Apricots and raspberries in an oat crust

Apricot and raspberry galette | Cnnelle et Vanille

I like to keep frozen pastry dough in the freezer for when I am in a pinch for dessert. Make a large batch of dough, divide it into disks and freeze for a later day. There is always room for tart when you have dough in the freezer. Take it out of the freezer into the refrigerator the night before and the next day use it as if you had just mixed it.

Summer has such an abundance of fresh fruit that I find myself making tarts over and over again. Like this galette that can be filled with any fruit you have at hand.

Apricots, raspberries and yellow currants – I made it twice last week and planning on making another one with plums and the blackberries we picked by Lake Washington last Friday. There will be other combinations and I know you have great ideas as well. Do share.

Other tarts on the blog for inspiration if you will.

Apricot and raspberry galette

serves 8

Oat pastry

1/2 cup (70 g) superfine brown rice flour, plus more for dusting
1/2 cup (70 g) oat flour (certified gluten-free preferably for those who are gluten sensitive)
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon (40 g) tapioca starch or cornstarch
4 teaspoons natural cane sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick (8 tablespoons or 110 g) cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 egg yolk
3 to 5 tablespoons ice water

Combine the first five ingredients in a food processor. Pulse once or twice to combine. Add the diced butter and pulse until you end up with small pieces of butter that are visible throughout the flour.

In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and 3 tablespoons ice water. Add it to the dough and pulse until it comes together. Add up to 2 more tablespoons ice water, if needed. Turn the dough onto a work surface, knead it a couple of times, and form a disk. Wrap in plastic wrap, flatten it, and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Dust your work surface with a bit of superfine brown rice flour and roll to about 1/8-inch thick. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and prepare the fruit filling. If it’s warm in your kutchen, transfer the dough into the refrigerator so it does not soften too much.

Apricot and raspberry filling

2 tablespoons almond flour
5 medium apricots, halved and pit removed
4 ounces (110 g) raspberries
1 to 2 tablespoons natural cane sugar (depending on how sweet the fruit is)
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and seeds scraped
1 egg, slightly beaten
Yellow currants, to top (optional)

Sprinkle the almond flour in the center of the dough. This will absorb any extra liquid the filling releases.

In a bowl, toss together the apricots, raspberries, sugar, cornstarch and vanilla seeds. Lay the apricot halves face up in a circular motion in the center of the dough and scatter the raspberries around leaving a 3-inch border. Fold the dough edges over the filling and pinch together any cracks. Brush the edges of the dough with egg. Transfer the assembled galette to the refrigerator to ensure is very cold when it goes in the oven, about 10 to 15 minutes. This will help the butter in the dough stay cold and create a flakier crust.

Preheat oven to 425F.

Bake the galette in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes. Lower temperature to 400F and finish baking for another 15 to 20 minutes until crust is golden. Let the galette cool for at least 15 minutes before cutting. Serve with yellow currants, optional.

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33 Responses to “Apricots and raspberries in an oat crust”

  1. Rosa says:

    Delicious! This is a wonderful combination and interesting recipe.



  2. OMG……I soooooo love Apricots , food of the Gods and in season right now. This tart has got my name all over it for next weekend.
    Cheers and hope all is well for you. x

  3. It’s such a great idea with a dough in a freezer. I always use everything I make but next time I’ll make a double portion.

  4. Giulia says:

    Nectarine and Raspberries with a touch of mascarpone ;)

  5. Eva says:

    This looks incredible. I should use pastry dough more often. I always feel like it’s such a chore but it is so easy.

  6. peggy says:

    Love Love the idea to have extra stored in the freezer!!! Also Aran, have you used arrowroot instead of cornstarch? What’s your thought? Megan and I will surely make and share! Thank you!!! Peggy

  7. This galette is stunning. I love that oat crust!

  8. Nazima says:

    The pastry in the freezer idea is great – and especially for taking advantage of such lovely seasonal fruit – this combination sings of hot sunny days.

  9. this looks seriously delicious and SO beautifully captured.. definitely craving a slice right now!

  10. wow this gelette looks incredible! I loved the combination of apricots with raspberries =)

  11. Aran! The best place to pick berries in Seattle is
    yours, Therese

  12. I also have a stash of pastry hiding out in my freezer–it is so easy to make a double or triple batch in the food processor, so why not? Mine tend to get used for more savory purposes (“desperation quiche”…), but I’ll have to remember them the next time I need a last-minute dessert. I love the idea of using oat flour, I bet it gives the crust a lovely texture!

  13. Mary Frances says:

    I love the colors of the different fruits!

  14. Skye says:

    I love the simplicity of that photo – it perfectly matches the photo and is so incredibly beautiful.

  15. Linda says:

    This looks like my favorite kind of dessert, and I am excited to try the oat crust.

  16. Valeria says:

    I am becoming very keen to making galettes – I just feel they enhance the flavours and textures of summer fuit better than any other baked treat. Maybe it’s just a phase, but for now, I am going to try and enjoy trying out yours! x

  17. […] Apricots + raspberries in an oat crust. I want to lick the screen. […]

  18. Lauren says:

    Oh wow you read my mind! Every night I want to make a galette but don’t have the energy to start from scratch. Freezing is the obvious answer that was eluding me. Also yay for apricots! I hoard them as their season is way too short :)

  19. This tart is gorgeous! I’m really loving this oat crust. I found you on Instagram and I just started following you. :)

  20. I love the color and light in your photos. So beautiful. And this pie looks so delicious and fresh, perfect for summer.

  21. Galettes! So good to have them around. They’re so simple, versatile, and luscious. Thank you for sharing this recipe; can’t wait to make the oat crust. Actually, I have the page with the raspberry galette from your book open in my kitchen right now. I get so inspired by only looking at that picture. Luckily, raspberry season has finally arrived here in the north (I picked the first ones a couple of days ago) so I’m looking forward to making a galette or two :)

  22. Poems could be written about your tarts, Aran! The fruit galette on your book has become one my favorite desserts, and I can’t wait to try this new combination of flours.

  23. Jandi says:

    So beautiful! And looks delicious!

  24. This look amazing! Galettes rock, as do these pictures

  25. Maria Lopez says:

    Hello girls! I really love your blog specially your post! its amazing and picturesque scenery or food..:) I love cooking as well but I am so clumsy in the kitchen..:( do you use protection gloves whenever you cook or in the garden?

  26. Sonya says:

    I am not a great cook- but always willing to try. The directions for this recipe were great and easy to follow. We are on a low sugar diet, I decreased the sugar in the crust and used coconut sugar in the fruit- the results were perfect. I was very happy with the light flaky crust! I did cover the crust with the plastic wrap to roll out. All the tips helped and my crust did not stick or burn. This was delicious- thanks, now I need to try with other fruits:)

  27. […] {Image credits: Polynesian Swim | Sparkler | Apricot & Raspberry Galette} […]

  28. […] {Image credits: Polynesian Swim | Sparkler | Apricot & Raspberry Galette} […]

  29. […] Adapted from Canelle Vanille makes 6-7 mini galettes […]

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