A New York Kind of Weekend, Part I

This past weekend, I flew out to New York City for my second Sunday Suppers dinner where I was featured as a guest chef. It was a weekend full of food, friends, laughs and sunshine and I couldn’t be more thankful for all of it. The amount of time and dedication that goes into it is unbelievable, but so worth it and I can’t thank Karen and Casey enough for their support and friendship.

I will share photos of the actual Sunday Suppers dinner soon, but first I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite images from the day before the dinner at the farmer’s market at Union Square. I wanted to cry it was so beautiful.

Before I left for New York, my dear friend Deb offered me to stay at her apartment in Greenpoint, Brooklyn while she was away on vacation. She is one of the most generous and warm hearted people I have ever met and I will be eternally grateful to her for many reasons. I ended up staying in her super cute, vintage Greenpoint apartment with her two kitties Icky and Max who kept me company.

I flew out to New York on Friday morning. This time around, I really wanted to have a day off to enjoy the city and have some quality time with friends.

I had a three course dessert menu planned for Sunday and lots of prep to do. As soon as I arrived in the city, I headed over to Karen’s for a five hour prep session where I got so much done. That always feels great and then had the rest of the night to enjoy dinner with my dear friend Amy Atlas.

She made a reservation at Dos Caminos in SoHo. We talked about life, work, motherhood… and how to balance it all. She is warm, generous, funny, sincere and I am so thankful our paths connected. It was an amazing evening. Thank you Amy!

Sweet Karen Mordechai

The next morning, Karen, Casey and I headed to the Union Square farmer’s market to shop for some of the ingredients for the dinner. It was a joy to be there even in the middle of a heat wave. The produce, flowers, dairy farmers, organic growers, wild game, fish… It was a food lovers dream and reminded me very much of the markets back home.

I found the most beautiful and sweet tiny strawberries, red currants and purple blossoms for the berry consomme and lemon champagne sorbet pre-dessert I was going to have the next day. Marigolds and greens for one of Casey’s salads, garlic blossoms for the couscous salad, the sweetest and tiniest tomatoes and crates and crates of so much more… A dream.

After the farmer’s market, we had lunch at Pastis and then, Casey and I headed to Chelsea Market for some more shopping and gelato. She and I walked around for a bit, visited New York Cake and Baking, laughed, walked down a street fair, laughed some more. It was the perfect ending to a perfect New York day if you ask me.

Photo by Karen Mordechai Photography

There was quite of bit of traveling this summer for me, but this will be my last trip in a few months because as you can see in the last photo, there is a baby growing in my belly and yes, I am getting bigger and bigger everyday. I am just happy I got to do this before life gets a bit crazier.

And to top it all off, Amy finally convinced me of the wonders of Twitter so I’m finally on and you can follow me here. Hope you had a great weekend too!

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77 Responses to “A New York Kind of Weekend, Part I”

  1. Oh wow, multiple congratulations seem to be in order! Congratulations on the baby, and congratulations (with a hefty dose of jealousy) on the Sunday Suppers gig! And you know, I finally found currants in my local grocery, but they were SO expensive and not really fresh :( Maybe someday I’ll get the chance to bake with them.

  2. Tuki says:

    Congratulations to you all! It’s such a wonderful new Aran, I wish you a great time to come and.. can’t wait to see the lucky baby! A big hug

  3. morgana says:

    ¡¡¡ Enhorabuena, Aran !!! No sabía que estuvieras embarazada, que noticia tan estupenda.

    Madre mía, qué mercados más bonitos, se me cae la baba sólo de ver las fotos, seguro que si pusiera el pie en uno, me volvería loca.

    Besos desde el otro lado del charco. Espero que todo te salga fenomenal con el embarazo y el bebé.

  4. Simone says:

    Oh, this is the my favourite post of the week….anywhere!!

    I live in London, England but have been lucky enough to have visited NYC and the Union Square farmers market lots of times, it is fantastic isn’t it….lucky you!

    Your week-end sounded amazing…..and congratulations to you on your baby, how wonderful!

    Your blog is fabulous :)

  5. Hilda says:

    Wonderful wonderful news Aran (hehe I’m glad I caught on to your hint on my blog). Lovely photos as always and so excited to see your new little one!

  6. K.Line says:

    What wonderful news! Congratulations.

  7. la ninja says:

    I love this bit: “there is a baby growing in my belly”, so nonchalant, as if it was s/thing that had just happened on its own, hee hee! :)

    fab post, I want to go back to NY now!
    I am really enjoying the contrast of these last much more social posts with the older more serene ones… ;)

    a long time reader ninja :)

  8. Susan @ SGCC says:

    Congratulations on your news, Aran! I wish you comfortable shoes and lots of cool breezes for the next several months! ;)

    I think I know how you felt at the Union Square Market. I had the same reaction when I visited Pike Place Market in Seattle a few months ago. Very different from what is available to us here in FL!

  9. Anis says:

    Oh Aran I’m so happy for you
    !!! you deserve it all and I want to thank you for still keeping on feeding this little blog of yours who bring joy to so many people!
    YOU ARE THE BEST and most of all you’re so sweet keeping helping me by always answering my question so quickly although you’re so busy all the dessert I made from your recipes are winners anf for my familly and friends I am becoming more and more kind of desserts goddess and for this I would never thank enough!!!

  10. Diana says:

    Congratulations Aran!
    I loved this post, it reminded me of the lovely days I spent in New York last June!

  11. Hello wonderful woman ! what a beautiful post, gorgeous photos and a sweet re-cap – we were so happy to have you and are starting the ASMTNY (aran should move to ny club) love you bunches xoxo-

  12. mlle noelle says:

    It’s a gloomy day here in Michigan and your photos were just what I needed to look at to brighten my day.

    I’m new to your blog, but congratulations on your news nonetheless! I look forward to scrolling through the archives. I used to live in Toulouse and spent some time in the Basque country. I adore the region, both the French & Spanish parts (esp. San Sebastian)… not sure which you’re from? Anyway, thanks for the gorgeous post.

    -Noëlle of Simmer Down!

  13. ChichaJo says:

    What a wonderful post brimming with good news and gorgeousness! :) Congratulations on your guest chef spot and most especially for the bundle of joy you are expecting!

  14. El says:

    It looks like a wonderful trip. I’m glad you had a great time!

  15. Bea says:

    Congratulations Aran! And thanks for this gorgeous post :)

  16. Miz.November says:

    Such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Its so nice to get to see a glimpse of your personality aside from recipe sharing. And, as always, your photos are just breathtaking.

    Congrats and good luck with the tiny one in the belly. :)

  17. montague says:

    so glad nyc showed you a good time!

  18. cindy* says:

    yay baby!

    everything, amazing!

  19. I’ve been living in NY for so long, I sometimes take it for granted. I love looking at it through your eyes. Your beautiful photos are a fresh perspective.

    Congratulations, too, on your wonderful news!

  20. RuthWells says:

    Congratulations on your news, Aran! Babies are the best. : )

  21. natalia says:

    Ciao ! Lots of auguri for your new baby and congratulations for your work !

  22. Junglefrog says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! So many changes coming along…:) Love the photos of the farmers market. Gorgeous and mouth watering!

  23. A wonderful weekend! Your shota are fabulous, as always! Thanks for sharing…



  24. Congratulations on your bun in the oven!

  25. Danielle says:

    Looks like a beautiful getaway! That market is insane! I HAVE to get myself over there! I Can’t wait to see all your delicious creations for Sunday Suppers!

    P.S. You look super cute in that pic! Your dress, purse, and sunglasses are lovely!

  26. fresh365 says:

    What a lovely post! Congratulations!!!

  27. Wow what a super looking market, and your photos are fabulous, thank you for sharing with us. They are beautiful. How fantastic your friend is too!! I am going to Paris on thursday to Cat sit and apartment sit, so I know what it feels like when wonderful people offer their homes to you!

    I don’t know you but congratulations on the baby, great that you got this trip in!

  28. Dajda says:

    It’s such great news! Congratulations! I’m glad you had a good time in NY (are the marketplaces really so beautiful?).

  29. Michelle says:

    Look at how much beauty you can cram into such a short time. I can’t wait to see what you dreamed up for Sunday Suppers…

  30. Aran says:

    Thanks everyone! As you might know, this will be baby number 2 for me and I have to admit that… I’m scared! Have no clue of how we will manage.

    Photos for the Sunday Suppers dinner will be coming soon although because I was teaching the class, I didn’t have a chance to photograph much of the dinner!

    Thanks again guys!

  31. Juliana says:

    Congratulations! I wish you all the best.

  32. Erika says:

    Congratulations for the new baby! Life is so sweet that give us these wonderful presents. A son is the best thing in our life!

  33. Aran, warm congratulations on your baby. That’s lovely lovely news. And further congratulations on all the wonderful work you’ve been doing with Sunday Suppers. So divine. Speaking of divine, I am incredibly jealous of those markets. The photos are stunning. For me, here in Brisbane, those photos are the nearest I’ll get to something that deliciously fresh and sweet.

  34. Vanille says:

    This post is full of life and news !!
    Congratulations Aran !

  35. congrats to you and your son because he must be so happy as well!

    cheers from london,


  36. MWT says:

    Congratulations! I finally stumbled upon Google reader so I can keep up with all the wonderful food blogs out there. Yours is one of my very favorite and I hope the new baby will still leave you with enough time to brighten all of our days with your beautiful pictures and words.

  37. shaz says:

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful, glorious burst of sunshine. Glad you had such a great time.

  38. Linda says:

    thank you for such a lovely post…newbie to your site…really enjoy your creativity…i cannot find the recipes…i clicked onto the link for recipes & got “comments” …anyone else have this prob?

  39. Aran says:

    Linda- There is no recipe in this post. Odd you got the “continue for recipes” link to show up on your screen. I hid it and doesn’t show up in mine. Sorry! This post is all about travel photos.

    Thank you!

  40. veron says:

    Wow! Congratulations aran on the success of your trip but most especially the pregnancy. You must be so thrilled.

  41. Ayşe says:

    wow! congrats on the little one! and the pictures- they’re- as always- wonderful…

  42. Dear Aran
    I just adore your site – it is stunning in every way. I’m a magazine stylist and story producer in Vancouver BC Canada, and have always admired the talent behind food styling and the photography of it. You can do it both and it is art. Iv’e been telling everyone about your blog and the beauty of it. Congratulations on the baby, I have an almost two year old, and boy, life and work, certainly changed since she came along.
    I envy your travels and wish I lived closer so I could meet you.
    I’m addicted to your site!

  43. Anna says:


    I’ve just discovered your blog and now I’m (just like Heather above) addicted. You are extraordinary talented and Im always left stunned by your lovely designed food and your beautiful pictures. You are, beyond all other blogs I’ve ever visited, the best. And by that I count every one, not only the foodblogs. I have one question – what camera do you use? Im about to buy one myself and even though I suspect that it is your talent that bring out this amazing photos I thought I could at least pretend the camera has something to do with it. Then maybe I can take half as good pictures as you, haha.

    Congratulations to the baby. I wish you and your family a happy future. Yours sincerly, Anna.

    Ps. Sorry for my poor english, Im a Swede.

  44. congratulations! you look adorable!
    (and the pictures are great!)

  45. Cheri says:

    Congratulations Aran! All the best to you and your family!

  46. Anonymous says:

    No me habia dado cuenta!! me he fijado en el vestido pero como ahora se llevan asi…que todas parecemos embarazadas..,j,j. Muchas felicidades, y tu peque que dice?…beso. carmen zürich

  47. Aran says:

    Carmen- es verdad. el vestido ni siquiera es de pre-mama sino de una tienda normal!

    Thanks everyone!

  48. I’m so happy to find you on twitter! Finally!!

    Oh and this sounded like so much fun.. I’m so jealous , in a good way though! lol

    Have fun and keep us posted with your awsome adventures!

  49. Bridget says:

    Congratulations!!! A new little taste tester! ♥

  50. Claire says:

    Isn’t the Union Square Farmer’s Market & Chelsea Market awesome? Congrats on the pregnancy! Have a safe & easy delivery!

  51. A & W says:

    Oh wow! These are truly gorgeous pictures. Congrats on the new addition to your family! I love USQ market and Chelsea Market is practically food heaven. Great post.

  52. How wonderful aran! Full of sunshine in this post! oh and karen is so lovely!

  53. Anonymous says:

    Hi Aran,
    Congratulations & all the best to you and your growing family :)
    Your-Blog-lovin’ ReNi ;)

  54. Congratulations, and fantastic post!

  55. That belly looks great ..;-) exciting!!!!

  56. Wow ~ Congratulations on the baby! I love this post. Farmers’ Markets are the best places in the world ~ the vegetables, the flowers… I need to get to my local one soon. Twitter ~ welcome aboard!
    Paula Grace ~

  57. Lina says:

    the baby bump suits you well! i would love to visit that farmers market one day. beautiful!

  58. Lovely piccies. I dream about going to NYC…someday

  59. Jayme Duke says:

    Oh Aran, congratulations on the baby! You are a strong woman to tackle NYC while pregnant, I couldn’t imagine! Not to mention the Sunday Supper gig too!

    I’ll be visiting NYC next month to visit a friend and I cannot wait. Your pictures are making me even more excited to be there :)

  60. Sha says:

    What a great news! Congratulations Aran!
    This Farmer’s market seems amazing, much bigger than in my city in Scotland ;)
    Take care

  61. Nicisme says:

    Congratulations Aran – how exciting!
    What a super time and wonderful photos, I have been once, many years ago. Take care, Nic x

  62. Dana says:

    As a mother of two, I can only say congratulations! I hope you are feeling well and wish you all the best.

  63. Lacerba says:

    oh… the place in your first photo… I believe I’ve been there two monts ago; I live in Italy and I miss NY so much!!!
    You’re a great photographer, I love your food images.

  64. Love everything you found at the farmers market! have never tried red currants so I can only imagine what they taste like. Congratulations on the baby coming! Can’t wait to meet baby Aran. :)

  65. Congratulations, Aran! Hope you and the baby inside are well!
    I also love the Union Square Greenmarket, and the Chelsea Market! Can spend many happy hours browsing there.

  66. Elizabeth says:

    What wonderful farmer’s market photos! Such color. I love the Union Square market!

  67. Mélanie says:

    Congratulations! It’s a wonderful news, I hope you are feeling well… A baby sister / borther for your little boy, he must be excited too!

  68. so wonderful to see these aran! incredible photops and so glad you got to see the wonders of the union square farmer’s market–so wish i could have been here too and thank you sooo much for being so nice to the kitties! so glad you could stay!

  69. I am so happy for you! It looks like life is very exciting right now and is only going to get more fun with another baby on the way! Congratulations!

  70. mimi says:

    wow wow congrats on the big news!! and glad you enjoyed the nyc visit, i miss it so much already! nobody believes me when i tell them nyc has the best farmer’s markets.

  71. Irene says:

    I read this post in a hurry the first time so I missed the really big news! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! All the best wishest! :D

  72. wow, this farmer’s market at Union Square looks so amazing and unrelated to the NYC way-of-living…well, I just booked-up my trip to NYC and will surly visit there, maybe I’ll buy myself some white eggplants too:)

  73. Maqbool says:

    i hate cold frigid…i wear layers… cover face, don’t want get sick….i keep warm my home lower east side manhattan :)))))))))) little open window air from heat boiler ger warmer 80 degreese insside below basement housing….. i don’t like full snow too much here nyc…. hope need melt away… another snow this week too bad..

  74. 70-432 Assay says:

    People’s New York itineraries will alter berserk but visiting Central Park, a cruise up the Empire State Building and accepting the Staten Island Ferry accomplished the Statue of Liberty are justifiably aerial on best agendas. Retail pilgrims can adjure at the chantry of Bloomingdale’s, sports admirers can booty a cruise to Madison Square Garden or Yankee Stadium, art admirers can absorb their absolute cruise at the Metropolitan Museum.

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