Wild Mulberry, Cherry and Pistachio Clafoutis… the First of the Season

I have always loved this time of year. As a kid, the end of May and beginning of June were always an exciting time. The weather unpredictable (“hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayo”), but the first signs of summer would start making their first appearance. Morning dew on the grass on our walk to school, the first strawberries and cherries at the market. It was the anticipation of the three months of vacation ahead of us. Time spent outside, at the beach or going hiking.

Going back to my childhood, I remember the times later in the summer (actually closer to the end of summer), when we used to pick blackberries from a wild bush close to my house. Close to the train tracks surrounded by rusty metal and imminent tetanus shots. We spent hours there with buckets eating and picking berries for jam.

Last Sunday, we found wild mulberries at the farmers market. Mulberries that grow wild behind one of our farmers’ yard. I couldn’t believe it. I haven’t had a wild mulberry in years. We picked a couple of pints and enjoyed them like candy. Mano a mano.

The first cherries of the season also appeared this week and of course, I had to go with a classic. A clafoutis with mulberries, cherries and pistachio meal. Also, gluten free and casein free as I used coconut milk and cornstarch.

We ate the clafoutis on Mother’s Day when we had a gigantic BBQ pit for our entire neighborhood. It was one of those almost unbearable hot Florida afternoons. We set out camp outside with big umbrellas, lawn chairs and a hose. BBQ and hose must go hand in hand. The kids played in the water for hours, we nibbled on BBQ all day, drank homemade ginger ale and had clafoutis for dessert. Ah, summer!

Mulberry, Cherry and Pistachio Clafoutis

Makes 9″ pan (I made an 8″ one plus 3 small ramekins)

2 cups mulberries and pitted cherries
3 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup cornstarch
pinch of salt
2 Tbs pistachio meal
3/4 cup coconut milk (or whole milk)
1/2 vanilla bean, scraped
Zest of 1 lemon
Ghee for brushing the ramekins (or room temperature butter)

Brush pan with softened ghee or room temperature butter. Heat oven to 350F.

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar. Add the cornstarch and whisk until dissolved. Add salt, pistachio meal, coconut milk, vanilla and lemon zest. Whisk until all incorporated.

Pour into pan and bake until set and edges are golden brown.

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84 Responses to “Wild Mulberry, Cherry and Pistachio Clafoutis… the First of the Season”

  1. Ria Mathew says:

    It looks delcious! And I loved the pic of your lil boy drenched thouroughly!

  2. maameemoomoo says:

    Lovely aran, as usual..

    I love clafoutis! Any idea which appropriate tropical fruits which we can substitute the berries and cherries with?

    I don’t think i’ve seen mulberry in Singapore before! :s


  3. The French says:

    Why do I read food blogs on an empty stomach??!!! This looks delicious! Although gluten doesn’t bother me, I love trying things that are free.

    Your children are gorgeous and look like they’re off to a great summer…

  4. What a delightful clafoutis! I’d love to taste mulberries…



  5. m says:

    I’ve never had mulberries before! What do they taste like? Regardless, I love anything custardy; this looks beautiful!

  6. Gerry Snape says:

    love the recipe. I must have a go when our cherries are ready later on. Thankyou.

  7. I also used to pick and eat blackberries with my brothers and friends.I have great memories of that. My mum still remembers the spots.
    Agur bero bat!!!

  8. Yum. I’ve always wanted to make a clafouti. I’ll have to try it soon!

    What beautiful, happy children!!
    Love this post!

  9. icicle says:

    How wonderful! My mother is French so clafoutis reminds me of my own childhood though ours never looked as pretty as yours. The orchard where we pick our cherries lets us pick their mulberries for free but I’ve never had a good recipe to use them. Now I can’t wait for them to ripen — in about 2 months up here!

  10. Wow, what is there *not* to love in this post ?! The sun… those adorable kids and the sweet childhood memories playing in the sprinklers and hosing each other down… these spectacularly gorgeous photos, love every dish, spoon and accessory… and a divine recipe to try right away ! And all that to brighten up this day, hit by a “spring” storm in Zurich…

  11. Lamartss/iloveiwantineed.blogspot.com says:

    Hola Aran,
    Me encanta tu blog! Te leo desde Madrid y soy super fan! Me encantaría probar con esta receta última pero no entiendo una cosa, what do you mean with “Makes 9″ pan (I made an 8″ one plus 3 small ramekins)”? Es de una receta anterior? Podrías indicarme dónde encontrarla?

  12. rosanna says:

    Este clafoutis me ha encantado, me quedo con la receta, lo haré seguro. Lo de “hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo” es bien cierto, de hecho aquí en Valencia ha amanecido esta mañana un sol radiante y una temperatura buenísima y hace un par de horas que se ha puesto a llover y amenaza tormenta. Qué locura!
    Sabes? Finalmente montamos los cursos de macarons, ya hemos hecho dos grupos, puedes ver la crónica que hice el domingo en mi blog (cosasconencanto.blogspot.com).
    Un abrazo.

  13. bunkycooks says:

    Sounds like a delightful day (in spite of the Florida heat!). I have never had fresh mulberries. I don’t think I have even seen them in the markets, but now I will keep my eye out for them so I can try this recipe!

  14. mthood says:

    Your baked goods always look delicious… I am so happy that you are eating casein and gluten free now (because me too!)
    Do you make your own ghee or use store bought versions labeled casein free? I have made my own before but now worry about not making it casien-free enough.

  15. alison says:

    clafoutis looks amazing…and the kids…they are the “salt and pepper ” of this wonderful post!

  16. Maameemoomoo- you don’t have any berries or stone fruits? you can make it with any fruit really. with apples, mangoes… nothing that is too watery though.

    M- it’s like a small blackberry. they are sweet although they can be very tart if not ripe. the ones we got were deliciously sweet.

    Elisabet- eskerrik asko! :)

    Bunkycooks- I doubt you will see them in the markets. I’m not sure if they are ever cultivated for mass distribution. These were from a local farmer’s backyard!

    Mthood- I have made clarified butter before but I am not risking it now. I buy this one http://www.purityfarms.com/ which is certified casein free.

    Thank you all!

    Lamartss- se refiere al tamano de molde que he utilizado. Se trata de un plato horneable de 9 pulgadas (multiplica eso por 2.54 para saber los cm). Pero yo hice uno de 8 pulgadas, me sobro mezcla y coci tres modes pequenos.

    Rosanna- enhorabuena!

  17. cindy* says:

    love this! i used to spend the late summers at my grandparents in the california foothills, their house was surrounded by blackberry bushes…so fun!

  18. Zia Elle says:

    You are perfectly right, this period is fantastic!!
    I love all red fruits and cherries are my favourites!

  19. You are killing me with these gorgeous photos and food! Gorgeous and they sound delicious. We are vacationing on the Florida gulf coast right now. The light is just perfect for photography and I can see how you pictures show that. I would just love to stay here forever, instead I will just have to keep coming back to see your photos instead.

  20. Fresh Levant says:

    I have great memories of picking mulberries from a gigantic tree next to our house, growing up in the mediterranean .. we used to climb as high as possible to pick the biggest ones that other cousins couldn’t get.. I love your photos and the clafouti looks very delicious!

  21. pepperkverna says:

    Absolutely beautiful! And it brings back good sweet memories……The kids look getting one too…..Hege

  22. LOVE clafoutis! Simply lovely photos.

  23. My says:

    it looks so tasty! amazing photos and recipe!

  24. Julie says:

    Oh my this looks divine! Just the mere thought of cherries fresh picked from the tree makes me giddy- only 7 weeks til they will be ready in our neck of the woods! The epitome of summer for me! I love the use of the coconut milk- wonder how I can improvise with the eggs as I don’t do eggs. Any thoughts? -it may be tricky to adjust. But if I could this would be lovely! Your shots are lovely once again.

  25. Julie- that is a hard one for me… eggs are kind of the base for clafoutis. Maybe you can check out a vegan substitute but I really don’t know. You can certainly use these two in other preparations though. A simple crumble would be lovely as well. If you do find a substitute, let me know!

    Thank you!

  26. Junglefrog says:

    Ever since I made my first clafoutis (only last year!) I’ve been addicted to this gorgeous dessert and this is another lovely example. I love your summery photos! Wish the good weather came our way!

  27. Barbara says:

    Beautiful Aran. As a child I often holidayed with my favourite aunt and s family at a beach house with a huge mulberry tree in the back yard. With my cousins we spend many hours sitting in the tree eating mulberries.

  28. honest fare says:

    Oh wow, I’ve never seen clafoutis made with coconut milk before. Sounds great. Looks beautiful. Must try! Gracias!

  29. Once again, absolutely gorgeous! This blog has become and endless source of inspiration – the stories, the recipes and the photography – amazing! We can’t wait to start putting the spring’s first cherries to work.

    Steve & Jason

  30. what adorable photos! This looks so yummy! I may have to try this!!

  31. Girl Foodie says:

    What an inspirational, seasonal dish. The cherries wont be out in our neck of the woods for another month or more, but I’ve got my eye on a few local community trees. Now I know what I’m going to do with the spoils (although I may have to find something other than mulberries….

    Another beautiful post.

  32. maameemoomoo says:

    Aran, we do.. but it’s really quite exxy.. and we don’t have mulberries unfortunately..

    So mango it is!


  33. Chanel11 says:

    These look wonderful! And now I have a mulberry recipe :)

  34. Tara says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever had mulberries either. Hmm. I love blackberries, though, so I can imagine how good that clafouti was! Just the thought of blackberries gets me looking forward to picking them – when it’s hot out and they’re perfectly ripe and almost burst between your fingers . . . Summer at its best!

  35. delicieux says:

    Mmmmmm I love clafoutis and it looks delicious!!

  36. Taranii says:

    yum, this sounds amazing. I haven’t had mulberries for years because they simply don’t grow around here. They’re definitely my favourite berry.

  37. cutlex says:

    When I saw the photo of your kids, I suddenly had the urge to grab a hose even without a garden.

  38. Inés says:

    Aran, Aran…kanpoan izan naiz (Mexikon hain zuzen ere) eta guztiz baztertuta izan dut sarea. Baina bweti bezala zu hemen…zein ederra errezeta. Eta etxeko gibger ura…Ai ama…zure semea hazi da!!!! Orain gizontzoa ematen du. hemen hasi dira gereizak…25 euro eskatu zidaten atzo kiloka. Eta txikitan zuhaitz oso bat genuen guretzat. Gogoratzen dut Larran eleiza aurreko iturrrian gereizondo bat zegoen. Nire amamrena. Udaberri batean gereiza gutxi eman zituela iruditu zitzaion nire izekoari. Bera Izar-en zegoen lanean eta lankide bati esan zion gereizondoari gertatutakoa. Besteak lagundu nahiean edo likido bat eman zion gereizondoari untatzeko. Eta akabo…handik aurrera ez genuen ikusi gereizarik zuhaitz hartan. Eta nebeekin betse soiloetara lapurtzera joan behar izan ginen… txikitako gauzak. eta morak? Zenbat aldiz bukatu dugu ezpainak, jantziak eta zapatak moreak etxeratzeko orduan…Ai amatxu, milesker Aran beti bezala.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Lovely post!!
    Aqui en Zürich lo de no quitarse el sayo lo podemos ampliar unos meses mas…:D
    Muchas veces me haces recordar muchos momentos de mi infancia..al final del verano cogiendo y comiendo moras hasta que teniamos colicos!!,j,j despues venia la epoca del champiñon.
    Ahora estoy “in love” con los crumbles…pero cuadno se me pase probare clafouti. Beso Carmen

  40. Robyn says:

    Sounds like the clafoutis went with some wonderful memories…

  41. Cutlex- only the boy is mine. the girls is our good neighbor. they are best buddies.

    Ines- guk morek beheko eskoletan atzean egoten zan “eskonbreran” hartzen genduzan. zubi txikien ondoan. badakizu non dinotzuten? han emoten genduzen orduek jolasten. nik be larrako bideko goizeko ibarragaz akordetan egon naz. Jon Gaubekan etxe ondoan egoten zan landa handie… zelako oroitzapenak ezta? Mosu handi bet eta ia abuztuen iusten garen!

    Thank you everyone!

  42. Sini says:

    Oh yes, memories of our childhood. We used to pick wild blueberries, strawberries (those tiny ones) and raspberries in the forest… The very best way to eat them was with fresh milk. Just fresh milk and berries from our forest. Heaven. Actually this is an old Scandinavian summer classic.

  43. Marie says:

    ohhh i want some!!!! so nice pictures by the way!

  44. L Vanel says:

    Very sweet cherry hands pic. I have wonderful memories of the mulberries we used to scavenge from various parts of the neighborhood growing up. Thank you for sharing your sweet memories.

  45. kurokupoliz says:

    Hey~ I just tried this recipe with low fat milk and brown sugar. I couldn’t get my hands on mulberries so i used raspberries and blueberries! I had to constantly extend the time because it wasn’t stated in the recipe hahaha! It turned out really nice though! I had it with yoghurt. Thanks for this lovely recipe!

  46. Deeba PAB says:

    Screaming summer in every frame Aran… and gorgeous! Will have to bookmark this for next year as we are done with mulberry season here. In season, the trees are laden with juicy mulberries and no one to eat them! I like the clafoutis recipe … sweet & simple!

  47. małgo. says:

    It’s simply delicious! One of best clafoutis I’ve ever eaten… thanks:)

  48. zebulon says:

    Great alternative version to a classic recipe. So good but also so darn simple to make, even the most unexperienced cook (like me!) can’t go wrong with it.

    Thanks for bringing us some sunshine with your pics… The autumnal weather in Paris – and the rest of Europe, it seems – is so depressing, any substitute is welcome :)

    BTW, is it me or did you forget to include the mulberries and pitted cherries in your instructions? ;) I guess they go in the pan right before pouring the other ingredients.

  49. NINA says:

    Your blog is beautiful. Everything looks (and I’m sure is) yummy!

  50. Xanela Chic says:

    I do a post about your blog today… I hope you like it…
    xoxo from Spain…

  51. Miryam says:

    Wow this looks so good!! the picts are amazing….
    Acabo de entrar en tu blog, que guay, que recuerdos me trae. Del Pais Vasco, mi familia vive en Saron-Cantabria y yo ahora en NJ :-(, Espana como nada…. Bueno chica ya chequeare tu blog para recetas excepcionales pues ya veo que lo son.

  52. Miryam says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Amberdawn says:

    Never heard of this dessert, but it sounds good; all fruits and nuts I like! Also, those cherries you’re holding are HUGE, wow!

  54. I adore any kind of clfoutis – my favorite easy go-to dessert! But I have never had wild mulberries. You’ve got me curious now… I might have to hunt around and find some.

  55. Grace says:

    What I would do for cherries right now. I have had them on the brain all week. I have been craving black forest cake and cherries are not available to us right now, still a few months away. I have never made a clafoutis, think I may have to try it soon.

  56. Totchie says:

    It is looked great ! pistachious clafoutis is a great idea.
    I love mulberries, I can eat some in my husband mother’s garden late in summer or in autumn, but here it is very very rare to be able to buy some.
    Thank for those marvellous dessert and time.

  57. Cherine says:

    What a gorgeous delightful clafoutis. Love the photos!!

  58. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. I love this blogg.

  59. Angela KL says:

    The pics of the children brought a smile to my face.. isn’t that so like little children. J & M have grown much.. great photos Aran.

  60. Thanks everyone for your words. It’s not officially summer but it feels like it! All I can think about is summer fruit. Have a great weekend!

  61. Bernideen says:

    I printed this out as I recently became interested in learning about Clafoutis – I saw no actual recipe here with measurements – that must be your style! Thank you for a lovely blog!

  62. Bernideen says:


  63. These look delicious! I can’t wait to grab my first bunch of cherries and recreate this :)

  64. Man, I want to eat these out of my computer screen.

  65. What sweet pictures! We had a mulberry tree in our backyard, 3 house ago…before I knew about blogs…someone told us “only the birds eat them,” so I never even tried one! Oh, I could kick myself now!

  66. Bring on Clafoutis season!

  67. pity says:

    no te quites el sayo indeed! aqui en londres aun con anorak! y al dia siguiente te asas del calor, una locura! los mulberries no los he visto por aqui, pero tienen una pinta divina, como tu clafouti, besitos,

  68. Golubka says:

    I grew up having mulberry trees growing wild everywhere in Southern Russia. We had a variety, but the white berries were the sweetest. I missed them so much that when I saw your lovely post, I had an incredible urge to drive to Miami and find your farmer:-). We live in the Tampa area and heard there may be some trees here. We should search for them. As you know, mulberries make the best jam. Thanks for the fond memories.

  69. I am giddy that this is gluten and casein-free!! :D Now, I just need to find some berries….

    For Julie up there, wondering about making this egg-free: I know there are some good egg-replacers on the market in the States. I live in France, and so does my best friend, who bakes gluten, casein, and egg-free. We cannot really find egg-replacers here, and especially ones without soy or other ingredients that she avoids as well.

    My friend uses ground flax seed with water as an egg replacer, where one or two eggs are needed, in baking. They don’t work well for a completely egg-based dish, though. Since there are only three eggs used in this recipe, the flax seed might work. There is more information about replacing eggs with flax seed here: http://www.theppk.com/veganbaking.html

  70. Carissa says:

    my god, I’m practically drooling

    Carissa @ ScribbleBabbles

  71. sara says:

    oh i bet the coconut milk is so nice and subtle here, love it! Your kids are adorable, I’m sure you get that often, but I’ll remind you again :)

  72. Marinka says:

    those photos are amazing..I love how the kid play and those cakes^^

  73. Sarah says:

    Your photographs are heaven to look at. I wish I could have a taste!

  74. Sha says:

    A clafoutis with my favourite ingredients is a real temptation. It is exactly what I need as I have more than 3 months holidays ahead!

  75. que me has leido la mente Aran; desde hace semanas estoy con ganas de intentar un clafoutis sans gluten…y voila! aqui vienes tu a mi rescate!.

    pd. tu hijo esta ya muy crecido; como pasa el tiempo volando!.

  76. Esti says:

    ay ama, casi lloro cuando leo lo de las moras… Mi amama nos llevaba a todos los nietos al monte a coger moras toooodos los veranos. Y luego hacia mermelada y era deliciosa. Y lo pasabamos tan bien… Ay, ay, como echo de menos ser niña…

  77. Justine says:

    I tried this last week substituting a more common black berry variety. They were quite nice but I found that they did need a dusting of powdered sugar as my berries were a bit tart.

    Thank you for your wonderful ideas!

  78. Amanda says:

    This is beautiful, the photos are stunning and you are using two of my very favorite fruits :) I just picked some wild mulberries yesterday and today I created a recipe for Vanilla Bean Mulberry Cake, it was divine! I posted it and linked over to your recipe so my readers will have other ideas for their mulberries. Hope you’ll stop by :)

  79. Can almond flour be substituted for the pistachio flour?

  80. Simply Mel- yes, you can. Thanks!

  81. Michelle says:

    Hi Aran, I cannot wait to make this for a party this weekend. For how long did you bake the 9-inch version? Thanks!

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