The James Beard Awards and looking for spring

The first day of spring.

Can you smell it in the air?

Yesterday I learned that this blog of mine is a finalist for the 2012 James Beard Awards in the “Individual Food Blog” category.

How did it feel? Like an outer-body experience. An incredible honor to be surrounded by authors, journalists, bloggers, and photographers I have admired since the beginning. You can view the list of all the finalist on James Beard Foundation site.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And today we leave for the Basque Country where we will be the next couple of weeks visiting my family and old friends.

We will be waiting for the first cherry and apple trees to blossom. We will welcome the baby sheep, make mamia from sheep’s milk, and if we are lucky, we might even go mushroom picking.

I miss the feeling of missing the seasons. When winters starts to make room for spring and there is change in the air. The smell of morning dew on the first buds, the birds finally return and wake me up with their chirping, and the first days without a coat. I miss the feeling – and that is why I must go home now. “Florida, you are warm and beautiful, but I need mud and rugged forests”.

I will be back soon and in the meantime, eat well and enjoy the first days of spring.

See you soon.

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86 Responses to “The James Beard Awards and looking for spring”

  1. Zita says:

    Congratulations again on the nomination! Hope you’ll win in your category.

    I’m looking forward to reading and looking your new post about your holiday!

  2. Enjoy the Basque Country :) And congrats – not surprising and so well deserved!

  3. Sunchowder says:

    Congratulations to you! You are an inspiration and this is so well-deserved. Have a beautiful holiday with your family.

  4. nikole says:

    So glad for your Aran, congratulations!

  5. Adie Andrews says:

    Adorable spring photos I just love green trees and pink blossoms – the spring is in the air. Greets check in report london

  6. Ariana says:

    Congratulations– what a huge honor, which you certainly deserve! I always love your pictures from your homeland, have a wonderful time!

  7. Erin says:

    Congratulations! How exciting, and very well deserved!

  8. C.B. says:

    Congratulations (you deserve it). I understand the feeling of waiting for the new season all to well (Canada has plenty of that). The last week has been unseasonably warm (we’re talking early summer weather at the end of winter). Usually the city would still be covered in snow or slowy melting but last weekend we got a lovely 20 c and today is gonna be 29 (love, love, love everybody’s in shorts and t-shirts). Anyway, I hope we won’t get a snow storm in April.

  9. Arrate says:

    Orain dela ile batzuk EITB David de Jorgen programan egon zinen eta egin zenduan postria izugarri guztatu zitzaidan.
    Interneten topatu nuen zure bloga eta arrazkero beti jarraitzen zaitzut.
    Ze argazi dotore, ze jateko erakargarri, ze kolore eta ze sagar, zenbat sagar… Zoragarria!!!
    Segi horrela eta ia sorte eukitzen dozun James Beard Awardsen

  10. Wow, congratulations on the nomination! That is awesome.

    Have a great time in the Basque Country!



  11. Huge congratulations. You deserve to win – your blog is breaktaking. I’m so looking forward to learning from you at your course in Montreal in June. See you then.

  12. Congratulations :) I absolutely adore your blog. It’s not just that you take beautiful photos, but also that your recipes are both creative and heartwarming. I am reminded of my own childhood when you write of yours.

  13. Carmen says:

    Felicidades! que lo pases super bien. Yo necesito el cambio de estaciones,algo asi como el ciclo de año…no me puedo imaginar otra cosa. Nosotros iremos al Pais Vasco en sep/octubre!!bs

  14. Felicitaciones, Aran, por la nominación. No me extraña en absoluto. He encontrado tu blog hace poco, y fue y sigue siendo para mí un bálsamo. Ya te escribiré más. Por ahora, por favor, keep writing mientras estés fuera, no nos hagas esperar 15 días por otra de tus entradas.
    Buen viaje y gracias por el arte!
    Con mucho cariño,


  15. Ruzu says:

    congratulations, you deserves this nomination

  16. Mrs. Sutton says:

    Congratulations on your nomination – happy Springtime and enjoy Basque country. Your blog is gorgeous and truly deserving. Btw that last image with the halved boiled egg and pasta looks particularly delicious – yum!

  17. Juliana says:


    Have a safe journey and a wonderful time back home!

  18. Sara says:

    Congrats! Loving your photos here – they’re definitely putting me in a springtime mood!

  19. megcjones says:

    congratulations! i was thrilled to see your name on the list – absolutely well deserved. will be rooting for you :)

  20. What beautiful pictures, especially the very first one! I wish you a nice stay in Europe. :-)

  21. Congratulations! that’s an impressive news! Happy spring Aran!

  22. katie-anne says:

    congratulations on being selected as a finalist! i’ve been an admirer of your blog for quite a while now, and continue to love your recipes and photography. most recently, the beetroot tarte tatin was delicious (and beautiful)!

  23. Ana_ILTdP says:

    Enjoy your time en el País Vasco ;)

    I haven’t tried mamía ever in my life, I discovered its existence months ago and I want to try it soo bad…

  24. Congratulations! The recognition by the James Beard Foundation is certainly well deserved. Have a wonderful trip to the Basque country!


  25. Richa says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! You ARE a winner!

  26. Ana_ILTdP says:

    And I forgot to say the most important thing: Congrats for your nomination for JBF Award!! :)

  27. Congratulations!! You and your blog deserve it!! :) The photographs are just brilliant.. your blog is an inspiration to all of us!! :)

  28. susan says:

    Not surprised, Aran. You are a daily inspiration for me!! Congrats!

  29. kimberly says:

    Sweet friend~
    I am so proud of you, and yet it is so well deserved. Wishing you an absolutely amazing trip – enjoy every moment and please share the beauty that you are sure to be surrounded by while you are there!

  30. Tanya says:

    A well deserved congratulations to you! I’ll be rooting for you!

  31. Sukaina says:

    Many many congreatulations on your nomination. I look forward to seeing photos of your holiday! Enjoy :)

  32. carin n says:

    Congratulations! I love the beautiful photographs and delicious recipes you share with us.

    I know how you feel–since moving to S Florida, I miss the change of seasons, although I don’t miss snow and slush! I was in Oregon last week and was delighted to see budding cherry trees and crocuses and daffodils in the flower beds and the wonderful smell that can only be described as Spring!

  33. Congratulations! Now you won’t need an airline ticket for your trip because you must be floating above the clouds. Bon voyage.

  34. Jaime says:

    Congratulations Aran! I really hope you win the award. Must be so exciting and nerve-wrecking at the same time. Best of luck xx

  35. Congratulations and well deserved. How delicious that Spring has arrived. I love that season and all that it brings, similarly autumn (fall) is a beautiful time of year where I live in Australia. Enjoy!

  36. David says:

    Huge congrats Aran. So well deserved!

  37. Jeanne says:

    Congratulations!!!!! That is such an amazing, well deserved honor.

  38. veron says:

    Congratulations, Aran! I was so excited when I saw your name on the list of Beard finalists. Have a great trip!

  39. When i heard this yesterday i could be no prouder. my dear friend this is so deserved, you have worked hard and inspired so many people.

    bravo chere aran!

  40. Nieves says:

    Que tengas unas hermosas vacaciones y aqui te esperamos! Besos

  41. krayl funch says:

    Congrats!! That is a great honor and an inspiration.

    As a fellow Florida transplant I can relate to the need to feel the anticipation of the seasons. Enjoy your trip and the mud.


  42. krayl funch says:

    Congrats!! That is a great honor and an inspiration.

    As a fellow Florida transplant I can relate to the need to feel the anticipation of the seasons. Enjoy your trip and the mud.


  43. Anonymous says:

    thanks for sharing the pesto recipe on pinterest!!!!!!! Rita Winmill

  44. Congratulations on your nomination!! Fingers crossed! Gorgeous blog for the first day of Spring! Fresh & beautiful!

  45. Barbara says:

    I love how you’ve used the yellow mat. Enjoy Spain. xo

  46. Liz says:

    Congratulations on your nomination! Very exciting and well deserved.

  47. Danielle Esparza says:

    Congratulations! How wonderful for you!

  48. Marielle says:

    You so deserve the James Beard nomination. Your photography and styling is outstanding.

  49. Deeba PAB says:

    Congratulations Aran. If anyone deserves to be on the list, it has to be you! Was thrilled to see you there. Have a wonderful time in Basque country. You inspire like no one else … in every frame, through every word! Happy Spring.

  50. I was reading the nominations yesterday at the airport and was so excited to see your name. So excited for you and this lovely blog! Can’t wait for the Makerie.

  51. This looks so yummy and it’s quite healthy too. I love pesto and it’s a good option for a spring dish! Thanks for sharing!

  52. Jill says:

    Wow! Congratulations! :)

  53. Chez Us says:

    Congrats Aran! Such a well-deserved nomination. I am so happy for you. :)

    Enjoy your time in the Basque Country. I am actually cooking some of my favorite Basque dishes today – cannot wait to share them on Chez.

  54. jen laceda says:

    congrats on the James Beard Awards inclusion! looking forward to your future posts on your trip back home!

  55. Congratulations!! That’s wonderful and you deserve it!

  56. Congratulations, Aran! Your photos are lovely. A well deserved honor!

  57. Congratulations, Aran! Well deserved!

  58. Your site is simply beautiful. I love the pictures. My family is too from Spain, but I have never been. Hoping in 2 years to doing a cooking and eating tour for my website The Gourmet Mom:

    I will recommend your site to my readers. Please keep up with your amazing style of cooking. Lisa Montalva

  59. Congrats—so well deserved! And enjoy your trip. Sounds perfect.

  60. Great photos and amazing blog! Thanks for sharing.

  61. Alexandra says:

    Aran, congratulations! I used to work at the JBF and the awards are so much fun. You’ll have an amazing time here in NY and I really hope you to take the award home. I can’t think of anyone deserving it more. You are so creative, poetic, artistic and inspiring. Your recipes are delicious and gorgeous. Enjoy Spain and the best of luck in May.

  62. Lucy says:

    Congratulations! So well deserved by you and your blog!

  63. SoapyMermaid says:

    j’aime également les changements de saison. bravo pour la récompense bien méritée?

  64. We were thrilled when we saw your name on the list of finalists this week – you are such an inspiration to so many! Congratulations!

  65. ibb says:

    Etxean jada, ondo izan eta aste bi hauek asko goxatu.

  66. Sini says:

    I wish you a wonderful trip home. Enjoy!

  67. Congrats on the nomination! That is SO incredibly exciting! Good luck :D

  68. Abigail says:

    You have such a lovely blog – congratulations for your nomination!

    I stumbled across your blog through pinterest, and I love how refreshing your work is.

    Enjoy your time away!

  69. a. maren says:

    very exciting! you definitely deserve it!

  70. Kanene says:


    Zure bloga irakurtzea plazerra da.

  71. YUWEI says:

    Wow just found your blog. Its so lovely! May I ask whats the recipe for the delicious noodles in this post? :) Congrats i do hope you’ll win!

  72. junny says:

    the first cherry and apple trees to blossom, baby sheep ,mushroom picking. All things you mentioned are attractive! And it makes me little of jealousy,jajaja.

  73. Ashley says:

    Aran I am so thrilled for you. What an incredible honor. Enjoy your time away.

  74. Eileen says:

    Congratulations, Aran. You deserve it!

  75. Alexis says:

    Congratulations! You deserve it. Beautiful photos to welcome in Spring!

  76. Kathie says:

    Loved your beautiful photos
    Please give the recipe for the yummy looking pasta dish with the egg!
    Thank you so much,

  77. I want to taste those pastas .
    You make me want to live in “Heidi”‘s movie ;)

  78. Congratulations on your immense achievement. Enjoy your break

  79. […] Whip up a some pesto. With our kitchen half-packed, my fancy cooking ambitions are pretty low. Oh let’s be honest, I’m never really that into fancy cooking. Pasta works for our weeknight meals more than half the time, and if it were up to Kyle it’d be bolognese every single night. But we mix it up, and this time of year calls for pesto. […]

  80. […] and a blue and white striped duvet for a play on their dual citizenship. Cute right?  This looks so good. Down here I really miss having my Whole Foods 2 minutes away. Beans and rice anyone… again? […]

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