A Week of Frozen Treats

It has been so hot these last few days and I have been so busy with family and various projects that not much baking has taken place in our kitchen. However, last week, we spent a whole day making ice cream and sorbet bases to fight this summer heat.

Here is a little sneak peek into what we made. Peach, basil and lemon thyme sorbet with lightly poached raspberries. Delicious and refreshing. Can’t wait to share more!

Also, this is an outtake from a shoot I did this week with a darling little girl. She was such a trooper and she also enjoyed some of the frozen treats we made.

And I hope you have noticed the new summer banner. Thank you Kaytlyn!

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52 Responses to “A Week of Frozen Treats”

  1. 315thomas says:

    yum! that peach sorbet sounds amazing…

  2. That sorbet looks delicious.

  3. Anita says:

    Very refreshing picture of the sorbet, looks yummy!

  4. Caroline says:

    That sounds incredible!! Beautiful photos!

  5. This is truly beautiful! Peaches and Raspberries remind me of a cake I had in Paris. Both flavors are so delicate!

  6. m says:

    How refreshing looking! I could definitely use a frozen treat. :]

  7. Dear Aran
    I love your blog and beautiful pictures. I am a free lance food writer in Denmark.
    Great to get inspiration from you.
    Best regards

  8. Megan-Joy says:

    These look and sound wonderful! As always, your photos are beautiful. :)

  9. A delightful treat and a cute girl!



  10. Mirtilla says:

    Hi! Your blog is very interesting and your photos are so beutiful… I love peaches and this sorbet must be delicious! Bt where do you live? I live in Florence and these days are so cold… it rains and rains…It doesn’t seems summer at all!!!! :-(

  11. Venetia says:

    Recipe, recipe please! Can’t wait!

  12. soulflower says:

    looks delish…you make everything look so lovely!

  13. Mirtilla- I live in Florida and summers are very, very hot here. Would send some of this heat and humidity your way!

    Thank you!

  14. Ah, simple refreshing sorbet and cute happy kids. Nothing says summer better.

  15. delicieux says:

    Peach, basil and lemon thyme sound like such an interesting combination. The photos look wonderful and the little girl is adorable.

  16. Ivy says:

    Looks so delicious and beautiful! I adore your blog! xx

  17. Hettar7 says:

    It has been insufferably hot here in Ky and TN. I think it’s a bad summer everywhere though. Ice Cream has been on my menu and in my stomach on a regular basis. The ice cream sounds good. I’ve always thought thyme would work well with citrus flavors, but I could see the peach working as well.

  18. sunny says:

    the little girl is adorable!

  19. Sewon says:

    That sorbet sounds perfect, especially with the touch of thyme. Yum!

  20. Very refreshing. It is perfect for summer. I can taste the cold sorbet. I wonder how it tastes.

  21. Montserrat says:

    Lovely pics and I particular like the one of your darling little girl!

  22. SPLENDEROSA says:

    Aran, quick note to tell you how yummy this looks & how beautiful the child is. Show us some pics of yours when you have time. sending love, Marsha

  23. That sorbet looks and sounds SO good, can’t wait to find out how to make it! And your daughter is adorable :)


  24. Anh says:

    So refreshing! And that photo of your daughter is so beautiful!

  25. NINA says:

    The icecream looks delicious and so creative in its ingredients!
    And the banner is very fresh and appropiate for summer!

  26. Delicious! I LOVE frozen treats with flowers and herbs. Apricot and chamomile, blueberry and bay leaf, pear and rosemary, lemon and lavender; I can’t get enough.

    Peach with basil and thyme sounds like a most striking combination that I haven’t tried. Yet.

  27. Curra says:

    Suena tentador¡¡¡

  28. Paula says:

    pics taken by you are absolutely amazing!

  29. Lisa says:

    I love your blog, I love your recipes and I love your pictures – thank you!

  30. Esti says:

    ayer, noche de San Juan: hoguera, talos con chorizo y sidra, chocolatada y verbena para niños… Como tu me das envidia, yo contraataco, jajaja…

  31. Anh and Stephanie- that little adorable girl is not my daughter. She is a model I was shooting. :)

    Esti- me matas… Ayer mismo le estuve diciendo a ama que San Juan es la epoca del año que mas me gusta. Tengo unos recuerdos preciosos con la fogata, merienda, se acabo la ikastola… Me matas!!! :)

    thank you!

  32. Dajda says:

    The summer banner is very pretty, I noteiced it right away.
    Can’t wait for the sorbet recipe – it’s been quite cool round here recently, but I haven’t given up the hope for a bit of summer.

  33. Wow, this icy treat is really elegant and summery, calming down my heart :)

  34. cutlex says:

    Wow. You just spoke a language alien to me.

    It’s the cold season here in the Philippines. There’s the occasional Sun but soon we’ll be anticipating heavier rains… and hopefully lesser floods.

  35. Hi

    I just love your blog and all your georgeus photos!!!

    You should visit my blog today; I have a little surprise :-)

  36. Seanna Lea says:

    Ice cream and sorbet are so satisfying! I have cherries that need to be used up, so hopefully I will get to them tonight!

  37. Carrie says:

    I’ve been craving sorbet and the peach sounds wonderful!

  38. Bertha says:

    Wow, that sorbet sounds amazing! I’ve been on a sorbet making spree as well, this combo sounds delish! Love your blog :)

  39. Looks cold and delicious! Love your photography!

  40. Your photos are always so beautiful it is a pleasure to visit your blog; this sorbet comes in the nick of time, we are blessed with an abundance of peaches and love ice-cream around here!

  41. Thanks everyone! I hope I can get to write the full post soon. I have a sick little boy at home who needs my attention… But I will share the recipe soon. Thank you!

  42. Sally says:

    Pleeeeeeeeease post the recipe!!!!

  43. Paola says:

    Ohh wow! How is it possible that the sorbet doesn’t melt in the syrup during the shoot?? How can you achieve this perfect shaped scoops? I’ve never photographed ice cream and I really need advices from you, if you don’t want to share I’ll understand you.

  44. Paola- the syrup is cold so the sorbet should not melt. I used an ice cream scoop and dipped it in hot water so the sorbet comes out nicely. Also, have your dishes in the freezer too, that helps a lot. Hope that helped!

    Thank you!

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