Meyer Lemon Semifreddo and Some Macarons

As you know, I had a bag full of meyer lemons that I received over the weekend. After reading all your suggestions, all I can say is that I wish I had a couple more bags. My brain was spinning with all of those ideas. Sometimes I wish certain fruits were available all year round but again, there is something so exciting about waiting. It makes us appreciate that moment even more.

I have been having fun lately playing around with different presentations of the same recipe and for some reason, I keep coming back to frozen desserts and macarons. It must be the Spring-like weather we are having.

Sometimes I think that I could really just spend my days making macarons. All colors and flavors, a la Pierre Herme or Stephane Glacier. Have the windows wide open, a cool breeze coming in and piping all day long while I listen to The Beatles’ “White Album”.

I decided to make a simple meyer lemon curd with all those lemons and turn that curd into a meyer lemon semifreddo. Some in ring molds and some in my over-used recycled yogurt containers. Yes, I know. Overused. But so lovely.

For the macarons, I used my regular macarons recipe but added yellow food coloring and some zest. For the filling, I mixed about two thirds vanilla buttercream with about a third of the lemon curd and some extra zest. So refreshing and colorful. Can you tell I love yellow?

Meyer Lemon Curd

100 grams eggs
35 grams sugar
100 grams meyer lemon juice
Zest of 1 meyer lemon
10 grams butter, room temperature

In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, juice and zest. Cook this mixture in a double boiler until it thickens (84C).

Strain into a clean bowl and chill it over an ice bath until it is about body temperature. Add the room temperature butter and mix with a hand blender until an emulsion is form (it will turn a bit lighter in color). Refrigerate until ready to use.

Pate a Bombe

110 grams sugar
30 grams glucose
55 grams water
40 grams egg yolk

Place the egg yolks in the bowl of an electric mixer and start whipping until light and thick.

In the meantime, place the sugar, glucose and water in a small saucepan and cook to 240F. Add the sugar syrup to the whipped yolks in a slow and steady stream pouring on the side of the bowl. Continue whipping in high until egg yolks thick and cooled.

Meyer Lemon Semifreddo

110 grams pate a bombe (about the full recipe described above)
6 grams sheet gelatin
80 grams meyer lemon curd
Zest of 1 meyer lemon
220 grams heavy cream, soft peak

Soften the gelatin in ice water for 5 minutes. Add about 3 Tbs of the heavy cream to the softened gelatin and microwave for about 10 seconds until the gelatin melts into the cream. Add this gelatin into the rest of the soft peak heavy cream and whisk rapidly until the gelatin is incorporated.

Fold a third of the heavy cream into the pate a bombe and mix well. Fold in the rest gently.

Fold the meyer lemon zest and curd into the base leaving some streaks visible.

Pour into molds and let it set in the freezer.

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103 Responses to “Meyer Lemon Semifreddo and Some Macarons”

  1. Jamie Hess says:


    I never would have guessed a semifreddo! It looks just lovely – and, as always, delicious. Your macarons in a lively bright yellow are breathtaking.

  2. Christy says:

    Beautiful, and so sunny! I love how you ‘plated’ the macaron with the ring and cut-cylinder semi-freddo! It’s really, I don’t even know if this is the right word, organic, in appearance. Nothing is forced, everything just appear to be like that without much effort. Love that! And there’s nothing more I love than giving glass jars a second life, especially when they are that cute!

  3. Both the semifreddo and macarons look incredibly scrumptious! Beautiful!



  4. such beautiful colors! your photographs are always absolutely stunning. i have been seeing so many macaroons lately and I feel so silly to have never made them before. Maybe that will be my (one of 5,000) project for the weekend!

  5. Sunshinemom says:

    I always thought macarons looked best in pastel shades but I was absolutely wrong – these are stunning!

  6. chelsea says:

    Every time I open up Google Reader and see an image from your blog, my heart skips a beat. You are truly amazing. These photographs belong in Donna Hay.

  7. Vera says:

    Gorgeous, Aran! And I can easily imagine how clean and fresh the taste was!

  8. Miette says:

    Your pictures are so beautiful… You’re very talented ! And the recipes… Mmmh… Both look so tasty… and sunny !



  9. Kilee says:

    just stunning. you make it look soo effortless.


  10. Mobula says:

    Fantastico como siempre!!! Me gusta este posre para los enanos de la casa, refrescante y nutritivo…

    Yo también reutilizo los botecitosd el yogur, son tan monos….


  11. Un véritable rayon de soleil ! Ils sont magnifiques.

  12. This is the stuff dreams are woven out of Aran…you took my breath away! Thank you!!

  13. Sophie says:

    The photograhs look so lovely! I like the colour yellow too! MMMMM… it all looks so yummie:)!!!!
    Can I have some lovely macarons with my coffee? Thanks!

  14. They all look so beautiful!! Lovely pictures =)

  15. meg says:

    Mmmm…if there’s one thing i can’t resist it’s a macaron. Luckily, i’ll be in France for a few more months. After that, I’ll have to cave in and make my own. If you ever get a chance (you probably already have), try the macarons at Laduree in Paris near the Place de la Madeleine. Unbelievable.

  16. FeeMail says:

    i really love this color! it makes my hungry just by seeing it!

  17. Foodie says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Foodie says:

    Amything that contains lemon curd gets my vote. As a kid I once ate a whole jar which made me rather green around the gills. Did it put me off? Nope – still one of my favorite tastes.

    Beautiful colours…

  19. jill says:

    So delicate.. I’m always impressed.

    Thank you for being so inspiring (and bring this springtime feeling!)

  20. Tartelette says:

    All my favorites, forzen, lemon, tart and creamy. I am so easy! Just give me the jar of lemon curd :)

  21. Oh, this just makes me wish spring was a little closer. Love the bright colors – they’re wonderfully optimistic and happy this time of year!

  22. Bridget says:

    Aran…these “yellow pictures” are some of my favorites! They are SO beautiful! I’ll bet everything tastes wonderful!

  23. Rachel Lake says:

    I was going to say that your photography is stunning, but it looks like so many people have beat me to it. I’ll ditto anyway! What camera/lens do you use? I’m curious..

  24. Aran says:

    Rachel- just until last week, I was using a Canon Rebel XT but then I received a Canon 50D as a birthday present. These photos were taken with that and my Sigma 50mm macro.

    Thanks everyone!

  25. I can’t wait to try making my first batch of macarons — your blog has totally inspired me!

  26. these are just gorgeous aran! i have been dreaming in yellow and am so excited to have come here and see these bright little pops of sunshine!
    you never fail to amaze me!

  27. Joyce says:

    Oh my friend I knew you would come up with something wonderul with the gift of lemons.
    As the chocolate lover I amm with tartness lemon, lime, keylime and rhubarb… Hugs…

  28. yellow sunshine macarons!? YOU’VE DONE IT! you’ve finally made the perfect dessert and best macaron i could ever hope to see, and i’ve seen a thousand! ah such pretty little sunshines!

  29. junglefrog says:

    These looks absolutely perfect.. all of them. Great styling and fantastic photographs…! You can continue making macarons and then just send them to me! I absolutely love them. I’ve never attempted to make any myself, but maybe I should give it a try!

  30. They look fabulous. You’re a great photographer.

    I’m salivating.

  31. Phoo-D says:

    Absolutely breathtaking photos and recipes – I’m in awe.

  32. Oh man! I was thinking of doing lemon macarons with lemon curd/vanilla buttercream filling. You stole my idea! =)

    Seriously, the photos look incredible… thanks for your blog, it’s a real inspiration!

  33. Karine says:

    Wow! Soooooooo beautiful!! A sunshine in my white winter day!
    Thanks for you wonderfull blog, it’s always a treat to come here. =)

  34. Dragana says:

    Simply breathtaking! Too bad I’m out of my Meyer lemons for this season :(

  35. what beautiful photos! These look indescribably delicious!

  36. Irene says:

    Aran, that is absolutely lovely. I love yellow, it reminds me of spring, warmth and sunshine (all the things I’m lacking right now). Thank you!

  37. these look awesome. I m always left with an open mouth when i visit your blog . these macaroons look delicious I love lemons.

  38. Ash says:

    Absolutely love this!! I’m in love with all things yellow!

  39. idu says:

    Kaixo Aran!

    Aspaldian ez dizut bixitarik egin, eta gaur post atsegin mordo batekin topatu naiz. Marrubienak izugarri gustatu zaizkit! hemen atzo erosi nituen lehenengoz, usainak deitu zidalako ( fruitategi aurretik pasa eta marrubi usaina somatzen ez den arte ez ditut erosten). eta azkenengo hau!! Argazkiak ikaragarri guatatu zaikit, macarons-ak ikaragarrizko itxura dute, eta kolorea zeinen ondo erabiltzen duzun!,,, Denboraldiko fruituak magia berezia dute, momentua aprobetxatu arazten digute, gauza hoberik? A! ZORIONAK izendapenagatik, ondo merezia duzu! benetan, zorionak egiten duzun lanagatik Aran!

  40. Rachel says:

    I wish I could run to my kitchen right now and bake up some macaroons. I’ve always been to scared to try making them, but I think you’ve officially pushed me over the edge.

  41. this looks so delicious. check out more delicious gourmet and specialty food online:

  42. Aran says:

    To all of you out there afraid of macarons, don’t be. it takes a couple of practice runs but they are not that difficult really. but don’t get discouraged if the first time doesn’t work out. it happens to all of us.

    Idu- eskerrik asko benetan. komentarioak izten dauzen euskaldun bakarra zara eta beti poz handie hartzen dot.

  43. Seanna Lea says:

    My mouth is watering looking at these gorgeous treats!

    I don’t have time during the week to make macarons, but I am going to try my hand at my first batch this weekend (I got almond flour last week). My pate de fruit came out fine, so I figure with some attention to detail I can get an edible (but not necessarily gorgeous) batch on Saturday!

  44. As always your presentation is beautiful…your macarons remind me of sunshine. Do you use powdered food coloring? I wonder where you could order it?
    Can’t wait to try these recipes.

  45. Elizabeth says:

    Georgeous! The macarons leap off the page and almost into my mouth… I can literally taste the tang of the lemons…I have a question though…Where can I find egg white powder? I live in SFO.

  46. Aran says:

    Baked in Alaska- I use liquid food coloring from chefmaster. I don’t remember where I got them to be honest but just google Chefmaster and I’m sure you will find it.

    Elizabeth- Egg white powder is sold in regular grocery stores, Whole Foods… Check in the baking section. Look for “Just Whites” (I don’t remember the name of the brand)

    Thank you!

  47. Mama says:

    Hi Aran, Just discovered your blog, Your food, recipes and photography are stunning. Kathy

  48. Laura says:


    Can’t wait to pick the few meyer lemons in my tree.

    Thanks for the inspiration as always.


  49. What a beautiful post. Thanks. It’s so lemony and clean looking and makes my mouth pucker!

  50. I am never against another macaron in the world. I totally approve of your choice!

  51. Bright and sunny macarons! Perfect for brightening up a cold wet day. Both look delicious!

  52. So lovely.

    (I’m incredibly jealous of your new camera!)

  53. Summer says:

    Oh, I HAVE to make some! I love yellow also! We actually have a Meyer Lemon tree in Southern Oregon! Apparently, it gets a “green house” put around it each winter with lights to keep it warm. Last time I drove by it, there were tons of lemons on it! Amazing!

  54. veron says:

    I love meyer lemons! They make such great custards and dessserts in general. And your macarons look so vibrant!

  55. cindy* says:

    everything is so sunny! i truly am jealous of your spring weather. i love that you love to play around with different presentations…always inspiring. i also have to add that i don’t think you can overuse those yogurt containers, well, because they are so damn adorable. lovely, lovely, lovely!

  56. Brilynn says:

    Those are gorgeous, just gorgeous! I’m so envious of people who can create perfect macarons.

  57. These look wonderful, and I’m sure they are. I, too, have a bagful of Meyer lemons and just made Meyer Lemon Bars.

  58. Hungry Gal says:

    I love lemon curd, semi-freddos and macarons. Your photos are drool-worthy.

  59. anna says:

    So sunny and bright I can hardly take it! That’s it, I’m getting some meyer lemons when I go to the store next!

  60. Cakebrain says:

    oooh! I love the shade of yellow in those macarons! and the desserts look so gorgeous as usual!

  61. morgana says:

    qué belleza de macarons y de fotos, Aran. Mira que tengo ganas de probarlos, a ver si me atrevo con ellos…

    Ya sé que me repito más que el ajo, pero tu blog y tus fotos lo merecen: pasarse por tu blog es para mí como pasearme por una galería de arte. Bueno, tal vez mejor, porque tus obras son de la temática que más me gusta: la repostería.

    Gracias una vez más por estar ahí y regalarnos los ojos con todas estas maravillosas imágenes.

    Un beso.

  62. So fresh and gorgeous looking! I love the pop of color!

  63. Manuela says:

    I tasted the first macarons of my life two days ago in Amsterdam and I felt in love with them.
    Searching for some receipts I have found your blog and I am in awe – such wonderful pics, thanks so much for sharing.

  64. Yogurt cups NOT overused. They are the perfect size for dessert semifreddos and other custards and puddings. I love using them for creme caramel. No need to remove them from wherever you baked them and you can still see the colors.

  65. Zerogluten says:

    Siempre es un placer para la vista entrar en tu blog. Tus colores son intensos y limpios, como estoy segura que serán los sabores. Una pena estar tan lejos.
    Ayer probé por primera vez los macarons y me encantaron. Una pregunta, para variar. Eso de las claras con edad y el polvo de blanco de huevo que traduce Google cuando pasa tu receta de macarons a español, que es exactamente? Se que soy muy pesada, pero ya sabes que estoy deseosa de conocimiento.
    Te mando un beso muy gordo.

  66. Esti says:

    ¡qué buena pinta!
    ese amarillo fosfo le da un toque de esplendor a estas fotos. Son como sacadas del verano…

  67. C.L. says:

    Oh how I love lemon curd. I still need to grow the courage to attempt macarons again, soon I hope. Yet another beautiful post Aran! Man I wish I lived near you!

  68. Lamia says:

    It looks great .I love lemons so iwil ltry some of the recipes .
    muchas gracias

  69. B says:

    “yummy yummy yummy i got love in my tummy” (Baccara) I’m sure they were thinking of all your beautiful desserts when singing their song. As always, lovely colours in an incredible food and image composition! Difficult to add more to the well deserved compliments…, so CONGRATULATIONS! (PS: Also very jelous of the sprin-like weather. In Paris it’s cold, although I can feel the spring coming too)

  70. Aran says:

    Zerogluten- aged whites quiere decir que hay que separar las claras de las yemas unos dias antes y dejarlas en el frigorifico un par de dias. Esto hace que se conviertan un poco mas acidas y ademas, parte del agua se evapora con lo que el merengue es mas estable a la hora de hacer los macarons. Egg white powder es clara de huevo en polvo que ahi no se donde se puede conseguir.

    Esti- fosfo is back!

    B- Pues cuando en Paris esteis con un tiempo maravilloso, aqui estaremos con un calor infernal asi que aprovecha y llevale a H a Oxford. Que envidia!

    Thanks everyone!

  71. Aran! Can you come over? I have the Beatles White Album and would love to spend the day with you learning how to bake macaroons! The image of you in the kitchen with the Beatles “egging you on” motivated the invitation!
    Truthfully, I have taken on the challenge of French Macaroons and tried and tried and tried. Okay – only 5 times so far… but I still have not given up.
    You have a standing invitation should you ever visit Edmonton Alberta in Canada!
    Cheers, and I am hooked on YOU – so fun to read!

  72. beth says:

    I simply adore your photos. And the recipes sound so amazing. I think I will be attempting the macarons soon.

  73. this blog is incredible,
    beautifull food colors

  74. Michelle says:

    Your pictures are amazing. I just discovered your blog and love it already!

  75. Hillary says:

    Such beautiful colors! I made some meyer lemon ricotta cookies last night – I like to think they were as delicious as your desserts look.

  76. Cherie says:

    Love macaroons, but this time I think I’ll take the semifreddo, please:)

  77. Camila says:

    I didn’t know that were lemons, I thought they were oranges :P Lemons here are green :)

  78. Kathy says:

    Lovely pictures. Wow, I am inspired to make macarons again… maybe this weekend. Now I need to refill my almond flour canister.

  79. ChichaJo says:

    Just looking at these photos makes me happy — so sunny and bright! I love what you’ve done here…they look like little pieces of artwork :)

  80. PheMom says:

    The look so bright and lovely – like little bites of sunshine! Congrats on being #2 on the London Times best food blogs ! It is well deserved!

  81. Daniel Roos says:

    Hello I must say you do very pretty things

    Best wishes Pastrychef Daniel Roos From Sweden

  82. lynda says:

    So sunny and delightful!The yellow is so beautiful. The yogurt jars are too adorable …I won’t get sick of seeing them.

  83. I love the bright color on these. It looks really fresh and lively and the combo sounds delicious

  84. This is just the most cheerful vision! I think you love making macarons because they come out so beautifully! Oh, what I would give for a bag of meyer lemons. Lucky you!

    LOVE the White Album.

  85. Laura says:

    Just imagining the scent of Meyer lemons lifted my mood…and the macarons – swoon! I have never tried making macarons even though they are hands down my favorite dessert/treat – but I think now I have to try.

    Also *love* how you used the little yogurt jars for the semifreddo :)

  86. Après avoir bien relu la recette, je m’aperçois que ton curd contient très peu de beurre. Il doit être plus léger que celui que je fais habituellement? À tester pour changer et comparer.

  87. laura says:

    I’m certainly not the first to say it, but I can’t get over your photographs. They’re truly stunning. Beautiful work. Beautiful!

  88. Jessica says:

    Wow this blog is just gorgeous! I absolutely love the photography, and everything looks delectable. Especially macarons! Perfect!

  89. unbelievably beautiful. just the pictures are making me feel warmer!

  90. Rachel says:

    These images are beautiful!

  91. Julia says:

    These make me so happy!

  92. Ray says:

    Excellent images, i like the blog.

  93. D Murphy says:

    Wow, these look incredible! I would love to have a go at making these but not sure I have the confidence:(

  94. Unknown says:

    I could not find the vanilla buttercream for the macaroons. Please help

  95. Unknown says:

    I couldn’t find the vanilla buttercream for the macaroons. Please help

  96. Arely says:

    So after looking at all the pictures of your macarons and searching for places to get the ingredients I had never used I finally decided to take on the challenge of making my very first macarons.
    I was on the metro for like 5 hours today running around the Austin to buy what I needed.

    Question: Is meringue powder the same as the egg white powder?

    The only thing I left off my shopping list was the sheet gelatin. When I got home I realize I had not wrote it down on my list. DO you know where I can get it? I read on the web that it’s pretty hard to find in the US.

    And I did not find pectin.

    One last thing. I do not have a scale to measure in grams. Is there any way you can please show the measurements of your ingredients in cups, teaspoon, and tablespoons. I’d really appreciate it.

    P.S. I love your blog!!!

  97. Arely, meringue powder is not the same as egg white powder. Egg white powder is simply dehydrated egg whites. Meringue powder has other additives and sugar. Do not use meringue powder. If you cannot find it, simply omit it. This is the one I use

    Sheet gelatin

    I recommend you invest in a scale. They are not expensive and it makes a great difference especially for recipes that need to be accurate like macarons.

    As a guideline, 1 cup almond flour equals 110 grams; 1 egg white equals 30 grams, 1 cup sugar equals 200 grams; 1 cup powdered sugar equals 120 grams.

    Hope that helps!

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  99. […] Dress {Elizabeth Messina}; cocktail {Best Photography/Jennifer Aquilia Events & Floral Design}; yellow macaroons; place setting {Elisa B Photography}; Row 2: Ring with button chocolates; grayed jade shoes; […]

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