Peppergrass, Sorrel and More Weekend Cooking

“Can you make pancakes for breakfast before going to the farmers’ market?” asked J. as soon as I walked downstairs Saturday morning. He was up early. He knew it was the weekend and that a trip to the farmers’ market was the first thing in order. Just like every other Saturday morning.“Can I help?”

Our bellies full with chestnut and sauteed apple pancakes, my mom and I headed down to the farmers’ market. It is always so nice to have alone time with her.

“Let’s go see what Jody has this week” I told mom. “The padron peppers might be ready”.

On the way there, we picked up eggs and my new wild strawberry plant, which I hope starts giving fruit soon (keeping fingers crossed).

We looked through Jody’s stand. So many varieties of greens that is always hard to choose. The padron peppers weren’t ready, but we spotted greens I have never seen before.

“Taste this”. Peppery and lemony cress. “It’s peppergrass” Jody told us. It was fresh and bright, similar to watercress, but different. We put that in our baskets as well as some sorrel, chervil, tender Bibb lettuce, and some heirloom carrots. “it will be great in a salad”.

As we were walking back to our car, I reminded my mom of how my paternal grandmother, amama Dolores, never ate lettuce. Despite growing lots of greens in her own garden, she always said that lettuce was for the chickens. We laughed. We were definitely going to eat our greens.

At home we roasted potatoes and baby beets. Also made pesto with some of the peppergrass and sorrel, and slowly poached salmon with herbs in olive oil. It was a delicious salad indeed.

We ate it with a creamy tomato soup scented with sorrel, similar to this one.

For dessert we had dark chocolate and quinoa shortbread cookies. Soft and intense. I dipped them in some hemp milk in the middle of the afternoon. It hit the spot.

Salmon, Roasted Potato and Beet Salad with Peppergrass and Sorrel Pesto

Peppergrass and Sorrel Pesto

1 clove garlic
2 Tbs pine nuts
1 cup peppergrass
1/4 cup sorrel
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup grated parmesan
1/3 cup olive oil

In the food processor, finely chop the garlic and pine nuts. Add the peppergrass, sorrel, and salt. Pulse until it turns into a fine paste. Add the grated parmesan and pulse twice to incorporate. Add the olive oil while machine running until pesto turns into a smooth paste. Reserve.

6 baby beets
6 baby golden potatoes, peeled and cut in half
2 Tbs olive oil
1/2 tsp salt

Toss all ingredients in a baking pan and roast at 425F for about 20-25 minutes.

2 (6 ounce) pieces of salmon
1/4 tsp salt
Fresh herbs (thyme, sorrel, parsley, etc)
1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed
1 cup olive oil

Season salmon with salt on both sides. Tide the herbs around the salmon with butcher’s twine. Over low heat, heat the olive oil in a shallow pan that will hold both pieces of salmon. Add the garlic. When it starts to form small bubbles around the garlic. Add the salmon and gently cook it for 6-8 minutes depending on the thickness. I half way cover the pot with a lid.

To assemble the salad, toss the roasted beets and potatoes with some of the pesto. Arrange peppergrass and sorrel leaves on a platter, season with 1/4 tsp salt and 1 Tbs lemon juice. Top with flaked pieces of salmon, beets and potatoes.

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81 Responses to “Peppergrass, Sorrel and More Weekend Cooking”

  1. Veronica says:

    I’ve just found your blog. it’s so deliciously fab I just wish I’d found it earlier. Love it – the pics, the recipes and the words.

  2. Rachel says:

    Simply gorgeous! I’ve never tried peppergrass but I’m intrigued. The salad, tomato soup, and cookie sound like they make for a fabulous afternoon meal.

  3. I can’t wait to try the pesto. Everything about this post is beautiful, Aran. xo

  4. Snows says:

    mmmm!!! Que rico! I love your dishes, cups… and obviously the food!! It is art!!

  5. I love farmers markets! Always such a pleasure to see great produce. You know, I think I’ve seen peppergrass before. Looks like you made great use of it.

  6. omg– i HAVE to get down to that market– we don’t have so many exotic veg up in Stuart. Do they actually sell eggs there too?

    beautiful, beautiful pictures!! That salmon sounds to die for– what an interesting way to cook it! So Mediterranean! Yum!

  7. Monica says:

    You make cooking look so effortless! And please share that cookie recipe :)

  8. I’ve never eaten pepergrass. Your creations make me hungry. So fresh and wonderful. Those cookies are great too.



  9. Gorgeous, springy, and fresh! I want to dive right into each photo — especially the one of the finished dish :)

    I love the little narratives in your photos! A crumb left behind, a spoon askew — so nice to imagine the interrupted action of cooking, serving, and eating.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Incluso las galletas de chocolate y quinoa parecen ligeras…
    Esta semana vi aqui en suiza un reportaje sobre la comida en pais vasco…respeto absoluto por la naturaleza que se ve en el recordo a ti.

  11. You have the best dishes and silverware. Lovely everything. And your linens are so stylish.

    Gorgeous photo, as always.

  12. Do you have a recipe for the cookies? I would love do more baking with quinoa and those look delicious!

  13. Denise says:

    Fresh greens for salad really do hit the spot! Especially fresh from the garden. I am blessed that my grandfather lives right here in my neighborhood with organic veggies growing right on his patio. Not tons of room, but an abundance of tomatoes, onions, salad greens and herbs. He even has a papaya tree! Last year he had a huge strawberry crop grown in vertical planters. Gardening is in his blood…he’s 82 years old & gardens “year round” between his place in the NC mountains and his place here in South Florida. :)

    I completely understand about the ALONE time with mom. That is rare for me these days…it got harder as my girls got older. At 12, 8 and 3….they manage to get that quality time with her (which I love!), but much harder for she and I to carve out.

    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  14. EvaHe says:

    ¡Me encanta abrir el reader y ver que has publicado un post! Me quedo embobada viendo tus fotos…

  15. Amber says:

    Gorgeous! Beautiful pictures!

  16. cindy* says:

    oh my goodness, those greens look amazing! and i’ll pretty much eat anything w/ beets :) loovely weekend!

  17. I’m intrigued — never eaten, let alone heard of, peppergrass. I think I’d like it; I know I’d love that soup and salad. And I second Rebekah on the query of a cookie recipe. They look amazing.



  18. That farmers’ market is fantastic, I wish I had one around! I used to live in a village and was so excited about the market once a week… but back in mexico city, fruits and veggies are not so sexy… did you bake the cookies? I would love the recipe! thanks for your awsome blog!

  19. Eléonora says:

    Même si j’ai raté l’heure , tout me va dans cette belle recette!

  20. lovely!
    I just started this healthy food photo sharing site:

    I would love it if you submitting your pretty food photos! :)

  21. Marina Mott says:

    Stunning pictures and amazing cookie!!xx

  22. Hi all- I will share the cookie recipe soon. Thank you!!

  23. Beautiful as always. The cookies look superb and I can’t wait for the recipe posting.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my e mail about autoimmune problems. I passed the information along to my mother in law.


  24. Juliana says:

    I’ve never heard of peppergrass, but it’s on my list to grow this year. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration.

  25. oh, green things! Just when you think you have tried them all, you suddenly hear of an unknown one, peppergrass. I was boasting I could buy sorrel at my farmer market! I’ll have to hunt down this one as well.

    I’m looking forward to the cookies recipe. They look so dark!

  26. I would love to know our pancake recipe. I usually use Elana’s pancake recipe but am always looking for new ones. I looked thru the recipe index but couldn’t find it.
    Thank you.

  27. vincent says:


    We bumped into your blog and we really liked it – great recipes YUM YUM.
    We would like to add it to the

    We would be delighted if you could add your blog to Petitchef so that our users can, as us,
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    Petitchef is a french based Cooking recipes Portal. Several hundred Blogs are already members
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    To add your site to the Petitchef family you can use or just go to and click on “Add your site”

    Best regards,


  28. Marina@QCne says:

    Lovely pictures! This pesto recipe is simply fabulous:-)

  29. Peppergrass, tiens ça ne me dit rien mais ça me parle au niveau goût…En tout cas la traduction française ne me parle pas plus, voire moins “lépidie”, c’est la 1ère fois que je prends connaissance de ce nom. La langue anglaise est quand même bien faite, beaucoup plus parlante que le français je trouve :-)
    Et tes photos, comme d’habitude, me donnent furieusement envie :-)

  30. Kat says:

    Beautiful pictures as always! It’s so clean and fresh… i love it :)

  31. Peppergrass? How fun to discover new tastes! It sounds amazing! Well, I need to find some! Love the idea of a faintly lemongrass-like pesto. I bet it would be wonderful with sauteed shrimp too.

  32. shari says:

    Mmmmm…. I can’t wait to try this salmon salad!! I always love your recipes. The photos are beautiful, again, of course…. xo

  33. kathleen says:


    Good Day, Nice post here,I agree with you.I’m looking forward to see your next post.


  34. ibb says:

    Horrelakorik ez diat hemendik ikusi, edo ikusiko nian baina identifikatu ez.
    Argiz beteak jarraitzen dute argazkiak, eta kolorez jakiak…udaberria hurbil dago.

  35. That salad looks beautiful! I’m going have to try it soon – I’m not a massive fan of salmon but it looks like it could win me over! Also can’t wait for the cookie recipe! They look delicious. Beautiful photos as always Aran!

  36. Cosmo says:

    Wow.. You got an artistic way of presenting foods… I hope I acquire even just some of your skills.. :)

  37. Thanks everyone for your kind words!

  38. These dark chocolate shortbread cookies look so delicious!
    We keep finger crossed for your strawberry plant!

  39. Junglefrog says:

    Aran, as always your styling amazes me! beautiful shots!

  40. Everything in this post is delicious.
    Un abrazo!

  41. Brenda says:

    What a fine weekend’s cooking. Looking forward to fresh greens from the garden again.


  42. Shelby says:

    Wow, another dreamy weekend filled with lovely foods and flavors… I look forward to trying out this recipe! Any recipe for the Chestnut Apple Pancakes?

  43. What a great idea to make chocolate cookies with quinoa…i bet it added a nice nutty flavor!

  44. Why, oh why, do I read your blog at the end of the night when I’m starting to get hungry once again? Will I never learn? Beautiful post, as always. The salad looked heavenly, especially considering we just got another six inches of snow. I’m hopeful fresh from the farmer’s market salad days will arrive soon here– but, it isn’t looking good!

  45. magda k. says:

    I am delighted with your blog. creating great recipes.


  46. Natasha says:

    Your photography is beyond beautiful and incredibly inspiring.
    Natasha xo

  47. Sandrine says:

    Oh those cookies!!!Never heard of Hemp milk?will have to check it out!
    Merci :)

  48. Just gorgeous.

    And so many interesting flavors.

    Thank you so much for another fantastic recipe.

  49. thanks very much i am looking for something like this ask you to transfer this to my website.

  50. What a lovely post and lovely day…

  51. a. maren says:

    ooo what a beautiful meal. i love how you use such unusual ingredients in such simple ways. a farmer’s market inspiration!

  52. beautiful. it’s too cold here now for farmer’s markets but you have got me anxious for summer.

  53. Oh wow., the photos look amazing and the pesto sounds divine. Mouth wateringly good for you too :)

  54. Erilyn says:

    omg! amazingly yummy, i must try it!

  55. Veggie-licious good. Quinoa shortbread cookies aw, I’m grunting at the sight. Yummy treats.

  56. oh my so Yum!it’s so deliciously fabulous!You simply makes everything deliciously-easy but you made us/me mouthwatering for those yummy recipes! all incredibly inspiring.thanks for sharing.Love your site so much!

  57. Kits says:

    This does sound so delightful :)

  58. 29999 says:

    Miam miam ! Un délice !

  59. jajaja, me ha hecho gracia lo de tu abuela Dolores!

    Mi abuela MArgarita jamás tomaba lechuga, decía que eso era para las vacas!
    De neuvo y como siempre, preciosas fotos

  60. Oh those delicate cookies look delicious! With a hot cuppa tea – what a perfect pairing. Our Farmers Markets don’t open up for a bit longer and I’m simply itching to get out there. I’m not a big fan of beets but they do look yummy in the recipe!

  61. Morgane says:

    I really love what you do!

  62. Anonymous says:

    Going through your older archives, 2008, I must say I miss your older style of photography, more focus on the creation and less on napkins, bowls and spoons. You are a very talented baker/cook!

  63. Anonymous- my life is also a million times busier! :) I understand what you are saying but my focus has changed. I share our everyday foods. In 2008 I was still in the professional pastry chef mindset. Using glucose, trimoline and sorbet stabilizer. That’s not me anymore. I like sharing easy and nourishing meals that people can actually cook and showing that gluten free living is easy. And btw, why can’t you sign your name when leaving a comment like that? I’d never take it the wrong way.


  64. Valerie s. says:

    I understand the change in your focus, health reasons, family demands, not as much time, I’m there too. I am a baker as well, very visual. I miss that aspect of you craft. The white birthday, frozen fig mousse, fig, berry and sheep’s milk tart, I could go on, just beautiful, how each individual component is photographed with simplicity. My name is Valerie. Thanks for the response.

  65. Heather says:

    I love love love your blog! I was introduced to it by Leslie of A Creative Mint in the blogging your way E-course. Anyway, thanks for all the inspiration! I’m a dietitian and love to see good, real, healthy food looking so appealing :)

  66. Valerie- thanks for signing your name. Makes the comment much more valid and makes me want to answer it more. I think the essence is still the same although I wouldn’t do a plated dessert anymore like the fig mousse because it doesn’t fit into our life now. But I also like exploring more of the prop and food styling aspects so that’s why. I do what feels natural to me and I like the evolution.


  67. Emily says:

    Hi there,
    I am so blown away by your blog! I am an artist and have just started my own food website and was looking around for inspiration and stumbled across your blog. Everything about your blog is beautiful! The food, the photography – even the subtle green strips at the side lol. You are an inspiration to food bloggers / writers everywhere. A reminder that above all, websites should focus on the beauty. Thank you :)

  68. Nedj says:

    I discovered this blog with wonderful GREED!
    It is rich in color and sweetness, I am admiring photos delicate and tender, the flavor of the staging and presentation!
    Then I go back a little ride on your pages?

  69. Nedj says:

    Désolée, j’ai oublié de signer mon commentaire ..
    Nedj du Pays Basque, France

  70. Devonshire says:

    Those cookies sound delicious! Will you be sharing the recipe? Love your blog!

  71. Lina says:

    I loved this salmon dish! I had to adapt it because my farmer’s market didn’t have peppergrass or sorrel. I made a pesto with spinach, arugula, and parsley instead (hoping the parsley would give it more of an herb flavor). This is now one of my favorite dishes! Thanks Aran!

  72. Susan says:

    Aran: Will definitely try this salmon dish as I don’t eat meat and am always looking for great fish dishes. Also interested in that chocolate shortbread recipe.Looks delish!

  73. Susan says:

    The salmon dish is a definite must make dish for me. I’m always looking for new ways to cook fish. Also interested in the chocolate shortbread recipe when you have time to share.

  74. Inés says:

    Aran!…hau sarrera polita…benetan hasieratik bukaeraino oso ondo zehazten duzu euskaldunok janaria eta sukaldearekin dugun harremana. Gurean gauza bera gertatzen zen. Amak esnatu eta berehalaxe galdetzen zigun: zer nahi duzue bazkaltzeko?. Ederra beti bezala. Eta Mirentxu zoragarria dago…soineko polit horrekin. Udaberir-berria! Ondo pasa hortik gurasoekin!

  75. I am in love with quinoa! thanks for sharing

  76. Yo. says:

    Beautiful…I am hungry now…

  77. Iulian says:

    Your photos make the food look so delicious. Beautiful!

  78. Renata Rea says:

    Aran, your cooking, styling and photography are inspiring! I wish I could go to your seminar, maybe next time… I’m a Brazilian photographer and an amateur cook. Congratulations! And please share with us the dark chocolate and quinoa shortbread cookies recipe!!! Love, Renata

  79. Rachel says:

    I would love to try the cookies recipe if you will share it. I make bread a lot but cookies and cake I need to practice. I love Quinoa and I have lots of Quinoa flour I would like to use. What other uses do you find it suits? I saw a savoury tart crust recipe using Qunioa flour..

  80. Rachel- the recipe for those cookies will be in my book. So you will have to wait until next fall :) my last post for scones uses quinoa flour too. I use it a lot. Thanks.

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