Sunday Morning Brioche

This will be a short post because it’s Sunday morning. My mom and I made these brioche last night with all our love and care. I was really excited this morning when I got up at 5am to take the pans out of the refrigerator to let the dough rise for a second time. I love the smell of coffee brewing, yeast fermenting and bread baking in the oven.

Happy Sunday to you!

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18 Responses to “Sunday Morning Brioche”

  1. These look delicious. Coffee and fresh baked goods sounds like my kind of morning!!!

  2. Bridget says:

    Mmmm..I love those smells, too! What a perfect morning!

  3. There is nothing better than freshly baked bread! That brioche looks awesome!

  4. I can almost taste these, nothing beats warm brioche of a Sunday morning.

  5. I love brioche! I am so jealous right now!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Arantzazu: Los bollos son, no sólo lo más delicioso que se come en nuestra familia, si no lo más exquisito.
    Los bollos de mantequilla, recién hechos, por la mañana son un auténtico regalo del cielo.
    El aroma del café.. del bollo recién hecho.. de calor de quien los hace.. Saborearlos es un privilegio..

  7. Veron says:

    What perfectly shaped brioche. And that butter…yummy!

  8. mari says:

    Hiya! I just wanted to compliment you on your beautiful blog, fabulous recipes and gorgeous images. You’ve got skillz!

  9. Cakespy says:

    Brioche is absolutely a perfect Sunday morning food, and you’ve hit it right on with the gentle colors, lovely presentation, sights, sounds and smells! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Irene says:

    And you can make bread pudding with left over brioche… oh, wait, who am I kidding? There is no such thing as ‘leftover brioche’! :)

  11. B says:

    I’m sure that if Marie-Antoinette had seen these brioches for sure she would have never suggested brioche to the “populace” when they were protesting because they had no bread. Who knows, maybe this yummy brioche could have saved her head and a bloofy revolution! Can`t wait until next Sunday to have some brioche! Arantza, would fedex ship it on time? How long does it stay fresh?

  12. Aran says:

    Irene- well there were some leftovers and that’s exactly what I was planning on making. You will be seeing some brioche on this blog soon!

  13. i have never made brioche. yours look beautiful. i suppose i should invest in some brioche pans while i am at it, any excuse to purchase some new toys for the kitchen.

  14. Gorgeous brioche! I couln’t find one prettier in a Paris patisserie! Brioche is one of my favorite treats. I’ll be at your place next Sunday at 9:00! ;)

  15. Tartelette says:

    Eheh…looks like we are on the same wave lentgh as I made brioche too yesterday! There’s nothing like it on sunday mornings! It looks perfect!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Muuu buena pinta, lástima de que mi estómago y los dulces no se lleven bien!!!



  17. Dana says:

    I am so grateful for the recipes posted on your website as I can not afford your cook book now. Hopefully in the future! With out your wonderful recipes I would not be able to cook amazing healthy dishes from scratch! I am grateful for your gift in creating new ways to put things together! Soo yummy it makes me smile. I do not have this creativity for cooking on my own! Thank YOU! thank you THANK YOU!

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