Roasted Apples with Almond and Muscovado Crumble and Marzipan Ice Cream

In a little bit over a month, mine will officially be considered a full term pregnancy. I still cannot wrap my head around it and although I have been through it once before, I feel like I am starting from zero once again. It is hard to imagine that we will have another little person added to our family unit, which will forever change our lives. So I suppose this means I have entered what it is called the nesting period. I had not given it much thought until this past week when I found myself cleaning, collecting, reading and making lists.

On top of it all, as the days are shorter and we become accustomed to our fall routine, I have been cooking and baking a lot more comfort foods. Soups, stews and easy tarts are part of our daily repertoire. I realized going through my pantry that I have not used a single sheet of gelatin in weeks, but on the other hand, I cannot keep my nut bins filled to save my life. That to me says a lot.

I was on the phone with my mom this past week when she told me about the compota de reinetas she always makes during the cold months with reineta apples, dried fruit, cinnamon and a touch of sugar. It reminded me of the smell of her kitchen and as soon as I hang up the phone, I started roasting some apples myself.

Reinetas are nearly impossible to find here, so I used Pink Ladies and Galas. They are firm, very acidic yet sweet, which make a great baking apple. I sliced them horizontally and layered them with a gluten free almond and muscovado sugar crumble and to accompany them a fall/winter favorite, marzipan ice cream.

My little boy and his best friend D. played a lot outside this week and even modeled for me. They collected pine cones, dead leaves and talked about their Halloween plans while D. tried on her new rain boots. They crack me up and I love their dynamics. We also planted new herbs like stevia, mini purple basil and feverfew, which I have never had before. I hope they last.

Gluten Free Almond and Muscovado Crumble

Note: Makes more than what you will need. Freeze the rest.

100 grams butter, softened
50 grams sugar
50 grams muscovado sugar
1 vanilla bean, split and seeded
100 grams rice flour
120 grams almond meal
pinch of salt
80 grams raw almonds, chopped

Cream the butter, sugar, muscovado and vanilla bean seeds with the paddle attachment. Add the rice flour, almond meal and salt and mix. Add the chopped almonds and mix until crumbly.

Roasted Apples with Almond and Muscovado Crumble

Slice 4 apples horizontally. Keep the top, but core the rest of the layers. Place them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the crumble in between the layers and in the cavities.

Bake at 350F for about 30 minutes or until tender. You can baste them with a bit of melted butter in the process if the apples seem a bit too dry.

Marzipan Ice Cream

650 ml heavy cream
350 ml whole milk
1/2 tsp salt
170 grams marzipan, cut into 1 inch pieces
4 egg yolks
80 grams sugar
1/2 tsp almond extract

Place the heavy cream, whole milk and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil.

In the meantime, place the cubed marzipan in the food processor. When the heavy cream and milk mixture comes to a boil, remove about 1/2 cup of liquid approximately and add it to the marzipan while the food processor is running. This will break up the marzipan and turn it into a creamy paste.

Add the marzipan mixture to the saucepan with the heavy cream and return to a simmer.

In the meantime, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl. Temper in the marzipan mixture while whisking constantly. Return the mixture to the pan and cook until the custard coats the back of a wooden spoon (84C or 183F). Immediately strain the custard through a fine sieve into a clean bowl. Add the almond extract.

Cool the ice cream base over an ice bath and then refrigerate for about 4 hours. Churn in ice cream machine and freeze.

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70 Responses to “Roasted Apples with Almond and Muscovado Crumble and Marzipan Ice Cream”

  1. Laurel says:

    I am just so excited to be the first to post! I can’t wait to try this!

  2. Juliana says:

    The perfect fall comfort food recipe!

  3. I m happy for your pregnancy. Nice presentation . the apples with that fantastic crumble looks delicious!

  4. this is so me!! must try immediately–I love Pink Ladies too!
    Happy Nesting!

  5. your image is beautiful… are perfect.

  6. i just discovered your blog… and i am in love! its gorgeous, the most beautiful food blog i have ever seen!
    keep up the good work!

  7. I love the idea of your apple crumble – I should try it!
    Happy for your pregnancy – these little persons are always going to change our lives but they give us a lot of great moments instead!

  8. rosanna says:

    Let me announce you I’ve posted a link in my blog. Your photos are soooo amazing and perfect, and your apples today so inspiring I’m going to roast some today. Thanks for the idea.

  9. Stunning pictures and a wonderful fall dessert!



  10. Vanille says:

    Wonderful post !
    And cute crabapples !

  11. Anonymous says:

    ya no te queda nada!!! y sabes que va a ser?
    Me encantan las manzanas…asadas con mantequilla, vainilla y canela..mmmm
    besos Carmen ZH

  12. Ana says:

    Hola!!! Maravillosas fotos como siempre… ya sabes que eres mi eterna inspiración… se perfectamente de lo que hablas, he pasado por lo mismo hace relativamente poco (ya lo sabes) pero creeme es lo más bonito del mundo, das amor por todos lados!!

    Estas manzanas son ideales como postre otoñal… pero el helado de mazapan me ha parecido toda una delicatessen!! Porque no me habré comprado la maquina de helados???


  13. Valérie says:

    I’m so happy for you !
    Seems like I’m also gonna have a “comfort food” period because the apples of my family’s orchard are perfectly ripe :o)

  14. That crumble looks so good! So does the marzipan ice cream!! I have never heard of them before! Good job!

  15. Aran says:

    Vanille- thank you for noticing the crabapples. they are from my friend Nadia’s farm. tiny, tiny ones.

    Carmen- es una nina. tengo un nino de 3 anos asi que tengo unas ganas…

    Ana- pues sal y compra uno hoy mismo! :)

    Valerie- lucky you!

    And thank you everyone for your wishes!

  16. The nesting period and what my Argentinian friend called the baby bubble. It’s going to be SO good!

  17. Barbara says:

    You are so going to love your new addition; enjoy these peaceful months of expectation. It’s such a wonderful time. I am excited for you.
    I love your “stacked” apples- such a clever way of presentation. Looks delicous.

  18. ABowlOfMush says:

    Yum! This looks fabulous!

    And congratulations to you!

  19. El says:

    It looks great! Thank you for including the marzipan ice cream. I’m going to try it out today.

  20. Esti says:

    oh Aran! me parece super emocionante! yo, a veces, miro de lejos a mis niñas y pienso “¿pero de verdad son mías?”. Todo es extraño y excitante a la vez.

  21. Wonderful, warm & full of flavour Aran. Beautiful pictures as always, very fall & very comforting. Hope you rest loads in your last month, and yes, your life is certainly going to change for the better. Lovely to have a new member added to your beautiful family. Good luck…

  22. Erika says:

    A veces la vida nos pasa tan rapidamente. Yo tengo dos hijos y ya son grandes y se me pasó todo volando. Mi consejo es que disfrutes al máximo cada etapa, para y ser conciente del regalo que nos da la vid a cadea minuto. Esto no te va a volver a suceder , no de esta manera, o sea que lo que hacés es bárbaro , tomarte tu tiempo para organizarte y volverte “slow”.
    Me encantan las manzanas asadas de cualquier tipo. Las tuyas se ven fantásticas

  23. icicle says:

    What a tasty difference a choice of words can make — here, we always say apples are “baked”, never “roasted” — but why not? Roasted sounds yummier, more flavorful, more Fall. I want to always roast my apples now.

    P.S. We’ve been wearing dotty rain boots here too — it’s the toddler fashion of choice these days — and for once it’s a practical one. :)

  24. Hilda says:

    Oh I love pommes reinette and the picture of the apples sliced is just great.(But the apples in the top picture are not the same as the ones in the bottom pictures right? They look like crab apples).
    So exciting Aran, such a big countdown, I can’t wait to see the cute outfits you’re going to put on her and everything. I hope the transition is as smooth as can be.

  25. Aran says:

    Icicle- yes, I agree… roasted sounds so much better than baked!

    Hilda- yes, the apples on the bottom are mini crabapples from my friend Nadia’s farm ( I love them! Mini, mini. Ican’t wait to dress her up either. So different than a boy right?

    Thank you!

  26. oh my! my mouth is literally watering right now…and I truly love anything with apples! Congrats on your upcoming addition to the family!

  27. Lauren says:

    This sounds delicious!! The perfect combination of fall flavours, and its GF! Congrats on your new addition =D.

  28. C.L. says:

    Aran, you never cease to amaze me. The flavor combos sound amazing and I am so excited for you on your new addition. I am so happy for you :)

  29. anna says:

    saving that marzipan ice cream recipe! yum! off to churn one of my own creations…

  30. Anita says:

    Wow, a baby, a toddler and a food blog… I know all too well how busy you will be :) Congrats on your pregnancy. And your blog always makes me smile.

  31. I love visiting here at Canelle et Vanille… Your space is so nurturing (in so many ways)… I’m exhaling totally comforted and it’s all thanks to you, Aran. So thank you. This is just the kind of post I needed on a cold, rainy night like tonight.

  32. Li says:

    you inspire me in the way you weave your creative work with your family life.
    and how exciting – another arrival, coming soon.

  33. I have been searching for nice and cool food blogs these past few days! And yours is something I would recommend to everyone! Keep it up!

  34. Rita says:

    Can I use canned marzipan I see at the supermarkets? I never bought so don’t know what to expect. I love marzipan and would like to try the ice cream.

  35. peasepudding says:

    Congratulations, we look forward to hearing your ongoing news along with your pregnancy cravings!

  36. Dajda says:

    I feel warmed-up and comforted by the very look of what you’ve made!

  37. linda says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I guess I haven’t been in the blogosphere a lot lately so I missed the news.
    Comfort food is the best there is :)

  38. It’s so reassuring to hear that every pregnancy is like it never happened before – although I have no doubt that the resulting bebe will be exceedingly happy to model for you as well :)
    Baked apples are one of my favorite desserts during the fall – so warm and comforting! And combine that with marzipan ice cream? I’m in heaven!

  39. montague says:

    i can smell all that glorious deliciousness! and with vanilla ice-cream… yes please!

  40. Victoria Ramo says:

    OMG! Just found your blog and your photos and recipes are fabulous!

    Happy and joyous pregnancy.

  41. idu says:

    Ummm! Konpota! bere aranpasa eta kanela zati eta guzti! Gure etxean ez da falta izaten usain hori hotza datorenean. Laister da hemen neskatoa, muxutxo bat sabeleko morroxkarentxako, eta bat ileori morroxkoarentzako.

  42. Danielle says:

    Your pictures are absolutely wonderful, as is the idea of a marzipan ice-cream. Curious to try it! All the best for the last few weeks of pregnancy!

  43. Vera says:

    Aran, dear, congratulations!!! I didn’t know you are expecting!
    Fantastic dessert!

  44. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Enjoy and thanxs for the beautiful pictures!

  45. w says:

    Congrats on your pregnancy. I had my two girls 7 years apart so I know what you mean about starting all over. it’s been great fun though.

    Love this layered apple. I think I’ll try it with the apples from our trees.

  46. Sha says:

    I love the presentation of your apple crumble. This is an idea I will use quite soon. Simple and efficient! (and I love Marzipan & Ice cream so much…)

  47. ibb says:

    Lehenik eta behin ZORIONAK. Zelako notizia goxoa. Beste pertsonatxo bat bidean. Espero diat dana ondo ondo joan dadila.
    Eta Konpotaren asuntua…nire amama eta nire amaren asuntua dira horiek. Osaban sagarrekin negua heltzen denean beti dago holakoa etxean. Amak, kanela, pasak, orejoiak eta holakoak botatzen dizkiola uste diat. Ez nago oso zihur…nahi eskero amaren errezeta lortuko dizut.

    Oso ondo jarraitu eta informau ea nola sentitzen zaren eta ea zeozer behar dezun.

  48. Em says:

    thank you for such yummy gluten free treats. Being pregnant too and constantly hungry i struggle for GF treats and snacks. you are a godsend!

  49. Ellja says:

    marzipan icecream! omg!

  50. shaz says:

    Good luck on the rest of your pregnancy. I remember the nesting phase from my own – I surprised my husband by cleaning doorknobs!

    Love the marzipan ice-cream – will it still work if I “switch” the milk and cream (ie less cream and more milk)?

  51. Gaur bertan akordau naiz ni konpotiakin! (Amsterdamen hotz eitxen dau) gure etxian gabonak inguruan konpota usaina egoten da etxian..mmm..

    Zaindu eta difrutau azkenengo hilia!

  52. Aran says:

    Thanks everyone for your wishes. I will keep you updated on my last few weeks. Should be exciting and tiring at the same time. :)

    Thank you!

  53. Aran says:

    Shaz- you could but it will not be as creamy, but it would still freeze.

  54. silvia says:

    I am in love!!! you photos are wonderful!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!

  55. Junglefrog says:

    O wow, already 8 months!! Doesn’t time fly? Your roasted apples are gorgeous but it is that marzipan icecream that just has me salivating! I love marzipan!!

  56. Liska says:

    I’m very happy for you. Congratulations and take care.

  57. cindy* says:

    halloween plans…too cute!

    the apples look delicious and perfectly fall.

  58. Delicious! Can’t wait to make them.

  59. Guadalupe says:

    I’ve just discovered your blog!! I really liked the recipies and LOVED the pictures !! Congratulations!

  60. Guadalupe says:

    I would like to mention your blog in mine. Would you mine if I borrow some pictures, telling of course that are yours ?

  61. Oh my gosh, marzipan ice cream! This combination sounds absolutely wonderful.

    I’m very excited for your new baby and new life! My nephew’s little girl just turned 1 and I can’t get enough of her. Watching her learn how to walk and listening to her try to talk is just a true treasure. Take good care of yourself!

  62. now this is a recipe i can really get behind (and eat). that’s it..i’m moving in next door.

  63. berry lovely says:

    Your apple photographs are so beautiful that I just want to go in the picture and grab one.

  64. deliciosas y preciosas fotos, me entra hambre solo de ver tus posts, besitos

  65. Marzipan and ice cream combined?
    This sounds like my absolute heaven. I could eat marzipan out of a tube!

  66. Marzipan and ice cream combined?
    Sounds like my absolute heaven. I could eat marzipan out of a tube! Your blog is truly a piece of art.

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