{Sunday Lunch} Fava and Quinoa Salad and a Plum, Oat and Rosemary Crisp

Weekend meals in our house are a bit of a hodgepodge of sorts. I play around with food, C. likes to experiment with the smoker, I bake all sorts of sweets… So I would say we graze all day long and maybe have one decent, sit down meal, which is usually breakfast.

I grew up in a family where all our activities revolved around our meal times. Lunch was always served at 1:30pm during the week and 2:30pm on the weekends. Even to this day, if I call my parents at that time and they are not home, my internal alarm immediately goes off wondering if something has happened. There is something very comforting about that and that’s perhaps why I crave routine so much.

I think it’s clear I love to cook, especially I love to cook for my family. I feel incredibly lucky to be able to work from home and to have a flexible schedule so I can always fit our dinnertime together. I am very passionate about what I feed my children, but above all, I love the task itself. I love peeling, sauteeing, dressing, roasting, dicing, icing… I love the action that happens in the kitchen. The smells and sounds that come out of it.

But weekends are different… On weekends, I like to feel no obligation to have lunch on the table at a certain time or to have to rush home to prepare dinner. I just want to play around and have fun.

So early this morning, when I had barely finished cleaning our breakfast dishes, I got back in the kitchen and started cooking our lunch. C. took our little boy out for some errands and M. napped peacefully. I sat at the dining room table and started patiently peeling the bag of fava beans I got at the market yesterday. Brought back memories of my dad snapping and cutting flat green beans for my mom. Put me in a trance.

I quickly blanched the favas in salted, boiling water and made a salad with red quinoa, the fava beans, shallots and a soft boiled egg. All dressed very simply with salt, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and some mini purple basil leaves.

For dessert, we had a gluten-free plum, oat and rosemary crisp. I know it might seem odd to add rosemary to a crisp, but believe me, it worked. The lemon zest and the rosemary complimented the sweet and slightly acidic fruit very, very well. Even J. agreed. I snapped these photos in a pinch while the skies were threatening rain. I can see the grayness in them. I like it.

And tell me, what did you cook this weekend?

Gluten-Free Plum, Oat and Rosemary Crisp

3 lbs sliced plums
2/3 cups palm sugar or cane sugar
3 Tbs plus 1 tsp cornstarch
1 vanilla bean, scraped
Juice of 1 lemon
pinch of salt

1/2 cup superfine brown rice flour
1/4 cup gluten-free oat flour
1/2 cup gluten-free rolled oats
1/2 cup palm sugar
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 Tbs finely chopped rosemary
Zest of 1 lemon
1/2 cup melted butter

Toss together the sliced plums, cornstarch, lemon juice, sugar, vanilla bean and salt. Transfer to a 10″ round baking dish.

In a bowl, whisk together the flours, oats, sugar, sea salt, rosemary and lemon zest. Add the melted butter and fold with a spatula until all the dry ingredients are moist with the butter. Crumble it on top of the fruit.

Bake at 350F until golden and filling starts to bubble. About 45 minutes. If the topping starts to get too dark, cover with a sheet of aluminum foil or parchment paper.

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68 Responses to “{Sunday Lunch} Fava and Quinoa Salad and a Plum, Oat and Rosemary Crisp”

  1. Ken says:

    I feel healthy just looking at the food. Beautiful photos and no doubt a delicious lunch.

  2. The pudding looks AMAZING and gluten-free:) Plums are in season so I don’t have an excuse not to make this.

  3. Really nice photos. I like the mixture of photos of the food and ingredients. The broad beans look so green and tasty.

  4. Beautiful! Have you ever experimented with any raw food preparation?

    Like Pure Food and Wine:


  5. Hannah- no, i haven’t tried any raw recipes yet. perhaps soon. i’m curious.

    Thanks all!

  6. Rosemary is such a versatile herb. A touch can do wonders to contrast and bring out flavors. I like the idea of having life planned around meals, it’s appropriately scheduled around what keeps us alive.

  7. Golubka says:

    What a wonderful idea, adding rosemary to the crumble. I can tell those two would make for a wonderful combination.
    This weekend, we made gazpacho, spicy herb crackers to go with the soup, and raw chocolate candy :)

  8. Your crisp looks wonderful! I agree about weekend cooking, it’s usually my time to have fun! This weekend, though, I ‘worked’ in the kitchen, putting up the bounty of my CSA share for the dead of winter. I’m so excited to have lovely fresh-tasting tomatoes in December.

  9. El says:

    I had to laugh when you said the photos had gray in them. Welcome to New England ;>)

    Weekend cooking at your house sounds wonderful and your kids are lucky to have a mom who’s making sure they get proper nutrition. Beautiful photos.

  10. Lovely. That is everything that a weekend lunch should be.

  11. stephanie schamban says:

    When I look at your photos I am moved. It reminds me to take a step back and enjoy the moment. Get the kids involved in preparing a meal…sit down and enjoy it. And talk. Thank you.

  12. Your linens are so beautiful! Would you mind sharing some of your sources? I LOVE them!

  13. Andrea says:

    Gorgeous! Your pics are stunning, not grey at all! Do you shoot inside home? They are always so bright and with no strong shadows.. I’m in love with your work.

  14. Barbara says:

    I like the idea of adding the rosemary. Sounds interesting. All dishes look wonderful Aran. I didn’t cook anything special this weekend. One of my boys made his first sushi and brought some around for me to try.

  15. The French says:

    I can’t wait to make that salad, though I always think of Anthony Hopkins when eating fava beans…

    Crumble looks amazing too. and the pics are beautiful as always.

  16. ibb says:

    Behingoagatik denbora pasa izan diat sukaldean…gonbidatua nian. Nahiz eta denbora gabe ibili, gustora mugitzen naiz jendea bazkaltzeko dudanean.
    Lehengo ensaladatxoa, tomateekin, goxo goxo daudela jada, eta gazta eta lino semila batzuk kolorea emateko. Esparragoak binagreta batekin. Eta bigarrenez, oilazkoa labean beicon eta patatekin. Gauza haundirik gabe…denbora gehiago izan banu…edo hobe sentitu izan banintz…baina ona zegoela esan zidaten eta ez zuten ezer platerrean laga (goxe izango zen).

  17. Emily- all my linens come from different places. The first one is by Fog Linen Work and the other ones are just kitchen towels I found at Home Goods.

    Ibb- zelako bazkarie!!

    Thanks everyone. All your meals sound great!

  18. Cristina says:

    Your Sunday routine sounds a lot like mine – my husband and I have a lovely breakfast, then I usually experiment and we keep eating bites of this and that during the whole day :) Lovely photos, I’ll try the rosemary tip.

  19. Ms McGarves says:

    Hi There. I’ve been a follower of yours for a while and have to say that I find your blog very inspiring! My meal tonight is going to include Fava Beans (or Broad as we call them in the UK!) purely because your post today was so beautiful it made me crave these delicious green beans!!

  20. Koek! says:

    Groan… Fava bean season is so very, very far away here in SA!

  21. Dajda says:

    The green in the first photo looks so… edible. I’m sure it must have been a great lunch. At our home Sunday lunch is a meal that has to conform to traditional (and I’m sorry to say male) rules: chicken soup and meat as a second course, no other options. ;]

  22. sonharmuito says:

    WHERE did you get that bird plate in the 1st photo? Adorable!!

    I adore every image you post and recipe scribed. I did the Hazelnut/Sweet Batata/Yogurt cupcakes- delish!

  23. Seanna Lea says:

    I made a 2 layer caramel cake with a salted caramel buttercream frosting and my first attempt at root beer ice cream. I love all sorts of sweets, so it what I think to make first!

  24. What a terrific weekend meal. Weekends are perfect for playing around in the kitchen. The dishes look amazing and I love all the colors.

  25. cindy* says:

    what a fresh looking lunch! this weekend i baked a million-billion brownie bites and mini cheesecakes for our dessert table…getting married this saturday! all i have left to do is a mini cutting cake, cupcakes, and macarons :)

  26. Wow, that crisp is divine! And oooh, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream… yum! Gorgeous photos.

  27. Coco says:

    Beautiful Aran! The weekends are my favorite time to explore recipes and come up with new ideas. And of course on Sundays we love to venture through the farmers market. I saw some fresh fava bean pods there just yesterday so I think I shall buy some and whip up this dish. Thank you for the inspiration!

  28. Love the recipe. So simple. Will try it soon. I made a great dish inspired by a typical French Canadian (Québécois) vegetable. It is called Tête de Violon. Which means violin head or Fiddlehead fern. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiddlehead_fern
    I added to a simple pasta carbonara dish some Fiddleheads and shrimps. So good and real simple to make.

  29. I just love your photos they are so suggestive of a peaceful mood! I also loved the salad and the crisp- I just adore plums! I am making this soon with the fresh plums from our orchard!

  30. I whipped up some quinoa tabouleh to take the beach with me for a picnic lunch. I also mixed in some kalamata olives and feta cheese. So tasty!!

    Since becoming a parent…I have been surprised to discover how flexible I am with our mealtimes. I don’t seem to like being tied to rigid schedules…thank goodness I homeschool!

  31. Green Been says:

    fabulous & delicious – might just inspire me for my upcoming weekend!!! love it.

  32. Your food always looks so effortlessly simple and delish. Love your red-quinoa preparations. Thank you for sharing : )

  33. Erika says:

    That plum crisp has me lusting. Gorgeous images..

  34. that crisp looks so fantastic! i must make it stat!

  35. Jen says:

    What a lovely lunch…and beautiful blog.

    Ft. Lauderdale, FL

  36. Tara says:

    I LOVE that bird plate! Is it hand-painted? Great idea about the addition of rosemary – definitely tucking that one away for future use!

  37. This is delicious! I like it. So healthy.

  38. veron says:

    that fava bean salad looks amazing, but it’s the plum crisp that has me drooling! :)

  39. That egg made my mouth water– yum… all your weekend food looks great and I am especially envious of that GF crumble!

  40. Admiro profundamente tu Blog… Me conmueven la “vida” que tiene cada una de las fotos.
    Gracias por compartirlo.
    Natalia, desde Argentina.

  41. bolonia1997 says:

    Pero qué maravillaaa!!! una lástima que no lo escribas en español… y eso de la traducción instantánea ¿qué tal sería? creo que habrá que ponerse a desempolvar un poco del poco inglés que sé..
    Besos y felicidades.

  42. Inés says:

    Aran, jan ditut lehen baba berdeak (habak horrela dira ezta?) lehen piper berdeak, letxugak…denak etxekoak eta benetan zatozenean pasa etxetik eta bendejarekin itzuliko zara etxera…zurea bai plater ederra beti bezala Aran…

  43. Inés says:

    Ze ideia ona What did you cook this weekend…. Ba etxeko letxuga eta piper berdeak, itxasoko (edozein itxasoko seguraski)atune tipula karamelizatuaz

  44. I just love the bright green color of those fava beans. A great Sunday lunch!

  45. Sonharmuito- the plate is from Anthropologie. lovdely, right?

    Cindy- so exciting! congrats! xx

    Tara- i believe it is handpainted!

    Bolonia1997- Google tiene el traductor de idiomas pero es un poco nefasto aunque se puede leer. Si tuviera mas tiempo…

    Ines- a ze enbidie… zelan botaten dotezan faltan piper berdeak. udan noanean jan dotez gustora ba! eta trato! zure zoloko barazkiek probetako gogoak nau oin!

    Everyone meals sound delicious! Great to see the love for cooking. Inspiring!

    Thank you for sharing!

  46. zuza zak says:

    love broad beans (that’s what we call them in the uk) and that looks like a fantastic and easy recipe, which is so me. i had firends round this weekend and made finger food – hummus and pitta chips and pastries with greek salad, which you can check out on here:



  47. Sippity Sup says:

    The photos certainly say sun-drenched brunch on the terrace. GREG

  48. Kirstin says:

    I made the most perfect chocolate chip cookies for a stifling hot barbecue. People still seemed to enjoy them even though they were oven-warm!

  49. Virginie says:

    We had the fava beans salad for diner today, pretty good, thanks for the recipe !

  50. I’ve been seeing so many rosemary-in-sweet recipes lately– will have to give it a try! This looks amazing. My favourite photo is the fava beans! I know, I know, even among all the crumble photos, I go for the veggie one … beautiful.

  51. Beautiful, as always!

    I cooked blueberry cream muffins Friday night. My boyfriend and I threw together a broccoli, chicken, and linguine stir fry with Tamari and chili sauce on Sunday night.

  52. Caitlin says:

    I love using the weekends to go grocery shopping with my boyfriend and cook a big meal. Such a great way to relax and spend time together. Everything here looks beautiful!

  53. tiens says:

    i love that sunday lunch.is all natural and gives you all the natural body requirements before getting back to work on monday morning.

  54. tiens says:

    i love that sunday lunch.is all natural and gives you all the natural body requirements before getting back to work on monday morning.

  55. Christina says:

    this plum crisp looks absolutely mouthwatering! i´d really love to have a bowl of that now. gorgeous pictures, i love them.

  56. Carrie says:

    I think the weekends are great for experimenting in the kitchen although we have been so busy I haven’t had a chance to. I find it amazing how creative you can get when you don’t have everything you need or if you are creating a meal out of what you have (they are usually my favorites). Also love the idea of using rosemary and lemon together for the crisp.

  57. fresh365 says:

    Great idea to add rosemary to a crisp! They are my go-to dessert since I don’t have to deal with the whole “dough” thing. I am always looking for creative ideas!

  58. pity says:

    yo vivo una larga historia de amor con la quinoa, la adoro! preciosas fotos y deliciosas recetas, me encanta el color tan apetecible, besitos

  59. Aran, ambas recetas estan maravillosas. Creo que hoy o manana, me lanzo y pruebo tu ensalada de quinoa, solo que en lugar de habas que casi no encuentro por aca, lo hare con edamame.

    como siempre gracias por compartir

  60. Christina says:

    What a beautiful and elegant blog. Check out my blog with Food Science tips and more great recipes!

  61. Responding a week later…. we had a favorite – red wine spaghetti with broccoli rabe – and we grilled a flank steak to slice over it. Yum. And the leftovers. Yummier.
    Jennifer in KS

  62. sera says:

    omigod that sounds devine! I have to try out your gluten free crisp…

  63. Mély says:

    Mon Dieu…
    Ton blog est une oeuvre d’art !
    Je le découvre par hasard (via le blog “Pause gourmande en Provence”), quelle agréable surprise :-)

    Les photos font rêver (tu es très douée ! Pause gourmande en Provence aussi, d’ailleurs).

    Je me permet de t’ajouter à mes favoris, car… vraiment, j’adore :-)

  64. han says:

    Such beautiful pictures, and however hard I attempt it my natural stance is certainly not as flawless or as simple as this. The whiteness is just stunning, and I love the utensils and cuttlery. Your eye is delicate and very clever. It is all an inspiration to me and I plan to be more mindful in what I eat and in what I feed my children. Thankyou fealte&rosebud http://fealte.blogspot.com/

  65. what a velvety smooth texture on those beans! and the finished product has inspired me to make a healthy lunch for myself tomorrow afternoon! – and i can’t wait to try rosemary in a crisp. it’s my favorite herb.

  66. […] 14. If you need a good cracker for the the gluten-free crowd, try plum, oat and rosemary crisps. […]

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