Zoe’s Gluten-Free Brioche, Poached Egg Salad and Some Chocolate and Praline Crunch Panini

Last week, after a couple of rather rough days, I received an unexpected package in the mail that really made my day. Zoe sent me copies of her two baking books “Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day” and “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day”. As you know, I am a cookbook addict and nothing makes me happier than discovering new books, especially if they are written by friends.

I started browsing through them right away and one recipe in particular caught my eye, the gluten-free brioche. I have experimented with gluten free baking before, but usually in recipes that are easy to adjust and that the gluten content is not the main requirement for its success. Bread baking is a whole different game though and I was intrigued to see what the texture of a brioche made mainly with cornstarch would turn out to be.

So I used our Halloween morning get-together to experiment with the recipe. The brioche has great flavor and texture and it is so easy to make that it even surprised me.

We had beautiful farm eggs that morning and what a better way to showcase their freshness than by poaching them. This technique immediately lets you know how fresh an egg is by just seeing how much it stays together once submerged in the poaching liquid. The yolks were so bright and colorful that really, there is no better ingredient for brunch.

Served the poached eggs on toasted slices of the brioche with a salad of watercress, purple basil and thinly sliced Granny Smith apples. I had some toasted hazelnuts from before so I though a mustard and toasted hazelnut vinaigrette would make the perfect dressing. So much flavor and texture.

I reserved some of the brioche to make hazelnut, chocolate and praline crunch panini. I don’t have a panini maker so I just spread some organic, store-bought hazelnut and chocolate spread on slices of brioche with some praline crunch and toasted them on a griddle. It really was a decadent way to finish this Halloween weekend. I wish I could show you the kids’ faces covered in chocolate and praline.

Gluten-Free Brioche

adapted from “Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day” by Zoe François and Jeff Hertzberg

Makes enough bread for three 1.5 lb loaves

1 cup brown rice flour
1 cup tapioca starch (tapioca flour)
3 3/4 cups cornstarch
2 Tbs granulated yeast
1 Tbs kosher salt
2 Tbs xanthan gum
2 1/2 cups milk
1 cup honey
4 eggs
1 cup neutral flavor oil
1 Tbs vanilla extract
Egg wash
Raw sugar for sprinkling on top

Whisk together the brown rice flour, tapioca starch, cornstarch, yeast, salt and xanthan gum in a 5 qt bowl.

Combine the liquid ingredients and gradually mix them into the dry using a paddle attachment until there are no dry bits of flour.

Cover and allow the dough to rest for 2 hours. The dough can be used now or refrigerated for up to 5 days.

On baking day, grease a 8.5″x4.5″ pan. Break a 1.5 lb piece of dough and shape it into a round. Wet your hands as the dough will be sticky. Elongate the dough into an oval and put it in the pan. You might need to wet the top a bit to smooth it out. Let it rest for 90 minutes (40 minutes if you are using non refrigerated dough).

Brush the top with egg wash and sprinkle raw sugar right before baking. Bake at 350F for about 40-45 minutes.

Toasted Brioche, Poached Egg, Watercress and Apple Salad

Serves 4

8 slices toasted gluten-free brioche
4 eggs (preferably farm fresh)
2 cups watercress
Bunch of purple basil
2 Granny Smith apples, thinly slices
Few drops lemon juice
Water for poaching eggs
1 Tbs white vinegar
Mustard and toasted hazelnut vinaigrette

Poach the eggs. Bring 3 qts of water and the vinegar to a boil. Reduce heat to a low simmer. Break off the egg into a ramekin and gently submerge the egg in the simmering liquid. Do not let the water boil and only cook 1 or 2 eggs at a time. Cook for about 2 minutes or until white has coagulated but yolk is still liquid. Remove with a slotted spoon.

Thinly slice the apples and drizzle with some lemon juice so they don’t oxidize.

Place 2 small slices of toasted brioche on a plate. Garnish with watercress, purple basil and thinly sliced apples. Place the poached egg on top and season with a bit of salt and pepper. Drizzle the mustard and toasted hazelnut vinaigrette on top.

Mustard and Toasted Hazelnut Vinaigrette

2 tsp mustard
2 Tbs minced shallot
2 Tbs hazelnuts, toasted and roughly chopped
Salt and pepper
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
3 Tbs olive oil

Place the mustard, minced shallots, hazelnuts, balsamic and apple cider vinegars in a bowl. Add some salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle in the olive oil while whisking creating a light emulsion.

Thank you Zoe for sharing with us!

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76 Responses to “Zoe’s Gluten-Free Brioche, Poached Egg Salad and Some Chocolate and Praline Crunch Panini”

  1. Hilda says:

    You had me with the picture of the salad yesterday, but nutella panini?! My God Aran, I need to ship myself over there right now. Are there any leftovers?

  2. This looks like an amazing dessert! I love how you used the brioche for both savoury and sweet dishes. The vinaigrette also sounds (and looks) really good, will have to try it soon.

  3. so lovely! I love that you post more than one recipe in a post, its like a complete meal. so lovely.

  4. Lauren says:

    Oh my goodness. This looks amazing, not to mention wonderful that its gluten free! I don’t eat gluten, and do a lot of experimenting, but rarely make homemade bread – that might have to change =D.

  5. stunning post and just might be the perfect meal!!! i ma loving the pink hues with the chocolate!

  6. Valentina says:

    How lucky you are to receive such lovely gifts. I am now very curious about this gluten free brioche. i am a big brioche fan and I would love to taste first hand this recipe to check the texture.

  7. How wonderful to discover some gluten free baking for such classics as brioche. I love your dishes.

  8. Wonderful! Everything looks mighty scrumptious and your pictures are absolutely stunning!



  9. outsideoslo says:

    A chocolate sandwich is one of my favorite treats. There’s a restaurant in Seattle (Cafe Presse) that serves pain au chocolate a ‘ancienne, and it’s delightful. Warm, crispy baguette oozing with dark chocolate, washed down with French red wine, and I’m as happy as can be!

  10. Oh how funny! I baked a gluten free brioche too this weekend!
    Delicious combination of flavors. Makes me hungry for more, even at 11:30 pm!

  11. Wow. Your photographs are great! You make good for you food look so yummy! Thanks for the recipes! Love bread and even better that it’s better for you. I bet the kids were too cute with chocolate faces.

  12. The apple salad looks phenomenal!

  13. ibb says:

    Itzura izugarria dute. Nire nobio zena, zeliakoa zen eta gluten gabeko bizkotzoak egiten ohitu nintzen, eta sagar tartak, eta gero gazta tartak. Beti geratzen ziren asko igo gabe…ez horren itzura onarekin.
    Gero taloak egiten genituen etxean, arto irinarekin…
    Orain, tenpurara pasatu naiz, jajaja.
    Posten naiz, halloween ona izateagatik.

    muxu haundi bat.


  14. woogie82 says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. woogie82 says:

    Hi there! Loved the idea of mustard with toasted hazelnut vinaigrette :)

  16. Dominique says:

    Stunning pictures! And thanks for all the recipes…I’d love sharing brunch with you!

  17. Dajda says:

    A breakfast like that brightens up the whole day!

  18. Aran says:

    Hilda- my doors are open. Fly on over!

    Valentina- try it and let me know what you think.

    Bea- I can’t wait to see your recipe and try it too!

    Outsideoslo- sounds amazing!

    Ibb- EHan ez da holakorik asko entzuten baina seguru badagola zeliako piloa. Gauza gehiago probatzen hasi behar naz.

    Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. Happy November!

  19. I’m lovin the looks of that panini

  20. Sari says:

    Your recipes really inspired me. I’ve never made a homemade bread, though I wanted to, but I didn’t find a good recipe so far. This recipe is a good change to start! Thank you :-)

  21. Ooh, I almost missed this! Hazelnut, chocolate and praline crunch panini? That’s got my name all over it… and just like those kids, I’ll probably have it all over my face too! ;)

    Hope you had a fun Halloween !

  22. cindy* says:

    yum! i’m a sucker for farm eggs and poached eggs…oh my!

    everything looks delightful as always!

  23. Love eggs and Brioche. They are the best way for starting a day. The pictures are just as yummy as the recipes. I love the napkin colors Aran. Where did you get them? I am looking for bold color napkins like theses. J’adore ces couleurs. Superbe combinaison.

  24. pepperkverna says:

    What a delicious blog! Pictures and food are great. Hope it is ok that I put up a link to you? Hege

  25. Aran says:

    Karine- They are just pieces of fabric that I have at home. I love browsing fabric shops!

    Thank you!

  26. Mimi says:

    My daughter’s friend was recently diagnosed with celiac’s disease She really misses bread, how lovely to be able to make her biroche.

  27. Camberley says:

    Your photos never cease to amaze me. You are so talented! I really love the presentation of the top plate.


  28. Yum! That sweet panini looks decadent!!!!

  29. Jessica Kemp says:

    I’m going to try my hand at making a chocolate brioche this weekend – but maybe I’ll change to trying this gluten-free recipe. Looks interesting.

  30. Junglefrog says:

    It’s almost the middle of the night here and I should really be going to bed, but you just managed to make me hungry all over again with those gorgeous panini images…Lovely!

  31. brioche has to be one of my favorite things to eat – and a gluten free version will put me over the edge! gorgeous!

  32. Zerogluten says:

    Solo los que trabajamos a diario el sin gluten sabemos el gran valor que tiene esta entrada. Yo hago un brioche que también queda estupendamente. Te copiaré la idea del chocolate y las avellanas.
    He visto que en EEUU la mayoría utilizan una mezcla de harina de arroz y almidón de tapioca y maiz, pero en España es practicamente imposible conseguir almidón de tapioca libre de gluten. Si te enteraras de dónde puedo conseguirlo aquí, te estaría eternamente agradecida.
    Desde luego que luego digan que la comida de un celiaco no es buena viendo este desayuno…
    Besitos sin gluten, hoy más que nunca.

  33. fantastic! As always I’m in awe of the colors and the styling. Wondering if you accept unsolicited cookbooks mailed by a certain photographer in Texas…
    Keep up the inspiring work!

  34. What a perfect way to showcase this brioche! I would never have thought to make brioche gluten-free, but I guess the gluten gets so shortened by the high fat dough that you don’t have to really compromise texture when making it gf. Definitely an interesting flour mix though!

  35. C.L. says:

    Aran, you are my hero!

  36. I wasn’t aware it was even possible to make gluten free brioche but now I do I’ll send this link to a coeliac friend who’ll be delighted with it.

  37. Barbara says:

    I’m still drooling over that panini. Never think about sweet when I look at my panini maker.

  38. paula says:

    it all looks divine. I won’t even tell you what I am munching on now, I would be embarrassed to share.

  39. Hi, I love your blog!!
    I am a cook and I live in Argentina.
    I have been asked a “thanksgiving menu” What would you recommend me to include in this menu for 10pax. turkey of course, but what else? thank you!!! help!!!

  40. erik says:

    This is a perfect meal to be served on the dining table! Everything is in the dish! Nice!

  41. Meg says:

    Yay! Thanks Aran. I’m definitely going to try the gluten-free bread.

  42. Aran says:

    Teodelina Catering- oh so many options. check out Martha Stewart’s recommendations for a Thanksgiving menu http://www.marthastewart.com/photogallery/thanksgiving-sides

    Thanks everyone!

  43. B n D says:

    Greeting from kuwait !! :)
    Your photographs are to die for…
    I have tried a few of your recipes and love them…

  44. fresh365 says:

    Just gorgeous! You have me craving brunch. And chocolate!

  45. Laurel says:

    If you are ever in Los Angeles, please come to my family’s sausage factory. They are a manufacturer of premium Spanish-style sausages and cured meat products. They would love to have you and feed you!

  46. BessieJoy says:

    This look amazing! I found you through Storybook Woods and I am soooo glad I did!

  47. Your compositions are utterly gorgeous. I enjoy this blog so much!

  48. su says:

    Soy una sosa para comentar así que te digo lo de siempre… Que buenas las fotos y la receta y todo!!

  49. such beautiful styling aran and guess who might actually use this recipe in all it’s glory?

  50. delighted to have discovered your blog and can’t wait to attempt some of your beautiful recipes. the photography is breathtaking!

  51. LS says:

    Your plates are just so gorgeous! so temptative!

  52. monica Pinto says:

    Beautiful as always Aran!
    I love brioche but i never had a gluten-free one. It looks delicious!

  53. Dear Aran,

    I’ve just passed an award on to you. Feel free to come and pick it up over on my blog if you’d like to:


    I love salads of all kinds. Would love to try this one sometime!! Thanks once again for sharing.

    Btw, I’ve been following your blog for almost two years! Keep it up!

    Cheers from Malaysia!


  54. Amber says:

    OMG you did it – the gluten-free brioche! And I nearly missed it! I am so curious about the texture of it. I am familiar with store bought gluten-free bread but I have never made it myself.

    Beautiful post… as always!
    Amber @ Native Food & Wine

  55. Amanda says:

    Made the brioche for brunch this morning and I must say, for something that was setting itself up for a total disaster, it eventually turned itself around! Not sure what I did wrong, but the “dough” was pourable, slightly more watery than the average pancake batter! I decided to stick it in the oven anyway, and while the brioche came out shorter and denser than it presumably should have, it was still super tasty. The best recipes are the ones that, even when truly not what they “should” be, still work wonderfully!

  56. Aran says:

    Amanda- glad you tried it. Yes, the dough is more like a batter than a trditional dough but eventually as it ferments becomes thicker. It’s still very wet after fermenting. What dis you do with it? Toast it? Glad it turned out!

  57. Jamie says:

    Wow! Both lunch and dessert are fabulous. Yum! (I can’t wait to get those cookbooks!)

  58. Amanda says:

    I poured the crazy watery batter into the loaf pans and crossed my fingers and it came out ok. It was only a couple inches tall, and was more like a crumpet texture than a light brioche or rice-bread texture. So, I served it with scrambled eggs and a bitter green salad, and we topped the warm brioche with strawberry-black-pepper preserves. The jam sunk into the holes like a crumpet, too, and overall, it was a delicious success.

  59. Wooow why does your food always look so gooood?? It makes me wanna be a chef :D

  60. I am bookmarking these recipe to try this on my catering services.

    Birmingham Catering

  61. henzy says:

    your blog is just beyond delicious.. i am hungry now..

  62. Johanna says:

    Oh, your blog is totally lovey! Wonderful pictures! I want to eat it all!

  63. Thank you for this recipe! I have been making gluten-free bread from mixes, but this is even easier and far more satisfying. I was afraid that it wouldn’t work, since I only had vanilla soy milk, but it came out light and sweet and delicate.

  64. donah says:

    This is one of the recipes that satisfies my cravings. Quite unusual combination of ingredients but taste great.

  65. S says:

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  66. S says:

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  67. petrenkov says:

    Rather interesting place you’ve got here. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

    Truly yours
    Alice Tudes

  68. Beth says:

    I was thrilled to find this recipe and am trying it out right now! But I realized that I’m making more than I need right now. Have you ever frozen the dough? I’m new to gluten-free baking and wasn’t sure if it would work as well to freeze dough before using it the way it normally does. Thanks!

  69. Christine says:

    I found your lovely blog just recently, and this is the first recipe I’ve tried (although I think I have bookmarked almost 30 others!). It came out of the oven just a little while ago and it turned out beautifully! I would never have guessed this is gf, but it’s the best gluten-free, dairy-free (I used soy milk) bread that I have made yet. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  70. Ac says:

    The Prudent Homemaker recommended your site to me and I immediately had to try the gluten free brioche. It is beyond fabulous. Soft, light with a lovely crust. Yum! I did have the same experience as the other person, though, that the consistently was like pancake batter rather than a dough. I found the extra batter/dough worked better after being refrigerated overnight and set to rest for 90 minutes this morning. In future, I’ll probably make it, refrigerate overnight and then make two loaves (I like it high!).

    Thank you for sharing this and your lovely, lovely site.

  71. Kersten says:

    I started reading your blog even before I was diagnosed with celiac, but I was thrilled to come across this recipe in your index. I am trying this bread but am getting a little nervous since my batter/dough turned out very lumpy. I followed your directions exactly — is the batter supposed to be lumpy? Any hints? Thank you so much!

  72. […] Gluten-Free Brioche Poached Egg Salad and Praline Crunch Panini […]

  73. Susan Moore says:

    Looks delicious! Will surprise my hubby with your brioche!

  74. […] Poached Egg, Watercress and Apple Salad and Mustard Hazelnut Vinaigrette: I didn’t serve this over bread, and I didn’t have hazelnuts so I just left that out. But this was still a lovely meal. […]

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