How To Stay Cool

Summer approaches and the heat is already getting to me.

This is the time when all I can think about is fresh fruit, chilled soups, salads, and lots and lots of sorbet pops.

I bought the first saturn peaches of the season a few days ago. They are nature’s candy, if you ask me. (I seem to say that about all fruit, don’t I?). Soft, full of water, and sweet. We have been enjoying them sliced for breakfast every morning.

“Let’s make an orange and peach smoothie” Jon asked. It hit the spot after we came back from a swim.

It has been so hot that I barely turn on the oven at home. We grilled outside and I made a few salads with ingredients from the farm.

The kids and I went to pick tomatoes at the farm early in the morning. I guided them on which ones to pick and they quickly got the hang of it. Even as early as nine in the morning, it was unbearable to stand out in the sun, and we left quickly, just after saying hello to the baby goats and chickens.

Back at home, we turned the tomatoes into a mid morning snack. Drizzle of olive oil, squeeze of lemon juice, and a touch of pink salt.

For lunch, a refreshing red lentil, salmon, radish, and fennel salad inspired by a recipe I had seen at Elle à Table.

“No dessert?” C. asked. “It’s too hot to bake” I replied.

All I got was a look.

So I pulled out some mulberries from the freezer and made a quick batch of mulberry, millet and poppy seed cakes. And to take advantage that the oven was on, I ended up baking a galette with leftover tart dough from a recipe for the book, saturn peaches,and raspberries.

And summer is almost here.

Mulberry, Millet and Poppy Seed Cakes

Makes 18 cakes

1/2 cup superfine brown rice flour
1/2 cup millet flour
1/3 cup almond flour
1/4 cup potato starch
2 Tbs tapioca starch
1 Tbs poppy seeds
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs, room temperature
1/2 cup natural cane sugar
1/3 cup applesauce
1/3 cup coconut milk
1 Tbs lemon juice
1/3 cup melted ghee
1/2 cup mulberries (mine were frozen)

Pre-heat oven to 350F.

In a large bowl, whisk together the first nine ingredients. In a separate bowl, whisk together the rest of wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix until incorporated. Fold in the mulberries.

Pour the batter into muffin molds lined with baking papers. bake for 18 to 20 minutes until a skewer inserted in the center comes out dry.

Cool in the pan for 5 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack. Store them in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

Red Lentil, Salmon and Fennel Salad

Serves 4

1 cup red lentils, rinsed several times
8 ounces sockeye salmon
5 Tbs olive oil
1 medium fennel bulb, thinly sliced
6 radishes, thinly sliced
1 Tbs lemon juice
1 tsp dijon mustard
Salt and pepper

Place the lentils in a medium saucepan and cover them with cold water plus 1 inch. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce heat to medium low, cover the pot, and cook the lentils for 8 minutes until they are al dente. Drain them and rinse them in cold water. Reserve.

In a medium saute pan, heat 1 Tbs of live oil over medium heat. Season the salmon with salt and pepper. Place the salmon skin side down. Cook for 3 minutes. Turn it over and cook it for 1 to 2 minutes longer depending on the thickness. Turn onto a clean plate and let it cool. When cool enough to handle, flake it with a fork and reserve.

In a large bowl, toss together the red lentils, salmon, fennel, radishes and greens. Make a quick vinaigrette with the dijon, lemon juice and 1/4 cup olive oil. Drizzle the vinaigrette over the salad. Season with salt and pepper. Toss well and serve in glass jars.

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74 Responses to “How To Stay Cool”

  1. Wow, beautiful pics!
    / Ditte –

  2. Juliana says:

    The tomatoes look heavenly. Pure Summer!

  3. Catita- si! paraguayos! me recuerdan a mi abuela y a los dias de playa cuando eramos pequenos. Una de las frutas que mas me gustaba en verano.


  4. tinajo says:

    You make everything look so wonderful and tempting – thanks for the inspiration! :-)

  5. A wonderful collection of pictures. That salad looks marvelous and so does that galette and the cakes.



  6. catarina says:

    it refreshes me just to look at those photos.

  7. demie says:

    i think your food and your pictures are marvelous! i am trying the avocado/salmon soup tomorrow. beautiful blog : )

  8. Stephanie says:

    This all looks so wonderful! Can we have the recipe for the galette, too? :)

  9. Oh, the fresh tomato salad looks so delicious. I can’t wait for our garden tomatos!

  10. Aran, so beautiful!

    I love the images…they are so light, bright, summery, and make me want to stay just like you do :)

  11. Oh the fresh tomato salad looks delicious! I can’t wait for our garden tomatoes!

  12. Karinvd says:

    Gorgeous. Those tomatoes look so beautiful and the galette almost looks like a summer painting. Enjoy the beautiful weather! (And if you have too much sun there, please send some this way. I long for those hot summer days :-))

  13. Stephanie- unfortunately i cannot share the recipe for the galette crust as i am saving it for the book. the filling is easy. toss together the peaches, raspberries, vanilla and sugar. Bake all together at 400F. Super simple.

    Thanks everyone for your comments!

  14. Pity says:

    paraguayos (o como te dije una vez que se llaman en Valencia) de mis frutas favoritas, aqui en Londres no llegan hasta finales de julio, pero como voy a BCN en dos semanitas, espero atiborrarme alli. Bsos

  15. Maïlys says:

    fresh fruits full of sweet juice… all is needed in hot summer (even though it was chilly and rainy

  16. Valeria says:

    I am always very impressed by the combination of flour in your baking recipes, and how healthy they always are. I love them, you are very inspiring, thanks for sharing these secrets and I can’t wait for your book to come out.

  17. Your husband and my husband are definitely on the same wave length. I love how healthy your children eat. It is so refreshing to see.

  18. beautiful food, delicious photography… or the other way around… thanks for sharing.

  19. KG says:

    it’s summer all year round here in kuala lumpur…but i still love baking using this summer fruits whenever they are in season!

  20. MikeVFMK says:

    Lovely! It’s already hot and above seasonal here and it’s looking like a fury of heat all summer. Food like this would keep me cool and company and it’s just what I was looking for. Images inspire, as always. Thanks Aran!

  21. I love summer time too because of the beautiful produce it gives. Also, as you mentioned, salads and smoothies are just so nice and refreshing! I am sick of the Winter food we are eating over here in Australia. Bring on Summer soon!! Love your photos as always.

  22. argone says:

    merci c’est vraiment très appétissant et de saison !
    bonne journée

  23. Laumelie says:

    yummy yummy! Where I live,at the moment, they sell Strawberries in almost every street corner. I´ll attempt to bake something similar with strawberries. As always, very inspiring! Thanks for your Blog!
    Greetings. Laumelie ^^

  24. Stefania says:

    Che meravigliosa atmosfera nei tuoi post ciao

  25. Sini says:

    The whole last week we had temperatures around 30°C (86°F). Such high temperatures for such a long period of time are quite rare here in Finland. But we shouldn’t complain…winter comes soon enough.

    I love your golden raspberries!

  26. Lucia says:

    We have a mulberry tree in the garden. There are always too many berries for us, and it often ends with birds eating them. Do you freeze them? Are they still good?

  27. mollyone says:

    Whow! Great pics!
    Love them!
    Lovely hugs

  28. Lucia-
    yes, i freeze them all the time since when I get them, I get lots of them and are hard to come by. I lay them on a flat baking tray, freeze them and when solid, I transfer them to a freezer bag. They stay fresh for up to 3 months or even more depending on the freezer.

    Thank you!

  29. Peach and raspberry sorbet by any chance?
    Lucky you that you need to stay cool. I just made a Corsican rustic soup – recipe on blog – to warm up. :(

    And summer is only 6 days away…

    David from Frenchie and the Yankee

  30. We’re in love with your blog, so cute, so beautiful pictures, so nice to read! We love it! It’s a pleasant excape to read your posts!

  31. David- actually yes! One of my FACS. Will post recipe soon.

  32. antonia says:

    qué maravilla! me quedo con el pastel último, el de los restos de masa….

  33. Apollina says:

    Beautiful photos! You are inspiration to me and my food photography progress. I love how simple and delightful you make your food seem. Your blog is brilliant:)

  34. as usual, beautiful photos and incredible recipes! I am waiting for the saturn peaches (you already have it??) that we called also nettarine. I’m addicted to them!

  35. beautiful, as always. you’ve inspired me to whip up a smoothie. the perfect way to take advantage of the summer fruits.

  36. zer0gluten says:

    Me llaman la atención siempre muchas cosas en tu blog. Las fotos merecen una mención aparte, pero aquí veo frutos que en España ni se conocen. Esas frambuesas amarillas son preciosas, de verdad.
    Deseando estoy ver la receta de la galette y tu libro, por supuesto.
    Gracias de nuevo por todo y felicidades por este maravilloso espacio libre de gluten.

  37. Yep–the heat is “just starting.” It’s not 116º yet, but it will be, soon enough.

    We’re all about popsicles here, too! I made peach pie popsicles in May when our peaches ripened (I still have a batch left in the freezer; we had apricot smoothies today). My youngest, who is just a little younger than your M, ate them all! Usually she wastes a bit, but not on these ones!

    I’d love to grow mulberries; alas, they are illegal in our city! I am freezing blackberries from the garden every day, and today I’m making a batch of johnny jump-up jelly. (I pick everything in the late evening once the sun is mostly down).

  38. I am constantly inspired by you. I had a baby girl 9 months ago (today!), and I marvel at what you manage with two little cherubs!

    Also, have been reminded of your delightful gluten free recipes. Husband has been intructed to remove it for a period, so glad to have some inspiration from your blog.

    Can’t wait for your book. :)

  39. Beth says:

    What a lovely galette. Nothing better than fresh fruit, but fruit in baking is close!

  40. Mulberries freeze? Of course they do. Where yours white or black? Where did you get them? I am so enthralled with the white ones. Great artistic rendering of your lunch. The lentil radish salad takes the cake for me… sans salmon.
    PS Are the green tomatoes a variety that is ripe that colour? If so, what kind are they?

  41. Valerie- They are purple/black mulberries. I got them from my friend who has a mulberry bush. I don’t know the name of the green tomato variety, but they were not ripe. Just ended up in the bundle we picked up at the farm. Miren ate them anyway. :)


  42. Pilar says:

    Acá en Houston el calor ya esta espantoso también a toda hora. Me encanto la ensalada, voy a hacerla.

  43. Here in New Zealand we are in the middle of winter so seeing your beautiful pictures and all the summer produce brightens this grey, gloomy Friday!
    Thank you for sharing.

  44. Lucia says:

    Love the street lamps, definitely Paris ones. You make me walk there, even if just for the time of a photograph. Thanks

  45. Lucia says:

    Thanks, I’ll try to freeze them next year!

  46. Kelly says:

    Your photos are breathtaking – the colour, the luminosity – we get a sense of living and breathing your experience not just viewing it. Thank you.

  47. demie says:

    i just wanted to tell you i have tryied the soup! one of these rear worm Norwegian days…. it was really good. the kids were sceptical ( as they always are when i make something new or something greek…) but after tasting it they ate and loved it!!! i am looking forward to your book : )

  48. greenthyme says:

    Beautiful photos. Makes me so glad that summer is upon us. Thanks for sharing. The galette looks wonderful!

  49. Demie- the kids liking the soup is the biggest compliment anyone can ever give to me. glad it was a success and thanks for sharing that. Made my day.

    Thank you guys and have a great weekend!

  50. Martina says:

    Dear Aran,
    i’ve come across your gorgeous blog while doing some web recherche and really like your work a lot.
    I’m the editor of a young german parenting magazine called “KidsLife”.
    I want to ask you if you’re interested in cooperating with us for an article about gluten-free recipes.
    We’d pay 150 $ over PayPal for the use of 3 or 4 recipes with matching pictures, and of course you will be mentioned
    and credited as photographer, author and cook. If you like, we can also do a little E-mail interview about
    gluten-free eating. As far as i understood, you have children yourself, and so would be a good partner.
    Also, you would receive a printed copy of the magazine when ready,
    as well as pdf-files of the finished article.
    We would need the photos in high res. (jpg, 300 dpi).
    If you have your data available in that size and if that sounds interesting to you, i’d be happy to hear
    back from you soon.
    With kind regards,

    Martina Voigt-Schmid

  51. apaler1 says:

    Seasons in our household are definitely commemorated by the kinds of food we eat. Although we have tried and true recipes that invoke a deep sense of nostalgia and acceptance of the new months that come, I think your recipes will soon become one of those recipes we start and end the seasons with. Thank you for such inspiring photos!

  52. Shelby says:

    What a brilliant way to make the most of summer heat… Another mouthwatering post… Thank you!

  53. Rachelle says:

    Oh goodness. Your photography is divine!

  54. absolutely yummy delicious a fabulous salad what delightgut flavors,I love your recipes,hugs,hugs.

  55. Ivy says:

    I just bought some nectarines and saw the saturn peaches. I should have snagged some to try, nex time for sure!
    I am making a simple galette with peaches but after seeing raspberries on yours.. I may add some since I bought several boxes of raspberries that were on sale that we can not stop eating.
    I hope to snap some photos and then blog about them!
    Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing your beautiful photos!


  56. I already submitted a comment.. but just looking through your blog/recipes/photos more, want to say Wow! And thank you! For sharing all the beauty :) I am constantly in the kitchen cooking, baking, and work at a local restaurant making all the desserts and pastries. I will definitely be trying some of your lovely recipes at home for me and the hubby. Again, thanks for sharing, and for the inspiration! :)

  57. Recipes Club says:

    Lovely pictures! Definitely looks like you’ve found some good ways to stay cool. Could you share your recipe for the sorbet pops? I’m terribly curious!
    ~Nancy Lewis~

  58. I love the ideas and the pictures. Lovely :)

  59. Jelanie says:

    your photos are unbelievable! I’m addicted!

  60. red ticking says:

    lovely, delicious and always delightful.
    so hoping summer will arrive sometime… here in seattle… i am wearing my white jeans anyway… (with my down coat!) xx

  61. Telebrands says:

    Thanks for the great recipes. They look like wonderful summertime treats.

  62. Food Lover says:

    YUMM can’t wait to try it! Maybe I’ll make it while I watch “Extreme Chef” on the Food Network on Sunday, June 26th at 10:30pm/9:30c!! Check it out!!!

  63. Foodtopii says:

    What an excellent use of leftover dough! How about baking something a little more exotic with lychee, mangoes, or passionfruit?

  64. Sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  65. Your photos are wonderful.. the recipes are such a great summer treat!

  66. Beautiful photo and everything looks delicious! You have a wonderful blog, and I enjoyed visiting! xoxo Kim

  67. Found you through Dianne Jacob’s blog, great interview =)

    Beautiful photography! Our family loves to eat fruit and make smoothies all year long, but it’s especially refreshing during the hot summer months. Our new favorite if my strawberry rhubarb smoothie, it’s so light and refreshing, yummy.

    Check it out if you get a chance…

    Jen =)

  68. Just browsing…such gorgeous photography! xxx

  69. LLH Designs says:

    Beautifully, simply and believably styled. Great work! I grew Cupid tomatoes in my wne box garden this year, but they never looked quite this lovely!

    Happy weekend!

  70. I love that each food has been half beaten. Makes them look even more yummy and tempting!

  71. Kenon says:

    Saturn peaches? Sometimes I just want to re-stock ,y pantry around your recipes! :)

  72. Kenon says:

    Sorry that should be “my” not “,y”

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