Rhubarb and strawberry tartlets scented with orange flower water and vanilla bean


I have officially been in Seattle for one month now and I have to tell you that I am completely in love with this city. Everywhere I turn, there is a blooming tree or the seagulls nearby at the harbor. I love driving over the Ballard bridge and seeing the fishing boats with their red and blue hues.

Even the rain feels fresh and renewing.

I have been exploring the city quite a bit and if you follow me on Instagram, you will see how.

So many amazing restaurants and the farmer’s markets to visit. I shall write a list soon.

The first produce of spring has begun to appear. The first asparagus, radishes, fiddle-greens, wood sorrel, rosy spring garlic… I even discovered chickweed, which I had never tasted nor heard about. Grassy, watercress-like green that I have been adding to nearly everything.


Discovery Park, Seattle


Last Sunday, as I was walking through the Ballard farmer’s market, I heard a vendor shout “first rhubarb of the season!”. Long green stalks with deep red tips. I couldn’t wait to get home to make a simple tart with it and to stew it for Eton mess.

Brown rice flour and amaranth pastry filled with orange flower water and vanilla bean-scented custard, roasted rhubarb and strawberries. I made them into individual tartlets but the recipe makes a large round tart as well. And next time, I will make it with the rhubarb and caramelized apples. Also note that the recipe is gluten and dairy free, but if you are not a fan of coconut, you could always use butter in the crust (increase it to 8 tablespoons) and heavy cream in the filling.


Wild Alaskan salmon tartines with leeks, fennel, chickweed and crispy spring garlic

And another wonderful thing about being in Seattle? The abundance of wild Alaskan salmon. After my trip to Sitka last year, I will never buy any other salmon again.

These tartines are my new favorite quick lunch. Sliced gluten-free oat bread topped with grilled leeks, shaved fennel, pan-seared salmon, chickweed and crispy fried slices of spring garlic. Topped with a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.

Jon and Miren have been devouring it.


Rhubarb and strawberry tartlets scented with orange flower water and vanilla bean

makes a 9-inch tart or smaller tartlets

Pastry crust

3/4 cup (105 g) superfine brown rice flour
1/3 cup (45 g) amaranth flour
1/4 cup (30 g) cornstarch
1 tablespoon natural cane sugar
1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt
1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and seeds scraped
1/2 teaspoon orange zest
7 tablespoons cold coconut oil, cut into pieces
1 egg yolk
5 to 7 tablespoons ice water

In a food processor, combine the first 7 ingredients. Add the cold coconut oil and pulse until there are small visible pieces of coconut oil cut into the flour.

In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and water. Add to dough and pulse until it comes together. Add ore water if needed.

Transfer dough to your work surface, knead a couple of times and form into a disk. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill for 30 minutes or until cold but still pliable.

Dust your surface with a little bit of superfine brown rice flour, roll the dough to about 1/8″ thickness and fill the tart molds. Cut off excess. Return tart to refrigerator and chill for another 15 minutes.

Preheat oven to 375F (190C). Dock the bottom of the tart pans with a fork. Cover with parchment paper and fill with pie weights or dry beans. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove parchment and weights and bake another 10 minutes.

Rhubarb and strawberry filling

1 pound (450 g) rhubarb, cut into 3-inch pieces
3 tablespoons sugar
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and seeds scraped
2 eggs
1/4 cup (60 ml) coconut milk
1 teaspoon orange flower water
8 ounces (225 g0 strawberries

Increase oven temperature to 400F (200C). Place the rhubarb in a baking dish, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons sugar, the vanilla seeds and the bean on top. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake for 10 minutes until tender but still holds its shape. When cool enough to handle, fill the tart with the rhubarb. Save the roasting liquid. Reduce oven temperature to 350F (180C).

In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, coconut milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, orange flower water and remaining rhubarb juice. Pour over the tart. Top with strawberries.

Bake for 20 minutes or until set. Let the tart cool in the pan for at least 20 minutes before cutting.

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97 Responses to “Rhubarb and strawberry tartlets scented with orange flower water and vanilla bean”

  1. Rosa says:

    Spring is so beautiful in Seattle. Lovely pictures and scrumptious food. Those tartlets look divine!



  2. belated welcome to the west coast!

    i agree about the salmon, any other than wild alaskan just isn’t the same.

    Beautiful post, i love the cherry blossoms.

  3. Elisa says:

    What a wonder! Your spring in Seattle seems magical :-) I’m recently come back home from a trip to Elba Island, and finale discovered why you love spring so much: tiny white and pink blossoms, gentle rains and the first warm sun of the season, were additive. Here in Rome we jump rather quickly from winter to summer, so…
    However, the tartlets and tartines sound divine; sadly here is quite difficult to find rhumbarb, but I will manage it :-)
    Best whishes for your life in Seattle!

    • Aran says:

      Yes I think rhubarb is more of a colder climate vegetable. It grows everywhere here so I feel lucky after years of not finding it in Florida markets. Thank you.

  4. Petit-on says:

    Aran, estas tartaletas tienen una pintaza.
    Es temporada de fresas y es una idea genial estas tartaletas. Voy a probar tu receta que con el agua de azahar nunca las he probado.

  5. Amber says:

    Oh how lucky to live somewhere so beautiful, fresh and vibrant. Your heart must sing!

  6. Amber says:

    How lucky to live somewhere so beautiful, fresh and vibrant. Your heart must sing! And great for your kids.

  7. Amber says:

    Apologies, I didn’t realize the first comment had registered !

    • Aran says:

      Thank you and no worries!

      • Yamilka says:

        Ya suenas como nativa del PNW con el ‘no worries’…tiji! Esa actitud es una de las cosas que mas disfruto viviendo aqui.
        Me imagino que los tulipanes y los jacintos estan por todas partes en Seattle como lo estan en Portland. Por aqui la primavera no llega, explota!!!!

  8. Your pictures are just amazing. And your stories. And your recipes and… just everything! Thank You for sharing a piece of your world. /Sofija.

  9. Dena says:

    Lovely. I am so happy you are in love with your new city. May your family grow and thrive there. May all your dreams come true!

  10. Liria says:

    Hi Aran, I’m very happy to hear that you and your family are enjoying your new home in Seattle. The pictures are fantastic and the recipe looks delicious. I think that is going to be difficult to find coconut oil in Ferrol but I will take a look around the shops. I remember I bought it once in Lidl.


  11. Christine D. says:

    So lovely! Your words make me even more excited for my trip to Seattle, Victoria, and Vancouver this June – I cannot wait. These tartlets look absolutely beautiful. I’m going to keep an eye out for rhubarb at the market in the next while. Thank you, Aran!

  12. Beautiful beautiful! As always! And I wish I had rhubarb here too, but we’ll have to wait about a month or so… There’s nothing like the first rhubarb of spring. Truly.

  13. Aran! It has been awhile since I perused your beautiful blog or saw you on social media (mostly because I was criss-crossing you and moving from Vermont to Minnesota to FLORIDA, where you just left, which makes me sad!). I would have loved to explore Uncle Matt’s Organic orchards with you, Jon, and Miren as we did Tasha’s garden :-) Nonetheless, this post and recipe are stunning, and I cannot wait to try it. I have the strawberries, and today is such a beautiful day it is perfect. I shall venture out for rhubarb now! That last photo of Miren is beautiful, as always. Happy to be here again, and glad to hear Seattle is treating you well. ~Natalie Wise

  14. Querida Aran,

    desde hace unos días esperaba tu próxima entrada. Se te extraña cuando no apareces…
    Las tarteletas me parecen un primor, en Argentina no es fácil conseguir ruibarbo, pero probaré hacerlas con alguna otra fruta.
    Estoy contenta de que estés a gusto en tu nuevo mundo. Te mando un fuerte abrazo y otro para toda tu familia! Vuelve pronto por el blog…


  15. Happy to read that Seattle is treating you well! And the first rhubarb of the season has always something special, almost magical! (even more when strawberries are involved!)

  16. Gerley says:

    It is always fascinating to me how you talk about your kids eating all of the “grown-up” dishes you make when all of my friends only ever talk about their picky little eaters who will only have pizza and pasta without tantrums. I don’t have any kids yet but I always think “but Aran’s kids eat fish and meats and vegetables” when they tell me how “kids are like that”. I am sure it is partly because Jon and Miren see you try things and make things and you include them in the process but would you care to share more about the way you handle meal times with your kids? Is it ritualized? Everyone at the table? Do you consciously make them try new things? How do you keep your patience when they try to “help” and actually make a mess of things?
    Maybe when you have the time to share you could tell us about it- I for one would love to learn ( for the future maybe ;)) Regards and Good luck in your new home!

    • Aran says:

      Hi Gerley,

      I do think all kids are different. Having said that, I also think they mimic what they see at home. My kids aren’t by any means perfect eaters and they have gone through phases. Jon had a texture thing for a long time and was tough. For example, in these tartines, they would devour everything but most likely leave the raw fennel aside. So the recipes I cook are also deconstructed on the plate :) but it’s important to me that they are exposed to different ingredients and I always cook one dish for the whole family.


  17. Giulia says:

    So nice to see some of your new surroundings. I love the different light! Your recipes look yummy as usual. How are your kids liking their new environment?

  18. So nice to see you and the family settling down in Seattle. I hope to visit there someday and would love to meetup!

    Just found some rhubarb in Publix Orlando the other day — so thrilled and feel lucky ;)

  19. pam robinson says:

    looks so delicious… i cannot wait for our next adventure.. so glad you are here… and, loving it! x

  20. Melissa says:

    Hi Aran,

    Lovely post. I love that we are in the same growing climate now and cooking with similiar seasonal ingredients. I was so excited to find rhubarb at the market on Saturday and it was so delicious. I will have to try your tarts with my next batch.

    Happy Spring!

  21. Lisa says:

    Oh I hear Seattle is amazing! We dream of moving there as it seems to be so much of what we love.

    I can’t wait to try these tartlets!

  22. The tarts (and *everything else*) look absolutely gorgeous (nearly too pretty to eat, even!). That’s so wonderful to read how much you & your family have been enjoying Seattle. Thank you for sharing photos of your new environment!

  23. Beautiful! Loving the new Seattle pictures. I’ll be visiting in August for the first time. Can’t wait!

  24. Iratxe says:

    ¡Qué alegría verte de nuevo!, tenía días pasando por aquí en espera de tu post y ¡es precioso y las tartaletas, una delicia!, me encanta el ruibarbo pero por aquí no se consigue :(. Qué maravilla descubrir tu ciudad, cada calle, cada rincón, los mercados, los restaurantes ¡so excited!. Muxuak.

  25. Salmon is one of those magical fish that tastes equally amazing with every preparation method. Growing up in the northwest by uncles would always go salmon fishing and then smoke large batches of the fish afterwards…the smell was amazing. I think smoked salmon is still my favorite kind, but seared is delicious too. Keeps it nice and juicy on the inside with a bit of a crisp on the outside.

    And hurray for rhubarb! So happy spring is finally here :)

  26. valerie s. says:

    Ummmm, salmon, look delicious. Have to visit the Asian grocery, Uwajimaya, just south of you. They’re having Thai Food Week now till the 16th

  27. C’est superbe, merci pour ces sublimes photos.
    Et les tartelettes, quel régal.

  28. Dawn says:

    I was really looking forward to your first Seattle/food photo montage mixes, and these are beautiful!

    So nice to hear that you and the kids are settling into your new home and loving it there.

    xoxo Dawn

  29. Marie says:

    I have been a silent follower of your lovely blog for some time. I thought I’d speak up to welcome you to my hometown. It is an exquisite place to live and eat!

  30. Lindsay says:

    Such a beautiful recipe! You are so talented! xx

  31. Cheryl says:

    Orange flower water is one of my favourite things… i love spring, when the orange blossoms are out in force and you get to smell the scent in the real world…..

    Stunning as always lovely…………

  32. Yamilka says:

    Will definitely try making these tartelettes, as I have a heirloom rhubarb plant in the garden begging to be harvested. Originally, I was planning to make some meringue nests to top with the cooked rhubarb, but your idea sounds yummier. Thank you for the lovely post!

  33. Lisa says:

    Your photography is absolutely amazing. I wish I could try one of these right now! I also love the ingredients list, so simple and healthy.

  34. Inco says:

    In these pics there’re a lot of wonderful colors. I love them ! <3
    Nice blog, compliments to you.
    See you soon,

  35. Bee says:

    Glad to see you and your family are settling nicely in Seattle. Loving your spring photos! I’ll probably run into you at the Ballard farmers market one of these days. :)

  36. Ellen says:

    These look absolutely delicious. I have been enjoying some of my first strawberries of the year too. And that salmon, it looks divine!

  37. Seeing you post about Seattle is so personally satisfying since I am moving there in two months. It is such a beautiful city. And as you mentioned about the farmers markets are amazing. I am glad you are enjoying all the city has to offer!!

  38. Julia says:

    Yum! What beautiful photos. I love salmon, and you definitely tell the difference between wild & farmed – just by looking at it even.

  39. Oh just lovely. Seattle sounds and looks like a blossom-kissed dream. The markets! Beautiful recipes here, thank you for sharing.
    Heidi xo

  40. Sini says:

    Rhubarb and strawberries – a combination made in heaven! In summer I always make a rhubarb strawberry jam with a touch of cinnamon. I call it “Rhubarb Heaven”. That’s how delicious it is :) Sadly spring in Europe is late to say the least so I’m afraid I have to wait a little longer to get some local rhubarb.

    So happy to hear you love it in Seattle! Can’t wait to hear and see more.

  41. simi says:

    Foe some reason your rss is not working for my flip board

  42. Connie Jones says:

    Wow, Rhubarb and strawberries sound amazing. I found a great little GF market in Everett, WA called Janell Gluten Free Market and was able to buy all the required ingredients for the tart shell recipe in your beautiful bool – I’m excited to make it.


  43. Connie Jones says:

    Sorry, it looks like I can’t type today. I meant your beautiful book.

  44. Judith says:

    It will be interesting to see, Aran, how your cooking changes living in a cooler climate … just the way here in Spain, meals are much heartier in the north – your beautiful Euskadi, Asturias and Galicia – than further south. Do the children have more appetite, do you think?

    Glad that you are settling in well.


  45. Marina says:

    To be honest: I am jealous. Seattle is such an amazing city. And it is so photogenic :-) Enjoy the spring.

  46. Virginia says:

    Wow Aran!
    Wondeful recipe and -as always- gorgeous pics! Seattle looks amazing in spring!
    Big hug from Donosti, today it seems summer here, indeed ;)

  47. Callie says:

    Aran, where do you get your chickweed? Do you forage for it?


  48. Katie says:

    Those rhubarb and strawberry tarts look so pretty. Almost toopretty to eat!

    I must admit I have never thought about eating chickweed before, I will have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas.

    Katie x

  49. Wonderful to hear that you and your family have settled in Seattle nicely. I love your gorgeous photos of spring blossoms, new surrounding and pretty tarts in the brand new light!

    Did I tell you that we have made a few batches of your “Everything Cookies” lately (“It’s a keeper!” said my husband and both kids) along with the “Ricotta & Quinoa Gnocchi with Pea Shoot & Almond Pesto?” I really like that your book is divided in season, now I could get inspired with all your collection of spring recipes.

    Thank you again and happy Spring discovering around Seattle!


  50. Qué entrada más bonita!

    La receta, deliciosa y las fotos preciosas.

    un abrazo

  51. I have never been to Seattle…such a gorgeous place from your photographs! Lovely tart and the color on the wild salmon is breathtaking! And chickweed! How interesting…

  52. Oh, and congratulations on the James Beard nomination!!

  53. Welcome to Seattle! I would love to show you around or recommend some fantastic places!

  54. I am so happy that you have settled down Aran best wishes. Love the tart recipe, looks delcious and the salmon looks so fresh and so delcious . Gorgeous cherry blossom trees.
    My trip to Tokyo, Japan was amazing and beautiful. Cherry blossom season is breathtaking and the people are wonderful. Love

  55. laurasmess says:

    Hello there Aran! This is my first comment on your blog, although I have been a long time fan of Cannelle et Vanille :) I love the fact that you used coconut oil for your pastry. I’ve tried and failed a couple of times to incorporate coconut oil as the main fat… potentially because I used spelt flour and/or because the oil wasn’t cold enough (it was thick but melty). I will give your method a try and see if it improves my results. Love the idea of the health benefits. So glad that you’re loving Seattle too! Nice to see your photos!

  56. You have made me even MORE excited about my trip to Seattle in a week in a half for a photography retreat. So would love to meet you. Your photography is beyond stunning! I hope Seattle treats you well in the future.

  57. Rebecca Jane says:

    What a beautiful recipe, a wonderful way to capture those first wisps of Spring. I can almost smell the wonderful aromas coming through my screen.

    I’m hoping Scotland will catch up soon in terms of produce and when it does, i shall me making these tartlets

    Thank you

  58. Your blog is delicious!! The recipes, the photographs…look so incredible! Congratulations!!

  59. Ahhhhh just hearing you describe Seattle is making me long for a trip up to the Pacific Northwest. I grew up in Portland and only made it to Seattle once (lame, I know!) and while I planned on seeing more of the city, I ended up spending the entire day at Pike’s Place eating and eating and looking at food for a long time and then eating again. I’ve been following your instagrams (which are lovely!) and can see how much of the city I have missed! I need to come back to try more of the treasure trove of restaurants, ice cream shops, and bakeries that the city is filled with.

    These tartlets sound just delicious, I love the combination of coconut milk and orange blossom water. So floral and creamy! I can only imagine how lovely it must taste paired with the sweet tartness of the rhubarb & strawberry.

  60. Laurette says:

    your tartlets are so yummy!!

  61. These are the prettiest looking tartlets and your photos are just so gorgeous!

  62. Connie says:

    I must agree with other commenst here – your photos are gorgeous anf thsoe little tartlets look divine. Looking at your blog has certainly added a touch of spring to my life. Thank you

  63. Connie says:

    Oooops, I’m obviously having finger trouble today. My comment should have read:

    “I must agree with other comments here – your photos are gorgeous and those little tartlets look divine. Looking at your blog has certainly added a touch of spring to my life. Thank you.”

  64. You really got inspired by those spring flowers! Beautiful little tarts.

  65. kelsey says:

    i am living in tacoma right now, south of seattle about 30 minutes, and have been a long-time lover of your blog. after a short reading hiatus, i just came back and am so thrilled that you’re in seattle. a beautiful place for beautiful food!
    kw ladies in navy

  66. Kelli says:

    So glad you are enjoying my neck of the woods {I live in Olympia}. It makes me smile to know one of my favorite bloggers lives just an hour away. I am so excited that you are loving Seattle! Welcome.

  67. lemoncake says:

    Absolutely loving the sound of this dessert, and the rest of your blog :-) Look forward to following your adventures!

  68. caitlyn says:

    Chickweed sounds yummy. Now I am on a venture to see if I can find it :). Seattle seems like a lovely place too, makes me want to travel there; right now nature is calling me.

    The tartlets sound delicious. I wonder, do you think that chia or flaxeggs would work well in the filling? I know it would be a different texture than the eggs, but wondered if it would work well, not sure if you have thoughts on that. I guess that’s where experimenting can be fun and comes into play. Tofu would work but I like to stay away from tofu if I can help it. Or I wonder if mixing some arrowroot with the coconut milk would work.

    Sorry this comment is kind of a ramble. If you have any thoughts on replacing the eggs in the filling it would be most appreciated :). Have a wonderful day!

    • caitlyn says:

      You know, I don’t really eat eggs (mainly vegan). But I’m going to go ahead and try this with the eggs :). I’m more under the listen to my body and if it come from a local farmer who treats the chickens well, awesome. If I love it, which I’m sure I will, I will experiment without eggs after :).

      Thank you for the inspiration and gorgeous posts/recipes.

  69. […] It make make me wistful for such a romantically photogenic life, but with recipes like this one for rhubarb and strawberry tartlets, I’ll always return for […]

  70. Heather says:

    I moved back home to WI, from Seattle about 10 years ago. I miss it so, I’m so gladly you moved there so that you can showcase the beauty that I hold dear to my heart.

    Every photo you take is so lovely, I just enjoy you so much. You are such a beautiful soul.

    Every post you write, I think to myself, must buy a mandolin already…!

    Have a wonderful Day!

  71. […] And did I have the time I would love to get around these little ones too… I have to make them very soon! Find them here […]

  72. KLFoodblog says:

    Can I ask you if this is diffused natural light that you are using? It is always so perfect…thanks!

  73. […] all used to vanilla, which is, at its base, a floral flavor, and many of us have also come to know orange blossom, lavender, rose, and others that have recently become popular. So why not walk out your front door […]

  74. […] to scroll through Aran’s site without a strong desire for fruit tarts setting in (who can resist rhubarb and strawberry?!), made all the more appealing by the trademark way she documents food – styled and shot in […]

  75. […] Figure 14, Canelle et Vanille. 2013. Rhubarb and strawberry tartlets with orange flower water and vanilla bean. [Online]. [Last accessed 3rd January 2015] Available at: < http://www.cannellevanille.com/gluten-free/rhubarb-and-strawberry-tartlets-scented-with-orange-flowe…&gt; […]

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