Raspberries N’ Cream Dessert Table

One of the best things about summer is probably the abundant fruit. When I was approached by Project Wedding to develop and photograph a summer dessert, I immediately envisioned something with berries, fresh and colorful. Here is the raspberries and cream themed dessert table with raspberry and yogurt mousse cakes, raspberries and cream macarons and raspberry meringue kisses.

You can get the recipes and read the rest of the story here.

Hope you like it!

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114 Responses to “Raspberries N’ Cream Dessert Table”

  1. Juliana says:

    Beautiful! I will be making the Raspberry and Yougurt Mousse Cakes

  2. Cheri says:

    What an honor! They all look so gorgeous! Beautifully done.

  3. Ria says:

    Like it??? I loved them all! My god! I really wish I was half? no quarter? or atleast 1% as talented as you are!! Lovely macaroons,kisses & mousse :) I loved all the pictures!!

  4. Nelly says:

    they’re all so cute =)=)

  5. Dominique says:

    We like? no we love!!! Beautiful macarons, mousses, yogourth… I want to taste all! Wonderful pictures!!!

  6. What a delightful dessert and post!



  7. Kitty M says:

    Stunning photography you are getting better and better! As always I coud eat all of those for breakfast :-)

  8. Ana says:

    Hola Aran!!!

    De nuevo aquí tras haber superado unos problemillas y me encuentro con una multitus de delicias que me he estado perdiendo, tengo que pararme más detenidamente a verlas todas porque un montón de ellas se me antojaron nada más ver las fotos. No sé cuál elegir!!!

    Espero que estén todos bien y besos para Jon!!


  9. ChichaJo says:

    This not only sounds delicious, it look gorgeous! Your desserts and photos are never fail to inspire! :)

  10. Pupina says:

    Beautiful and (i’m pretty sure) delicious!

  11. Always like opening a greatly anticipated magazine.
    Just beautiful.

  12. wow aran, this is so amazing. you know i want to be you right!?!? everyone needs a role model…

    anyways. i wanted to make macarons here so bad! after making 100 for the graduation party, i am full of myself and finally confident int he macaron arena. but i have no mixer! no egg beaters! no food processor! no piping bags! no zip lock bags even! i did my best and finally found a whisk, but i just couldnt whip them by hand. ahahahaha. FAIL! but maybe i’ll try again…the oven is so hard too, there is no guage for the temperature, i just have to guess. i’ll somehow get these to work…maybe not until i get a mixer…but there will be macarons in brasil!

  13. Akuka says:

    Por favor ¡¡¡qué pinta tiene!!! dan ganas de darle un bocado a todo!!! qué apetecible…. los macarons, las frambuesas…
    Me encanta tu blog -creo que ya te lo había dicho antes- ¿te importa que haga un post en mi blog del tuyo? Las fotos son preciosas, una maravilla, de verdad.

  14. Paola says:

    Gorgeous! Can I ask you where do you find raspberry powder?

  15. Aran says:

    Paola- I brought it back from Europe but in the US you can get it at places like L’Epicerie (lepicerie.com).

    Thanks everyone!

  16. Gorgeous! I’m heading over there right now!

  17. simplesong says:

    so gorgeous! off to check out your post!

  18. Anonymous says:

    This is so mag! Love them all! Wish I could bake! Macarons are so expensive here I should learn to make them myself one day!

  19. these are perfect for a summer wedding dessert table…i also love how pink everything has been lately…the summer of pink…who is that adorable little girl?

  20. Ellja says:

    i love red, i love rasperries, i love cakes, i love meringue…. hell, i love your composition :-)

  21. Sylvia says:

    All in the post looks delicious and well done. I am getting your fan ;)

  22. Aran says:

    Deb- a lot of pink right? there must be something going on in my sub-conscience… that little girl is Jon’s friend Daisy. she is sooo cute!

    thanks guys!

  23. Tom says:

    Gorgeous! I’m heading over to the recipe tout de suite because raspberries are my favorite!

  24. Tartelette says:

    So pretty! It always bugs me that editorials crop pictures this much though after all the work that goes into an article. Well done!

  25. Ugocrazy says:

    You are sunshine. Everytime i see a post by you i’m thrilled and wonder what it’ll be!
    I love your work and the way you write.
    Read you soon!


  26. Vanessa says:

    I have a real raspberry addiction; your pictures and recipes are sheer perfection and so inspiring! Thanks a lot.

  27. Y says:

    Simply gorgeous! Would put a smile on anyone’s face :)

  28. Anonymous says:


  29. millimilli says:

    As always, gorgeous! Your creations and your photography are simply gorgeous, and your kitchen hand is very cute too :)

  30. Julie says:

    I love it–it is all beautiful and looks delicious! But I do wish they’d kept your cropping on the photos.

  31. Absolutely adore it~

  32. oh la la, just when i thought your photos couldn’t get any more magnifiques !! what a spread, this is just divine !! raspberry meringue kisses, here i come. i was going to ask the same question as Paola – where to get raspberry powder here in Zürich ! ok, i’ve got myself a challenge…!

    ps – really don’t understand why they cropped your 1st photo, i thought it was perfect as is.

  33. Jayme Duke says:

    ahh! absolutely gorgeous! I love the contrast of the white/pink/red/blue my – my favorite combo :)

  34. Danielle says:

    You never fail to impress me! Always so beautiful, delicious, and inspiring!

  35. PG says:

    I’ve decided to come look at your pictures whenever I am tempted to snack on something I shouldn’t. Paradoxically, even though the pictures make me wish I were eating what you’ve made, everything looks so beautifully delicious that the idea of eating a deli cookie or bag of M&Ms is completely unsatisfying. I want raspberry and yogurt mousse cakes, and nothing else will do!

  36. Simone says:

    I love looking at your blog, it is absolutely stunning….these photos are GORGEOUS! I will be trying this, thank you for the inspiration :)

  37. Dajda says:

    I’ll just say: mmmm… !

  38. Irene says:

    Aran, this is absolutely STUNNING!!! So gorgeous, creative, free and self contained at the same time. Beautiful colors and flavor combinations, beautiful styling, beautiful photography, I cannot say enough how much I love this. I’m going to make the mousse cakes for my mom’s birthday, she loves raspberry mousse!

  39. Seanna Lea says:

    I love the raspberry and yogurt mousse cakes, though I have to admit that I probably won’t make either of them.

    I’m hoping to spend some time this weekend to make my first attempt at panna cotta (gosh, I hope I remembered to spell that correctly!) while my inlaws are visiting.

  40. Juliana says:

    Lovely dessert…and very pretty. Yummie yummie! Great pictures as well.

  41. Eralda LT says:

    This makes me want to have a second wedding, and spread these treats instead of cake. Beautiful photographs. Love it!

  42. qmmf says:

    Fabulous! as always!

  43. Gaia says:

    I’ve been away form your blog for a while and I’ve been missing it a lot…Im so jealous of your talent and I’m always excited about your recipes!

  44. Alicia says:

    Enchanted perfection & frankly above any food magazine out there.
    I’ll be doing all 3 recipes & Daisy is such a little darling!!!!
    Stay cool…

  45. Bostonista says:

    I love the hot pink spoon! I want all of my utensils to be hot pink!

  46. Mrs.French says:

    I do love it…the berries with the blues are so perfect! beautiful my dear….xo t

  47. Dao says:

    Thanks you.I’ll doing.

  48. sweetakery says:

    gorgeous! Beautifully done, i always get inspired when ever i visit your blog! amazing!

  49. morgana says:

    Ya no sé ni qué decir de tus fotos y tus postres. Es que me quedo como tonta delante de la pantalla, disfrutando de la armonía, de la composición, de la frescura… Siempre es un placer visitar tu blog.

  50. *Valentine* says:

    Your photos are just soooo perfect!!!
    I’d love eating what you bake!

    Thanx for making me dream!

  51. Dada says:

    Je tombe à la renverse devant ces douceurs et ces couleurs…un poésie d’enfance! Merci

  52. I adore the little macaroons. Now if only I could make my table look as beautiful as yours.

  53. I feel like getting married again just so I can have such a beautiful shower! :D

  54. isabelle says:

    Tout est parfait mais surtout tellement mignon! Cela me donne une folle envie de me mariée… Magnifiques photographies!

  55. These are so pretty. I woul dlove to serve these at my next BBQ party. Thank you!

  56. Beautiful pictures!! And congratulations on the article!!

  57. PheMom says:

    What girly girl wouldn’t dream of that as the dessert table at her wedding! Beautiful! (Great for a baby shower too!)

  58. Inés says:

    Aran, dena da hain ederra blog honetan…kuriositatez, zenbat sarrera izan dituzu hasi zinenetik?. Agian, inoiz komentatu duzu edo hor nonbait markatuta geratuko da baina ziur nago errekorra izango duzula. Eta zorionak (hori beti)

  59. Katie says:

    WOW! Stunning photos and divine sounding food. You are amazing

  60. foodcreate says:

    Your photos are so prefect I love your recipe!

    thanks for sharing your photos and recipe!

    Join post your comments and share your recipes.

    and if you can visit me I can visit you:)

    Have a wonderful Day!

  61. Joanne Choi says:

    your photographs are stunningly beautiful and your work in both baking and photography is amazing…I’m drooling over your desserts and your mad photography skills. Thank you for sharing.

  62. El says:

    Like it??? This is incredible! I love it. The pictures are simply gorgeous. The color combination is remarkable. I cannot wait to make these recipes. (I’ll call it a second wedding – do I need an excuse?) Thanks for brightening up a dreary, rainy week.

  63. argone says:

    lovely macarons and pictures !

  64. amitace says:

    like it? LOVE it totally:-) Youre pictures could be pput in the encyclopedia instead of the deffinition of “Summer” :-)

  65. You don’t need me to tell you this but, those colors are simply stunning!

  66. oooh I’ve been staring at my computer screen for the last 10 minutes. Aran, your food photo is gorgeous. I’m in awe. oh btw I went to Anthropologie, all I could find was wooden flatware :( thanks for all your help!

  67. chocolatecup says:

    like it? I LOVE AND ADORE IT:)

  68. Bea says:

    Very pretty and great for the occasion.

  69. Sha says:

    Wonderful ! But now I would like to taste :(
    I love the name of the recipe, I’m inspired by the “raspberry and yogurt mousse cakes” !

  70. Zerogluten says:

    Además de bonito y romántico, esto tiene que estar buenísimo.
    A mi me encantan las frutas de verano. Los frutos rojos son algo espectacular, pero desgraciadamente no es fácil encontrarlos frescos y de calidad donde yo vivo.
    Intenté hacer un postre con moras y lo estropeó la calidad de la misma.
    Te mando muchos besos sin gluten

  71. chefectomy says:

    So true Aran, summer brings the best fruit. Our plum and meyer lemon trees are exploding. Your little one is such a sweetheart!


  72. danamccauley says:

    Stunning! I love raspberries. In fact, I htink they are one of my very favourite fruits of all time.

  73. mycookinghut says:

    Beautiful! Raspberries are great during summer!

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. I love the flowered napkin beneath the meringue kisses and the tall white cake stand is sublime. Beautiful desserts and wonderful styling. Well done!

  76. Olciaky says:

    Mmm.. Perfect strawberries dessert!!!!:)

  77. Barbara says:

    Oh boy, oh boy. Gorgeous! I’m drooling because your photographs are divine. I want to try everything I see on your blog! Thank you, thank you.

  78. Mrs. Darnell says:

    These are just beautiful! Any advice for converting the recipe to cups? Some sources say 45 grams is 1/4 cup, some say it is more…I am lost, but I want to make this badly!

  79. prozac says:

    Wow, What a sumptuous dessert recipe. I really adore it. Thanks for sharing this recipe to us. Hope to find more interesting and delightful recipes from you.

  80. You are making me swoon! These photos are so dreamy!

  81. Mary says:

    Both photograhy and recipes are amazing. However, i liked particularly the Berry and Coconut Bakewell Tarts and the Daring Bakers. I love them so much. Even from the pictures you can see how delicious they are.

  82. Jessica says:

    The pink motif is seriously the cutest thing! I love.

  83. Elizabeth says:

    Who is this precious little lady so intent on her raspberry yogurt mousse cake? Gorgeous photos Aran, as always!

  84. Aran says:

    Elizabeth- That is my little boy’s best friend. She is adorable!

    Thanks everyone!

  85. Sam says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such pretty photos of desert ever! Very, very lovely! I’d have a hard time eating them and would want to just gaze at their prettiness! What a beautiful blog you have!

  86. Kelly-Jane says:

    Wow, I’m totally blown away with your pictures! I’m off to find raspberry powder, to then try your macaroons, yum!

  87. mimi says:

    so beautiful as always. i love the raspberry and cream macaroons!

  88. Dory says:

    Can I substitute almond flour with regular all purpose or cake flour?


    Gorgeous photos…

  89. Aran says:

    Dory- do you mean for the macarons? No, you cannot do that. First of all, it would not be a macarons. Macarons are made with almonds mainly, but sometimes other nuts can be used, but never flour. Plus the structure would change completely.

  90. Dory says:

    I meant for the mousse cake. Can I substitute the almond flour with other flour that are more common (like cake flour)? may I also ask why you chose almond flour?


  91. Aran says:

    Dory- Sorry, I thought you were referring to the macarons. The almond flour adds texture and nicer crumb to the sponge. This is not meant to be a cake per se, but more like a joconde or thin sponge. I suppose you could use cake flour (don’t use all purpose as you want something tender) but it will have different texture.


  92. Dory says:


    Wow. That is interesting information! I did not know that that is what almond flour can do. Thanks a lot. I will try to find almond flour first before I try cake flour. Do I need blanched or unblanched almond flour?

    Thanks again!

  93. Aran says:

    Dory- Use blanched almond flour as it won’t be as bitter. Hope you like it!

  94. Dory says:

    Hi Aran.

    I’m getting ready to try making the mousse cake this weekend. What does 2 sheets of gelatin mean? Is it 1 envelope of gelatin melted and dried? I’m thinking of adding key lime mousse on top of the raspberry mousse…:)

    Thanks again, Aran.

  95. Aran says:

    Dory- there are two types of gelatin, powdered (the stuff you buy in envelopes) and sheet gelatin, which is what I used here. It is sold in more specialty shops like L’Epicerie, Williams-Sonoma or other baking supply stores.


  96. Dory says:

    I see. I hope you don’t get tired of my questions, but I have one last – what is the equivalent of 2 sheets of gelatin as far as the ones that come in powder/envelope form?

    Thank you so much, Aran! I feel like I am close to getting started!


  97. Aran says:

    Dory- that is a tricky question as not all gelatins have the same gelling power, but general rule, you can use 1 gr of powder per 1 gr sheet. My sheets are 2 gr per Sheet 200 bloom. Also, you will have to bloom the powder gelatin in cold liquid and then add it to hot to dissolve. I cannot guarantee how it’ll be as I haven’t tried it. Good luck and let me know.

  98. Kate says:

    Love love love love what you do! Thank you for sharing!

  99. Dory says:


    I went to Whole Foods and got the blanched almond flour (pricey, but I’m sure worth it). Unfortunately, William Sonoma said they no longer carry the sheet gelatin. I read somewhere that 1.2 tsp of powdered gelatin yields 1 sheet of gelatin. That’s the only part I am nervous about. Other than that, I think I am ready to explore this weekend!

    I’m thinking of adding keylime on top of the raspberry mousse. do you have a recipe for keylime mousse by any chance? Do you think raspberry and keylime would go well together?:)

  100. Aran says:

    Dory- you can make the yogurt mousse and add lots of key lime zest to it. Not sure about that conversion. Let me know how it goes.

  101. Dory says:


    Thanks again for the tip. I just finished making the sponge cake. I took some photos and will post it in my blog soon as I finish everything.

    Would the raspberry mousse recipe still work if I replace it with strawberry puree instead? Just wondering I can make it for next time.


  102. Dory says:

    Btw, Aran. When you said “cut disks” what do you mean? do you mean the sponge cake? or some other type of material?


  103. Aran says:

    Dory- you can use strawberry purée. Cut rounds of sponge with cookie cutter. Best.

  104. Dory says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Dory says:


    Sponge cake turned out great.

    I made mistake of using too much powdered gelatin. I used 4 envelopes soaked in 2 tbsp warm water. After it hardened, I mixed it in the warm strawberry puree so it started to melt.

    After I take the mixture out of the fridge, it was a little too firm.

    I’ll try it again this today using less gelatin with the Yogurt Mousse. I’ll let you know how it goes. :) Thanks!

  106. Dory says:


    here’s how my adaptation of your recipe turned out. :)

    I think next time, I will look for gelatin sheets.




  107. Melvin says:

    All in the post looks delicious…
    these are beautiful…

    Get instant cash

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