Chocolate and Meyer Lemon Love

I hope you had a lovely weekend. The weather was so beautiful here that we spent most of our time outdoors. I did manage, however, to finish this mousse cake I had started last week. Here I am once again with meyer lemons, which I cannot get enough of.

This cake was inspired by a yet another childhood memory. Growing up, in the summer time, we used to eat popsicles that were shaped like rocketships. I never really knew whether it was ice cream or sorbet because the texture was somewhere in between, but I do remember the flavors clearly, lemon and chocolate. It had three distinct layers of this unknown frozen texture, topped by a thin layer of dipped, crunchy chocolate top. I cannot remember whether it was “Miko” or “Frigo” who made them, but it was my favorite.

I would say generally, I am not a big fan of fruit and chocolate flavor combinations unless we are talking about citrus, raspberries, passion fruit… Fruits that are tart and sour really balance out chocolate, particularly in recipes that might be overly sweet.

This cake has many components and it might seem like it’s a bit time consuming, but in reality, it is fairly simple. It has a chocolate biscuit or cake base and layers of dark chocolate mousse, meyer lemon cream and milk chocolate cream.

The meyer lemon cream is an adaptation of a lemon emulsion recipe we used to use at work, but with extra butter added to it to make it thicker and hold its shape better. It is painfully delicious.

I also used some of the extra mousse and cream to make these little verrines. Same components, just a different presentation.

Chocolate Biscuit

adapted from Stephane Glacier’s “Verrines et Petits Gateaux”

makes 2 half sheetpans

285 grams egg yolks
240 grams sugar
275 grams egg whites
2 grams cream of tartar
55 grams sugar
95 grams cocoa powder
135 grams flour
95 grams unsalted butter, melted and cooled

Whip the egg yolks and the sugar to a thick ribbon.

In a separate bowl, whip the egg whites and cream of tartar until almost fully whipped. Sprinkle in the sugar and whip until a firm peak forms.

Lighten the egg yolk base with a fourth of the meringue. Sift the dry ingredients into this base and fold gently. Fold in the remainder of the meringue.

Add the melted and cooled butter and fold.

Divide the batter between two half sheetpans lined with parchment paper.

Bake at 375F for about 10 minutes.

Limoncello Simple Syrup

50 grams water
50 grams sugar
limoncello or any liquer to taste (optional)

Cook the sugar and water together until sugar is dissolved. Let the syrup cool and then add the liquer, if desired.

Dark Chocolate Mousse

adapted from Florilege Gourmand

2.5 sheets gelatin
40 grams granulated sugar
10 grams glucose
15 grams water
50 grams egg yolks (about 3 medium)
175 grams dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
350 grams heavy cream

Soften the gelatin in cold water.

Beat the egg yolks until very light in colour (approximately 5 minutes until almost white). Cook the sugar, glucose syrup and water on medium heat for approximately 3 minutes (if you have a candy thermometer, the mixture should reach 244°F (118°C). If you do not have a candy thermometer, test the sugar temperature by dipping the tip of a knife into the syrup then into a bowl of ice water, if it forms a soft ball in the water then you have reached the correct temperature.

Add the sugar syrup to the beaten yolks carefully by pouring it into the mixture in a thin stream while continuing to beat the yolks. You can do this by hand but it’s easier to do this with an electric mixer. Continue beating until cool (approximately 5 minutes). The batter should become thick and foamy.

In a double boiler or equivalent, heat 30 grams of cream to boiling. Add the chopped chocolate and stir until melted and smooth. Whip the remainder of the cream until stiff.

Pour the melted chocolate over the softened gelatin, mixing well. Let the gelatin and chocolate cool slightly and then stir 100 grams of whipped cream to temper. Add the pate a bombe. Add in the rest of the whipped cream (220g) mixing gently with a spatula.

Meyer Lemon Cream

215 grams eggs
75 grams sugar
215 grams meyer lemon juice
Zest of 3 meyer lemons
300 grams butter, cut into small pieces and at room temperature

In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, juice and zest. Place this bowl over a double boiler and cook while whisking until the custard thickens (about 84C).

Immediately, strain the custard through a fine sieve into a clean bowl. Let the custard cool to about 55C. It will be warm to the touch but not too hot that when we add the butter, it will melt right away. We want to create an emulsion with the butter that’s why the temperature it’s very important.

Once the custard has cooled, start adding the butter and using a hand held immersion mixer or blender, blend the cream. Continue blending until all the butter has been incorporated.

Milk Chocolate Chantilly

adapted from Stephane Glacier’s “Verrines et Petits Gateaux”

250 grams heavy cream
90 grams milk chocolate, chopped into small pieces

Boil the cream and pour over the milk chocolate. Stir until the chocolate has melted. Let this ganache rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then whip it as whipped cream.

Assemble the Cake

Turn over one of the chocolate biscuit sheets. Peel off the parchment paper. Flip it over again and place it on a clean sheet of parchment on a sheetpan.

Make the chocolate mousse right when you are ready to start building the cake. Place a 14″x14″x3″ square frame on top of the chocolate biscuit. Press down so that the frame cuts all the way to the bottom. Save the scraps for something else. This is where we will build the cake.

Soak the cake with the limoncello simple syrup. Spread the chocolate mousse evenly on top of the biscuit. Let this harden in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

In the meantime, make the lemon cream. When the chocolate mousse has harden, spread the lemon cream evenly on top of it. Freeze the cake overnight.

To remove the frame, make sure the cake is frozen so the layers stay intact. Cut around the cake with a knife (close to the edge) and lift the frame up.

Cut the cake when it is semi frozen. Pipe the milk chocolate chantilly over the lemon cream and top with a tempered chocolate rectangle and a macaron.

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100 Responses to “Chocolate and Meyer Lemon Love”

  1. I just came to check what you had new today and this is just what I was looking for–seriously!

    I just need a recipe converter!
    I don’t have gelatin sheets here; it comes in envelope packets. I could weigh all the other ingredients on a scale, but it becomes very time consuming. Did you weigh them all? When I lived in France we had a measuring cup with weights and measures for each thing (cocoa, flour, sugar) but in the US I have no such thing.

    I was looking for a chocolate mousse recipe this week, and I need to use the last of my meyer lemons from my trees; they are just that beautiful deep yellow like yours.

  2. this looks so creamy delicious. wow great photos. i ve never tried chocolate and lemon think its nice though

  3. Bria says:

    How beautiful. I love love love creamy lemon desserts! I will be trying this out for sure. Gelatin really is so difficult to work with- conversions and all. Thanks!

  4. Tartelette says:

    Yep, yep..the rocket popsicles! I want to say Miko, but all of a sudden I am not too sure.
    Gorgeous my dear, I am sure you just made chef Sebastien very proud :)

  5. Christy says:

    Oh gosh!!! These are so so so beautiful!!! Layered gateaux are my favourites, and I think yours just topped my list!! I also love that extra touch you did with brushing chocolate sauce on the verrine glasses!! And that lemon cream recipe sounds very interesting—I’ll definitely give it a try sometime soon!!

  6. ooo gorgeous, I’ve had lemon tart with chocolate pastry and loved it so if that’s anything to go by this would be fantastic!

  7. morgana says:

    ¡¡ Qué maravilla de fotos !! Tanto los vasitos como el pastel tienen que estar buenísimos.

    A mí no me dejaban comer helados de pequeña porque siempre estaba mal de la garganta, pero me parece recordar un helado como el que tú dices que se llamaba colajet y era de Camy. ¿Sería ese? No sé si habría otros parecidos en otras marcas.

    A mí me volvía loca el “duo lido”, venía con dos palitos y creo que era de café, vainilla y chocolate. Estaba bueniiiiiísimo.

    Un beso.

  8. MISSANILLOS says:

    Ver tu blog me deja siempre imaginandome lo rico que sabrá todo!!!
    Ésta última entrada me está poniendo los dientes largos…

  9. So pretty! A wonderful combination of flavors! Really scrumptious and perfect looking!



  10. Li says:

    This dessert looks divine! lemon with dark chocolate – yum!
    The lemon cream sounds really good. I am curious though, is the final consistency of the cream like a fluffy lemon butter and will this tolerate sitting at room temperature?

  11. Aran says:

    Prudent Homemaker- scaling ingredients is so much more accurate than using measuring cups, that i rarely ever use them. if you take a cup of flour and if i take a cup of flour, i bet you we can be off by as much an ounce! scaling is much more accurate… i don’t think it takes longer but it’s maybe a matter of what you are used to.

    As far as gelatin sheets, I have to order mine online too. I get them from here. Thank you!

    Morgana- si, si!!! era el colajet!!! se me habia olvidado el nombre. que pena que no pudieses comer helado de pequena porque este era una maravilla. adictivo!

    Li- The lemon cream holds its shape pretty well at room temperature for about half an hour or so. After that, depending on how thick you cut the strips, it might start to fall a bit. It also depends on how warm the room is. But I kept mine out for a while and they were fine.

    Thanks everyone!

  12. What a vision to hit me Monday morning! These are incredible, as usual, Aran. I don’t know how you do it, but I love seeing your creations.

  13. Jennie says:

    That picture of the ranunculus (flowers) is superb! Aren’t they the most romantic blooms, particularly this time of the year? As for the recipe, I’m in love too. But I’m also heartbroken because myer lemons are hard to come by in wintery PA.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Aran, I enjoy reading your blog so much. I have made a few of your recipes and everyone is in ohhhh and ahhh over them. I am thinking of making the recipe for the petit suisses this week for my kids. How I miss petit suisses! Can you please tell me where I can find those little glass jars? I know I can get them in France but in Canada, impossible to find! Did you order them online?Thank you ever so much.


  15. VeggieGirl says:

    SO glad you have a nice weekend!!

    Love the treat, as always.

  16. Ash says:

    wow! these are amazing! you’re work is always so flawless!

  17. Aran says:

    Thank you very much!

    Suma- which little jars? I use different ones. Some are the glass jars that come in yogurt makers, some are spice jars and some are recycled yogurt jars that i brought from overseas. Can you let me know which ones. Matbe I can send you a link on where to find them. Thanks.

  18. Esti says:

    Ahhhhhh! A mí también me gustaba el Colajet!!
    (Yo creo que era de Frigo)

  19. lynda says:

    These are so beautiful! Your work is amazing. I absolutely love the combination of lemon and chocolate. It is unexpectedly delicious. The photos are stunning!

  20. anna says:

    Hmm, lemon and chocolate is a combination I hadn’t considered before…I do enjoy chocolate and orange, though, so it makes sense. I have some Meyer lemons whose fate is yet undecided; this recipe looks gorgeous but is a bit over my head (for now!)

    You have given me a new concept to think about…lemons and chocolate, mmm.

  21. RuthWells says:

    Stunning. I can taste it in my mind’s eye…

  22. annies! says:

    Ahhh…superb pairing of taste! I have your same book by S. Glacier and I find in it everytime a new inspiration…ps: here in Italy I’ve never heard about Meyer lemons…is it a quality of lemons or the name of the producer? I’m curios on this point…

  23. Everytime I stop here it’s like paradise found, & when I go away after feasting my eyes & senses, it’s like paradise lost! Absolutely elegant Aran, beautiful beyond words

  24. Aran, you really are an artist. I am in awe. I echo your love for tart fruit with chocolate, that is the best!

  25. This looks really interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen chocolate and lemon, even meyer lemon, together before. I really like how you’ve broken out the recipe into distinct steps – it makes it a lot less intimidating.

  26. gine says:

    Yummy yum .. looks very delicious! :-)

  27. Court says:

    These desserts all look lovely – like little works of art!

  28. I adore the combination of dark chocolate and meyer lemon. It sounds delicious, I find that it is rarely combined.

  29. nadia says:

    it is amazing to me how you come up with such beautiful photographs and recipes, every post so different then the one before, but perfection everytime!!!

  30. Cakespy says:

    Stunning as usual. Wouldn’t mind having a few bites as a post-breakfast dessert!

  31. Hola Aran
    Adivina quien es la orgullosa dueña de una termomix??Si yo (bueno, Mister y yo). Orgullosa de tenerla porque todavía no hemos hecho mucho (sólo una dorada a la sal, una crema de calabaza y un paté de queso). Todo buenísimo!! Nos dirás recetas????
    Un besazo

  32. Aran says:

    Esti- El colajet era mi adiccion de pequena. Asi estaba yo de “fonconcona”! :)

    Annies- meyer lemons are a type of lemons. sweeter than the regular ones. the skin is a bit more orange. but you can use traditional lemons in this as well.

    Miss Rosenthal- que es el termomix?

    Thanks everyone!

  33. Hilda says:

    It was definitely Miko Aran, they’re the only ones that always did strange and wonderful flavor combinations in the “rocketship” and other shapes. They don’t do nearly as many interesting and wacky combinations anymore, sadly. Your presentation is just gorgeous on this one. Wish I could taste it.

  34. paula says:

    i am taking a much needed break from sweets for a bit. this surely does give me my fix. i can even taste it, ha!

  35. Zerogluten says:

    Aran una vez más nos dejas con la boca abierta.
    Me encanta la combinación de sabores y texturas. Los vasitos quedan muy aparentes. Ese tipo de tartas era la que te comentaba en mi mail. Seguiremos con las clases magistrales, aunque entrar en tu blog es una pura clase magistral de estética.
    Un besito sin gluten

  36. Hillary says:

    What a beautifully constructed tart! I have been meaning to bake with meyer lemons but I don’t think I can pull this one off! Love to look at yours though :)

  37. Tanya says:

    I think this is the first time I’ve heard of a chocolate and lemon pairing. I will have to try this sometime! Your dessert looks beautiful – like a piece of art!

  38. Lance says:

    You are doing excellent work! I’d kill to taste.

  39. Joyce says:

    Oh my friend! I so wished you lived nearby- I would be at your door! Very beautiful!!!

  40. Sil BsAs says:

    Si esto no es la perfección…. quisiera saber donde buscarla!!!!

  41. breathtaking…you continue to amaze…

  42. Zoe Francois says:

    Lemon and chocolate is such a lovely combo and mysteriously under used. I’m so glad that you will inspire people to try it with this gorgeous dessert!

  43. Anonymous says:

    Aran, thanks so much for responding! I am referring to the jars pictured in your posts of 07.07. 2008 and 08.25.2008. I think the ones in the August post might be french yogourt jars but where are the other ones from? Thanks!!! Suma

  44. Cakebrain says:

    Geez! that is one super-duper gorgeous dessert! Chocolate always makes my little heart go pitter-patter! Your presentation is beautiful!

  45. MsGourmet says:

    so pretty such a shame they have to be eaten!

  46. MeetaK says:

    a gorgeous flavor combination. such a lovely and decadent dessert!

  47. Aran says:

    Suma- the ones on 7/7 are mini spice jars that I got at a craft store. you can probably search for mini mason jars. And the ones from 8/25 are the little glass jars that come with my yogurt maker.


  48. laure says:

    this is just so wonderful!!

  49. b comme bon says:

    Du grand art… toujours autant de délicatesse…

  50. Chelsea says:

    Your photo’s are stunning! I too love, love, love lemon and dark chocolate. I’ve been pillaging my neighbor’s meyer lemon tree. Is that Mr. PH’s lemon cream? That man is a genius!

  51. Aran says:

    Chelsea- you might just have to go steal some of those lemons! It’s not PH’s cream (I think you are referring to the one in the Riviera?), but similar I suppose. This one is from a lemon emulsion recipe that we used to use at work but I increased the amount of butter to make it hold its shape. Our recipe came via MOF Chef Sebastien Cannone of the French Pastry School. Another genius.

    Thanks everyone!

  52. Beautifully dreamy as usual, Aran…

    In regards to all the questions about Meyer lemon (botanically: Citrus × meyeri). Meyer lemon is thought to be a cross between a true lemon and a mandarin orange or an orange. Botanist are not sure. Anyway, it was introduced in the US from China 100 year ago by Frank Meyer – hence the name. They are indeed bigger, rounder (but still lemon-shaped) than a true lemon. Their skin is a lot thinner with hardly any pith. They are also a lot juicer and less tart. If you do not have Meyer lemons, I suggest you replace with a combination of tart fresh lemon juice and juice from a juice orange, maybe 3/4 lemon juice and 1/4 orange juice. Do use fresh juice, though. The taste will be closer to Meyer Lemon, since using regular lemon only will be tarter.

    And for those with a gardening thumb, the plant is easy to grow in a pot: spend summer outside and winter in a very sunny bright room. In early winter (assuming you took good care of your plant – and maybe played pollinator bee with a little brush) you can harvest 2 dozen lemons over several weeks. And the scent of the lemon flowers blossoming is …out of this world.


  53. Aran says:

    Sylvie- great info! thanks!

  54. I just love all of your differently styling! The desserts look like pieces of art!

  55. cindy* says:

    once again aran, you never fail to impress. lovely, lovely!

  56. Y says:

    The cream sounds rather good, and love both presentations. Pity I never see Meyer lemons here.

  57. Shala says:

    This has to be the most beautiful dessert I have ever seen. Thank you.

  58. Helene says:

    Your desserts are always better looking that any bakeries around here.

  59. I love the combo of Meyer lemons and chocolate you’ve used here. Your plating is nothing short of art. And congratulations on your nomination for Best Photography at Well Fed! I’m glad we weren’t nominated in the same category :-)

  60. Aimée says:

    When are you opening a dessert cafe so I can come taste some of these creations??

    PS I just voted for you in the Well Fed Network awards. Good luck! You can return the favor if you wish–I’m in the Family/Kids category. Thanks!

  61. PheMom says:

    So, how did you know that I had meyer lemons I need to use? You already know how much I love chocolate. This sounds like a divine combination and looks so very, very pretty – as always!

  62. pea & pear says:

    It all sounds ‘painfully delicious”. and looks absolutely amazing!! Your creations are always so meticulous Aran, visiting you site is an absolute joy!!!!!


    for all of you that love this blog as much as I do, go to this link and vote for Aran. She is awesome and is the best blog by far! Hope you win Aran you are the best.

  64. oh my god Aran this is intense! so beautiful! i wish i could afford to make this!! some day, some day! until then i’ll keep your inspiration :)

  65. I weighed it. You’re right; it was actually pretty easy.

    I’ve made the bottom layer so far. It tastes really similar to brownies.

    Mine was pretty thick; it didn’t spread in the sheet pan easily; I had to roll it out on the parchment paper and them stick it back in the pan (the handles on the rolling pin prevented me from getting it flatter). Should it have been wetter? It was like cookie dough–thick. Is there an easier way to do this for next time?

  66. Jinnie N. says:

    for some reason, lemon and chocolate is a surprising combination to me. That’s be an interesting taste to try. Photos are mouthwatering…

  67. Aran says:

    Prudent Homemaker- no, the chocolate biscuit should not be like cookie dough. It is a sponge cake so you should have been able to spread the batter with an offset spatula. I wonder what happened…

  68. Aran says:

    Prudent- did it taste ok? was the texture like a brownie? it really should be like a genoise or a very spongy cake…

    Mallory- this is not that expensive to make really. you can avoid making certain elements too. and now you are an expert macarons maker so this should be a piece of cake! :)

  69. It tastes fine. I’ll try again next week and see if it is more runny next time. I thought it would be more runny. It’s moist inside, like I like my brownies, but also thinner than a brownie, so the moistness is surprising.

    Maybe my eggs were too small? I didn’t weigh every egg; I used three large eggs.

    Can you give me an idea on what to use to build the box?

  70. Ohhh¡¡¡¡¡ me ha encantado tu blog, lastima que mi ingles no es muy bueno.
    Me gusta mucho el chocolate, asi que creo que vendre mas veces a verte.
    Besos y hasta pronto.
    (¡¡¡¡¡ Ohhh I love your blog, it hurts my English is not very good.
    I love chocolate, so I think we sell more times to see you.

  71. Aran says:

    Prudent- you definitely need more than 3 egs. One egg yolk weighs about 20 grams so that is only 60 grams of egg yolks vs the 285 grams that the recipe calls for. try again and let me know ok?

  72. Chez Us says:

    I would have never thought to pair meyer lemon & chocolate – I will have to try as I have pounds of lemons and grapefruits from friends in Palm Springs. I was thinking sorbet but chocolate is even better!

  73. Wow–that’s a big difference in weight!

    My husband says maybe I’ve found a decent homemade brownie recipe now ;) if I just make more and add oil.

    And oil is cheaper than eggs, so I might try experimenting that way.

    My other plan is to experiment with powdered yolks and egg whites (merengue powder). It has to be something I have on hand, and eggs are in the “rare and expensive” category for me right now (if you’re confused, do a little reading on my site.) This month, I haven’t bought any food, and next month I don’t think buying food is in my budget either. I have lemons because of my trees, and I was able to buy some eggs in December.

    I also want to try a pomegrante topping as well.

    I’ll take pictures for you if it works!

    Can you tell me what I can use to make the box?

  74. El helado del que hablas, puede ser el Gran Pacific de Camy?

    Era de limón y la cobertura de chocolate blanco con almendras crocantes. Yo sólo lo comía cuando iba de vacaciones a Cullera, porque en Pamplona sólo había Frigo y Miko.

    El Colaget que dice Morgana, también era de mis favoritos: limón, cola y cobertura de chocolate.

    Uhmmmm que recuerdos!

    Aunque este sea mi primer comentario, te sigo desde hace mucho y me fascina lo que haces. Es una gran inspiración.


  75. Aran says:

    Prudent- you can use a square cake pan to build it in. Line it with plastic wrap so once frozen, it is easy to get out of the pan. or a round cake pan will work too, just different shapes. also, the amount of each component you will need will be different so you might have to adjust the recipe to make less. Hope that works out!

    garbancita- que nombre mas gracioso… muchas gracias por tu comentario. el que yo hablaba era colajet que tenia una especie de helado sorbete de limon con la punta de chocolate… era lo que mas me gustaba del mundo mundial! jajaja

  76. Buba Cooks says:

    oooohhhh qué recuerdos colajet!!mmm era de mis preferidos! Alucino….con cada receta te superas. Esta concretamente es una preciosidad. Cuando leo tus recetas me doy cuenta de cuanto me falta por aprender!

  77. Caitlin says:

    I saw your blog and kind of wanted to eat my computer screen :)

    I used to work @ Dali-a tapas restaurant in Boston…the owner/chef trained in San Sebastian.



    (aka The Alchemist Chef….after Ferran Adria, of course!)

  78. Is there anything better than lemon and chocolate together. Reminds me of some lemon creams I love. Beautiful post.

  79. Botacook says:

    Chocolate and lemon, an interesting association! Your recipes are scrumptious!

  80. Do you mean,I can take some Lemon from Menton instead of the Meyer Lemon. Here, I can’t find this sort of citrus.

  81. annies! says:

    Thank all for comments about Meyer lemon.. it’s very interesting to discover new fruits and their best use! Now I’m thinking about a special Italian fruit to show in next post…sort of cultural exchange, ins’t it? :)

  82. juliana says:

    incríble combinación! y también es increíble q no sea más polpular! limón y chocolate! mmmm
    acá hay un solo tipo de limón, o bien limas (las verdes), pero con el limón común y chocolate amargo suelo hacer una torta de la q no queda ni una miga! fina base de genoise chocolate, mousse de chocolate, y la ultima capa de mousse de limón… sin palabras!
    me gusto la idea de presentarlo en copas… la voy a probar…
    por último, increíbles tus fotos! son super profesionales, como para revista de gourmet! felicitaciones!

  83. Anonymous says:

    A todas las que han recordado con sabrosa nostalgia se trataba del Colajet de Camy. Yo solamente comía Camy. Era trifásico: polo de naranja y limón cubierto de chocolate en la parte de arriba. Tengo 48 años y comí muchísimos.
    Un beso helado, Inés

  84. Puhvis Kukk says:

    What am I doing wrong? Pate bombe – when I start adding the sugar-corn syrup mixture it cools into hard sugar immediately. I use an electric mixer and part of it becomes cotton candy. I tried twice with same sad results. I am using candy thermometer and t seems correct.

  85. Aran says:

    Puhvis Kukk- you have to pour the sugar on the side of the bowl in a stream. if the sugar touches the whisk while whipping, it will turn into cotton candy. so make sure it falls touching the side of the bowl.

    also, make sure the egg yolks are not too cold when you start whipping because maybe if they are cold, when the sugar touches them they will harden right away.

    make sure that once all the sugar has been added, turn the mixer to high speed and lift the bowl up so the whip can mix the sugar that has fallen to the bottom too.

    also making pate a bombe in small batches can be hard. sometimes you need a larger quantity so the egg yolks whip better.

    try again and let me know ok?

  86. Anonymous says:

    HOLA ARAN! Querria saber que es pate a bombe. Cuantas yemas lleva la receta del chocolate biscuit aprox.? Se pone en placas con papel manteca? Y placas de que tamaño aprox.? Muchas gracias!!!

  87. Anonymous says:

    …(continuacion del mensaje anterior)… Me olvide de pregunar algo que tenia en mente! Se pueden reemplazar las yemas del chocolte biscuit por huevos enteros??

  88. Aran says:

    Anonymous- pate a bombe es una mezcla de yemas batidas con un jarabe de azucar cocido a 121C (lo indica en el metodo). Una yema pesa aproximadamente unos 20 gramos asi que calculo que son unas 14-15 yemas. Las placas se cubren con papel o silpats. Las placas son de 18×13 pulgadas. El biscuit utiliza huevos enteros pero se separan y se baten aparte.

  89. Anonymous says:


  90. Anonymous says:

    Around 1958, my mom used to serve us chocolate pudding under lemon pudding, and I’ve been fixated on the combination ever since. However, when I raved about it in high school, people invariably went “yech!” When Chox came out with the chocolate and lemon candy, I was delighted, but figured they would out-price me. I never thought so many people would love the flavor combination! Thank you for showing me so many kindred spirits on your website. The cooking seems very admirably fussy, though I’m always on the lookout for lower fat, lower sugar recipes.

  91. LucyinAust says:

    Your blog is beautiful and chocolate and lemon is one of my favourite flavour combinations so I’d like to make these for an afternoon tea! I’m trying to work out prep time and interpretting your recipe. The layers are frozen before the milk choc mousse is piped on top … how long from this stage would they remain stable? or once they defrost will they not retain their shape? I need to transport them at some stage and am wondering if I can complete them or need to pipe/top on site! Thanks!

  92. LucyinAust says:

    This certainly is chocolate lemon LOVE!!! Delicious!! I made a 1/2 batch of the cake layer and full batches of the mousses (which seemed to work out really well for a 9″ x 11″ pan). The top lemon layer was quite delicate (I took it out of the freezer, transported it, assembled it 2 hours later then it was served on a table near a fire and it still lasted upright for afternoon tea). If I made it again I think I’d try a crispier base vs cake, as a texture contrast. I love love love the two chocolate mousse and lemon combination! Will do that again!

  93. Rosa Rivero says:

    your food is just amazing looking!

    QUESTION: I want to try to the chocolate mousse but I want to know how much do the gelatin packets weight…I am in Canada and I am not sure they’ll be the same.

    I love all the ingredients in grams ’cause I can just weight everything


  94. fungsta says:

    I am currently licking my computer monitor. This looks absolutely amazing!

    I’ve gone out a purchased all of the ingredients and have set aside the weekend to try this out. I cannot wait!

  95. mital says:

    Hi, how many servings does this make if made into slices?

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