Registration for the Tuscany food and lifestyle photography workshop open

THIS WORKSHOP IS SOLD OUT (thanks everyone)

Hi all,

This upcoming May, Nadia and I are headed to Tuscany to host a food and lifestyle photography workshop. There will be olive groves, artisans, markets, and maybe even poppy fields

… and the exploration of food culture.

Just a short note to let you know that registration for our food and lifestyle photography workshop in Tuscany will open at 9am EST today..

To register please go here.

Thank you!

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14 Responses to “Registration for the Tuscany food and lifestyle photography workshop open”

  1. Wonderful Aran, it is a dream to attend one of your workshop one day. Happy Holidays
    Best wishes xo

  2. Mireille says:

    je suis une fan ! fan des photos, des couleurs, de l’ambiance… merci

  3. Raquel says:

    Aran your work is great! Pelearse let us know if you organize a photo and a food workshop in Bilbao ir spain… Congratulations and my best wishes for 2013!

  4. Julia says:

    Mi hija Zuriñe y yo estaremos pendientes de esa sorpresa…
    Aficionadas las dos a la fotografía, nos encantan las tuyas y tu gastroblog.
    Zorionak ‘ta Urte Berri On!

  5. Espero que Olentzero se haya acordado de Miren y Jon. En estos tiempos de avances tecnológicos y el enorme poder que tiene, seguro que habéis recibido su visita.
    Felices días, y mi más profunda gratitud por tantos momentos de disfrute que nos has regalado desde tu blog.
    Zorionak eta urte berri on.

  6. Anis says:

    Can you please tell me the size of the rectangular molds you used for the financiers p 277
    I did browse jb prince website but was unsure which one to order

  7. Lynette says:

    I’m so sorry to miss this — do you have a waiting list or are you expected to do another soon?
    Thank you,

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