Pumpkin and Pistachio Baked Alaska

Baked alaska definitely has a nostalgic and even kitschy sentiment in my mind. I have many childhood memories of eating baked alaska at the restaurant where my family always celebrated our gatherings. Plaid tablecloths and 80s decor come to mind when I think back at those times. All the kids always looked forward to dessert just so we could watch the waiter burn the meringue tableside. It was almost like anticipation before watching fireworks in the summer.

This is another one of my leftover series creations. I always have fun taking leftover components and creating new desserts from them. Here are some baked alaskas filled with pumpkin ice cream and pistachio joconde and covered with snow white Italian meringue. I also wanted to finish the gingerbread sugar dough by creating these sandwich cookies that are filled with roasted apple buttercream.

Do you ever feel like you need time to recuperate from the weekend? We had a great one and I hope you did too!

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52 Responses to “Pumpkin and Pistachio Baked Alaska”

  1. Y says:

    Those cookies are so pretty. I wouldn’t mind having a handful with tea now.

  2. ChichaJo says:

    That looks amazing! I wish I had those sort of leftovers in my fridge instead of the remains of last night’s dinner!

  3. leaca says:

    Those look as yummy as your photography.

  4. Candace says:

    Love baked Alaska… gorgeous images too!

  5. nadia says:

    Gosh these look delicious Aran, I absolutely feel like i need to change my life so it includes a pastry chef living next door or even better,, one in my house…:)

  6. Inne says:

    And you call this leftovers?!?!? I’d love to live in your house :-) The cookies and baked alaska look absolutely stunning.

  7. Amazing or not I ve never eaten baked alaska nor tried to make it. Yours looks so nice and theflavour combination is amazing. You re great.

  8. nicisme says:

    That dessert looks so good I could eat some right now, especially that meringue!

  9. Although I’d been fascinated by the visual for many years, I have to confess I’d never had Baked Alaska until I went to pastry school! Yours is wonderfully unique. I bet it’s delicious. And those cookies!

  10. Lori says:

    Oh yeah, trick or treating, baking, cooking, preserving, sewing and the zoo. Whew, I am definitely recuperating!

    These desserts look amazing. Leftovers have never looked so good!

  11. cindy* says:

    beautiful! the only baked alaska i have had was when i was about 10…and the inside was rainbow.

    i agree, sometimes you do need some time to recover from the weekend. this past one was busy for me as well…but fun!

  12. I really love this! The looks is adorable!

  13. Jeni says:

    This is a work of ART! Incredibly beautiful AND delicious.

  14. Angela says:

    Wow, what a sexy flavour combination!! What diameter/height moulds did you use for the ice-cream in the baked Alaskas?

    And I may swoon… Roasted apple buttercream? How fabulous!

  15. Helene says:

    So well executed. I wish I could taste these.

  16. uh oh. you know what Alaska makes me think of…..I can see Russia from my house!!!


    i went daring with finally making a macaron……think i will have to wait for quite a while until there’s any skill left to attempt this one.

    but hooray you made us canada cookies!

  17. eleonora says:

    C’est une jolie idée que je vais te prendre…l’histoire de la meringue est sublime…bravo

  18. Emily Rose says:

    beautiful!! Do you torch your baked Alaska or do it under the broiler in the oven? The torch seems like it would be so much easier- but the only way I’ve ever done it is under the broiler. Those flavors sound amazing together!

  19. FeeMail says:

    ohhhh, oooohhhh, ooooohhhhhhhhh ;-)

  20. Aran says:

    Thanks everyone!

    Angela- I use ring molds that are 3″x2″ but you can use any ring mold. You can also build it like a cake in a cake pan with layers of ice cream, freeze it and the cover it with meringue.

    Mallory Ellise- oh this is much easier than macarons! :)

    Emily Rose- I burn everything with my torch (I love that thing!). It is faster and no need to heat up an entire oven for this. I got mine at Home Depot!

  21. such lovely ideas—me too memories of baked alaska!! and lately i have been craving anything with meringue…are you reading my mind?

  22. Que cosita más rica y adecuada a este tiempo!

  23. This childhood taste alaska must have been delicious!

    I love your evocative pictures…

  24. Zoe Francois says:

    These are ethereal! I adore baked Alaska and one so rarely sees them anymore.

  25. Jaime says:

    Once again, Aran, lovely lovely, lovely!

  26. Ash says:

    yet another beautiful creation!!!

  27. Jennie says:

    Just found your blog via tastespotting: the pumpkin ice cream got my attention. :) Now that I’m here, I have to say I love your site. I will definitely be trying both recipes from this post next weekend when I have some time on my hands again. Lovely!

  28. Cheryl says:

    Wow that is beautiful, I adore your blog and your photos, incredible!

  29. Ginnypa says:

    Hi Aran,
    I haven’t thought of Baked Alaska in thirty years, such a rush of memories.
    It all looks so gorgeous.
    Did the roasted apple buttercream taste as good as it sounds??? Cause it sure sounds amazing…

  30. Simone says:

    Looks so delicoius (AS ALWAYS!!)… Thanks for your nice comment, will keep you posted!

  31. I’ve never made one, but I’ve always loved the idea of a baked Alaska. You’re version looks both creative and delicious. Also love with you did with the leftover ingredients!

  32. Mrs.French says:

    you have to know that I am seriously dying..this sounds amazing! BRAVO! xxoo

  33. Tartelette says:

    Kitschy but wonderful! Oh the memories of my first adult dessert taste!! Now I am in the mood for snow :)

  34. Mobula says:

    Cuanto me gustaría tener una nevera/congelador lleno de todas estas maravillas. Hasta aprovechando cosas eresimaginativa. y de todo me quedo con las galletas, me han encantado ( la masa ya está en la nevera, me falta el cortapastas tan mono de las hojas).



  35. Peabody says:

    I am laughing right now. Great minds think alike. I just made a baked alaska with pumpkin ice cream, though I had a spice cake on the bottom.
    Yours looks way better than mine though.

  36. I just called my husband over to ogle your pics with me. I love the dreamy quality of them.

  37. Sophie says:

    These are definitely the prettiest leftovers I’ve ever seen. They sound incredible, the apple buttercream sounds heavenly!

  38. idu says:

    “Elurra teilatuan, sakua lepuan, ibili beharko degu, aurtengo neguan, riau!” apenas udazkenik gabe negu girora pasa garen honetan, zein ondo datozen merengue eta opiltxo hauek!

  39. Aran says:

    Idu- bai, bai… badakit neguko eguraldiegaz zabiziela hortik. txokolate bero bat prestetan hasi zaite ba!

  40. giz says:

    I especially like the leaves – you’re hereby granted entry to Canada – deposit your maple leaves at the border crossing

  41. Cakebrain says:

    Oh my. This post is so beautiful! I love the idea of Baked Alaska but believe it or not have never ever eaten one! These little ones are so cute yet elegant too!

  42. Aran, my new question is, what are you going to make in honor of this momentous occassion? woooooohooooooooooo…

  43. Aran says:

    Deb- Something mighty sweet for sure!

  44. Serena says:

    Leftovers? The mind boggles. They’re all beautiful! Lovely post.

    I’m definately going to try the cookies! I’m more of a cake baker, but the kids are on a cookies phase sooo…thank you for your recipes!

    So much love for your pics! Kudos!

  45. C.L. says:

    I swear, if I could afford it I would make a trip down to Florida just to learn from you and eat for a week or so. You are so amazing…and comforting, and inspiring….just amazing.

  46. Mitzy says:

    Everything you made looks amazing! Thank you for sharing the recipes and photos

  47. Cakespy says:

    It makes me think of my favorite Velvet Underground song…”It’s so cold in Alaska…” but these are infinitely sweeter! Wonderful as usual!

  48. Half Baked says:

    Gorgeous! Pretty amazing for leftovers! I’d happliy take any of those leftovers off your hands:)

  49. It’s early morning here & I’m craving roasted apple butter cookies & baked Alaska!! You are ultimately creative Aran. Loved your interview at cakespy. WAY TO GO!!!

  50. Eileen says:

    Wow, all I can say is, this looks fabulous. The combination of flavors
    sound sublime!

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