Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus

Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus | Cannelle et VanilleEggs | Cannelle et Vanille

You know I love eggs.

Eggs are a big part of my days and I feel very lucky to have friends who are willing to share their chickens’ eggs with me. A barter system of sorts.

Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus | Cannelle et VanilleBaked eggs with potatoes and asparagus | Cannelle et vanilleCannelle et VanilleBaked eggs with potatoes and asparagus | Cannelle et Vanille

If you celebrate Easter, here is a simple baked egg recipe with potatoes, asparagus, shallots and a bit of goat cheese. In my opinion this can easily be breakfast, lunch or dinner. And so versatile. Here is another one of my favorite pairings for autumn.

Other ideas could be roasted tomatoes in the summer, prosciutto and peas in the spring, roasted pumpkin and mustard greens in the winter… Basically any combination you like.

And I leave you now.

We are in full Spring Break mode around here, exploring Seattle and the tulip festivals in the area. We keep bouncing around from sun and rain. Hot and cold.

Wellies will be until July, I am sure.

Oh and… thank you Kimberly and Callie for sharing your eggs with me. x

Cannelle et Vanille

Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus

serves 4

4 ounces (115 g) green asparagus, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium shallot, peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium Yukon gold potato, peeled and thinly sliced
1/4 cup (60 ml) heavy cream
1 ounce (30 g) goat cheese
4 eggs
1 tablespoon chervil leaves (optional)

Preheat oven to 350F (180C).

Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Season with a generous amount of salt and cook the asparagus in the water for 3 minutes. Drain the asparagus in transfer to a bowl with ice water to chill. Drain well and reserve.

Heat a medium saute pan over medium heat. Add the olive oil and shallot. Cook for 1 minute, then add the potatoes. Season with a bit of salt. Cook the potatoes until soft, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove pan from heat.

Place 4 ovenproof ramekins on a baking sheet. Divide the potato mixture and asparagus on the bottom of each ramekin. Pour a tablespoon of heavy cream over it. Divide the goat cheese over the cream. Crack an egg in each ramekin, season with a pinch of salt and chervil leaves.

Bake the eggs for 8 to 10 minutes until the white is cooked but the yolk is runny. Sometimes the whites don’t fully cook and if you continue to bake them, the yolks will harden, so really the consistency is up to you. I like them best when yolk runny.

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19 Responses to “Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus”

  1. Marin says:

    Wow I love the new look, it is very hip and pretty! Thank you for the delicious recipes, I cant wait to try this one! Xoxo

  2. Happy Easter, Aran.

    Fresh eggs are amazing, so different from any that can be purchased at the store. This recipe looks yummy and delicious! I recently did a potato dish with eggs and asparagus, too. I humbly offer the link here, if you are interested:

    I love the new look of your site. The clean banner image, new logo and new favicon are delightful. I didn’t think this site could be any more beautiful that it was, but it is. Absolutely beautiful.

    Well done.

    Happy Spring.


  3. Rosa says:

    A delicious combination! This spring dish looks delicious.

    Happy Easter!



  4. Carol says:

    Looks absolutely gorgeous, hope you all have a lovely Spring!

  5. molly yeh says:

    well who needs easter egg dying kits when you have those beauties?!

  6. pam robinson says:

    these look simply amazing… must try… when k gets back lets make a girls date.. xx i would love to come see the studio! happy easter…

  7. So jealous of your gorgeous eggs! We are big egg-lovers here, too. We could go through dozens and dozens every week… and often do. We’re not allowed to keep chickens where we live, but I wish we could… hopefully some day!

  8. […] some simple baked eggs (eggs, Easter… it all just makes […]

  9. […] | beach | kids | plants | easter eggs | […]

  10. I love baked eggs! So easy to make but feels oh so luscious. Thank you for all the inspiration!

    And I love the new look of your site, Aran. Fresh and clean. Perfect.

    Happy Easter days,

  11. Patiently waiting for Quebec asparagus so I can make this lovely dish, Aran. Maybe by then, we’ll have our chickens, too!

  12. […] Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus :: Cannelle et Vanille […]

  13. […] Baked eggs with potatoes and asparagus :: Cannelle et Vanille […]

  14. Very healthy and delicious dish…
    Thanks for sharing such valuable post… :-)

  15. […] I stumbled across this post from Cannelle et Vanille, one of my favorite food blogs and my foodie role model, I knew I had […]

  16. […] cannellevanille.comĀ […]

  17. […] Image via Cannelle et Vanille […]

  18. Friday Eats says:

    […] Baked Eggs with Potatoes and Asparagus […]

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