English peas, favas and burrata


I am craving warmth and sun after what it feels like the longest winter in recent history.

Slowly we are getting there.

The first signs of Spring have appeared. Blossoms, ramps, morels, peas and favas.

Aran GoyoagaAran GoyoagaRamps by Aran Goyoaga

Every Spring there is a version of peas and faves in my kitchen. Sometimes with prosciutto and eggs, others in vegetable menestra form. It makes me feel like this recipe isn’t really even a recipe as it really is about minimally cooking and seasoning ingredients that are already at their peak. But aren’t those the best recipes most of the time anyway?

If you have never had favas or cooked with them, important thing to know is that they are a bit of a pain to prep. The pods are thick and velvety. Inside lies the pale green fava bean that also needs to be peeled one more time as that ouster skin is a bit rubbery. The actual bean inside is bright green, tender and meatier than a pea. The season is very short but so worth the prep time and wait.

Peas, favas and burrata

serves 4

1 pound English peas in their pods
1 pound favas in their pods
Black pepper
4 slices thick sourdough bread (I have been making my own GF sourdough… stay tuned!)
1/4 cup olive oil
8 ounces burrata, drained and torn into pieces
1/4 cup radish microgreens

1. Fill a medium pot with water and bring to a rolling boil. Preheat the broiler in your oven.

2. While the water is heating, shell the English peas and faves. You might want to leave some peas in their shells for added visual interest and crunch. Season the boiling water with a generous amount of water (almost as you would for pasta). Have two large bowls filled with ice water ready. Add the peas into the boiling water and cook for 1 minute until al dente. Immediately spoon the peas out using a large slotted spoon or paddle and transfer them into the ice water to stop the cooking process. Drain them.

3. Add the favas into the same boiling water where we cooked the peas. Cook for 2 minutes and at this time drain them through a calendar and submerge them into the second bowl with ice water. Drain them. At this point, we want to peel them one more time. If you prick their ouster skin with your nail or the point of a knife, the skin should pop right off. Set aside.

4. Brush the sourdough slices with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and place them on a baking sheet. broil in the oven until both sides are very toasted and crunchy. Set aside.

5. Top the bread with burrata and let that soak for a couple of minutes. In the meantime, toss the peas, favas, chervil, remaining olive oil, pinch of salt and pepper together and pour over the burrata. Drizzle with more olive oil if needed and some radish micro greens.

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