Spring & Its Tutti Frutti Crumble

It was about two months ago when I received a phone call from Loren, my uncle in law. Loren and Jan live in Wenatchee, Washington where they are surrounded by cherry and apple orchards. “I am going to send you a few cherry blossom branches” he said. “Cherry blossom branches? But how?”.

A few days later a package arrived in the mail. Tightly wrapped and with very specific instructions, there were four cherry branches. “Cut the ends and place them in water. They will bloom in a few days”.

And indeed they did. Tiny little white flowers that reminded me of the blossoming trees back home.

This little gesture planted a seed in my mind. I got excited about the idea of being able to see these trees in person. “We should take a trip while my parents are here and visit cherry blossoms. It would be a wonderful family vacation before they leave” I suggested to C.

I knew the kids would love it.

I really wanted to go visit Loren and Jan in Wenatchee, but a trip to Washington state was just not practical considering it takes a whole day to get there and back. “How about Washington DC?”. And so we found the National Cherry Blossom Festival.

We spent last weekend there. at “George Washington CD” as J calls it.

I welcomed the wintery cold.

Beautiful flowering trees all around the Tidal Basin. Dad and I walked around the entire basin by ourselves. He had his arm around my shoulder just as he used to do when we were kids. I cherished every second of it.

Then back home, I dreamt of the wild poppies that grew in the field next to our school and blossoming apple trees.

I received my copy of Heidi’s “Super Natural Cooking”. I had been waiting so anxiously since I had pre-ordered it months ago. Beautiful as I expected and filled with recipes I want to cook and eat.

“Look at that crumble” I said to my mom as we were flipping through the book. Heidi’s tutti frutti crumble filled with berries, oats and poppy seeds. I made a gluten and dairy free version on Saturday for our last dinner with my parents. It was delicious, light and the perfect way to put an end to a wonderful visit. I miss them already.

And then, I have to thank all of you for your kind words and excitement over the workshop in France this upcoming October. Stephanie is working on some additional details as we speak (she is in France at the moment!), and then, we will post a brief notice a few days prior to opening registration to the public.

Thank you and stay tuned!

Tutti Frutti Crumble

adapted from Heidi Swanson’s “Super Natural Everyday”

1/2 cup superfine brown rice flour
1/4 cup oat flour
1 Tbs potato starch
2 Tbs poppy seeds
1/2 cup gluten-free oats
1/2 cup natural cane sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup melted coconut oil (do not microwave it, melt it over water bath)

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until it comes together. Divide the dough into three parts and form patties. Freeze them for 10 minutes.

1 1/2 cups diced strawberries
1 1/2 cups diced rhubarb
1 1/2 cups golden raspberries
1 Tbs cornstarch
1/3 cup natural cane sugar
1/4 cup Beaujolais

Toss the first five ingredients together in a bowl. Let the fruit macerate for 10 minutes. Add the wine and gently mix.

Transfer the filling to a 10″ pie plate or divide it amongst individual ramekins. remove the crumble patties from the freezer and break them over the fruit leaving some chunkier pieces.

Bake at 375F until the fruit is bubbling and the topping is golden brown, about 30 to 40 minutes.

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97 Responses to “Spring & Its Tutti Frutti Crumble”

  1. Splendid pictures! I love cherry trees in bloom. That crumble must be divine.



  2. Melissa says:

    Stunning. The cherry trees are blooming here right now in Vancouver BC, such a pretty time of year.

    Can’t wait for rhubarb and strawberries so I can try this recipe.

  3. Such a romantic time of year with all the cherry blossom. I love it. Im also amazed at your white raspberries. Apparently where you find white raspberries there is a 99% chance of finding truffles!

  4. You have photographed those Cherry Blossoms so well! I have a post going up on May 1st all about Cherry Blossoms because my husband and I stumbled across a festival on our 3rd anniversary on May 1st. They are so magical and special.

  5. Bea says:

    Spring on your pictures is so beautiful! The 5th is my favorite :)

  6. These photos are so beautiful and serene. They really capture the beautiful of spring.

    And the food just looks so delicious! I’m so happy to have found your blog. :)

  7. alice says:

    Delicious! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of her book either!

  8. I love this blog and visit often for inspiration. Today, I posted on my own blog, and included a poem by Pablo Neruda about spring and cherry trees. And then I came here and, surprise! I saw your lovely photos and a delicious recipe. I can’t wait to try it. It’s all just putting me in a spring frame of mind.

    If you don’t know the poem, I invite you to come read it on Communal Table.

    Thanks for what you do!

  9. Aran, I love reading your blog. Your stories hit so close to home with me. My parents also don’t live hear so when their visits come to an end, it makes me sad. I received Heidi’s book this week too and went crazy with her recipes!! Thanks for a lovely blog and beautiful pictures.

  10. mycookinghut says:

    Beautiful pictures and lovely recipe!

  11. The pictures of the cherry blossoms took my breath away. Just stunning.

  12. ABowlOfMush says:

    Love this tutti fruity crumble, it’s gorgeous and sounds delicious.

    I love the cherry blossom festival here in New york at the Brooklyn botanical garden its so pretty.

    Your cherry blossom photos are beautiful!

  13. Joy says:

    Beautiful! Very spring-y! It feels like in MA, the weather seems to skip spring to summer.

  14. Brandon says:

    This recipe looks divine. I love a good fruit crumble. And as others mentioned, the images of the flowering trees are just gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing!

  15. Stunning images as always. And what a sweet uncle-in-law to mail you cherry blossom branches!

  16. Un billet tout en douceur et en délicatesse à l’image de ce crumble qui titille mes papilles :-)

  17. Ruth says:

    Everywhere I look today people are doing Heidi’s recipes. I am awaiting her new book on pre-order here in the UK and it is nearly killing me! Thanks for sharing!

  18. Angela says:

    *_* Spettacolo !!! Non avevo mai visto poi i lamponi gialli … che beeello, vorrei essere li :)

  19. Way to celebrate spring, Aran! The yellow raspberries are beautiful!

  20. Manderley says:

    Las fotos son maravillosas y la receta muy rica.


  21. I’m happy that you took advantage of being here to go and see something celebrated such as this festival. When we lived in Japan we MISSED seeing the cherry blossoms in Kyoto. We still talk about how we should have gone and didn’t. We’ll probably be old and grey and reminiscing about that Kyoto Cherry blossom miss…

  22. This looks so inviting and charming. Cant wait to try your recipe, and hopefully I get to attend your styling and photo workshop in France this fall. It would be so nice! A petite dream come true really;)

  23. Kat says:

    Beautiful pictures! I love too the cherry trees in bloom!
    The tutti frutti crumble is perfect for me :)

    Thanks for sharing!

    Kat (http://douceursaupalais.blogspot.com/)

  24. Cherry blossoms are the most beautiful! Sounds as if you had a great time with your parents. Macon, GA has a huge cherry blossom festival every year. It is fantastic.

  25. Agnès says:

    how I lOVE your pics!! thank you!

  26. Cherry blossoms are so uplifting! I love the way flowers make you feel. The crumble looks gorgeous and I love the yellow raspberries – do they taste much different to the regular pink/red ones?

  27. Elizabeth says:

    Lovely. I’m salt-curing some cherry blossoms this year in ume vinegar. Not sure if/how I will use them in pastry, but I thought I’d experiment.

  28. JC says:

    DC is my favorite place in the US & this time of year with the cherry blossoms is gorgeous!

    The crumble looks sooo delicious!

  29. You really are an artist. Looking at your blog – it’s like a fairytale…

  30. giozi says:

    I loooooove second picture.
    I love your little bowls too ;)

  31. Delicious! I love your pics :-)

    Hugs, Sandra

  32. kimberlycun says:

    this post is pastel heaven! love your pictures :)

  33. Golubka says:

    Beautiful blossoms! So glad you enjoyed your time with your parents. A friend pre-ordered a copy of Super Natural Every Day for my birthday and I was so happy to get such a present! It’s truly inspiring read.

  34. Hola!

    Muy rica la receta del cumble, un postre sencillo y saludable.
    Gracias por compartir las fotos de esos cerezos en flor. Qué maravilla!
    Yo también he pedido el libro de Heidi S.

    Buen día!

  35. Camila says:

    Lovely photos Aran as always.Can’t wait for my copy of Heidi’s book to arrive here in Bcn!

  36. Su says:

    First of all, the pictures are just breath-taking…
    And that crumble looks heaven for the moouth.
    Big Kiss

  37. All of your pics are simply amazing. But I bet you already know this :)

  38. Seanna Lea says:

    I was in DC at the beginning of April, but I came from the northern part of the country so it was gloriously spring-like. I love how you captured the blossoms that I love so well.

  39. Dana says:

    I love the way you shared this story!!! It inspires me to write! LOVE all of the pictures as well!!! Happy Cherry Blossom season to you! ;) xo

  40. Jayme says:

    oh Aran! That first shot of the blooming cherry trees took my breath away! Love each and every shot of those trees in this post. They are my favorite; I just adore them. Thank you for sharing! :)

  41. Madison says:

    This looks amazing! Can’t wait to try it!

  42. Shelby says:

    How lovely… Blooming Cherry Blossoms, Washington D.C., fruit crumbles with seasonal spring ingredients, another fantastic post. Thank you for your inspiration, beautiful pictures!!!

  43. Susan says:

    Absolutely breathtaking. The beauty in that tree, your writing and your recipes! Have to pick up a copy of Heidis’ book now.

  44. Cherry trees are such a beauty, they take my breath away. And that crumble sounds and looks delicious, Aran! I love each and every fruit you combined here.

  45. Your yellow raspberries look every bit as beautiful as those cherry blossoms!


  46. I love the Cherry Blossom Festival! I live in D.C. as a student and spend every spring sitting along the tidal basin doing school readings, it’s a wonderfully calming setting. I’m glad you enjoyed them (and missed the weekend rain)!

  47. C.C says:

    Hey! Like your blog, keep the good work up! I’m in to the same healthy enlightened path as you ;) , check out fablefoods.blogspot.com!

  48. Angela Saban says:

    Your post made me cry, missing my Dad and Dogwood trees from my home in NC. You are so sweet, and i can almost taste your recipe from the pictures. Thank s for your sweetness.

  49. Poppy seeds are such a great idea..The whole dish looks spoon-licking good!

  50. make my day says:

    yes..completely the image and taste of spring! very calming isn’t it? it’s funny though, down this way the golden yellows of the wattle tree blossom are more our indicators of spring!! like this.. http://www.makemydayproducts.com/blog/?p=182 now we’re looking at autumn! the world is upside down! cheers kari

  51. Ishita S. says:

    I’m from the D.C. area and your pictures make me miss home so much! We have a big cherry blossom tree in the backyard, and I can’t wait to see the gorgeous flowers when I go home.

    This crumble looks delicious — anything with Beaujolais sounds good to me!

  52. What a beautiful crumble. I cannot wait to get a copy of Heidi’s book. What a lovely way to spend your last days with your parents on their visit. The walk around the lake sounded very special indeed :)
    Heidi xo

  53. What a beautiful crumble. I cannot wait to get a copy of Heidi’s book. What a lovely way to spend your last days with your parents on their visit. The walk around the lake sounded very special indeed :)
    Heidi xo

  54. I need an infusion of your sprintime photos and treats! It is still cold and rainy here… not fun! But I’m dreaming of cherry blosoms and berries. I can’t wait!

  55. Regina says:

    That crumble looks amazing!
    I was just in DC for the festival too though unfortunately the rough winds we’ve been getting tore the blossoms off the trees but the festival was fun :)

  56. Your images of the cherry blossoms are ethereal – this is the third time I’ve stopped by to see them. Thank you for sharing. xo

  57. Jacquelyn says:

    I always love your food photography. Beautiful.

  58. This is beautiful! I was looking at this recipe in Heidi’s new book earlier today. I love the look (and taste) of golden raspberries, and I’ve been so excited to finally use rhubarb!

  59. Sandrine says:

    Bonjour Aran, les photos sont magnifiques et elles me renvoient aussi aux beaux cerisiers en fleurs qui me manquent tant!Ainsi que les visites de mes parents et la douleur des au revoir…
    Merci pour ces belles photos et la recette.
    J’ai une question a propos du “Gluten free Oat”?Je suis un peu confuse…Je croyais que l’avoine contient du gluten et donc deconseiile pour les celliacs?
    Tu peux me repondre ici si tu as le temps :) sandrine.marsh@gmail.com
    Sandrine x

  60. Mrs.French says:

    ok, it has been officially too long…i have to admit, that i lurk all to often, but this beautiful post spurred me from my silence. it has been a kick to watch you grow, and grow you have! you amaze sweet aran in so many ways! xo t

  61. Sandrine- i hope it’s ok that i reply to you in english. although i understood your question, my french is very rusty. you are right, theoretically, oats do not contain any gluten. However, in the US, due to the way they are processed, most oats are contaminated with gluten, so that’s why I mentioned to look for certified gluten-free oats. I’m not sure how it is elsewhere. Hope that made sense.

    Thanks for your kind words!

  62. Sanem says:

    These photos look fabulous. This crumble is definitely on my next to try list with rhubarb.

  63. Anna Emilia says:

    Here cherry trees are just a dream (though they exist, but not so well blooming ones) but I am very happy to admire them through your beautiful pictures. So precious everything here.

    Sunny greetings from Finland where the snow is still melting.

  64. Cherry Blossom is my favourite so I adored reading this post. What beautiful pictures you have! It really sounds as though it was a wonderful, precious weekend.


  65. Eva says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to the cherry blossom festival. There’s something ultimately peaceful and calming about the smell and the way they look moving in the breeze. The photos you took of the cherry blossoms are stunning, a great representation of how they look/make you feel in real life.

  66. Chrissy says:

    I was just in DC over the weekend as well. Your photography is amazing!


  67. Four says:

    Gorgeous pictures! And everything looks so delicious :)


  68. candycane says:

    I grew up in Savannah and we had a cherry tree in our front yard. My mother used to make the most delicious tarts and pies with the fresh picked cherries. If only the Real Women of Philadelphia competition was around back then, she would have won that big cash prize. Paula Deen’s got nothing on mom’s homemade cherry cobbler! I might enter in a few weeks in her honor. America NEEDS to know how to use cherries the way she did!

  69. Hungry Nomad says:

    I absolutely adore your blog. Every time I read it – it makes me happy. Your new cherry blossom photos are fantastic.

    Good luck on your adventures in France.

  70. a. maren says:

    o thank you for the beautiful photos…those cherry blossoms look like they come straight from heaven. how thoughtful of your uncle to send you some. and the crumble looks wonderful!

  71. i am in awe! could you make food look any prettier?! love!

  72. Gen says:

    De magnifiques photos! J’aime beaucoup le crumble auc fruits rouges et les framboises jaunes!

  73. Junglefrog says:

    Gorgeous photos of the cherry blossom and I love those golden raspberries too! Never seen them before!

  74. Wow … You’re so lucky to have such beautiful flowers growing around you. Those golden raspberries look delicious! Glad you had a such a beautiful day.

  75. Great berries you found there. I would love to have a spoon of that.

  76. YUM – I love fruit crumbles, favourite is rhubarb. These are beautiful photos captured:)

  77. The fruit crumble with oats and poppy seeds looks fresh and wonderful. As always, you have stunning pictures.

  78. Never seen yellow raspberries before. Love the color.

  79. Sandrine says:

    Merci Aran, je comprends mieux maintenant!:)
    Me too,it becomes easier to write in English, I need to go back “home” more often do I!? LOL
    Have a great day!
    Sandrine x

  80. Samantha says:

    I think cherry trees are my absolute favourites…lovely pictures, thanks for sharing!

  81. Bri says:

    Aran – I work for Stemilt Growers, a tree fruit company that grows, packs, and markets fresh cherries in Wenatchee! Really enjoyed seeing your post on cherry blossoms. If you ever need help on a fruit-related story (we also grow apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, and apricots), please contact me at brianna.shalesATstemilt.com. Also, if you and your family ever make the trip to Wenatchee, we’d be happy to show you around our orchards.

    Brianna Shales
    Stemilt Growers

  82. Bri- That is wonderful! I hope we can make it out to Wenatchee soon. My uncle and aunt in law, Loren and Jam Mathis, live out there. We visited a few years ago but never made it to the orchards. I must go visit soon. I am always looking for heirloom apples, etc. My favorite. Thank you for introducing yourself!

  83. Quelle délicieuse fraîcheur!…….

  84. Sini says:

    Such pretty pictures (I’m really excited about those yellow raspberries!) and delicious sounding recipe. What a lovely idea to send cherry blossom branches!

  85. This looks lovely. I can’t wait for my copy of Heidi’s new book to arrive! I’m going to make gluten and dairy-free versions left and right! I would love to receive cherry blossom branches – there are no cherry trees anywhere near here really. Your photos are gorgeous.

  86. Aron says:

    Your posts are all so lovely!
    You deserve the award! I’m going to have to study your photos more—I’m still learning. :)


  87. Justyna says:

    I love your photos!
    Best regards, Cytryna Malina from Poland ;-)


  89. Cecilie G says:

    Is it yellow raspberries? Do you know their name? I would love to have yellow raspberries in my garden : )

  90. Cecilie- they are known as golden or yellow raspberries. Not sure they have another name also.

    Thank you!

  91. Cecilie G says:

    Thank you : ) Hopefully I can get them in Norway where I live : )

  92. Cecilie says:

    I did find yellow raspberries, bought them yesterday : ) Thank you for your inspiring blog, pictures and recipes : )

  93. I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I just recently bought your book. Just want to say thank you for all the inspiration you’re giving me, both when it comes to the recipies and the beautiful photography. I was also wondering if you know where I can find the blue bowls used in this post?

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