Archive for ingredient swiss chard

Chard, fennel, bean soup with clams and pistachio pesto

Chard, fennel, bean soup with clams and pistachio pesto | Cannelle et Vanille

I spotted the first signs of spring around Seattle this week when some of the cherry blossom trees lining Queen Anne opened their tiny pink blooms. Daffodils, anemones and the first peeking of tulip bulbs. Still frosty but shedding some layers. Still in the midst of winter but I did buy some forced rhubarb at the ...

Swiss chard, pear and Gruyère tart… a savory small plate


Yesterday I promised that I would be back with a recipe from my book. Savory or sweet... that was up to you. And I have to admit that you surprised me with the result. "They will want a sweet treat!". I was certain you would. But when I counted the results this morning, I was wrong. ...