Gluten-free squid ink pasta

Gluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et VanilleGluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et Vanille

I have been making a lot of pasta lately. Some for work but also at home. Every time I pull out the pasta roller, step stools surround me and I see kids standing next to me ready to go. Guaranteed.

I spent last weekend at Sunday Suppers teaching two food styling and photography workshops. When I was thinking of recipes to make that would be both engaging, process-driven and photogenic, I immediately thought of this pasta recipe. Super simple.

I hope you are never intimidated by gluten-free pasta ever again.

Gluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et VanilleGluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et VanilleGluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et VanilleGluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et VanilleGluten-free squid ink pasta | Cannelle et Vanille

Squid ink fresh pasta

Squid ink (sometimes it’s sold as cuttlefish ink) is usually found in fish markets or Mediterranean/Italian/Spanish specialty shops.

serves 4 to 6

140 g superfine brown rice flour
60 g potato starch
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
4 teaspoons squid ink
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks

1. Combine the flours, xanthan gum and salt in a bowl. Whisk them lightly to aerate. Mound the flour mixture on your work surface and make a well in the center that is about 3-inches wide and will hold the wet ingredients.

2. Add the eggs, yolks and squid ink in the well. Using a fork, beat together the eggs and begin to incorporate the flour starting with the inner rim of the well. As you incorporate the eggs, keep pushing the flour up to retain the well shape. The dough will come together in a shaggy mass when about half of the flour is incorporated. At this time, you can start kneading the dough together incorporating the rest of the flour. Knead until the dough feels smooth with consistency similar to play dough, about 5 to 10 minutes. If the dough feels dry, spray with a little bit of water. If dough feels too wet, sprinkle your surface with potato starch while kneading until it feels smooth. Shape the dough into a ball.

3. Cut the dough into quarters. Take a quarter and flatten it with your hands. Lightly dust it with potato starch if it feels like it might stick while rolling through pasta roller. Cover the rest of the dough with plastic wrap so it doesn’t dry out. Start with the widest setting in your pasta roller. Roll the dough through three times. Continue rolling through narrower settings until you get the thickness you like (I usually go to the third setting). Lay the rolled strip of pasta on your work surface (dust surface with potato starch if necessary and keep it covered with plastic wrap). Repeat with the remaining pieces of dough.

4. Cut the pasta using the tagliatelle setting. As the pasta comes out, roll between fingers and place on work surface. At this point you can freeze the pasta or cook it.

5. To cook the pasta, fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil. Season the cooking water with a generous amount of salt. Cook the pasta for about 3 minutes or until tender but still have a bite. Drain through colander and serve with your favorite sauce. For this recipe, I sautéed mushrooms and ramps in olive oil. Seasoned them and tossed them with the pasta and topped with finely julienned ramp greens.

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