Saturn Peach and Pistachio Nougat Ice Cream for the Last Days of Summer

Although we still have a few weeks left before we transition into autumn, it seems for us, summer is over as soon as school starts. It will be a new school year, a new school, new friends and all sorts of new adventures and I am ready for it. I am ready for the routine.

This past weekend we celebrated the end of summer with extra hours at the pool and an ice cream party. We still have many days of heat ahead of us, but it was a good way of making the little ones understand the changes that are ahead for them.

It has been the summer of fruit for me. I can’t even remember the last time I made a chocolate recipe in this blog. That has not been one of the cravings during this pregnancy, but fruit… yes, plenty of it.

I waited a long time for saturn peaches this time around. They haven’t been as abundant in our markets, but I finally found some beautiful ones this week. I’m not sure if technically this is correct, but saturn peaches seem sweeter to me than any other stone fruit. Could this be true? Or maybe it’s just my memories of eating them at the beach during my childhood. Nevertheless, I always get extra excited when I find them and this time was no exception.

As I have mentioned many times before, I have a weakness for pistachios. I thought it would be great to create a chunky ice cream with fruit and pistachios. The ice cream recipe is from David Lebovitz’s “The Perfect Scoop” and I love the slight tanginess that the sour cream adds to the entire recipe.

The pistachio nougat recipe is a slightly softer version of the traditional nougat and turns a bit into marshmallow once it has been in the ice cream overnight. Loved the texture of it and so did everyone else.

Pistachio Nougat

Makes half a sheet pan

100 grams egg whites
10 grams powdered sugar
275 grams honey
800 grams sugar
170 grams glucose
300 grams water
650 grams pistachios, lightly roasted

In a medium saucepan, cook the sugar, glucose and water to 144C. This will take a few minutes.

In the meantime, roast the pistachios and keep them warm until ready to use.

Place the egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer. Start whipping slowly and when they are foamy add the powdered sugar. Continue to whip.

Place the honey in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. When the sugar syrup is at about 130C, add the boiling honey to the whipped egg whites and continue to whip.

When the sugar syrup has reached 144C, remove from heat and start adding it to the egg whites slowly pouring in through the side of the bowl. Keep it close to the edge so the whisk attachment doesn’t start spinning the sugar into threads. Add all the syrup and turn it to high speed. Continue whipping until the bowl cools off slightly but it is still warm, about 4 minutes.

At this point, you can do a test of what the consistency of the nougat will be once cooled. Turn machine off and take a small piece of the meringue. Dip it in ice water and see how much it hardens.

When desired consistency has been reached, fold in the warm pistachios and immediately spread on a silpat while it is still warm and pliable. Spread into an even layer. You can dust the top with powdered sugar and use a rolling pin.

Let it cool completely for about 4 hours.

Saturn Peach and Pistachio Nougat Ice Cream

peach ice cream adapted from “The Perfect Scoop” by David Lebovitz

600 grams saturn peaches
125 ml water
150 grams sugar
120 grams sour cream
250 ml heavy cream
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
A few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice
175 grams pistachio nougat, chopped into small pieces

Peel and dice the peaches. Place them in a medium saucepan with the watr. Cook them for about 10 minutes until soft.

Remove pot from heat and add the sugar. Transfer the peaches to a clean bowl and let them cool completely. Once cooled, puree them in the food processor.

Add the sour cream, heavy cream, vanilla and lemon juice. Mix thoroughly and chill completely. Churn in ice cream machine and when desired consistency is reached, fold in the chopped pistachio nougat. Transfer to container and freeze.

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71 Responses to “Saturn Peach and Pistachio Nougat Ice Cream for the Last Days of Summer”

  1. Peter G says:

    As a kid, I always used to dread the end of summer Aran! Going back to school etc…I do love this recipe for the ice cream. I’m planning on buying an ice cream machine this summer so I look forward to trying it!

  2. Oh, what a wonderful flavor! That ice cream must taste fantastic! I love nougat…



  3. Dominique says:

    I love this recipe: “nougat” is a delicious flavor… I have to try this ice cream!!! Thank you…

  4. Mowielicious says:

    Wow, that looks so divine. I have been meaning to make more with peaches this year, and I have to agree, they haven’t been as many this year either… weird. Fabulous pictures though, always inspiring!

  5. Keri says:

    I lived in Georgia as a little girl, so peaches really are the taste of summertime for me. This looks amazing and I can’t wait to try making it!

  6. shaz says:

    What beautiful photos, as usual. I love pistachios too, thanks for the nougat recipe.

  7. Anja says:

    Yummy combination. There are still some peaches left on my tree.. . I ike the trick to test the texture of noughat while making. Wonderful photos as always.

  8. As I read this post, and look at the lovely pictures, I can only smile at your words around the end of summer. Today, here in sunny Brisbane, it is 33C (91F). We are in winter. Well, at least I thought we were. Summer has already hit – I think we’ve missed a whole season! I wish to scoop this ice-cream up right from the screen and enjoy it now. The weather is just right!

  9. Oh, did you say the L word ?! L-l-l-last days of summer ? Well this sure looks like a pretty marvelous grande finale ! I absolutely adore nougat and have a ton of different recipes for it. Think I’ll just start here with yours! Thanks for sharing, as always – fantastic recipes, magnificent photos, wonderful text to go with.. and lots of sweet inspiration!

  10. su says:

    Que buena pinta tiene!! debía de estar buenísimo! mmmmm

  11. FeeMail says:

    Yummy! I have a pistachio passion too!

  12. Anonymous says:

    me encantan las paraguayas pero aqui no suele haber muchas…buuu…claro tambien me recuerdan a eternos veranos en un pueblo de Avila. beso Carmen

  13. Bea says:

    Superbe recette! Et comme d’habitude superbes photos :)
    J’adore cette luminosité et ces couleurs pastel.
    Chaque visite ici est un réel plaisir pour les yeux :)

  14. I have been wanting to make nougat forever! My family is Sicilian and my Nonna always had nougat candies for us. I love them!! Thanks so much for the recipe!

  15. Jamie says:

    Wow this looks beautiful. I love soft nougat and can buy it easily here in France. White peached have also been easy to find lately. What a fabulous combo for this ice cream!

  16. The recipe sounds (and looks) divine, but I might just stop at the nougat and eat the whole batch. MMM….just thinking about it makes my hungry. Thank you for sharing.

  17. Jukka says:

    I guess this has been discussed a thousand times but could you write and article about your photography equipment and routine you use to take those marvellous photos?

    Lightning set-up, lenses, workflow etc.


  18. Aran says:

    Jukka- I should do that some time, but really, there is no mystery behind it. Mainly because I use natural light. My equipment is also very simple. But I will keep that in mind.

    Thanks everyone!

  19. VeggieGirl says:

    Aran!! Absolutely love it, as always.

  20. ABowlOfMush says:

    This MUST be the best thing I’ve ever seen!

  21. idu says:

    Ummm! paraguaio izozkia lanerako itzulera goxotzeko.Izozkia jaten ari den emakumea ez dakit nor izango den, baina oso barre polita du,poztasuna trasmititzen du! New York-en oso ondo ezta? neuri ere izugarri gustatzen zait, bixitatzen ditudan lekuetan azoketara joatea, hainbeste produktu, kolore… bai polita, behin eta berriro ikusi ditut argazkiak.
    Ondo segi eta muxu bat

  22. Nicisme says:

    That nougat looks rally tempting and I must keep an eyeout for those peaches if they are that sweet!
    Good luck to your son with his new school, he is going to love it! (You will love the freedom too;)!)

  23. natalia says:

    Ciao Aran ! It’s funny I tought saturn peaches were Italian !!!! Your ice cream is to die for !!!

  24. The nougat looks like the Torrone my parents brought back from Italy years ago. We devoured the lot in one sitting it was so delicious. I can only imagine this ice cream is sinfully good!



  25. how wonderful to celebrate the psudo end of summer in this way!! looks delicious i must have some nougat!

  26. fresh365 says:

    These nougats are great! I love pistachios as well- can’t get enough!

  27. Aran says:

    Heather- it is very similar to torrone but softer so when it sits in the ice cream overnight, it turns softer and marshmallow-like.

    Thanks everyone!

  28. Jennifer says:

    These recipes are a wonderful way to pay homage to summer while also serenading a sweet return to autumn.

  29. I’ve been enjoying local Saturn nectarines this summer, and I must say that they absolutely are the sweetest fruit! Thanks for another beautiful post!

  30. b comme bon says:

    Encore une journée très chaude ici… cette petite glace me conviendrait parfaitement… toujours délicat et esthétique…

  31. Anonymous says:

    The instructions call for heavy cream but I don’t see how much in the recipe. How much heavy cream would you recommend for the ice cream?

  32. Aran says:

    sorry about that! i missed the heavy cream some how. it is 250 ml. thanks!

  33. i am addicted to saturn peaches, just got back from spain and i ate them everyday while i was there, here in london, more dificult to find them but still manage somehow, flat peaches are called here in the uk, paraguayos in spain, won’t mention how they’re called in the valencia region, in spain….it’s rude…

    lovely recipe and excelent photos as always aran, you are a complete inspiration to me,



  34. Aran says:

    Pity- como se les llaman en valencia? me has dejado con las ganas! nosotros siempre les llamabamos paraguayos. aqui no se encuentran tan facilmente, sobre todo este verano. en euskadi los comiamos a montones. gracias!

    Thanks guys!

  35. I just started following your blog last week and I LOVE IT! This icecream looks divine. The pictures are so beautiful I can practically taste it. I will definately be trying this recipe out soon.


  36. Near Saint Louis, in a small town called Brussels, they have amazing fresh peaches that peek the last week of July. I had a fantastic time picking them this year and even made warm fruit cobbler. YUM.

  37. anna says:

    This ice cream sounds incredible! What a gorgeous flavor combination! And it’s absolutely beautiful, too.

  38. cindy* says:

    yum! my mother loves saturn peaches…what a fun end-of-summer party ;)

  39. This sounds really wonderful and your peaches are gorgeous! Just this morning I was realizing that fall is almost here……We still have lots of fruit but who knows for how much longer?!

  40. Chez US says:

    What a lovely combination, I have some peaches laying around, I should motivate to make something lovely such as this!

  41. man i love nougat.

    hey guess what. i was thinking, what the hell is a saturn peach? then saw the photo—and as is turns out we crazy west coasters, call them doughnut peaches :P

  42. veron says:

    There’s nothing like ice cream to celebrate the end of summer. And those peaches look amazing!

  43. mady dooijes says:

    i love nougat so much that i had to stop myself from buying it every day- i think i’ll have to try making it now! it looks so delicious. beautiful images. x

  44. Mardel says:

    That looks really delicious. I think I will have to try the nougat, I have a real weakness for pistachios. Peach ice cream too looks lovely here, and makes me lust after it, but the peaches are not good this season where I live. I may have to dream of peach ice cream until next year.

  45. Eléonora says:

    Hello, little effect ice is very nice especially with the heat of these days …

  46. morgana says:

    ¡¡ Qué suerte la mía !! Tengo una “jartá” de pistachos que compré en el mercado de Denia y, como casi siempre me pasa, no sé bien qué hacer con ellos. Eso sí, sólo tengo una duda ¿puedo traducir “saturn peaches” por “paraguayas/-os”? En las fotos parecen eso pero mi inglés no llega a tanto…

    Gracias por todas las cosas ricas que nos regalas, Aran.

    Aquí aún queda para que el cole empiece pero este agosto está siendo tan agotadoramente caluroso que ya hay un montón de hojas secas en el suelo. Hoy hace uno de esos días revueltos y extrañamente nublados típicos de las cabañuelas de agosto y se empieza a intuir el otoño, pero al paso que vamos el verano me está pareciendo interminable.

    Un beso desde los calurosos madriles.

  47. Anita says:

    Wow, this looks fantastic! I love a softer nougat, so would love to try this recipe as nougat is on my list on things to make :)

  48. Aran says:

    Morgana- si, son paraguayos. y si tienes tantos pistachos prueba la receta. esta riquisima!

  49. wow….your work never fails to INSPIRE me! they are sooo beautiful! And look incredibly delicious too =)


  50. sodapop says:

    Oh, my god. Found your blog today and must say: your whole site looks so yummy and I think I put on wheigh just by reading … ;) And the Photos are so wonderful … the colors… I’m lost for words. Loving it. Greetings from Germany, caro.

  51. andaoana says:

    Wonderful and mouth watering. In fact, so watering that I am churning my peach ice cream this very moment.

  52. luzinha says:

    What a marvellous blog! I’m in love with it! Keep feeding us with your talent! Bravo.

  53. You know, Aran, we have “sunset peaches” here in San Diego that are in season in Aug-Sept. and they’re the best I have ever had. Your photo reminds me of them so much. And though I have never liked nougat, you could reform me with that pistachio nougat.

  54. Ashley says:

    What a delicious way to celebrate the end of Summer. And I’m with you… Saturn (donut) peaches taste much sweeter.

  55. Tea says:

    Every time I visit you, I am bowled over by how gorgeous your photos are. Hats off to you, my dear!

  56. Vanille says:

    It’s maybe Winter down here, but I can’t help and crave for this pistachio-nougat ice cream right now !

  57. I am completely amazed by your blog… this recipe and the pics are fantastic! Will be coming back often!

  58. Veronika says:

    I love nougat! I’d like to try this recipe but I don’t have glucose nor do I know where to buy it. Can I still make it withou the glucose?

  59. Aran says:

    Veronika- do you have access to corn syrup? you could use that instead.

    Thank you!

  60. Anonymous says:

    Thnk you for the recipe & for photos! both are so SWEET =)
    I made the nougat today (firs time)… and some sticky liquid sa a result(( It is tasty but i am to try again and again till success =) And someday I’ll by candy thermometer…

    Thank you for sort of a challenge and again for so beautiful recipes =)


  61. Turns into marshmallow? I’m there! I’ve got a nice little block of chocolate nougat thanks to a recipe of yours, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make more :) And to think – I’ve never had saturn peaches, I always tend towards nectarines instead for some reason!

  62. whitney says:

    Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures! As an interior designer I find your color and composition so inspiring.

  63. Katherine says:

    I have been following your posts and I’m very much inspired to bake! I like to ask: most of your recipes call for glucose, is it readily available in supermarkets? Can it be replaced with corn syrup?

    Thank you sharing wonderful posts with great pictures!

  64. Aran says:

    Katherine- they are not exactly the same but you can use corn syrup in place of glucose in most recipes. thanks!

    Thanks everyone!

  65. Paula says:

    I’ve been looking for a good nougat recipe for ages- mine never sets hard enough – it ends up a bit like marshmallow or the inside of a mars bar. I’m looking forward to trying this one

  66. Jen Yu says:

    Ugh, I’ve been so bad about getting around to comments – but this nougat is soooo pretty. I’m definitely going to attempt it when I have free time (2 months from now). Love the flavors!

  67. Yvonne says:

    oh my gosh, this looks AMAAAAZING. i looove nougut. what a GREAT idea. i’ll have to try it some time!!! i love your blog!

  68. kanishk says:

    What beautiful photos, as usual. I love pistachios too, thanks for the nougat recipe.

  69. Lub lub says:

    Hi Aran,

    To insure a firm nougat, do you need to be extra careful about when you fold in the nuts? If you fold in the nuts too early will it change the final texture? Thanks!

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