

    I adore macarons!! What a divine treat to add Raspberries AND Pink Peppercorns to. Very clever. The pink is so vibrant and your photos captured the color contrast perfectly! Bravo!!

  286. Christy says:

    I finally found the time to leave a comment. I’ve been eyeing them all week from my computer screen but never got the chance to leave my trail until now.

    Red berries and pink peppercorns!! How ingenious!! I can already imagine the taste forming on my tongue…oh yum!!

  287. julė says:

    it’s amazing – the freshness of the photos, the delicacy of the macarons.

  288. Quadlex says:

    Wow. You’ve redeemed Pink as a colour for food. These look *amazing*.

  289. angie says:

    Hola Aran,
    me encaaaaaaaantan estos, igual que todas las cosas que nos enseñas en el blog. ¡Tendré que probarlos yo también!

  290. Inés says:

    Entro de nuevo al blog por el puro placer de ver el número redondo de 300 entradas. Zorionak again!

  291. Amelia says:

    Your macarons were so beautifully made. After reading your post, I feel like whipping a batch of macarons. To be honest, I’ve not make them before and was told that it’s really hard to make good ones. You made it look so effortless. I’m envious, envious that you get the freshest ingredients and made beautiful macarons. Wish that the country I’m staying in offers better and fresher food ingredients without costing an arm and leg

  292. Inge says:


    I’ve never made macarons, and these look so yummy would really like to try and make them. The question is can you use ground almonds instead of the almond flour, if yes, would it be the same quantity??

    Fantastic Blog, thank you and inspirations to those less talented.


  293. Lazy baker says:

    as usual your site is filled with eye candy, mouthwatering goodies,and great recipes, when will you have a book?


  294. chiyo says:

    I’ve made 3 different macarons from your site and am still craving for more. The flavor pairings you have here are amazing :) Some ingredients are a little hard to find in Sweden, but even just reading about your desserts can be good enough sometimes. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  295. Aran says:

    Amelia- macarons are not hard to make really but it might take a couple of tries because ingredients, humidity, type of oven really make a difference in the outcome. even the experts have a hard time sometimes when they change equipment or try to bake in another country. just takes practice.

    Inge- you can definitely grind your own blanched almonds. make sure you sift them through a fine sieve and only use the fine ones.

    jeremy- no book yet… a lot of work!

    Chiyo- that’s great! hope they turned out!

    Thank you everyone. I will announce the lucky (random) winner this weekend!

  296. it’s my first time here and already I am smitten..

  297. Hillary says:

    What a flavor combination! And they look beautiful too. The last (and only!) macaron I had was raspberry rose and it had a whole raspberry in its center!

  298. Angela says:

    This is a fantastic recipe, especially because I dry raspberries (they taste incredible in oatmeal when camping, even more so with a splash of cream. The only thing I wonder about is the seeds – if I tossed some raspberries in my makeshift spice grinder/coffee grinder… is it too much ground up seed? Regardless, I’ll have to try this!

  299. Rose says:

    they look too pretty to eat! one of my favorite color combos. how unique!

  300. Ashley L. says:

    ummm YES PLEASE! These look INCREDIBLE!

  301. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your beautiful blog and for your generosity in sharing your working/thought process, recipes, and wonderful photography. It is always like opening a special present. I look forward to trying today’s recipe.

  302. jaime says:

    Your blog is truly inspiring. I wish I could create such beautiful treats. Thank you for adding a touch of wonder to my otherwise dreary day.

  303. katrina says:

    Ohhhhh, these sound so delicious! And I’ve been fascinated by the raspberry powder ever since Eggbeater mentioned it on Twitter. I would love to taste/try it! Merci!

  304. Maya says:

    This looks like an amazing flavor combination. I love macarons, and yours look really elegant!

  305. Carolina says:

    Your Blog is BREATHTAKING! So happy I discovered it recently :)

  306. What a pleasant surprise to stumble upon your blog with the lovely photographs and delectable recipes!

  307. emily says:

    Thanks for sharing! I’m loving your blog… amazing photos, and each dessert looks lovely. I’ve never seen raspberry powder, but wouldn’t mind an opportunity to play with it :)

  308. elizabeth says:

    You must have one million people who read your blog! Pink peppercorns – how original and unusual – I LOVE French macaroons. I made them for tea a few times with almond flour and coffee buttercream icing. They were very good and I’m not that great a cook. Some of the cookies went flat, but most made it. elizabeth

  309. elizabeth says:

    P. S. If I were to ever win a draw, you could just send me empty yogurt glass containers and I’d be happy as a lark!!!!! elizabeth

  310. Anonymous says:

    I tried to make macarons once. I failed. After seeing this I am inspired to try again.

  311. JEN says:

    YUM! Love imagining what I could create with that powder….


  312. Brilynn says:

    I just started getting into the world of macaron making and am finding it both frustrating and fascinating… So far I’ve stuck to basic flavours to try to get the hang of it, but I’d love to try using different powders and whatnot.

  313. Hi Again,
    Just wanted to share a source for these powders, since they’re so hard to find: http://www.nutrifruit.com/index.php
    I learned about it years ago when I taught a cooking class for the Oregon Berry Commission. Now I think I may have to place an order!

  314. These are some of the loveliest macarons I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen plenty! I love pink peppercorns but have never tried them with berries. Thank you for the wonderful suggestion.

  315. KC says:

    you are an AMAZING artist. your food looks remarkable!

  316. Casi Leigh says:

    I just found your blog and I adore all your posts and recipes! I can’t wait to try this one, the combination sounds just delicious.

  317. I love the peppercorn combo. I often mix spices as such with fruits. a fave is strawberries with a dash of balsamic vinegar and pepper.

  318. Oh yummm. These look delish!!!

  319. hoganfe says:

    Thank you for this exciting recipe I can’t wait to try these!

    hoganfe handmade
    handbag originals

  320. Elegance with a hint of innocence. Adore your Blog immensely!

  321. These look luscious and I love your photos!

  322. laura says:

    I have decided to follow my dream of being a baker – I have had an affinity for french macarons for some time now and am learning to make them in my baking/pastry class. This looks like a wonderful recipe to surprise my classmates but am having trouble finding the dried raspberry powder. Any sources either online or in San Francisco Bay Area?

  323. Aran says:

    Laura- You can get raspberry powder through L’Epicerie (www.lepicerie.com). Great you are following your dream! Best of luck!

  324. Dao says:

    Aran You have to visit my blog, I did it all.Thank you.

  325. Hi Aran,
    Are you familiar with the almond meal Trader Joes sells? Have you used that to make macarons? It is so inexpensive and my success ratio for making macarons is so low, it seems like a good option. I tried making macarons today using their almond meal with little success. But I can’t tell if the lack of success is due to the almond meal or my inexperience.

  326. Aran says:

    Baked in Boston- No, I’m not familiar with TJ’s almond meal (I wish we had a TJ’s here!). If it’s very corse, it could be a problem but not sure that’s what’s going on. the success of macarons depends so much on moisture in your egg whites and ingredients (that’s why we age them) and folding. Too much or too little folding will make a huge difference. Sorry I’m being very vague but I’d need more details.

  327. Hi Aran,

    Your blog on pink peppercorns and French macarons really struck me. I just returned from a trip to France and loved the macarons in every flavor at the very special store Fauchon; plus, I bought some pink peppercorns! I know I could get them in the U.S., but I wanted to buy them in Paris as a reminder of the beautiful spice market we saw on the second floor of the Galleries Lafayette department store in the Opera district. Since I’m a “foodie” by profession and passion, we tend to visit food spots when we travel.

    At Galleries Lafayette, we headed past the perfume counters and clothes and made a beeline to the food emporium on the second floor. Beautiful produce, cheese, ice cream, chocolates, pastries, meats, etc., etc. That was very delightful, and there was also a spice market with fragrant spices piled high on trays so you could order whatever quantity you wanted – they weighed it and packaged it up for you. They had all kinds of peppercorns, but I got some of the pink ones. They’re in a clear pepper grinder on my kitchen counter, and when I see them they take me back to Galleries Lafayette in Paris! I also got a few chunks of crystallized ginger that also just make me feel good when I see them in my cupboard!!

    As so many others have noted, your pictures are beautiful – they are noticably special and unique.

    Cheers, Cathy

  328. MECTA says:


    Please do make one…

    FOR US! Thanks.

    I’d like to bring one for baby shower favors.

  329. sue says:

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  330. disa says:

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  331. kat says:

    These look and sound divine! If you don’t have raspberry powder, how could you incorporate the raspberries without messing up the recipe? Thanks!

  332. Aran says:

    Kat- you could make your own dehydrated raspberry powder by drying raspberries and processing them to a fine powder. Make sure it is very fine and sift it. Let me know if you try it! Thanks!

  333. Mochene says:

    Thanks for this great home recipe. I’ve made macs at work so many times I could do it in my sleep, but at home, my trusty recipe and others had failed. I decided that I would keep trying until I found a recipe I could make at home so that I could experiment with my flavor combinations and now I can.

    Now I can’t wait to play!

  334. Anonymous says:

    I really LOVE the macarons at Pix Patisserie!

  335. I’ve always loved “fraises au poivre” and fell in love with macarons many years ago in Paris. Your beautiful images make this delightful interpretation look & sound totally irresistible ♥

    ~ marie, the EpicureanPiranha

  336. Laura Gabell says:

    Hello Aran,
    I have just discovered your blog whilst looking for macaroon inspiration!! I have certainly found it here!
    Could I ask you the brand of raspberry powder you use? I am based i the UK and may be able to get hold of it as we have some family members on the continent. Can’t wait to try the recipe.
    Many thanks for your inspiration! x

  337. Laura- I got it in Bilbao and I don’t even remember the brand. It’s been so long ago. Sorry…

  338. […] dried fruit can be added to smoothies, cake icings, panna cotta or brulee mix. Try this recipe for Raspberry and Pink Peppercorn macarons for a sweet and just a little bit hot combination. (Oh and don’t forget to switch the red […]

  339. […] Because sometimes it’s even better if you can eat them! […]

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