Two book signings in Boulder on April 10th


I am gearing up to travel to Boulder, Colorado in April to teach two food styling and photography workshops at The Makerie retreat.

It will be a weekend of learning, eating and other side events like these two events I will be part of on April 10th.

If you live in the area, it would be great if you could stop by any of the two (or both!) to say hello.

On April 10th from 5 to 6:30pm I will be at Whole Foods signing books and casually meeting friends. You will be able to ask me any questions about gluten-free cooking, styling or any other curiosity. This event will be free to the public.

Right after, from 7 to 8pm, I will be at Anthropologie alongside my friend and artist extraordinaire Molly Hatch and Janine Vangool of Uppercase magazine (one of my favorites). This will be a fun event with cake and cookie decorating, book signing, ceramic displaying and all around fun. Please rsvp to the email below to save a spot.


See you there?

I cannot wait!

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26 Responses to “Two book signings in Boulder on April 10th”

  1. I love your blog, and in total awe of your photography! I looked at your page with FAQ, and saw what type camera you use….I have the second camera you used. My question is this….why type lenses do you use? My husband has been encouraging me to push forward in my learning photograpy which I love doing to pieces! I showed him your work and told him, “that is what I want my photos to look like!” I would be forever grateful for knowing what type lenses you use and if you still use the same camera too! You are amazing girl! I am thinking I would love your book to boot!

    Thank you so much for your time and helping me out here.


    • Aran says:

      Thank you Debi. I have several lenses but probably the 100mm macro is the one I use for food the most. Hope that helps!

      • Thank you so much Aran! Could I ask what you use for the long range shots…..hubby is asking me to ask you hehe. He is also kinda sorta glaring at me because I want your book….he knows that means I will be trying to convert him to gluten free meals lol. I was looking at some of the book from the link you have to buy it and the foods look delish! I’ll convert him you watch! :)

        Thanks again so much! Thank you for such a quick reply also!


  2. Gaƫlle B. says:

    Hi ! Nothing to do with Colorado for me, I just wanted to say that I’m having a blast cooking recipes from your book ! I’ve been a “watcher” for quite some time, but now I’m finally getting fully into it, I have gathered little by little most of the GF flours and starches. As you may know, I personnally have no problem with gluten so far, but I totally enjoy baking differently. And the textures are awesome !!! Enjoy yourself in Boulder !

  3. SO wished I was in Boulder, CO!! Anyways, have fun and hope to cross-path soon! xo

  4. Tasha says:

    I’ve RSVP’d – and will be in both your workshops, so excited!

  5. claire says:

    it looks so delicious.

  6. Lawrence says:

    Love your blog and your recipes.
    Good luck with the book signing.
    I have just got involved with a group of new authors on Face Book so have an idea how important a book signing gig is – well sort of know.

  7. I wish I am close to attend your book signing and meet you in person, it is a wish of mine Aran. . I hope you can make it to Whole food and anthropology in London for book signing.
    Best wishes

  8. Vanessa says:

    Oh my goodness! I tried to enroll in the workshops and they are full. My heart just about broke into pieces. I can’t believe you will be here in Colorado and I can’t come to either of the workshops.

    I almost want to cry.

    I will be at the book signing to see you. I can’t believe I am going to miss your workshops!

    I am so inspired by you, have started my own food photography and local foods blog. I hope to be able to get this experience from you at some point in time.

  9. Liz N. says:

    I am planning on coming to the Pearl Street Whole Foods book signing! I can’t wait to meet you. I am assuming books will be available for sale there?

  10. Vicki Archer says:

    I wish I was in Colorado so I could come along!…Another time hopefully!…xv

  11. J says:

    Your photographs are lovely! Do you do a lot of post processing with them? Is that important to your work?

  12. Virginia S. says:

    Great photography! Boulder is a little far away but will keep checking to see if you are coming to Las Vegas.

  13. SZ says:

    I love your blog and hate to say this but, of late, it seems to have become more of a vehicle for advertising your book signings and workshops and less for the heartwarming, visually stunning posts we were used to.
    Just my five cents.

    • Aran says:

      Well, it is true in a way but also a consequence of how hectic life becomes after a book. So much to share in terms of events and less time to create. I hope my readers would understand that. It takes a long time to create good content for this blog. Just to give you an idea, I work on a post at least 16 hours with creating recipes, photographing, editing photos and writing.

      And just a note, no need to hide under an anonymous comment to share that. Disappointed.

  14. Jaio says:

    Kaixo Aran,
    I am also a Basque ex-pat, from Gernika – very close to your hometown as you know, and am currently living in Fort Collins, CO. I discovered your site a few months ago and was so excited. I planned to contact you but time flies…. I just read that you will be in Boulder tomorrow. I couldn’t pass this great opportunity, so I have freed up my schedule to come meet you at Whole Foods. :-) Laster arte!

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